Last night I dusted off one of the old swim suits I’ve held onto since my diving and water polo days in high school.
Early this afternoon, Ryan and I are participating in an indoor triathlon at our gym. Since we didn’t find out about the race until a couple of weeks ago and signed up recently, I didn’t train, but the triathlon seems manageable since it’s not a traditional triathlon by any means. We’ll be swimming, biking and running as far as we can in 15 minutes, so I already know I won’t be huffing and puffing for more than 45 minutes. Phew!
When Ryan and I signed up for the triathlon, we assumed it would be first thing in the morning and now that it’s in the afternoon I’m left feeling a little confused about what to eat before the race! (Apparently people were really annoyed that it’s an afternoon event since the start time wasn’t advertised and most people assumed it started in the morning like most races.)
For a morning race, I have my eating down to a science and make sure to eat and 1.5 to two hours before the race so I have a chance to digest since I cramp up really easily (even from just water consumption).
This morning, I made myself a breakfast with quick-digesting carbs and some protein in the form of Greek yogurt pancakes.
I made the pancakes using eight ounces of a combination of Chobani pineapple and mango Greek yogurt that the company sent me. I stirred the two yogurt flavors together to create a tropical flavor explosion for these pancakes. Mmm!
I love Greek yogurt pancakes. They’re “eggier” than most pancakes and so, so good.
Since our triathlon doesn’t begin until after my usual lunchtime, I’m thinking that I’ll eat a substantial snack around 10:30 a.m. and hold off on lunch until after the race because I really don’t want to cramp up during the race. It’s the worst!
See ya after the big event!
Questions of the Morning
- How long do you typically wait in between a meal and a race or a workout?
- What does your typical pre-race meal look like and when do you eat it?
On race-day, I like to eat about two hours beforehand, and my go-to meal is Kashi oatmeal, plus plenty of water! That’s strange the triathlon doesn’t start until the afternoon. I’m actually running a half-marathon on Thursday that starts at 6:15 p.m., and I have no idea how/what to eat the day of–I’ve never run a night race before.
Normally I don’t eat before my run. On race day you usually have to be awake for a while before the race starts so I stick with foods that I know will be easy on my stomach, a banana and plain cheerios.
Good luck!
Breakfast looks delicious! I’ve never ran a race before (I’m looking into it actually lol) but I know when I run during the week I run on an empty stomach– Good luck today! Can’t wait to hear how it goes 🙂
I can understand your worry because I perform much better first thing in the morning. If i’m doing a race, I will be sure to have something at least an hour before (toast with nut butter, 1 protein pancake with nut butter, small bowl of cereal with nuts), but mid-day is tough. Ever since I have been getting some workouts in after work, I’ve noticed that a green smoothie with some pretzels and hummus do the trick and fuel me through.
I try to eat something small about an hour before the race, like a Luna Bar. I also alway try to eat a banana so I don’t get cramps and typically drink a gatorade. Good luck! I’d be interested in your thoughts on training for swimming 🙂
luna bars are my favorite thing to eat before a race!
I don’t like to eat before I run it’s just not my thing but with a tri I would PACK in some protein in the morning.
I like that suit!
Good luck today!! 🙂
I know the feeling 🙁 before soccer games, I’d have to be really careful or else I’d get side-biting cramps like no other. I’ve never done a road race but I can’t even imagine what I’d eat before.. haha.
Like you, I FAR prefer morning races because I know exactly what to eat beforehand. Usually it’s a bowl of whole grain cereal (usually dry) with an apple, but an afternoon race would have me confused too! However, when I used to run cross country and our hard training sessions were in the afternoon at 4, I’d typically eat a sandwich (with veggies and some sort of protein, usually shredded or thinly sliced chicken) and a piece of fruit about 2 1/2 to 3 hours before.
I hope you guys have a great time this afternoon!
I usually eat 2 hours before a race. My fuel of choice is a piece of toast with peanut butter and sliced banana with coffee. Then I chug a bunch of water after. Good luck today 🙂
I typically have a piece of toasted sprouted grain bread topped with peanut butter and a dab of jam or honey. Oh–and a cup of coffee. 🙂
Good luck today!
