Hey, hey! Happy Friday!
Sadie looks ready to party! Actually, she looks like she may already be a little tipsy. Fermented chicken breast can do that to ya.
Workout + Prom
Today’s workout was a Friday specialty! Okay, not really – I just did an upper body strength workout – but Friday mornings at the gym are my favorite because it’s less crowded and people are generally smiley and pumped for the weekend.
I think I had three different people make some kind of comment to me about the weekend. One woman said that it’s prom for her son on Saturday. Ohhh, memories. (Side note: Does it seem really early for prom to anyone else?)
I remember always looking forward to school dances, though now I look at the pictures and think, “What was I thinking!?”
Who else remembers when hair styles like this were super cool:
Why, oh why, did we think it was a good idea to make our hair into some kind of a grid that exploded with curls that were crunchy with hairspray?
I actually just went through old photos trying to find some from my high school prom or homecoming dances, but I think they’re all at my parents house. That’s probably a blessing in disguise to spare me some humiliation.
Today’s breakfast was another good one!
I ate two whole wheat waffles topped with a mixture of cottage cheese and ricotta cheese, a sliced pear and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.
Every time I sit down to eat this breakfast, Ryan always comments that it looks so good. He’s a little wary of the cottage cheese and ricotta cheese topping, but maybe one day he’ll give it a go! He wasn’t so sure about my beloved egg, jelly and cheese breakfast sandwich and now he always makes his egg sandwiches with jelly!
I have another super-long freelance article that needs attention, so I’m off to get writing!
Questions of the Morning
- Does anyone else remember prom hairdos like the one I posted above? Please tell me Palatine, Illinois wasn’t the only place that embraced such a glamorous look.
- Any crazy memories from high school dances you’d like to share?
I had a weird updo that was pretty much made up on knots. It took forever, and looked ridiculous (but oh so hot at the time)! Glad those days are over!
I totally remember that prom style!!! I remember at my school everyone did their hair twisted back at the root and then curls at the ends. It was so weird looking back on it. I did the whole twists with curls thing too. I’m glad that I don’t have my prom pictures either!
Worst prom ever was my senior prom. My date spent the entire night in the bathroom because something at dinner upset his stomach. Then for our after party, we were going to the beach with my friends and he got us completely lost. We never made it. Worst prom ever.
I rocked a very similar hair-do to the picture you posted at my 8th grade dance! Loved it! Lol Junior prom I actually attended by myself! My boyfriend was in college playing baseball and had a game that day and couldn’t come. At first I didn’t want to go by myself, but I was so glad I did. I had a blast! 🙂
Haha–I never had that prom up-do, but some of mine were a little funky, now that I think about it 😉
That breakfast looks really tasty (and easy! Woot.)
Have a good day writing your little heart out! <3
That breakfast looks incredible!!! Those hair styles still happen on occasion in Ireland!
LOL yes that photo brings back memories! Those curls that look all crusty and hairsprayed and “oh-so-natural!” Hehehe!
I always wished we could just wear our hair normal to dances. One homecoming I hated my hair so much I started balling and my mom caved and took me to another salon. We may have had bad updos but have you seen some of the scandalous dresses the girls wear to dances these days? Yikes
My hair is so thick that whenever I needed an updo I had like 3 things going on. I was in a wedding last year and the bride wanted our hair up so I found a really nice salon and they did a great, adult-looking updo. PHEW!
I remember one homecoming I had some sorts of twists on the top of my head and they were secured with those teeny tiny little rubberbands–almost like the ones for your braces. I couldn’t get the last one out so I reluctantly agreed to let my Mom CAREFULLY snip it off. She wasn’t careful enough. I lost a chunk of hair right at middle of my forehead. It was bad.
Haha – Yes! I had scrunchie curls. Mine weren’t quite like that, but I did it for homecoming too. I have to admit, they looked killer at the time. 😀 Thanks for the memories!
Hahah oh my goodness….proms/high school dances were such a highlight! For senior prom in high school, I could not find the perfect dress and ending up wearing an Indian traditional outfit which was super elaborate- looking back, I am kinda glad I did as it sure was a hit!
