During my BodyPump class this morning, I was daydreaming about a pumpkin-filled breakfast. At first I figured I would make pumpkin protein pancakes, but after taking Sadie on a 40 minute walk in the sweltering heat (record high temps in Florida this week!), I wanted something cold.
I decided to play around with the pumpkin a bit in an attempt to make a protein-packed smoothie.
The result? A pumpkin pie protein smoothie!
Into the blender went:
- 1/3 c. canned pumpkin
- 1 scoop All the Whey cup cake batter protein powder (you can substitute with vanilla protein powder)
- 1 frozen banana
- 5 ice cubes
- 1/2 c. milk
- 1.5 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
Not to toot my own horn (toot, toot!), but this was pretty fantastic. A little out of season, sure, but still flippin’ phenomenal.
And just because I had a craving for peanut butter (as usual), I also enjoyed a piece of honey wheat bread smeared with Crazy Richards crunchy pb.
I’m full. 😀
Taking Classes for Fun
As I posted last night, Ryan is in the middle of a three-day class to obtain his motorcycle license. He has no intent to buy a bike (I hope!), but he’s taking the class for fun to learn a new skill and experience something new.
I love learning new things and honestly miss school. I don’t miss studying or boring lectures, but I do miss the engaging classes that would make me think and challenge me.
Continuing education can be expensive, but there are some adult-education classes out there that I would love to take in the future.
Classes I’d like to take include:
- Photography
- Cake-decorating
- Nutrition
- Creating and maintaining a web site
- Healthy cooking
- Exercise science
- Photoshop (for beginners!)
If you could take a class for fun, what class would you like to take?
I would definitely take photography. It’s something that once you have a good camera you can take pictures of everything from family events to traveling. And my aunt and uncle love them some cooking classes, that would be fun with friends.
I am LOVING that I get my pumpkin fix pre-fall!
Shaggin’…I’m hoping to find a class very soon.
And I’ve always wanted to learn how to shoot a gun…weird, but true.
Cooking…and knitting!
ahhh i’d love to learn to knit too. i’ve tried a couple of times & lost patience. in fact, a general home ec class would be pretty helpful for me!
I’m with you on the ‘creating and mainting a website’!! I am very techie challenged 🙁
That pumpkin smoothie looks delicious!
i seriously need to take a “web sites for dummies” class.
I’ve definitely been looking to go back to school and take some nutrition classes!! Maybe after my wedding (in Feb) I will follow through!
Thanks to you this morning after an AWESOME workout I thoroughly enjoyed a green monster! BTW I feel GREAAATTT! 🙂
Have a wonderful day!!
i really would like to take a photography class i just got a new camera!
I did take a continuing Ed Cake Decorating class which was awesome! I am not the best decorator, but I learned some pretty great tips to spruce up my baked goods! 🙂
you were actually the one who gave me the idea!!!
I would love to take a motorcycle class — that sounds like fun! I really want to take a flying lessons and a cooking class.
I’m with you on the nutrition and photography and I’d also like to learn Spanish. Ole!
OK, I think you are going to be the reason I end up pulling out my one and only can of pumpkin…that smoothie put me over the top this morning. YUM!
I would love to take some fun classes like cake decorating, photography, nutrition, & cooking. 🙂
I would love to take a photography class for sure!! And that smoothie looks amazing!! YUM!
I agree–I miss the brain-challenging aspects of college. Now, I’d take classes on web design and html, photography, and writing.
If we count classes that you don’t find at a school, I’d take flying lessons. If they weren’t so expensive I’d already have done it. I would love to fly my own plane.
I am actually in the middle of a class I am taking for fun. It is all about the Holy Spirit. Some interesting stuff!
I also took another class to determine what giftings I have and how to best use them. I find it all so fulfilling.
I would take photography! My boyfriend bought me a Nikon D3000 camera for Christmas and I’m in LOVEEE with it! I’ve watched DVD tutorials, and bought a book. I feel like I’ve learned a lot but would love to learn more about lighting, photoshop techniques (that I don’t already know), using different lenses…etc. So fun!
I’ve taken cake decorating classe before and they are so fun! I’d like to take tennis lesson classes or dance classes!
I would love to take drawing/painting, photography, and cooking classes! Too bad there’s only so much time in a day….I think the photography class would be at the top of my list!
I always think that when I graduate college I’m going to come back and take fun classes… but we’ll see if that actually happens. As a teacher, I’ll have summers off so maybe it will! I would probably choose photography or some type of novel writing.
You are always so creative with your smoothie recipes, but this one has to be one of the best so far- probably due to my love of pumpkin 🙂
A few classes I would like to take would be how to teach kickboxing, learning nutrition for all ages, & cooking vegetarian.
PS: LOVE your outfit. You always have the cutest clothes!!
I wish now I had kept my Photojournalism notes from college, because we learned all about photography and photoshop. Dummy me!
