I hope things are going well for you this afternoon. My Monday started off ridiculously early thanks to my 4:10 a.m. alarm. I had to get up extra early to take my friend Ashley to the airport for her 6 a.m. flight back to Chicago. Even though waking up in the 4 a.m. hour is brutal, the time change made it a little easier. Plus, it was great having Ashley stay with us for an extra day after our fun wedding weekend in Savannah.
After I dropped Ashley off, I drove back to my Pure Barre studio to take the 6 a.m. class I registered for last night. I almost skipped it today, but I’m so glad I didn’t because when I walked in, I was greeted by a big smile from Michelle, one of my favorite instructors, who told me that today officially marked my 100th Pure Barre class!
I had no idea I was anywhere close to 100 classes, so this was quite a surprise and I was excited to sign the barre and officially enter our studio’s 100 Club!
(I’m not sure where the star on the “i” of Julie came from. Apparently my inner 11-year-old wanted to come out to play this morning.)
My 100th class went well and I was thinking it might be time to dedicate a post to answering some of your questions about the workout. I am not an instructor, but I am a big-time fan and receive questions from you guys regularly about Pure Barre. I try to answer them as they pop up in the comments section and via email, but I know others likely have the same questions but don’t read the comments section, so I’d love to compile them all into one big post. Let me know what you want to know about it! (If I do not know the answer or do not feel comfortable answering certain questions, I’ll reach out to some of my instructor friends.)
More Pure Barre posts:
Once I made it home, I had about an hour to quickly eat breakfast and blog before it was time to head out the door to work. After throwing some food into the crockpot for tonight’s dinner, I fixed myself a bowl of banana egg white oatmeal to enjoy for breakfast with a hot mug of peppermint crème coffee.
I added canned coconut milk to my coffee and it didn’t exactly mix well (hence the weird appearance) but it still tasted fabulous.
After breakfast, I drove to the gym to work. On the agenda for today was shadowing my boss and observing a barbell strength class I will be taking over next Monday. I also familiarized myself with all of the electronic equipment I’ll be using to teach my classes before heading out.
On my way home, I ate a granola bar and swung by the grocery store to pick up food for the week. The minute I arrived home, I assembled a fast salad for lunch that included barbeque salmon, sweet potato, brown rice, edamame and ranch dressing.
Plus an apple on the side!
Once this blog post goes up, I’m planning to spend some time planning out my very first spin class! I’ll be teaching spin for the first time on Thursday morning and I want to make sure my class is a good one.
For all of my friends out there who teach spinning/indoor cycling, I’d love to hear about any resources you may utilize to help you plan a great class. I’ve taken a ton of indoor cycling classes throughout the years and subbed for spinning teachers on occasion at my old job at the gym in Ocala, but this is the first time I’ll be teaching regular spin classes on my own and I’m obviously hoping to do a good job. I’d love your advice!
Hope you have a great Monday evening!
Congrats on making the 100 club! I’m trying to get there. 🙂 I feel like you hit that mark fast! I’ve been going since March and still haven’t reached it, but hopefully soon… I usually only get to 1-2 classes a week.
YEAH, girl! Congrats on 100. I love, love teaching when we have a new 100 club initiation!
Hit me up if you need any help answering all the PB questions. And come take a class in RVA already! 😉
I definitely will!! 🙂 Dyyyying to take one of your classes eventually!
Have you considered teaching? I just got certified in SB Barre in Maryland and I LOVE IT!
I would love to teach eventually! I think it would be amazing! I just got hired at a new gym and am focusing on that job for a while, but it’s definitely a goal of mine to teach Pure Barre at some point. 🙂
Love it! Good luck with your first round of classes in the next week!
I’m a trainer and instructor, but have never taught cycling before. I can tell you though, that my favorite parts of the workout are the “climbs.” I love it when an instructor talks about climbing a hill, has us increase resistance on the way up, come out of the saddle, then go fast on the way down. You should definitely incorporate that. Have fun with it!:)
My questions would be if you think it is worth the cost? Can it be the sole workout and replace a gym membership or do you think you still need both?