I am super oldschool and I eat Powerbars before races. You know those ones that have been around forever and have like 2 grams of protein but 50g carbs?? Those work so well for me! They have quick digesting carbs and I can eat that literally 15 minutes before running and it won’t bother me..
Sending you both lots of good luck!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
All the best in your race…i’m sure what you ate for brekkie was prefect and a little top up before you’ll be set.
Good Luck!
What’s amazing is u fit into your swimsuit from high school. Good luck
I like to wait at LEAST two hours before I workout, but sometimes I just don’t have that kind of time
Before a race I like to eat something that will not make me sick to my stomach. Usually a banana, almonds, and maybe oatmeal (depending on how my stomach is doing)
You should try some of your Oatmeal Walnut Date Balls for pre-race snack! I’ve been eating them before I work out, they’re perfect because they’re so small that there’s no cramping, but dense enough that they give you energy!
I usually have to wait quite a while before working out after eating, but only if I’m eating a meal. Like in the morning, I’ll eat a banana before BodyPump or cardio & be fine, but I couldn’t sit down & eat an entire breakfast. I just don’t like working out when I feel stuffed!
Love the idea of mixing flavors! Pineapple Chobani is definitely one of my favorites:) I could so go for one of those pancakes right now!
I would get thrown off with a afternoon race, too! I usually wake up super early before races to give my food at least 2 hours to digest, otherwise I’ll cramp up. My pre-race fuel is usually a spinach smoothie and/or some sort of easily digested carb!
Before a 5 or 6+ mile run I do a GU energy gel (clif shots work well for me too). I wake up around 6 am to run and they’re perfect! I nip my morning hunger, get out the door quick and I don’t feel like I have food in my belly while I run.
Plus, some come with a little caffeine 🙂
I actually have trouble eating in the early morning before my tri’s and du’s so a later start time might be awesome for me haha..I end up using a Gu usually.
Good luck!! If u eat at 10.30, u should be fine with cramping! Just have a carby snack for energy overload 🙂
I recently had a similar issue! I accidentally signed up for two races in one day. One in the morning and one in the evening. So like you the morning race was a breeze to eat for (bagel, pb, banana) but I had no idea what to do the rest of the day! Especially since the later race was longer… I ended up having a small turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch and graham crackers, pb and a nectarine for a snack. I also drank a whole Gatorade about an hour before because it was 95*! Crazy day but apparently it worked because I was able to run the whole time without cramps!
My pre-race meal is the same as my long run breakfast: a wheat wrap, peanut butter, and banana with a cup of coffee. It’s never failed me!
Ooo that is rough with an afternoon race. I would be stumped about eating as well. I usually eat a blueberry Cliff bar and a banana about an hour before a race. It’s what I ate before my very first half marathon, and I have stuck with it ever since!
Good luck! Sounds like it’ll be fun! That is weird that it doesn’t start until the afternoon.
I usually have some kind of bar before a race – thinkThink or Clif bar. Sometimes, I only eat half and then eat the other half afterwards.
I race I usually wait at least an hour… more if it’s a bigger meal!! Good luck!! Love the idea of going as far as you can within a certain time period!!
I usually eat Clif of powerbars 1-2 hours beforehand and about 20min before I have a couple chomps or honey stingers…my stomach is sensitive so I have to be careful as well. Good luck this afternoon..have fun w it! 🙂
Mmmmm, i’d call pancakes excellent pre-race fuel. 😉 Or maybe more post-race/anytime fuel haha because i just love pancakes.
All the best with the race! Enjoy it!
my pre race meal is 1 piece of GF bread with nut butter and 1/2 a banana sliced. I have to eat it about 1 hour or 1:15 before race time!
I have an insanely sensitive stomach! I need to wait at least 2 hours between a meal and a workout. I’m definitely a morning workout person, so if I have a long session planned I just eat half a protein bar and that seems to settle ok.
If for some reason I’m working out in the afternoon, usually an english muffin or toast. I once ate a salad 1.5 hours before a run – worst idea ever.