I’d love to continue to take French or some nutrition classes. I guess I should be careful what I wish for though because as soon as med school starts I’ll probably be begging to be back in the real world! 😛
i would love to take some sort of fun dance class and a cooking class!
p.s. i got the coupons a couple days ago, thank you so much! 🙂
Oh! Fun. I would love to take a photography class, learn how to use a D-SLR, and then photoshop to edit my pictures of course and make them fabooo! I’d love to take some language glasses Spanish, Mandarin Chinese (again).
I love Photoshop! I went through a 3-4 year stage of my life where I was completely obsessed with it and messed around in it almost every day. I actually became fairly good at photomanipulations! I should get back to doing them… I remember when I got really into it I would spend 6-7 hours a day just working away, and some would take me a week or more to complete! What can I say, I’m a perfectionist. :]
Pumpkin is NEVER out of season 😀 That sounds delicious, paired with PB toast – perfection 😉
I took a painting class a looong time ago, and I never ever lost interest – that’s what got me into my major in college! I love art!
Happy hobby hunting 🙂
I think I too would love a cake decorating class and a class to show me more about baking. I’m a self-described great cook, but baking …especially pies and things that are remotely difficult, I avoid.
i love it how you bring fall back in the middle of sweltering summer! 😀 I’ve been looking all over the place for canned pumpkin too so I can make my own pumpkin butter!
Unfortunately (fortunately?) I’m still in school. I took a Beginning Modern Dance class last spring and really enjoyed it. Too bad my schedule next fall doesn’t allow me to take anymore. i AM eyeing the “South African Dance” class that’s offered everything spring though! 🙂
Secret: I have a sick obsession for crunchy peanut butter. Crazy Richard’s makes me go nuts when you blog about it! Haha
Reading your pumpkin posts really makes me want to live pumpkin! Maybe I’ll pick up a can and eat it until I love it! Haha
Classes — definitely anything photography related — photoshop included! Fitness and Cooking/baking would be fantastic too!
Lovin’ on your outfit today!
Goodness, ALL those classes are right up my alley. Can I join ya? : )
I’m pretty much with you on all of those class ideas…especially cake decorating and photoshop. I’d also love to learn how to knit and/or crochet!
I am the same way… I miss challenging learning… two years after college I took an Italian language class. I’ve also taken may cooking classes, and an art class.
I always have a hard time finding pumpkin, so I order it by the case online… ah, it is so comforting to see 12 cans of pumpkin in my pantry… 🙂 that smoothie sounds fab.
I’ve been thinking about taking up some kind of sewing/patternmaking class. I always wanted to know how to make my own clothes…..
I’d love to take a raw foods cooking class. I’m not going raw anytime soon, but I’m always amazed at the raw food concoctions I see at vegan restaurants!
I love pumpkin shakes! I never thought to add banana to mine, so I’ll definitely have to give that a try!
I just recently started a course to get my certification in health and wellness. I’m really enjoying learning again. I would also love to take classes in photography and cake decorating. I love to bake! I’m going to take a ballroom dance class on Friday….knock another goal of my list.
I just signed up for a photography class and I am so excited!
That actually sounds pretty good.
Do you ever get to Urban Flats? If you do, and you’re lucky enough to catch it, they sometimes have a pumpkin soup that is out-of-this-world! It’s a tad on the spicy side but it is delish!
nutrition classes seem interesting, i would also like to take a music class again
i think i’d take a cooking class! i’m horrible in the kitchen :/
your outfit is so cute and summery! love it!
I love smoothies, I’m not exactly into some kind of diet with strict protein requirements or whatever, I just love smoothies! My kids are beginning to like it, too! Well, they’re more after the fruity smoothies. I guess they’re not ready yet with anything veggies, lol! Me on the other hand is crazy about the greens! This pumpkin smoothies of yours sounds good actually, I’ll be trying it for sure. I love carrot smoothies!
Classes for fun: either nutrition for females or baking…I still haven’t mastered the chocolate chip cookie.
I made the pumpkin smoothie this morning, as a post-workout treat….yummy! I think I’ll throw in some pb next time. Thanks for the recipe!
I love this recipe! And I’m so glad I am not the only one who craves pumpkin all year round. I told all my sisters about this recipe and about your adorable/delicious blog (http://forneylife.wordpress.com/2010/07/19/smooooothie-operator/) Thank ya, lady! 🙂
I love to whip up:
1/2 to 3/4 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk
1/2 cup pumpkin
pumpkin pie spice
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
it is so frothy and thick and delicious and only has 4 ingredients. it might seem weird using the chocolate almond milk but it tastes unbelievably good that way. also, it is low in calories (can’t lose there).
it’s even more heavenly with apple slices and graham crackers dipped in!
Mmk so I’ve recently become interested in making my own protein smoothies/shakes for post workout before heading to work in the mornings, and just picked up some protein powder to get started.. This looks like a fantastic recipe to start with!! One question though- how much is one scoop? Like 2 TBSP?