Hey Julie! I started teaching spinning in August and teach a few classes a week. I would recommend a detailed outline of your playlist and what you’ll do for each song…it helps me keep organized and focus more on the class as opposed to what comes next or what I am doing next. The more organized I am, the better the class goes. Drills, climbs, and good music and you will be set. I hope you love it!
Great advice! I was planning on having a note card sitting on top of my bike with this kind of info!
Congrats on hitting the hundred classes!
I’m surprised a 4 am wake up seems so early, since you’re always taking 6 am Barre classes, haha.
Ooooh yes. 4 a.m. is very different than 5:30 a.m.! Fortunately with the time change, it felt more like 5 a.m. so that was a relief. 🙂
I guess to me it’s all in the territory of “way before dawn.” Would love to be that kind of morning person, but that would involve going to bed at ten, and that seems to be my “Did you know there are 9500 gifs of turtles of varying sizes eating raspberries?” time.
I’d love to know your opinion on whether you think Pure Barre can replace doing weights at the gym. I’ve been doing just Pure Barre and running for the last couple of months, but I’m thinking of adding a day of weights back into my routine. Are you still doing weights at the gym in addition to Pure Barre?
I was doing a few at-home strength workouts but not nearly as much strength training as I was before (mainly because I didn’t want to pay for a gym membership AND Pure Barre and didn’t have access to heavier weights/equipment/strength classes for a few months). I’ll definitely address this in further detail in the follow-up post because I know it’s a big one!
Great, thanks! Looking forward to the post 🙂
Wow! Congrats on 100 classes. That is quite the accomplishment. I feel like you would be an amazing spin teacher because of your seemingly unending energy and positive attitude 🙂
Thanks, Lizzie! I really hope I can do a good job!
Yay for 100 classes! I just love Pure Barre and I don’t think there’s another barre routine that can compare! If only I were more flexible, I would consider becoming a Pure Barre instructor!
Nice work on the 100 classes! I am a huge Pure Barre fan and hope to teach someday too! I’ve taken boot camp classes in he past, but I love the way I feel after Barre, there’s nothing like it….my joints don’t bother me and I feel strong! One question I have: Are you doing any other strength work or are you just focusing on the pure barre classes?
Hi Julie – This is Leah, we met on the last day of the World Fitness Convention in Anaheim this year (right after a spin class!) When I teach spin (or Indoor Cycle) I right my workout on a page in a notebook as detailed as possible and I rest it on my handle bars while teaching. The more detail the better, in my opinion. I don’t plan rides to specific songs because I don’t do well teaching tempo rides (I really enjoy the Spinning station on Pandora).
Best of luck in your new gym!
That salad though – NOM.
I would LOVE to read a post about Pure Barre FAQ! Besides the fact that it’s a little pricier than my current workouts {because running and doing three push ups in my living room is free ;)}, one reason I haven’t tried it out is because for some reason in my head I picture everyone there with these incredible dancer body physiques, so I feel a little intimidated! But I’d definitely love to read what some of your first impressions were, what differences you’ve noticed in your body, and what the structure of a typical class is like!
Your spin class already sounds so fun, I’d love to take one of those with you as the instructor! One day maybe!
I actually JUST wrote a guest post for the Pure Barre blog all about this!!! I think that the idea that Pure Barre is for dancers only turns a LOT of people off. I am so far from a good dancer it’s not even funny, but I absolutely love it.
Ha, I really like the star on the “i.” You should consistently sign your name like that!
Congratulations! I just started Pure Barre a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it. 100 classes is huge accomplishment! I was wondering, do you ever do any additional cardio after/before you take a pure barre class?
I’ll add this one to the post, but to give you a quick answer… No. 🙂 Unless you count walking Sadie!
