Hey, hey! Happy Friday!
Sadie looks ready to party! Actually, she looks like she may already be a little tipsy. Fermented chicken breast can do that to ya.
Workout + Prom
Today’s workout was a Friday specialty! Okay, not really – I just did an upper body strength workout – but Friday mornings at the gym are my favorite because it’s less crowded and people are generally smiley and pumped for the weekend.
I think I had three different people make some kind of comment to me about the weekend. One woman said that it’s prom for her son on Saturday. Ohhh, memories. (Side note: Does it seem really early for prom to anyone else?)
I remember always looking forward to school dances, though now I look at the pictures and think, “What was I thinking!?”
Who else remembers when hair styles like this were super cool:
Why, oh why, did we think it was a good idea to make our hair into some kind of a grid that exploded with curls that were crunchy with hairspray?
I actually just went through old photos trying to find some from my high school prom or homecoming dances, but I think they’re all at my parents house. That’s probably a blessing in disguise to spare me some humiliation.
Today’s breakfast was another good one!
I ate two whole wheat waffles topped with a mixture of cottage cheese and ricotta cheese, a sliced pear and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.
Every time I sit down to eat this breakfast, Ryan always comments that it looks so good. He’s a little wary of the cottage cheese and ricotta cheese topping, but maybe one day he’ll give it a go! He wasn’t so sure about my beloved egg, jelly and cheese breakfast sandwich and now he always makes his egg sandwiches with jelly!
I have another super-long freelance article that needs attention, so I’m off to get writing!
Questions of the Morning
- Does anyone else remember prom hairdos like the one I posted above? Please tell me Palatine, Illinois wasn’t the only place that embraced such a glamorous look.
- Any crazy memories from high school dances you’d like to share?
HAHA I definitely had that super stylish updo for my sophomore formal in high school. I too wonder what in the world I was thinking and why I thought I had any sense of fashion looking back… And going a little more back in time, girls used to put these small glittery butterfly clips throughout the updo, too. Wonder if those were popular everywhere else besides NJ?
HA! My prom hairdo was almost EXACTLY like the picture you posted! Only I had braids leading up to the curls!
Oh yes, I remember. How cool were we?! Just awesome.
While I was working out this morning, I definitely took a second and thought about how much I love being there on Friday mornings. No fighting for mirror space 🙂
This makes me so happy that other people experienced this hairstyle. My hair is super curly, so it never looked quite right on me, with those tiny little rubber bands (impossible to get out) and CRUNCHYY hairspray. Seriously, what were we thinking?
oh gosh, that hairstyle was ALL the rage back in high school…lol. makes me think also of those bouncy butterfly hair clips everyone was obsessed with back in high school…how did we ever think THOSE looked good?
I wore this exact style to my Senior Prom in Toronto back in 2000, with a bright pink silk dress. Wow, memories (but shockingly, not many photos LOL)… We kicked it old school by ending the dance with Boyz II Men’s “End of the Road” – is there any better song for a teen from the 90’s?
Oh yes – the crazy prom and homecoming hair days… Can I just say that I’m so thankful I’m not in high school anymore?! I’m thankful I didn’t take many pictures back then!
Oh, I remember that hair! We even took it one step further and added rhinestones! Terrible!
Oh my. HAH. I had prom and homecoming hair-do’s JUST like the one above. Why did we do that to ourselves!? And spend precious money too. I remember up-do’s being $50-$75 a dance. Back then that was a good chunk of change for a crunchy icky up-do. I wonder what we’ll look back on that we’re doing now that is just as horrid. HAHAH. I am about to go look for some old school pics of dances. You’re hilarious Julie 😀
I definitelllyyy remember that most of my prom hair was really cheesy, nasty do’s! But I also remember that for my prom I wanted really elegant, loose curls, so that’s what I did and I am SO glad I did!
My friends and I look back on our prom pictures and call the crunchy curl look “top ramen hair”!
Pretty sure I DID that prom hairstyle…yikes!
Oh, prom. Working at high school, that’s pretty much all I hear about this time of year! 🙂 And yes, March is super-early for a prom!
I am from the country and my prom date my sophomore year took me to prom in a semi, like the semi-truck used to take grain to and from the fields. It was kind of a joke, but it was really fun!
Awww prom.. I DO miss the dress shopping!
We must be close to the same age because when I was in high school I loved that up do! I never did anything to my hair that was fancy for my high school dances but my dresses were also some bright neon color like pink or blue, oh yes I was a style icon!
The year after I graduated, apparently administrators found a pair of ladies panties on the floor after homecoming. The next semi-formal which was turnabout, they had teachers standing in the middle of the dance floor on a platform to see if there were any mishappenings on the dancefloor. Kids these days!!
Your breakfast looks so good–and much healthier than my bagel with cream cheese and a diet coke! =/ We had our junior prom in March and our senior prom in May. Maybe its a junior prom?
One of my best friends sported a very similar ‘do at our prom in 1997. Except she had it twisted into little buns at the end. I think she got the idea from Bjork.
The high school that I teach at has prom in May. I will not be attending (and never have for the last 7 years). You should SEE some of the things that the girls wear! Yikes! And so many of the boys wear hats and sneakers… ugh!
My prom hair was much bigger and included spiral perms, tall bangs waterfalling (is that even a word?!) to one side and mucho Aqua Net. Beautiful!
I saw this funny dog pic on Pinterest and thought you would like it haha: http://pinterest.com/pin/46161964900763359/
Junior prom – the guy I’d dated for over a year was my date…but we’d broken up a couple of weeks before prom. The photos are so awkward! We still went to prom because we’d bought tickets, I’d had my dress altered, etc. Bad hair, too…my mom used curlers on my hair and I had really tight curls.