Hmmm I’m thinking that you should try having something small instead of a meal–just 1 banana with nut butter on top? And not something too acidic either? 🙂 I hope you guys have fun! Go get ’em tigerrrrrrr(s)
Best of luck Julie!!! I know you’ll do great! That is weird the race isn’t until the afternoon… I wonder why? I am similar to you and need to eat about 2 hours before exercise. Cramps are a huge factor and also my belly can be funky sometimes even if it’s something I’ve eaten a million times… I need time to process and know that I’m not going to get an upset stomach mid-race so I try to give myself plenty of time to react to anything I eat.
I just made your banana bread protein pancakes for lunch – so good! I topped them with a mix of PB2 and nutella for an Elvis 🙂 I like eating any meal at least 2 hours before a race or workout. That’s what works for me.
Good luck today! And most of all, have fun : )
lately I have been eating a sandwich thin with peanut butter about 1.5 hours before a race. I can be sensitive to what I eat before working out too and try to stick with mainly carbs and a little protein.
I will usually eat an hour or two before the race (carbs and peanut butter) and bring a granola bar or something like that thats easy on my stomach at the start. I like to get there early so the time lapse between my pre race meal and the gun can be a while.
Greek yogurt pancakes?! How fun! 🙂
Do you swim much? I really like to do fitness-related things that challenge me but I’ve been too nervous to do a triathlon because I have zero swimming background
Lauren – I was never a swimmer either, but I got into triathlons in 2009. I started swimming in college as cross training and was pretty horrible. It took me nearly 45 minutes to swim a mile, but I’ve brought that time down to about 28-29 minutes. Swimming is all about efficiency and time spent in the pool. Also, you could hire a swim coach or take a couple swim classes. There are master’s swims all over the country. You can do it! Give it a shot. Triathlons are so much fun. I wish I had started doing them years ago!
I don’t eat before running races, because I don’t eat before my training either. The only time I will eat something before a race is before a long-course triathlon (half or full-Ironman). It’s recommended to eat 3 hours before race start to allow your body to digest the food. I usually eat something like a Hammer Bar or Luna Bar. Right before a long-course tri, I will eat a Gel. I will then eat a gel as soon as I get on the bike and start my nutrition plan from that point forward. It’s a combination of bars, gels and drink. Towards the end of the run in a triathlon, I’ll eat whatever I feel like eating. They even have Coke in half and full-Ironman races at the run aid stations. Crazy, huh? Love it!
I eat toast with peanut butter before a race, but those non-morning races are tricky! I ran a 6:30 p.m. 5K a couple of weeks ago, and I had no idea what to eat beforehand. I think I ended up having a pack of Clif Bar Crunch Bars and called it good, but it was definitely weird!
Insignificant question… where did you find the lid for he yogurt?! I am always using half containers of greek yogurt for cooking, etc. and I always end up throwing away the other half (or eating it for no reason)!
it was actually one of the giant containers, so it came with a re-sealable lid. 🙂
I’m new to your blog and I’m really enjoying it. Your workouts and recipes are great! For me, a banana and one slice of toast with peanut butter. I’d say I typically eat within an hour of any races I’ve done. Nothing to drink besides water. I can usually eat a small snack for quick energy within 30 minutes of a workout without any problems. Congrats on your first triathalon!
My pre-race meal today was oats with milk + water, honey, 1/2 banana sliced, chia seeds and crushed almonds. I ate it after I woke, which was a bit over 2 hours before the race. We had to eat quite early because we ended up taking public transport into the event.
Typically, I like to eat about three hours before a race and I always stick to some combination of bananas, peanut butter, carbs (in the form of a bagel or something similar) and honey…so great!
I eat about 2 hours prior. I was eating a wonderful mix of oatmeal, protein powder and peanut butter. It was either warm or as overnight oats. A few weeks back I was sick and I tried eating that before my tri, it made me sick : ( I am now on the hunt for a new pre-race breakfast. My current “regular” breakfast won’t cut it for pre-race….
Yum! I’m going to have to try those pancakes. Thanks for posting! 🙂
I made these pancakes this morning! Oh my..delicious!! I agree with you on the eggy texture. I loved them!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, and congrats on an awesome finish to your triathlon!’