Last night as Ryan and I watched The Sing Off, I did a little baking, which turned into lots of snacking. Fortunately I had a bit of the end result leftover to enjoy for breakfast today.
Pumpkin butter granola!
Pumpkin Butter Granola
- Makes four 1/4 cup servings
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Bake Time: 15 minutes
- 1 cup old fashioned oats
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 3 tablespoons pumpkin butter
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until oats are no longer dry
- Spread out granola on a cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray
- Bake for 15 minutes, flipping halfway through
- Allow to cool until granola is crunchy
This morning I enjoyed the granola with a cup of strawberry banana Greek yogurt.
Homemade granola is so easy and definitely cheaper than store-bought granola. I’m quite a fan!
(Past granola recipes may be found on my Granola Recipe Roundup page.)
Let’s fly through today’s workout recap! It was an upper body day in the gym and I completed three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset One: Bicep curls + Ryan’s awesome shoulder move
- Superset Two: Tricep pull downs + Upright rows
- Superset Three: Low pulls + Chest press
- Superset Four: Tricep extensions + Mac raises
- Superset Five: Incline bicep curls + Push ups
I love supersets! They keep my heart pumpin’ and my workout moving fast.
Te Quiero, Amarillo
On our way home from the gym today, the song Bailamos by Enrique Inglesias came on the radio.
Ryan and I were being tools in the car and singing the song in our sexy Enrique voices (we have a gift) when the chorus came on. While I opted not to sing some of the Spanish words that I couldn’t understand, Ryan plunged in and went for the gold.
Only he came up without a medal.
Actual words:
Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over…
Te quiero, amor mio
Ryan’s version:
Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over…
Te quiero, amarillo
Enrique was saying, “I want you, my love.” I took a bit of Spanish in my day and knew that Ryan’s wonderfully romantic version said, “I want you, yellow.”
Apparently someone has a strong affinity for the sunshiny color.
The best lyrics mix up I’ve ever heard came from my sister. One Christmas we were singing this Christmas classic:
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping on your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.
Leslie’s version went like this:
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping on your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,
And folks dressed up like Kokonos.
Um, what?
When I asked her what, exactly, Kokonos were she said, “I don’t know. I never really thought about it.”
You better believe my family now always sings “Folks dressed up like Kokonos” whenever we hear that song around Christmastime.
Omg I’m dying with that crayon photo! That granola looks delicious!
Greek yogurt and granola is my all-time favorite breakfast (or late night snack). You should try adding Rice Krispies to that combo as well. Sooo good and crunchy!
ha! it’s too funy to read everyone’s “mispronunciations”! I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but I’m sure I’ve made up a lyric or two!
LOL best one I’ve ever heard was my bf’s dad… sadly I wasn’t there and only heard this story second hand but it’s good enough to share!
So my bf’s mom is Cuban and lives in FL with his dad who’s from NJ… his dad was learning spanish and what better way to learn than by Spanish love songs, right?
Well he was walking around a party they hosted singing lyrics to one of the Spanish love songs that had recently played on the radio.. only he was singing (don’t judge me for mis spelling) “mama me” not “ama me” –> he was walking around singing “Suck Me” instead of “Love Me” LOL the whole family jokes about that one til this day 🙂 🙂
Bahahahaha A+ Ryan. Song lyric mixups are the best.
DUDE I’m TOTES just about to walk to the kitchen to make a pumpkin-inspired granola. It’s super experimental so I don’t know how it’s going to work, but here’s hoping!
I love making granola at home because you can control the ingredients and make as much or as little as you want. Love it!
Getting lyrics wrong is hilarious! My sister used to sing the K L M N O part of the alphabet as kelemeno. She did this until she was like 12. So funny.
I’ve been trying to find something new to do with pumpkin butter…I found it!! Can’t wait to make this 🙂
Aww too funny!
