Every morning should begin with puppy cuddles.
One of Sadie’s favorite ways to cuddle is to put her back against my chest and drape her neck over my neck, looking out over the other side of my body, creating a kind of Sadie-scarf over my neck.
Of course it is nearly impossible to photograph this cuddling style because the minute the camera comes out, Sadie becomes instantly alert and gets that deer-in-the-headlights look. I’m sure my fellow dog owners can relate! It’s ridiculously hard to get adorable sleepy puppy pictures.
This morning, breakfast included two waffles topped with a mixture of ricotta and cottage cheese, freshly sliced strawberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
I am trying my best to work through a box of Eggo Nutri-Grain waffles that I have in my freezer before I crack into one of the six boxes of my beloved Van’s waffles that I bought earlier this week when they were buy one, get one free at Publix.
The Eggo waffles taste fine but the ingredient list isn’t fantastic and there’s just something about the Van’s waffles that I like a bazillion times better than other frozen waffles out there. All in good time, my friends. All in good time.
Today will be a full day. I have a project due and a few other tasks that need attention. I’m also hoping to cram in a lunchtime yoga class.
Hope your day is good one and full of puppy or kitty cuddles (if you like animals, don’t have severe allergies and have a pet, that is)!
Question of the Morning
- If you’re a pet owner or previously owned a pet, does your furry friend have a favorite way to cuddle? Please describe so I can be filled with that warm, fuzzy feeling that I get when people talk about their adorable animals.
Sadie loves the pseudo-scarf cuddle that I described above, but she also loves basically any cuddling that involves her face on my face. Face-to-face cuddling is her favorite.
She also seems to enjoy laying her chest on top of my chest when I’m reading and sticking her face up under my book. Neediest dog in the world, I’m tellin’ ya.
My cat is the biggest snuggle bug ever!! My favorite is when I get home from a night shift, I climb in bed and usually read a bit to unwind. Norman will jump up on the bed, put his back against my chest and then just slide down to a curled up position and if my hand is just laying there he likes to put his head in it:) I love morning cuddles!!
After I fall asleep he tends to move to the bottom of the bed and sleep between my legs, so when I do move positions I’m a sucker and try not to disturb him. Or, he’ll sleep up against my back…literally stretched right out behind me (he’s a very long cat too)…I don’t know how I haven’t rolled over onto him yet. He also has a favorite blanket, so at night, when I’m watching TV I place the blanket on my lap and he is cuddled up beside me in a flash! either tucked behind my knee’s, or draped over my hip depending on how I’m laying. He also likes to stick his face in the crook of my elbow, like he’s hiding. He’s a momma’s boy for sure! lol
Sadie is so cute I can’t handle it!!! I just want to kiss her big nose!!:)
Oh gosh, I think my dog could give Sadie a run for her money in the neediest dog every category. I have a 90 lb half yellow lab/half german Sheppard. who seriously thinks he’s a lap dog. the guy HAS to be next to you at all times. This includes when I’m trying to do situps/stretch etc…which I often do with his head on my stomach because he needs cuddle time. His favorite way to cuddle/be pet is to shove his nose into your hand and force you to touch him. Literally shove. Hard. And on the rare occasions he’s allowed in the bed he cuddles up next to me and drapes his head over my hips so I have more of a dog belt.
I want sadie cuddles! She is simply adorable, oh my goodness. My roommate’s dog is 3 pounds and loves to lay across your neck haha, she’s funny!
There really isn’t a much cozier thing than cuddling, is there? It doesn’t matter if it’s with humans or animals, it’s just the warmest, safest, happiest thing. It’s truly one of life’s rewards and something we can share with another whom we trust so much.
This is a video I saw yesterday that made me “Awwwwwww” out loud. I don’t think any kitty lover can watch this without getting that fuzzy feeling in their stomach. It’s a mama and her baby…
Oh my god, this gorgeous! Thanks for bestowing the pleasure! 🙂
Sadie sounds like my boyfriend’s dog, he is the biggest snuggle and will spoon with you if you let him on the bed with you.
My cat likes to wedge herself between my legs and the arm of our recliner. She then gradually stretches out and squishes you into the other corner of the chair, but gets mad if you get up. She also tried to lay down on my face once when I was sleeping, that was strange.
I have another cat who doesn’t so much snuggle as when I’m sleeping and she’s up and wants attention, she’ll try to stand on my shoulders as she rubs her face against mine.
They’d be more annoying if they weren’t so dang cute.
Oh, animal snuggles are the best snuggles ever! My 80 pound chocolate lab likes to lie across the ottoman with her head in my lap (her back legs are barely touching the floor at this point), and she likes to sit in my lap if I sit in the floor. Our beagle thinks he is a human child and prefers to be held like you would bounce a baby on your knee (facing away from you). He sits in my husband’s lap every night with his back to Daniel’s chest, all four legs sticking straight out, and he snores with his eyes open like he’s watching tv. He’s a strange little cutie! Now the cat…she likes to sleep on our faces during the night. Neither of us care for that! 🙂
Bought the Van’s waffles on a whim the other day. They are so good! I’m obsessed.
aren’t they!? i am such a fan!
I have a little siamese cat who is the little spoon every night with me when we sleep. Plus, she sleeps under the covers- COMPLETELY under the covers with me every night. If I fall asleep without her, she comes up to my face and taps my cheek until I lift the covers to let her under to cuddle. Needless to say, waking up for work is mis-er-able every morning.
this is adorable!!!
My two boxers sleep with us and both of them have to be touching us during the night….they will back up and we will lay back to back to each other…so cute!!! I love Sadie pics! She’s so cute!