I think 95 percent of the people I talked to at work today asked me what happened to my voice. Apparently I am talking like I have the black lung (Zoolander, anyone?).
My quiet, raspy voice made for an interesting water fitness class, but everyone laughed and cut me a break when I explained that I lost my voice following a Las Vegas bachelorette party. I appreciate their grace!
Work today went well and I ate my lunch after water fitness in a break room that smelled like burnt popcorn. Oh yum!
On today’s menu:
- Tuna salad wrap
- Dates
- A banana
Easy and portable!
Post-Surgery Stupor
I have a funny and adorable video to share with you guys that a friend sent to me today! A wife videotaped her husband after surgery and he doesn’t recognize her but is pretty darn psyched to find out that he married someone so beautiful:
“Whoa! Your teeth are perfect!”
The video made me laugh and remember the time I picked Ryan up after his wisdom teeth surgery in college. He was still in a total daze and as he was escorted out into the lobby where I was waiting, he had hunks of gauze in his mouth. The moment he saw me he broke into the goofiest gauze-filled smile and yelled, “Baby! I’m f***ed up!” loud enough for everyone to hear. Luckily everyone cracked up and we had one heck of an amusing car ride back to his apartment.
Question of the Afternoon
- Do you have any amusing post-surgery stories?
When I was in high school, when I was done with my wisdom teeth surgery, apparently I started hugging and thanking everyone at the dentist office. Such a weirdo.
Following my daughter’s wisdom teeth extraction, she was crying all the way home in the car. I asked her if she wanted me to get her something to drink at the store so she could take her pain medicine right away. She sobbed that “no, she was ok”. I said but doesn’t it hurt and she said no. Then I asked her why she was crying and she cried some more and said “I don’t know!”
That was my exact reaction after my wisdom tooth extraction!!
Ha! I love that video! When my dad came out of surgery, he started yelling to everyone, “Do I still have an a**hole?!?!?!?!” Oh, and my dad is a reserved, very intellectual minister. Too funny!
I seriously laughed so hard my stomach is cramping. Awesome!
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out I apparently thought I was a rapper and started “rapping” eminem to my mom. I’ve never even really listened to eminem. Crazy!
I LOVE this video!!!! Just put the largest smile on my face.
When I got my wisdom teeth out, I was so nervous that they were going to hurt my voice. Apparently after the surgery I sang the entire West Side Story soundtrack 😛
I just saw this video this afternoon — so cute!
When my husband had his wisdom teeth out earlier this year, I went with him and waited in the pharmacy (in the same building) during his procedure to pick up his medication (so he wouldn’t have to wait for it after). Well, the pharmacy was slower than the actual procedure, so when he was done, the nurse waiting with him let him call me to find out where I was. He was talking in mostly nonsense, but intermittently kept repeating loudly “I’M ON THE DENTAL FLOOR! COME TO THE DENTAL FLOOR!” I was trying so hard not to laugh hysterically in the pharmacy, and no matter how many times I said I’d be right there, he wouldn’t stop saying it.
Best phone call ever 🙂
after my wisdom teeth were removed I thought every picture was real life, they were moving and everything!
i saw this video today too. so funny. it’s good to see things like that on the web, you know? it’s good to see the love and good in humans 🙂
When I got my wisdom teeth out a few things happened:
1. I tried writing to my mom that I wanted a banana smoothie from Sheetz (gas station) but it apparently only came out looking like circles. She had me write again until she understood.
2. I drank said smoothie with a straw because no one told me not to use a straw.
3. I woke up later on my couch from an intense dream about a snake completely in tears and my mom standing over me a nervous wreck because I was bloody (from the straw)/I was hysterically crying,
I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth pulled crying hysterically and asking the nurses why they wouldn’t let me go back to sleep. Then I apparently kept petting my mom’s hand on the way out of the office and telling her everything was going to be okay. So funny the things you do when you’re drugged up!
After my wisdom teeth removal, I apparently would not shut up. The staff said I was the happiest patient they ever had. After my husband had his taken out, in the recovery room, he kept patting his beard. I asked him what he was doing, and he looked at me in shock and asked what he was touching. I said, “It’s your beard babe.” and he said, “Whoa.” like it was the coolest thing he had ever felt!
Lol your story made me laugh out loud! Thanks:)
Oh my gosh that is so hilarious and precious! I follow this awesome beauty/fashion girl on youtube and she shared her post-surgery adventures after getting her wisdom teeth taken out. It is SO funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czY6VTmknjw
I had Carpal Tunnel surgery on both wrists (2 weeks apart) when I was 15. After my second surgery my parents took me home and got me settled on the couch with a movie and my pain meds, then they went to work. A few hours later I had napped and woke up desperately thirsty for Gatorade. With both wrists non-functional and in a drugged up stupor, I couldn’t open my Gatorade bottle normally so I tried using a knife, my elbows, my knees, and eventually a vice in our garage. None of them worked and I had to wait for my parents to come home. I also spent the next 2-3 weeks having to wear sweatpants to school because I couldn’t use my finger to button my pants…..It was quite entertaining.
