It’s kind of crazy how sleeping in until 6:30 a.m. can feel so much different than waking up to a blaring alarm at 5 a.m.
I opted to stay curled up in bed for an extra hour and a half this morning and skipped my usual workout. I am hoping to head out to a hot power yoga class at lunchtime today instead.
After purchasing a package of five yoga classes, I’ve only used one and I want to make sure to use all of them before the package expires. Not wasting the money I spent is a great motivator to get my booty to yoga, that’s for sure!
Breakfast this morning was a hot one.
A hot two-egg, cheese and jelly bagelwich and a hot cup of coffee!
Fun fact: Ryan actually painted the above plate himself on a date we went on to a pottery painting studio in college. Yes, I planned that date and he was quite a trooper!
He also painted the fun pink mug that currently holds all of the pens and pencils on my desk in our home office.
It says “Lil’ Squirt” which is one of his nicknames for me. We have about a million nicknames for each other that have accumulated throughout the years and we can’t even remember how half of them originated anymore!
Question of the Morning
- What is the strangest nickname you’ve given to someone or that someone has given to you?
One of the nicknames I hear most frequently is “Juju” from my dad. I honestly can’t remember the last time I heard my dad call me Julie!
I LOVE pottery painting places, I haven’t gotten to do that in years! IT’s fun and you get a souvenir!
Call me super lame but I still love going to pottery painting studios! I don’t know what it is but it just really helps me relax! As for nicknames, I haven’t had any super strange ones but one of my aunts still gets away with calling me Angie Pangie!
oh me too! i think they’re SO much fun!
What a fun date idea! My hubby and I have not done this yet, but I def want to! Nicknames? Ehh… I don’t have any fun ones… Linz, Linzaloo, or when we try to teach my nephews/niece my name we always say L-L-L-L-L-Liiiiiindsay! haha
I love going to pottery painting places!! I took my goddaughter to one for her birthday this year and every time I look at the bowl she made me it makes me so happy! 🙂
My family’s nickname for me is “Peaches” since my parents didn’t name me for 2 days after I was born and it was the first thing my mother had to eat after 30+ hours of labor! 🙂
I love pottery painting places like that! I’ve never been to one before. A couple of years ago, my fiance and my sister went to one and made me birthday gifts from there. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. I love gifts like that. It’s so meaningful. 🙂
I have a quite a few nicknames. It’s easy to make them when you have my first name. One of my really good friends who I have been friends with for like 12 years, her dad has always called me, “Hopeful.” He started calling me that one day and it just stuck. Hah.
There are some friends/family members who I find it weird when they DON”T refer to me by their nickname for me! Fortunately I haven’t gotten any embarrassing ones (yet at least)…most common ones are KT, khush, boo…and boo bear (yep that’s kinda cringe hah)!
I was called squeaks by my ex because apparently I squeak in my sleep…. I have so many nicknames…the weirdest one at the moment is shellers…
My ex made fun of me one day for eating cookies and randomly called me cookie monster, which stuck and was later shortened to just monster! He called me that so much that even his parents got on board and got me cookie monster socks once for Easter.
I love those pottery places. Great place to take kids when they’re out of school all day and I’m babysitting!
My nickname from my brothers is “creep” – nice, huh?
So funny to me that 6:30 is sleeping in for you. Love the painted plate and mug, Ryan is a good painter!!
Unfortunately my mother likes to call me PITA – pain in the a$$.
You are a trooper for ever getting up 5 to go to the gym when technically you dont have to….I couldnt get up this morning….I tried channeling my inner PB Fingers but it didnt work. Nicknames…Lou, Lo, Lolly Lu…now the bf calls me fancy face. Cruise is around the corner!!!
My friends and family call me Juju a lot too! It started from JuJuBe (the candy), and I have no idea why. It then got shorted to either JuJu or Bee.
My sister and I used to call each other “Big Girl” which got shortened to “BG”–neither of us is that “big” anymore, but BG just sticks!!!
I call my boyfriend “ham” and did wayyyy before the song “H.A.M.” came out. Now I just have to think of a way to collect off of that one…
How fun! I just walked into a Pottery Place the other day in Winter Park thinking I should come back soon. Fun!