I used to think the Christmas song Domick the Donkey, where it goes jiggety jig eeh oh eeh oh its dominick the donkey said jiggety jig eeh oh eeh oh its time to kick the donkey. I always got the strangest looks when I sang it! ;p
For the longest time instead of “She moves in mysterious ways” my sister would sing “Shamu is a serious whale” haha we still sing it the same way whenever U2 is playing
I thought the same thing!!!
bahahahaha i love this!
Speaking of Christmas song mess-ups, I used to always sing “Later on, we’ll PERSIRE as we dream by the fire” to Winter Wonderland instead of “we’ll CONSPIRE”. My mom would always laugh but she said, hey it makes sense that you’d sweat sitting next to a fire! HAHA
Hey, so this has nothing to do with your post, but did you choose a new book to read yet? I need a good book to start reading!
i haven’t yet! i need a new one, too!
That pumpkin butter granola looks delicious!
I used to be really good at remembering lyrics, but as I’ve gotten older and have more to think about during the day, I can’t remember song lyrics for the life of me. I always just sing whatever words come to mind and my husband always gets a kick out of it. He can’t believe I don’t know words to songs I’ve heard a billion times!
Oh and this granola recipe looks fab, it may have been just what I needed to be tempted to make my own granola!
i love homemade granola–i’ll have to give this version a shot!
1.) I looooove that granola recipe. It looks amazing!
2.) Bailamos’ lyrics always confused me too. So funny. Hahaha.
3.) You make me smile.
My husband makes up the best lyrics:
Instead of:
Give me the BEAT boys and free my soul, I want to get lost in your rock ‘n roll and drift away—
his version goes something like this:
Give me the the Beach Boys and free my soul—- (you know, the band?).
His theory: they must REALLY like the Beach Boys!
Sad times…I just learned something new. I always thought it said Beach Boys too 🙁 Haha!
LOL to this day I’ve been singing, “Give me the PEOPLE and they’ll free my soul” even though it makes no sense now that I actually stop to think about it!
Now I have christmas carols in my head 😀
That is hilarious!!
When I was growing up, I always thought “My Little Deuce Coupe” by the Beach Boys was “My Little Loose Tooth!” My parents still won’t let me live that one down..
that is awesome!
Too funny, I made pumpkin pecan flax seed granola last night and I was wondering when you would post a pumpkin granola recipe.
I might have to try yours though, way less ingredients and now I have half a can of pumpkin puree in my fridge I don’t know what to do with…
This cracks me up. Reminds me of 27 Dresses…the part where they sing Elton John’s Bennie & The Jets….”she’s got electric boobs”, instead of boots! 🙂
Thanks for giving me a laugh for the day!
i love that part!
Hahaha! My fave story like that is with my dad when he was younger. You know the CCR song “The Bad Moon Rising” that has the lyrics, “the bad moon’s on the rise?” Well, one time I heard him singing and he totally thought it was, “the bathroom’s on the right!” I literally laughed for like an hour!!
My best friend and I used to totally mess up Shakira’s lyrics in Whenever, Wherever
Whenever, wherever
We’ll learn to be together
I’ll be there and you’ll be near
And that’s the deal my dear
There over, here under
You’ll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that’s the deal my dear
We couldn’t figure out what in the world she was saying for “there over, here under” and for some reason we just started singing “the ramba, the samba, the chimi-chimichanga” instead. lol
haha! When I was a kid I used to sing Garth Brooks’ “I’m shameless” by singing “I’m shaving” haha I had no idea!
When I was a teenager I was with my friend and mom getting ready for homecoming and “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson came on the radio, so of course I started singing along. She says “Dreaming of what could be, and if I’d end up happy” and I sand super loudly “Dreaming of what could be, and if out in the pappy!!!!!!” Needless to say I was then hysterically laughed at. Oops!
In Celiene Dion’s “My heart does go on,” I used to think the lyrics were “my heart doves go on.”
I was like, “I don’t know what heart doves are, but I LOVE this song!”
I just remembered one lyric that my friend used to mess up back in 2008.
From “Whatever you like” by Ti
actual words: Yeah, I wan’chyo body, need yo’ body
my friends take on the words: I want joe biden, need joe biden
it really does sounds like it – HILARIOUS!