I kept asking my mom over and over if “they had taken my teeth yet”. Whenever she said yes I kept asking if I could take them home with me. Ew.
When I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth out I thought it had only been minutes since I’d fallen asleep. Apparently I didn’t want to take no for an answer so I just kept asking the doctor and all the nurses repeatedly if “we just beat the fastest record ever!?”
When I came out of my foot surgery I put in a large room filled with other people who had just had surgery. We were divided by curtains, but we could hear each other. I woke to woman yelling to see her new chest and going on and on about how now she was hotter than Pamela Anderson.
When I got my wisdom teeth out my junior year of high school:
Nurse: Jill, wake up. Surgery is all done.
Me: alskdfjasdldjf
Nurse: It’s time to wake up.
P.S. My grandma was not in the building. Who knows where that came from.
after i got my wisdom teeth out, i burst into tears of joy and spoke in a mix of french and spanish to the dentist and staff. it was wonderful!
Oh my goodness, that video is seriously hilarious! I loved it! The look on his face when she tells him that they’re married is truly priceless!
Oh, I saw that video on the news this morning and thought it was so cute! That wife will have that forever to use to her advantage in whatever way she deems fit 😉
LOL – That is SO funny of Ryan! When I had knee surgery, I started bawling uncontrollably when I woke up. I kept saying “I’m not even upset right now,” but tears were streaming down my face.
After I got my wisdom teeth out they told me I could get up and go find my dad in the lobby, well the drs walked out and I couldn’t get up and out of the reclined chair thanks to all the meds. When someone finally came back to get me I was asleep. Ha
Ahahaha I love Zoolander! I think I got the black lung pop!
I try to rip IVs out — happened both times coming out from my two tonsil surgeries. It’s not cute.
I laughed hysterically after my wisdom teeth surgery!
not me, but when my brother was in high school, he had surgery and while falling asleep from the anesthesia proceeded to tell EVERYONE about all of his secret parties he had at the house while our parents were gone. needless to say, the liquor cabinet had a big lock on it following that
OMG that video is so funny, reminds me of when my fiance got knee surgery earlier this year. I video taped him after and it was hilarious. He didn’t know who I was at first, and then he kept RAVING about how the ice (yes Ice) was the best at the place that he does PT and that the ice at the surgery center was no good. Then he kept asking for juice boxes. It was 15 minutes of hilarity (including him saying boobs as loud as he could) before he finally passed out.
I saw this video on the today show this morning and it made me smile!!
After I had my wisdom teeth out and came awake I started screaming, crying and yelling in the dentist office saying “what did you do to my mouth!? I came here for a nose job!!” After my mom got me out of there (wondering why I had a nose job on my brain) we went to pick up my prescription and I told everyone at the CVS “Help, i’m in so much pain while lying on the floor”. What a scene.
OH my goodness – that video!!! He’s never going to live that down 😉
Hi Julie! I am a first time poster but have been reading your blog “silently” for a few months now and LOVE it. Actually I wanted to thank you! Over the past year I’ve been cleaning up my eats and getting pretty addicted to exercise but certain stuff has seemed really daunting- your blog is crazy helpful and makes it not so hard and not at all boring!
So ummmm no post surgery crazies… however, once when I was good and drugged up thanks to a severe allergic reaction, my best friend tells me I was a biiiiiiit out of it…. like yelling at a gasoline or oil commercial for being stupid out of it! 😉 She used to have it on video actually…. I am both relieved and kinda bummed she lost that video with one of her last phones. 😉
I so wished she had of turned the camera around to herself. I was dying to see what she looked like! Hilarious
I saw that video earlier and it was so funny. I only hope my future husband will think the same!
What an adorable and hilarious video!! I love it 🙂
I LOVE this video!!!! haha
After I got my wisdom teeth out, I insisted to the nurse that I needed my teeth back so she gave them to me in a cup… Then when I was walking out of the waiting room with my mom I saw another girl who’d just had them taken out as well and said “I look better than her”…
I took a picture while I was waiting for my mom to get my “drugs” from the pharmacy…and didn’t find the photo until a few months later. I was pretty darn embarrassed. My mom also told me that I was a PAIN to get out of the recovery room – I kept on telling her I needed to sleep!
Hahaha that video just put the biggest smile on my face 🙂 Reminds me of the video that went viral a while back of the little kid on laughing gas.
I like your wisdom teeth stories way better than mine. I burst into tears as soon as I wobbled into the waiting room. 🙂
After my dad had a colonscopy he called all 6 of his children (we all live in different states) and professed his love for Oprah!