I’ve always wanted to put canned coconut milk in my coffee – but it’s always scared me when I open the can. Good to know it tastes good, one of these days I’ll work up the nerve … Good luck on your first spin class – I can imagine you will be highly motivating 🙂
WOW! That’s amazing, congratulations. I’ve been wanting to get into pure barre classes but my issue is that they are so costly. I am currently a member at a gym and I use it regularly but the cost of pure barre in my area is almost triple the cost of my gym per month. I love how you always post what you are eating, it makes coming up with healthy lunch ideas much easier for me. I truly enjoy following you.
Thanks so much for reading, Alisia! I appreciate it!
I love this! I haven’t noticed many questions in the comments, so I guess I’ll leave one here: how do you find Pure Barre in comparison to say, running or HIIT? I think the movements are a lot more subtle, right? What about that makes it more rewarding as a workout? Bonus question: How do you deal with the soreness?!
I love different moves, or drills, during songs! I am not a fan of just moving to the beat for the length of the song. Jumps, speed work, hill climbs, etc. are fun ways to make the class very challenging! It also makes the class fly! Good luck!!!
Congratulations!! I would love to know how your body is now compared to when you were doing weights (strength, appearance, etc). Thanks!
Whoa 100 classes already?! You are a champ!!
Congrats on your 100 club! What a fun way for Pure Barre to keep folks interested. I’m really happy for you and all your new teaching jobs! Teaching cycling is one of my tride and true formats that helped me get settled in PA. I love using a variety of music to keep classes interesting and have been known to do theme classes when appropriate. Some of my favorites were a world cup, a 90’s throwback, and of course a pop2k one! Music drives the class for me! Can’t wait to hear how class goes!
Themed classes are so fun! We’re doing a Michael Jackson class this weekend!
Yay, congrats on 100 classes! I’ve taken pure barre a few times but the cost tends to minimize how much I can, but when I do, I love it! 🙂 Good luck teaching your spin class Thursday!
This question may have already been asked, but I would love to know what changes PB has made for you. I know that it is pretty different than some of the higher intensity cardio workouts that you have done in the past (I know that PB is high intensity in a very different way though!). Have you seen any changes in your physique since you have changed your style of workout? I love Pure Barre but because of the cost I am not able to do it consistently, only when my local studio offers a promotion. I am wondering if 100 classes had brought about a change! Thank you!!
Congrats on the 100 classes! That’s a great accomplishment!
I’m not a spin instructor, but I go to class all the time! 🙂 And from a student perspective, I really like when each set of exercises (jumps, hills, sprints, or whatever combos) are done to full songs. I really don’t like when we are going with a certain beat and the song ends and we have to keep going weirdly into the next song and change to something new in the middle (plus it’s SUPER hard to keep up the motivation of sprinting when the music isn’t pumping!). I’m sure it’s about knowing some kind of timing, so it’s not always perfect, but it’s a nice transition from one thing to another and gives good moments for breaks and water.
Just my 2 cents! Good luck!
Good luck teaching spin! I am sure you’ll do great.
Whenever I have leftover coconut milk, I try to use it up in my coffee. Like yours, it doesn’t mix well! But it still has a nice flavor, especially when mixed with Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice coffee!
I teach spinning on the side after my day job, and one of my favorite new things is the Class Tamer app. It lets you upload playlists and add sound effects and makes notes about the ride in the app. I also like that it loops the songs right into one another, so no more awkward pauses in between songs!
Hey! Spinning instructor here! instead of note cards/ or memorizing your ride, I recommend downloading an APP called UltraTimer. Its basically an interval timer but I use it to program all my rides. Its great because you can program in how long each song is and can add text (what moves you want to do, RPM, Intensity etc.) I wouldn’t recommend using it on a phone, but works great on an iPad. Let me know if you have any questions! 🙂
thanks so much for the tip, cristina!
Perfect post! I have been wanting to ask if Pure Barre is something that would be doable for a beginning exerciser or would you need to have a more advanced level of fitness to be able to do it? Also, if you have joint and/or knee issues, would this class still be an option? I have been walking regularly for several months but have questioned whether to even consider barre even though it intrigues me. LOVE your blog!