OMG! I totally thought he was saying Joe Biden too!! My husband made fun of me for so long about that! That’s totally what it sounds like.
my mom and i got in an argument one day on whether aerosmith’s “dude looks like a lady” was “dude looks like a lady” or “do the lucky lady”…we fought all day about it, but i finally won after i looked up the lyrics online…although my mom still sings “do the lucky lady” because she likes her version better.
elton John “Hold me closer tiny dancer” = “hold me closer Tony Danza”
Ha I love this, hilarious!! My parents tease me til this day that when I was little I thought P.M. Dawn was saying “I’d Die Without Shoes” when really it’s “I’d Die Without You”!!
Ludacris how low was on one day at work and instead of singing the correct lyrics ” How low can you go” she was saying” I love pinky toes” Really? LOL
HA! I used to think they were saying “Apple Tini Roll” and I said to my friend “what is an Apple Tini Roll”…who then laughed and told me it’s “How Low Can You Go”… 🙂 I felt stupid! lol
For the longest time my sister was singing “I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying ayooo galileo”
At my cousin’s wedding we had to kindly correct her, saying it’s “gotta LET go” hahahha
Too funny my boyfriend did the same exact thing in the elevator a few months ago! I can’t believe others made the same mistake!
He’s got the whole world in his pants!
And one more–remember DMX “up in here?” My cousin used to sing “Y’all gonna make me lose my mind muffin-head, muffin-head”
I used to sing Travis Tritt’s “Trouble” like this:
real lyric: I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E
I sang: I spilled tea all over your BLT
A guy I work with thought Salt & Peppa’s song “Push it” was “shut up smush it” instead of “come on, push it”. I crack up everytime I hear that song now.
Ohh that granola looks delicious! That is reason enough to buy some pumpkin butter! And I sing the wrong lyrics ALL the time- my friends make fun of me for it regularly!
haha you know that song that goes “Give me the beat boys, and save my soul/I wanna get lost in your rock and roll”? a buddy of mine always thought it was “Give me the BEACH BOYS” looveed it
I’ve definitely been known to belt out, “Police never die!” during renditions of “Feliz Navidad!” when I was little!
From Empire State of Mind:
Concrete jungle where dreams of made of
Emmm, what I singing:
Concrete jungle, wet dreams, tomatoes.
ewwwww! too funny.
omg, that granola looks delicious! i. want. it. now.
These comments are hilarious! Noticed in one that you haven’t chosen a new book yet – have you read, “The Shack”? Very inspirational and moving!
My kids love Bonjovi… almost as much as their mom does 😉 My daughter used to sing “Oh… we’re halfway there, oh oh there’s chicken in my hair” bahahahahaha!
P.S. Making that granola tonight 🙂
I am literally laughing out loud at work (my coworkers think I am nuts, no big deal)… anyway, my best friend in high school used to sing “Zoot Suit Riot” by replacing all the words she didn’t know with “Chuppa Chup” (like the lolly pops), or by mumbling random words as loud as she could… hilarious.
HAHAHAHA too funny!! I always make up my own lyrics!! And my friends think I’m crazy! But making up your own lyrics is SO much more fun! The granola+greek yogurt looks like heaven!!!
This is hilarious! Okay, so the only one I can think of is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer…
I thought “then one FOGGY Christmas eve” was “then one FROGGY Christmas eve”
I always pictured a frog in the snow.
Oh man your lyrics story had me in stitches. It reminds me of when I was younger and I used to hear that song by Paul Young on the radio “every time you go away” well the lyrics are “every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you” well I used to sing “every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you”. I still sing it like that sometimes
In the song, “Chasing Cars”…
“If I lay here….If i just lay here..would you lie with me and just forget the world…”
I thought the lyrics were
…. would you lie with me and just bark the world…”
I loved the song so much b/c I though it was a tribute to his dog…you know, Chasing Cars. Now it doesn’t have as much sentimental meaning to me. 😉
One of my favorites is “She’s got a ticket to ride” from the Beatles. The messed up and hilarious version was “She’s got a tick in her eye!”