Today has been dubbed “Sweet Day” at my work.
Aside from my red velvet cake brownies, other goodies that made it into the office today included doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies and a big bag of M&Ms (thankfully they were not peanut butter M&Ms or I would’ve been in trouble!).
In my old job, I was faced with delicious treats daily. It seemed like we would get an office email daily informing us about the latest delicious treat that could be found in the break room. In my current job, junk food usually only makes its way into the office once a week or so.
Do you encounter a lot of junk food at your work?
Do you have any tips for avoiding office food temptations?
Though I often enjoy whatever the treat of the day is in my current job, in my old job, where junk food was a daily (sometimes hourly) occurrence, I knew indulging constantly was not a good idea. I had a hard time resisting the food, but found that it was a lot easier when I had my own tasty (but healthy!) food to enjoy.
Today my office junk food indulgences included one of my red velvet brownies and half of a chocolate-filled doughnut that I split with a coworker. My sweet tooth was satisfied and I didn’t enter a sugar-coma. 🙂
After the parade of sweets, it was time for lunch!
Today I had a big salad which included grilled chicken salad (made with sweet corn, portobello mushrooms, light Miracle Whip and dijon mustard) and canned beets.
It felt good to get some nutritious food in my belly after eating a couple of sugary treats.
Back to work!!!
I love canned beats…I haven’t had them in forever! I am so bad about letting things fall off the radar…thanks for reminding me girl!
i would have had to indulged in the donuts—donuts are my absolute favorite.
Junk food in my office is out of control! We constantly have fenders dropping all kinds of nonsense. The only thing I know to do is AVOID the breakroom!
Love donuts! That one looks yummy.
thankfully people dont bring a lot of bad stuff here to work (to share that is), so I dont have that issue, but even when they do, I dont have an issue with refraining. if i want it, i will have it, if i dont, i wont :o)
I work at a BUSY church. We have a meeting of some sort everyday with sweets at it.
Truthfully, it was tough at first but now that I see it daily…its actually a tad revolting 😉
Junk food can get absolutely ridiculous at my work! I’m a nurse so it feels like almost everyday someone is bringing in doughnuts and coffee into the chart room. And on holidays everyones brings baking and the families and residents buy us chocolate, cakes and pies! I can ususally resist the urge by having 1 doughnut hole or chocolate but then I need to get out of the chart room. I’ll do extra work just so I’m not sitting around it. I also bring an over abundance of healthy snacks! Even if I don’t eat them all during the day at least I have them there incase an emergency hunger happens and I dont find myself scarfing down doughnuts or lurking around the vending machines!
Trying to keep up with those posts.. hard work I tell ya (kidding, I love reading your posts!).
My work is terrible for sugary snacks and a lot of crisps and suspiciously looking sandwiches. Best tips: I go to the gym during my lunch break and prepare my own food.
Sweet treats should be allowed in moderation… And I think you do a great job including them in your diet in small portions!
Delicious salad – loved the beets+grilled chicken+dijon mustard combo!
Have a great day, Julie 🙂
Brazilian XOXO´s,
Fourth post, goodness gracious! Way to keep up with things!
Looove the salad above! Great, easy lunch- especially after sweets.
I really dislike when reps bring in sweets for the office (as I try not to eat regular sugar and flour)- So I always bring myself something sweet to eat- since, I’ll indulge one way or another! 😉
My high school ALWAYS had junk food around, but I never indulged in it…stupid ED! I can usually resist salty treats, but around sugar it’s hopeless!
I am no where near my breakroom, so I am not tempted with goodies. I wouldn’t mind it once a week though! Yum! That donut looks good 😉
When there’s junk food in my office, I usually take a piece, wrap it up, and then save it for right at the end of the day. If I’m hungry for it then, I’ll have it. If not, I’ll just trash it. It’s a way that I can partake, but can avoid eating stuff just because everyone else is eating it.
Thankfully a lot of my co-workers are healthy eaters and so most days the goodies are fruit and other healthy treats. Junk only appears once in a while.
I’m lucky that we never have any food at all in my office. I have to bring everything…even utensils! I’m the only woman though so I think that has a lot to do with it. I never hear the men walking around saying their craving chocolate or talking about food at all. I swear to god, they don’t even eat! Lucky jerks.
hahaha! 😀