Hi Julie, its great you will be teaching spinning but you really do need to be certified. i’m surprised the gym is allowing you to do it (not being mean! LOL just realistic) i have studied cycling/spinning for YEARS and have been teaching for a few years and certified by Madddog( and soon to be Schwinn) there is ALOT to it, besides a great playlist/profile. at least for now, def. make sure you get them set up on the bike properly…over time, things will come easier..just takes practice. just dont do isolations, hovers, wieghts on bikes etc. you can always email me seperately if you want. i’m very passinonate about this and the right way to teach. what kind of bikes are you guys using? i will look out for your update.!
Julie, I’m not trying to be mean but I agree with Stacy you need to have the whole vision of cycling or spinning . Knowing and understanding rpm and correct technique. I think it’s great you will be teaching spinning but for safety purposes for some of the participants you need that certification. Actually I’m surprise they r letting you teach without a certification.
Good luck ,
Exactly Zugave. there is so much more to it and fellow instructors here know that…and again, not mean but realistic. you REALLY need to get a SPIN cert. a fitness group/trainer cert is not the same. I really think the gym should give this class to a certified person and this way it gives Julie some time to get certified. you just don’t jump on the bike (even if you think you have good music, personality) and engage a class for 45 min-1 hr. once you get certified and then still teach some classes after that, you will say..ahhh that’s what she meant! 🙂
just in addition. I took spinning/cycling classes for about 15 years, yes I’m old…BEFORE I even got certi and STILL didn’t think I was qualified. MAN, did I learn ALOT from certitication AND others that are in this field for 20+ years. I really hope you reconsider. 🙂 goodluck as always
Hi Stacy and Zugave! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and some information about your personal experiences. I actually expressed this same concern to my new gym but they do not require a specified certification to teach spinning (and neither did the YMCA where I used to work — all spin instructors simply had to have their group ex cert), but it is DEFINITELY something I personally want to obtain ASAP. I actually researched local certs in the Charlotte area and could not find any coming up soon (if you have any recs, I’d loveeee to hear them), but I am continually checking and am glad to hear you had a great experience with Maddog, Stacy, as the Schwinn cert is the one that intrigues me most. I will absolutely keep you updated on my journey and really appreciate your thoughts and concerns. Thanks for taking the time to reach out.
HI JULIE, good for you for trying to get certified. I am SHOCKED and I mean literaly shocked your gym (their fault, not yours) will allow this. I’m sorry but im in the field much longer than most here (I’m in my late 40’s) and its just not right. I wonder if the gym manager knows how to teach? w/ that said, I think you can do it but please reach out privately to fellow spin teachers here. again, its more than music and telling them to climb a hill and stuff. I have been teaching for years..so I do have some experience…you will get there, just lots to learn. if you want, I can email you about my SCHWINN Cert class. that will be in 2 weeks by one of the top trainers in NYC.. I wonder what bikes you will be teaching on?
I will be teaching on Keiser bikes. I actually just had a session with one of my fellow spin instructors today and trained briefly with a spin instructor at my previous gym but I am still more than interested in a spinning cert. As a fitness professional, I definitely recognize the importance of proper training and am on the lookout for a spinning cert ASAP! Again, thanks for your comments and for reiterating the importance of proper training!
Mad Dogs and Schwinn and great certifications, the safety of the participants is the key and understanding correct bike set up its one of the main subjects you will see in training. Im very surprise the Y doesnt required a certifcation. Music and enthusiasm its great but undertstanding level of resistance or RPM in different workouts its very important. I have both certifications plus RPM with Les mills and my point of view is not just as an instructor its also as a participant and every person its different. You can have the ones that are looking for the cardio workoutand great music dont care about RPM, however they want to make sure the next day they feel ok. Really encourage you to look for that certification that will make you feel a better instructor.
That’s so cute that you get to write your name on the bar!
What all is on that salad?