My first homecoming dance…I’d just donated blood for the first time a few days before the dane – I got a hematoma from donating so I had a bruise that basically went from wrist to shoulder – and my dress was short-sleeved. Not a good look! Now I laugh!
My best prom hair was the year that the stylist dumped glitter into it. Not like glitter hair spray… Buy craft glitter. By date was super sparkly by the end of the night.
oh, i definitely remember that hairdo. it was like mock-cornrows with too-tights curls at the top of my head. i wish i knew why we did that to ourselves. i’m forever grateful that i decided at the last minute to rock a simple straight ‘do for my prom!
Hahaha! Love this post. I would LOVE getting an updo no matter how ridiculous they make look today. Those bobby pins were always such high quality! 🙂
I never did my hair like that for prom…but I always thought the girls who did were super cool! 🙂
My high school dances were disappointingly uneventful.
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Omg and she’s wearing a choker necklace! Priceless. By the way, I just saw the link to the Evolution of Ryan’s hair. I never would have pictured him with long blonde hair! You guys really did look related! Haha, too cute!
I was only in middle school when that hair style was popular but I totally would have it done for special occasions… so cool then, so not now!
The best part of prom was taking all the hair pins out afterwards–and finding more days later 🙂 Ps, I saw a tiny vizsla puppy on my run yesterday and just about died. Pretty sure my five minutes of aww-ing and squealing (after we ran by, mind you) did not help me get the best time. But so worth it!
My hair for my first homecoming looks almost EXACTLY like that picture 🙂 I also loved when people took out two very distinct strands from the very front and let them hang in front of their face. So classy.
I’m pretty sure I took that EXACT picture to the hair salon for winter formal. I am lucky enough that I cut my hair short right before prom and ended up just wearing it straight down so those pictures aren’t too bad but every formal before is full of crunchy curls, little twisty pieces and (ugh…) the zig-zag part. Remember that?
It does seem early for prom season! But when I was at Bloomies the other day their dress section was overrun with prom options so I guess not! And so funny seeing that hairstyle! Though I never sported it, my older brother’s girlfriends def did! And prom brings back so many fun memories and my favorite part, finding the perfect dress!
Ohhhh prom hair. One time, I remember I had my hair zigzag parted, half up – these parts were french braided and then made a waterfall of hair and the rest of it was straight. At the time, I remember thinking it was SO COOL…. now I am slightly horrified. Does anyone else remember the 2 piece prom dress? I never had one, but some of my friends did!
Ohhh prom hair! I was never into the whole up-do, always went with a half up/half down style….as if THAT makes it better!
Worst High School dance memory? Sophomore year Sadie Hawkin’s dance. The first time I ever had a date to a dance. Wasn’t a fancy event so I was wearing khaki pants. A group of us went to Dairy Queen for ice cream before the dance. My date ended up being super awkward, but when I got home that night and took those khaki pants off, KETCHUP stain right on the butt. Must have sat in ketchup while we were at Dairy Queen, meaning the spot was there the entire night. NOBODY told me!! Talk about being mortified.
Haha, I used to BEG, literally ask every weekend, my basketball teammates to cornrow my hair- I thought it was the coolest thing 😛
IDK why but my” fave” prom hairstyle was always an up-do and remember falling asleep at night with it all still done and waking up in the morning to crispy hair and having to take out 100+ bobby pins…
Ah yes prom hair- twists and crunchy curls were totally in! So get this, I didn’t even go to my own prom, I went to my husband’s school prom instead… It was way fun, but I still regret not going to both!
I just wore my hair the way I always did for Snowball – the only formal dance I went to in high school. Although some girls seemed to go alll out!
I glued rhinestones into my hair with eyelash glue for a dance. I thought that would work really well. They stayed put, but getting gobs of dried glue out of my hair was kind of a nightmare.
Prom is supposed to be in MAY! March?! NO WAY. However… might be a little biased. I live in MN so our last day of school was typically mid-June. Did schools in FL (or IL) get done earlier than that?
Oh I totally remember looking at pictures of prom hair like that in magazines!
I used to do my hair like that for dances. I thought I looked so cool *barf*!
Um, I must be way old because that was the up do for the bridesmaids at my wedding or I was just a child bride. I am only 31!
Oh man. We were so hot. The smell of that hairspray still makes me feel slighty ill…
I wore my hair up in the classic yet boring french twist with curls for 2 years and then the other 2 years I wore it down and curled. I had the good fortune of having prom the same night as either district or regional track meets and so I was always rushing to prom last minute. Thankfully my high school boyfriend also ran track so we were always fashionably late together. Our juinor and senior year we drove back to my house and got ready while eating pizza togetther. So romantic! ha!
Hi Julie! I found your blog a couple weeks ago and love reading your posts. You keep me inspired and motivated with my own training/eating habits. I’ve been eating the same basic breakfast for years–cereal, skim or almond milk, maybe some fruit–and you inspired me to switch it up. I kept it simple for starters–2 Van’s waffles, just cottage cheese (instead of mixing in ricotta) and an apple–and LOVED it. I didn’t have cinnamon on hand but I’m going to add that this week. So simple and easy, but tastes like a real treat!
Keep the ideas coming 🙂
Every single one of my middle school and high dances were with this updo, yikes!!
Personally, I love formal hairstyles that look natural. Sometimes, people can go overboard on the styling, when simple is never a bad option.