You are definitely not alone! We rocked some killer hairstyles over here in Texas too! My favorite high school dance memory is when I met my husband at the “After kickoff dance” which happens after the first football game of every season. I was a freshman and he was sophomore, and I was smitten from the start!
are we just going to ignore the lipliner? 🙂
the year of my HS prom (2001 – i’m old, sue me) everyone wore those jessica mcclintock ball gowns. i wanted to be the odd man out and bought this peach pink silk ombre hand beaded dress by Laundry that i got for $200 at the Outlet. i definitely stood out! years later the dress couldn’t be more in style 🙂
Oh my gosh, I love this! I rocked a similar hair style at my senior prom… along with a bright teal dress! Ohh the memories 🙂
Haha Love it!
I will see your twisty cornrows and raise you some DARK ROOTS and CRIPSY FRIED BLONDE ENDS:
Of course I remember that hair style!! Oh, memories. I also did this crazy thing with lots of little bun thing-ys with sprouts of hair sticking out of each one. Seriously? What the heck was I thinking??
Hahaha and remember when you’d twist it back like that and use butterfly clips to keep it in place? Again, WHY?
OMG prom hair!! Thankfully I only did an “updo” for my first formal dance and after that it was always my goal not to look too “high school dance-y” although uhhh…the corsage and the fact that I was 16 probablyyyy gave me away. Hahaha it’s funny to think how very cool we all thought we were back in the day!
I totally did my hair like that girlfriend.. I have pics to prove it
haha! I wasn’t cool enough to rock that hair style myself, but my best friend and I had to plan our junior prom in literally 2 weeks, with my mom the only real adult helping. It was ridiculous.
Haha I totally remember hair like that …. 🙂
Ugh I remember having a crimping iron, and then the iron-in glitter “hair tattoos” to go with it. Of course, butterfly clips were the bomb too…
Oh wow, I haven’t thought about butterfly clips in years! You just made me vividly remember walking into school wtih like10 bright pink butterfly clips all across the front of my hair, ha!
I wish I could say I don’t remember that hair… But I do. I realllly do.
Haha this post put the biggest smile on my face. The picture of Sadie made me laugh as soon as it loaded 🙂 don’t worry when I went to prom people in Va Beach totally rocked the cool hair styles! Mine was actually done like the photo above!! (pulled into a grid but with lose curls) it might be time to break out the pictures I have.. Fun times.
Hey girl,
I just discovered your blog and love it! Those waffles looked great, savory and sweet, yum!
I have no idea why we all decided to wear our hair like that but it was always so popular.
Not only were the curls crunchy but they were super tight ringlette curls. And our hair was pulled so tight against our head. Not cute.
Omg, the crunchy hair look! Pretty sure I spent all of middle school wearing those (really uncomfortable) plastic teeth criss-cross head bands with crunchy hair.
It almost makes me wonder if 10-15 years from now I’ll look back and wonder why I was making my hair flat/pin -straight every day…
I had my hair done like that too. My hair is so thick that it look the stylist three times as long as the girl sitting next to me to get the exact same look!
Hahaha I totally remember having one of those headbands with the clips on it, where you could basically achieve the “grid” look at home. SO bad. And yes, crispy curls were a must. *Sigh*
It is a little early for prom! I luckily never did a full out updo, mostly just because I thought my hair looked better down, or at least half down. Maybe I was wise beyond my years 🙂 And I’m like Ryan with the cottage cheese – it looks good but I’m a little weary of it!
i ALWAYS put jelly on my fried egg sandwich. my BF on the other hand- refuses to try it. he just doesn’t know what he’s missing out on! 🙂
The crunchier your hair was the better! That was what I was always told. That way it would stay in place all night long 🙂 One time I counted the bobby pins as I took them out and there were over a hundred. Sheesh!
Hahaha I love this!! I think every single high school girl went through that stage. I did my own hair senior year and just curled it and it was my favorite prom hair do of all 4 years that I went!!
I have some crazy memories, but don’t know if they can be shared on a public space 🙂
Pretty sure I had my hair done identical to that for Prom or Homecoming. Finally by senior year I got smart and at least wore it down.
Hahaha ! Prom was the only dance that I actually did an updo for. It wasn’t as awful as the one int he picture though, I did like it!