This made my night
Hahaha I’m glad!
I have actually had a few surgeries all within couple of years. I do not have a problem with pain medication but I don’t react well to anesthesia, so I have a few stories like jumping awake so violently after having my wisdom teeth removed that I scared myself. I also severely sprained my ankle the night before my tonsillectomy and end up in the ER. As for the my abilities/behavior following the tonsillectomy, let’s just say, anesthesia, a sprained ankle with crutches, and stairs make for a dangerous but comedic and interesting challenge.
My best post-surgery story though is my strabismus (eye) surgery, I was incredible groggy and out of it as it was a longer surgery and I had more anesthesia. All I wanted to do is sleep but the nurses kept waking me up so I was particularly grumpy. I don’t know how long I had been out of surgery, but two male nurses came over, helped me sit up, and then took down the top of my hospital gown, so they could remove the sticky, electrode monitors from my back. Even though it was eye surgery I had to were nothing but the hospital gown in the event of a emergency, so as they were taking down the gown all I remember thinking is “I’m topless” and then without warning they ripped an electrode off my back. Those things are really stuck on and hurt like h*ll coming off. I remember clench a fist, but nothing more; I thought I went back out. I was told later that I actually took a couple swings at the nurses. They actually ended up leaving one of the electrodes on my back. It was still painful to remove it myself later, but at least they let me sleep after that.
bummer- i have no good surgery stories. but i love reading everyone else’s!! haha
My bf showed me that video literally an hour ago! So awesome.
When I got my wisdom teeth done my mom came into the recovery room and I started begging / demanding she make me apple pie. Then when we went to the pharmacy to get my meds my mom told me to hold her hand or the cart and I was obviously too cool to do either. So I tried walking on my own and walked into a shelving unit and knocked over a ton of stuff. Whooooops.
I watched this video earlier and laughed out loud. so funny!
I had my wisdom teeth pulled my senior year of high school and when my mom came back from the pharmacy to get me, I was just waking up from anesthesia. We got to her car and I started hyper ventilating and laughing and crying all at the same time. When I finally settled down, I rolled my window down and looked at myself in the mirror and just started crying LOL so strange.
Omg that video was amazing!!!!
When my husband Scott got his wisdom teeth out he was really out of it after. He kept asking for me. And when the nurse brought me back he asked how he got out of his sweatshirt. The nurse said she helped him and he freaked and told me she didn’t undress him. It was really funny.
Hahaha that is HILARIOUS! when I got my wisdom teeth out and got home, I took a nap on the couch. My mom woke me up to tell me it was time for me to change my gauze and I just looked at her, opened my mouth, and made her remove it. Then, I tried to eat yogurt, but because I was so numb, I got it everywhere but my mouth. When my sister stopped laughing, she had to feed me.
That is hilarious what your husband said!!
They just gave me numbing cream when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Apparently I missed out on the good stuff! 🙂
After my knee surgery I told the nurse I was going to punch her if she didn’t let me walk out of the hospital (I was in a wheelchair….because they had operated on my knee…) I’m a gem.
HAHA loved that video!!!!! so funny!
That video was hilarious!!
After I had my appendix taken out, (I was told!) I asked for the doctor, and I said, “Are you done YET???” Lol!
And … after my youngest was born I had my tubes tied (TMI???) Anyhow, my legs were numb and I was certain that I had been paralyzed. I kept asking the nurse how I was supposed to handle my kids (and the newborn!) – and my house has stairs! Would I need one of those chair lift things to go the steps?? She probably thought I was a loon! But I remember it so clearly!!
OMG, Julie. I ALSO hugged and thanked everyone after getting my wisdom teeth removed. Out of control! hahah
Haha I love that video it is too funny 🙂
You’ve reminded me that I haven’t had Tuna Salad in ages and should make it again soon as I always love it when I have it. I’ve been lucky enough never to have surgery.
My regular dentist took out my wisdom teeth, and since his office didn’t have an anesthesiologist on staff, they couldn’t put me to sleep. So they gave me the option of having laughing gas (no thank you) or this drug they give to mostly little kids. The drug is supposed to make you really relaxed and out of it, and then when you fall asleep after surgery and wake up afterwards, you have barely any memory of what happened (they give it to kids so they aren’t traumatized by being at the dentist).
Anyways, I took the drug an hour before my surgery and I guess it kicked in while my mom and I were in the waiting room because I kept picking up magazines, looking around, and (loudly) telling my mom to shove them in her purse. I spent ten minutes shoving People magazines into her purse, and then on the way out after surgery, I announced to everyone that my mom was stealing the office magazines. I followed it up with “look for yourselves! Check her purse!” And then sure enough, I woke up on my couch a few hours later and barely remembered even going to the dentist.