My husband calls me Presh – short for Precious – because when I met him he thought I was so innocent and sweet. These days… he knows better! 😉 Hehe.
I’m allllll about the hot breakfasts right now. It’s cold in the morning in NC right now. brrrrrr
Love pottery painting. My husband and I did that for a date night years ago and we both painted wine goblets that we use from time to time. They both have ILYBNB on them but painted in our own style. The meaning is I Love You Bunches N Bunches, something we’ve said from to each other from day one. We too have a ton of names we call each other and don’t recall how they came to be. One my husband calls me a lot is Lover Face. I call him Hubby Honey Love. You gotta have fun!!!! And kudos to you for getting up at 5am every day. I don’t know how you do it. We (hubby honey love and me) try and some days we do it and other days we sleep in. But trying to get up at 5 every day is our goal. Any tips???
i love your nicknames! 🙂
as for making the transition into early morning workouts, here’s an old post i did that might be of interest:
I haven’t been pottery painting in forever. The last time was my bridal shower! I had to laugh because my Mother-in-law and Grandmother-in-law picked the smallest bowls they could find … and then both painted them white. LOL. I used to get called Shelly at work all the time, which makes zero sense when your name is Joanna. Maybe I look like a Shellly??? 😉
Ahh I’ve been wanting to go pottery painting so bad!! I did that as one of my birthday parties when I was in elementary school…it was so much fun :). My aunt and uncle used to work for Disney so my nickname from them is Lindserella!
I love hands on pottery! My boyfriend is a trooper so I bet I could get him to go with me and he probably would have a good time. One of the first dates my boyfriend and I went on was to see The Muppets and somehow I started calling him Kermi (in Miss Piggy’s voice) and I have become Miss Piggy which I try not to take offense to haha!
I don’t even know if I want to put this in print. hahaha But, Fabian called me “wookie” for a long time, then it changed to a shortened “wooks” and now it’s transformed to “pooks.” So, he calls me “pooks” and I call him “wooks.”
No clue why. 🙂
that egg sandwhich looks so good!
lol we did pottery painting with all the nieces and nephews (8 of them) for the grandparents for xmas one year.
Love the pottery!
I have called my son Boo since he was born. I call him that more than I say his real name. I have no idea where it came from, but it stuck!
I love that you use the cup Ryan painted for you for all of your pens, Julie! I really wanted to go to a pottery painting studio/cafe in our town with my boyfriend for our third anniversary but he declined the offer, saying how “unadventurous” it would be! Any ideas on ways to get him in the studio, gals?
some studios allow you to bring in your own food, wine or beer! that might be a selling point!
My boyfriend calls me “Tinks.” It started by me calling him “Tinky” and then after a couple weeks, he said I’m the one that truly deserves that name :/ and that it got shortened to Tinks. Haha at least people don’t really know what he’s calling me when we’re in public!
Oh I’ve got lots of nicknames…the two most common from my husband are “Mitzy” (we can’t remember the origin but we think it’s a cross between “Missy” and “Tudsy”) and “Punky Bristow” (A nickname I was given as a baby). Apparently I can get a bit of an attitude? Ha! The hubby calls me Mitzy more than Lauren, and I’ve come to love the nickname.
My boyfriend always calls be “bubbles” I forget how it started but it has definitely stuck! Haha
Your morning meals always look fantastic. Out of curiosity, what type/brand of jelly do you use?
Cute! I love painting pottery. It’s great that you’re still getting use out of your pieces!
JuJu is cute! My dad also never, EVER calls me by my full name, Meredith. It’s been simply “M” for as long as I can remember.
I took Derek to a pottery class for Valentine’s Day one year! He loved it! I also planned a surprise party at a pottery place for my best friend. So much fun!
My old roommate called me “cups” short for “cupcake” because apparently I “look like a cupcake.” Fortunately, he’s the only one who calls me that but obviously any time anyone hears, he has to explain. So weird. My nephew calls me Deeda because as a baby he had a hard time saying my name, and similarly I call my brother “Bo” short for brother…somehow. Now they’ve both stuck, too!