I have a wild prom story. One of my good friends practically chugged a 4 loko (ew) and a half a bottle of liquor on the bus and got completely wasted and couldn’t even walk herself into the dance. Then she was vomiting everywhere in the bathroom and of course I got stuck helping her (I was sober). The principal, police, and other people got involved. Eventually I got the heck out of there after a while and won prom queen! It was definitely a night I will never forget lol!
I remember in 8th grade, I had the BIGGEST crush on this boy named Tom. We slow danced to “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias. I may or may not have imagined I was Jennifer Love Hewitt from the music video. :-X
That literally WAS my prom do! the twisty hair things into the curly mess on the top of my head. It seemed so cool at the time…
That looks way too similar to my senior prom hair. Ugh.
Oh boy, do I remember the prom hair! I actually had some pretty decent hairstyles for my prom (my hairdresser was/is amazing) but I saw a lot of girls with some scary updo’s. Remember the rhinestone “tattoos”?
Oh they were ALL THE RAGE (but it doesn’t surprise me since I grew up right down the road from you in Northbrook). We used to get our hair done for our good friends bar/bat mitzvahs. By the end of the nights out heads would be throbbing. We would take all the bobby pins out and they would basically stay up because of all the hairspray. But I thought I was the coolest kid in school!
Oh, heck yes we did our hair like that. Glitter gel and hairspray were also added for extra classy effect.
oh my Julie the way you describe it : “make our hair into some kind of a grid that exploded with curls that were crunchy with hairspray?” HILARIOUS…I skipped my senior prom to design 9 of my “friends'” hair for their (our HS’s) prom. Those girls were the “popular” ones and I wasn’t asked to the prom…but I did make $350 out of it!
If you get a chance…please let me know what you think of the question I posted on my blog today! 🙂
I went to Laguna Beach HS so the prom style was much more casual: long, blond, and snobby 🙂
My hair looked almost identical to that photo at Homecoming my freshman year. I remember it was superrrrrrr tight & in order to get all of the hairspray out, we had to deep condition my hair!
My funniest/favorite memory of Prom was when we had our limo take us to McDonalds before the actual dance began. The catered meals were always so terrible that we needed SOMETHING to burn off on the dance floor, so we all went inside in our fancy dresses and tuxes and had a blast! Oh- we also always had huge sleep overs after post prom and the parents would make have snacks out for us when we got home at 2am and then they would always make us a huge breakfast in the morning. Ahhh memoris 😀
OMG! My hair definitely looked like that for my 8th grade dance, which had an Armageddon theme BTW. I think I even rocked some glittery butterfly clips. Ugh! I have come so far.
I always had such high hopes for my hair to look just like the magazine clippings I would take with me to the salon. I have thick long hair, and usually it was too much hair to do what I wanted it to and felt so disappointed with the final product. Oh well, my wedding hair was gorgeous and makes up for everything!!
I tried a twist on your sweet and savoury egg sandwiches recently by using blueberry goat cheese. It was delicious!
Oh prom memories! Prom styles have changed so much!
I was only in highschool 6 years ago our pictures were SO different compared to ones I see now.
It is super early for prom! We always had ours at the end of May or June. It was one of the end of the year events! I loved prom… I would like to think my hair wasn’t that awful, but I’m sure it was similar. I always loved my dresses, I found this consignment shop and I’d always end up with one of a kind dresses for like 50 bucks.
Weddings are more fun though… there’s booze 🙂 (I was not “cool enough” to drink in high school lol.)
I remember for junior prom, I went to get my hair done and requested a style that was loose and casual, not overly done up, and light on the hairspray…and she gave me a style quite similar to that photo! REALLY?!?!?!
I ended up taking it out and doing my hair myself! At least I was left with a zillion bobby pins for my $75!
that hairstyle is EXACTLY what I think about when I think about prom!!! What’s funny is the morning show i listen to every morning was talking about prom this morning and how the average kid spends $800 on prom!!!!!!!! I was shocked!!!!
I have an embarrassing short story…I made my boyfriend at the time come to my senior prom with me–when he had already graduated high school and was in college! I cringe at the thought now…needless to say, it didn’t work out, for the better 🙂