Oh heeey! Fancy seeing you here!
Yes, that is puppy Sadie. It felt like the kind of morning that should start with puppy pictures. I’m not sure why, but let’s roll with it.
Fun fact: Sadie was once featured on The Daily Puppy! I submitted her pictures several years ago because I was (am?) clearly an overly proud puppy parent. I then got a bunch of my coworkers at the time to submit pictures of their puppies that were also featured on the site. It was puppy paradise! (For all the pug lovers out there, check out my friend Katie’s adorable pug, Rex!)
Ain’t no shame in being a little too in love with your dog. There’s a place for people like you and it’s called Peanut Butter Fingers. Welcome!
After that nice little tangent, let’s move right along into the food and fitness side of things.
I based today’s workout on the scheduled Best Body Boot Camp workout for the day but changed things up a bit since some of the exercises targeted deltoids and triceps and I worked those muscles yesterday in my Cardio + Arms Workout. I subbed in back and abdominal exercises instead and called it a day.
Breakfast this morning was wonderful!
I made a batch of my peanut butter oatmeal cookie dough overnight oats last night and topped them with a drizzle of natural peanut butter this morning before digging in.
They are so, so good. And filling!
I hope you guys have a great Wednesday!
Questions of the Morning
- Big dogs or small dogs?
- What is your favorite dog breed?
I’m a big dog lover through and through, but I have a soft spot for French bulldogs. They are so darn cute! As for my favorite dog breed, I’m a little partial to vizslas but I also love Great Danes and German shorthaired pointers. (Running basset hounds are pretty phenomenal, too. Especially #4.)
I have a yorkie and I love his spunky little personality. They have quite a bit of attitude packed into those tiny frames.
i’m a lover of all things yorkie!
i love small dogs, and my yorkie THINKS he’s a big dog.
if i were to ever get a big dog, i’d love an akita!
She’s too cute. I have a dachshund and I love him. He’s got his own personality and he’s great 😀 He thinks he’s a big dog and he also thinks he is a human. Doxies have to be one of my favorite breeds, but I also love Corgis and Beagles. Too cute 😀 I’m not a big Chihuahua fan, though.
We have a big dog (Aussie) but I’m a little dog fan. I also decided, after looking at the basset hound link, that I probably won’t ever have one because they are kind of scary when they run. Number 21 looked happy, but in general, they kind of looked creepy!
The pics of Sadie are adorable! Makes me remember how small Kasa, my pom was when we got her. I should have sent pics of her to a competition, she was/is so cute. I may have to do a post about my puppies.
I’m a BIG dog lover! We have a year old chocolate lab (Sadie) and she’s the best. But I’m kind of biased hahaha. Big dogs are the best to play and be active with. Plus, they give the best snuggles 😉 I love labs and they’ll always be my favorite, but I love old english bulldogs too. I want one so bad – and I’d probably name him Frank or something equally as awesome haha.
I have an adorable yorkie malty poo named Bailey. For a small dog she has big personality! She loves to run and will even do a 3 mile run with me.
We have a Boston Terrier named Rosie and a BUG (Boston and Pug mix) named Sadie. 🙂
Proud puppy parent here too! I love all dogs but my love bugs are big boys. I have a pure bred black lab named Bubba and a Pointer/Pit bull mix named Bigelow. Biggles was a rescue from a wonderful no-kill shelter in New Jersey. He was 6 years old when we adopted him. They are the loves of my life and quite photogenic just like Miss Sadie. 🙂
I think I like big dogs because then you can snuggle them. 🙂 My sister and brother both have labradoodles and they are cuddly and awesome.
I have a 1 year old German Shorthair Pointer. She’s so silly! From stories you’ve told about Sadie they sound very similar! Stella also has no concept of personal space. 🙂 love her anyway!
Ohhh puppy Sadie was adorable!!!! I’m a bigger dog fan myself!
Side note, your overnight PB Oatmeal Cookie Dough just made me drool! I know what I’m having tomorrow!
Sadie is SO cute! I love all size dogs, but we seem to be a small dog family. And I REALLY REALLY want some PB overnight oats right about now….
We LOVE our beautiful two year old Sheltie, Luke. Definitely our favouite, though I love smaller dogs too. Think Luke needs a Maltesepoo. They are precious.
Would you consider getting Sadie a brother or sister?
By the way, Julie, i really enjoy your blog. You’re such an inspiration.
I had that same breakfast! But I made mine in an almost empty pb jar. Mmmm!
LOVE your post today! We are a HUGE dog loving family here! We just recently lost our Great Dane… she was 10 years old and we loved every 145lbs of her. We now have a new addition to our family (and our other two doggies) We just got an Austrialian Shepard Lab mix named Shiner. She is 3 months old and perfect! Us and her big (doggie) sisters couldnt be happier!!
I am a proud puppy momma too! I think about 99% of all pictures saved on my phone are of my Shih Tzu. 🙂
Sadie is adorable–then and now!
I prefer small dogs, since I love having them in my lap. I have a miniature dachshund, so that’s my favorite breed, I suppose (though on some days, I want to strangle him). They have so much personality…and he is as stubborn as I am. Second to food pictures, I have more pictures of my dog than anything else. Not ashamed! 🙂
I have three Miniature Schnauzers: Mr. Biggs, Buddy, and Bernard! They all have such unique personalities and I am definitely a proud puppy parent! I show pictures of them to EVERYONE and have absolutely no shame in that. The pictures have the ability to make someone’s day, so why not 🙂
Wow, Sadie has beautiful eyes!
I have a 7-year old Yorkie myself. I’ve pretty much had small dogs my whole life, I like having my dog cuddle up next to me on the couch. Although I would consider adopting a Husky someday 😀
Love the puppy pictures!! Sadie is adorable!! 🙂
Puppy Sadie!! She was so cute (and still is)! I love dogs both big and small… my little guy is a dachshund/pit mix, and we love him to pieces. He’s a spoiled brat as a result, but he’s cute enough that he gets away with it. 🙂
Labradors and Golden Retrievers 🙂 love them! Currently have a Chocolate Lab “Embo” who is three. A bundle of love and energy! She sleeps on the bed, just like Sadie 🙂 my husband and I love your Sadie shots, they remind us so much of Embo 🙂 and yes, I am definitely a crazy dog lady…. Adore them.
I’m definitely a big dog person (though I do dream of being on of those {obnoxious} people with a teeny little dog in her purse – no idea why though)
I love standard poodles (that’s why I got one 🙂 and I adore Great Danes and I loved my Dalmatian but I’d never have another because her hair was on everything ohhh and sharpeis rock too
OMG Sadie was (is) SOO cute! If being too in love with your dog is wrong I don’t want to be right 🙂 My dog is the most important thing in my world. She has taught me what unconditional love is – I’m so glad your just as big of a dog lover as I am. Sadie is just too adorable!
I’m a big dog fan for sure!! We have a Weimaraner and a Chocolate Lab and wouldn’t trade them for the world!! If we had room, we would have more.
My family has always had labs! I love them.
I love pitbulls! My baby boy is Tank (he’s built like one!) and I think cockapoos are adorable. My mother has a cocker spaniel/poodle mixed named Sparkles. We rescued our little Tank Enginge(is it weird we have a pet name for him?lol) and he’s partially blind, sparkles ended up helping him learn to go up and down stairs and she kind of leads him and keeps him from running into things. It’s crazy the connection some dogs can get with each other but Sparkles has really helped Tank learn new things!
I LOVE my big dog, but next dog we get will be smaller {likea pug} because they are easier to travel with.
Proud French Bulldog mama here!! Her name is Reeses (like the PB cup).
Love your blog!!