My Mom used to call me Lou all the time, no idea where it came from but it stuck all through high school.
I just started hot yoga, I love it! It’s kind of addicting the only problem is the lululemon across the street is equally addicting!
Thats a really cute date idea!!
….My fiance has two wonderfully romantic nicknames for me…
Booger… and Monkey. I promise he loves me 😉
i call sadie booger! 🙂
I call my boyfriend Monkey! Haha.
My dad calls me Bug. It started when I was young and it just stuck. A couple of my friends call me Shmoo-moo. No clue why haha. My boyfriend calls me a lot of things; Munchkin, Baby Girl, and Kiddo.
I am poopface 🙁
Your going to llooooovee hot yoga and become addicted. I’m always a person to work out at the gym, do weights and circuit training until I was introduced to Core Power Yoga. I go there so much I’m debating on canceling my gym membership :). I do this class called yoga sculpt. You do yoga at 95 degrees with weights. A litte bit is bootcamp circuit training too. Yoga tones you in all the right places. Be ready to become a yogi 🙂 <3
I’m Juju too! Or Juje! I am nearly never called Julie anymore 🙂
My boyfriend & I call each other cheese… no idea why, but it stuck and we hardly ever call each other by our first names. 🙂
I think my favorite nicknames are for our dog! His name is AJ, but we hardly ever call him that (which could be why he doesn’t listen very well lol)… we call him:
Baby cheese
Poor guy is probably confused lol
I used to love going to those pottery places as a kid – I may have to try to find one here! Unfortunately, I don’t have too many cool nicknames – my Dad usually just calls me and my sister babe. One of my friends in high school called me c-dub – made no sense!
i haven’t been to a pottery place in forever!! that would totally be a fun little date place. my mom calls me “ashbo”… i have no idea where she got it from, but it works i guess. haha.
My husband and I have a lot of nicknames for our two cats – they are twin girls. Their names are Coco and Chanel, but Coco has evolved from Coco to Coco Puff to Puffin to Fin, and Chanel has evolved from Chanel to Fat Chanel (Fuh-nel) and now just Fuh. She’s the chubbier of the two and always steals her sister’s food. Also we called them our daughters, which can get funny looks when you’re with other people and say on the phone, “did you feed the daughters when you got home from work?”
Also, my dad always called me babycakes when I was younger, and now that I’m older (26) he shortens it to BC. He literally never calls me by my real name, just BC!
ok this is a weird one but my sister and I call each other Ted. It started out as a typo when we were chatting online – she meant to type in ‘sis’ and actually wrote ‘sos.’ We called each other ‘sos’ for awhile and over the years it’s evolved into a series of 3 letter nicknames ‘sas,’ ‘sus,’ ‘gus…’ and most recently has settled on Ted. For some reason we think it’s hilarious so I think Ted’s going to stick! It’s become so second nature to us that we say it all the time – it’s funny to watch other people’s expressions when we call each other Ted in public. “Hey Ted, wait up, ” or ‘Hey Ted, can you pass the sugar?” 🙂
My grandfather called me Cricket. He said that my legs were so skinny that when I ran, they rubbed together and sounded like a cricket.
Yeah, unfortunately, that one has stuck with me. 🙂
I was just on a film shot for weeks and everyone nicknamed me ‘Posh.’ Probably bc I’m more feminine than most people in production and I actually really liked the nickname!
My boyfriend gives me lots of nicknames!! One of them is ‘tush’ which started with fattoush salads and the second one is Claire (my name is Jill)… that one came from a youtube video. SO weird!
My nephews call me “E” growing up the youngest just heard the last part of my name and that stuck. Im from MD and last week we drove down to Tampa for spring break to Busch Gardens and Clearwater, such a great time. I was so excited to see signs for Ocala!
That bagelwich looks so good today!
My husband calls me Amor and sometimes I have to ask him what my real name is just in case he has forgotten! Oh, and he also calls me Viajita, which nicely translates to Little Old Lady. He insists it’s an endearment…
A friend sent me this when we first decided to do hot yoga!