I always wondered if Physique 57 is the same as Pure Barre. I live in NYC and while I have only taken the Physique 57 class once I plan on enjoying many more. I think you mentioned you took one of Physique’s classes while in NYC. Are they similar? Congrats on 100 classes!
eee good luck with the spin class! sounds fun to plan that out! lucky you for being a special attendee of the 100 class!
Check out http://strongfitbeautiful.net/. She’s an AWESOME cycle instructor and posts her playlistst. I used to take cycle from her before I moved. Awesome.
Thank you for sharing!!
Good luck with the spin class! Also, thats great that you’ve done 100 classes!
I have been teaching spinning for a few years and all of my playlists are on spotify if you want to check them out! My username is rachelkeystone. I usually map the music by using the chorus for springs, climbs, etc and then write down my cues in a little spiral notebook. It’s super helpful to be able to tell the class “ten more seconds”. I always switch it up – lots of intervals, switching from sprints to climbs to tabata songs. I always turn up the music when we “work” during sprints or climbs which my class really seems to enjoy. I have heard good things about the schwinn app but they don’t make it for android yet 🙁
I love pure barre classes! I would love to get into them again – thanks for the reminder about how fun they are!
That is so exciting, spinning is one of my favorite classes to teach!! My favorite resource is spotify, because the right music is so important in this class! I have a playlist called “Spin Class Songs” with a ton that I’ve used through the year- you’re obviously welcome to follow it!
ALso, giving the class visuals is always helpful…for example, when “going up a hill”, have them picture riding through mud or cement. Or when you’re on a flat, have them picture a finish line that they’re racing towards. Cheesy at times- but it really works!
Good luck!! 🙂
I would love to know how it has changed your body (for better or worse) and if it is something that should be combined with cardio/strength training/etc. Basically, what does it replace and what do you feel you still need.
Also, I am always worried about my thighs bulking up (the one reason I’m not a fan of spin) but I think barre classes boast lean muscle right? Wouuld love to hear how your body has changed after all those classes.
Congratulations on 100 classes! That is awesome. I am yet to even try it but it has been on my long list of fitness things I want to try for a while so I really must get onto it.
Loving that salad you made. I am always jealous of some of the easy to prepare foods you guys have in the US. We are so behind with those kinds of foods here in Australia, one day though 🙂
Spin instructor here too!
When i first started I would write my rides out on full pieces of paper, but then I switched to index cards. I would definitely encourage having them written down somewhere and I would also suggest doing a complete run through before your first class, just to make sure you really know what’s coming.
Choose music that you like as if you like it, your energy is better and that translates to the class. of course you can’t love every song, but still, pick things that pump YOU up.
Members definitely appreciate instructors who are enthusiastic but who have also taken the time to put some thought into their ride.
I’d gladly share more info if you want more. I belong to a bunch of cycling groups on facebook and also follow other instructors on spotify.
I’m sure you’ll do great, have fun with it!
Thank you so much!! I appreciate the advice!
100 classes is AMAZING! I don’t feel like I’ve ever committed to a class that long EVER! Possibly running and spinning…I am a spin instructor, so I certainly have more than 100 of those under my belt;) Make sure your playlist is in the right order! As a person in the class, I hate when the teacher has to mess with their iPod or iPhone during the ride. It just ruins the flow! As an instructor, definitely make sure you’re helping set up bikes correctly! That’s key to getting a lot of first timers to come back 🙂 Hahaha good luck!
Would love your feedback on the cost of pure barre. I’ve always wanted to try but have a hard time justifying a cost more than 4x my gym membership. Do you think its worth it? Any suggestions on ways to make it more affordable? Thanks!
Congrats on your 100th!! I’m well on my way too and will hit 100 before the end of Dec. totally hooked!!
thank you!! good luck to you on your goal, too!! 🙂
wohoo congrats!!
You will make a great spinning instructor! I think keeping people engaged is key – whether you are giving pointers on form or offering general info, or even telling a personal story or motivational quote. Anything really! I think variety without being too all over the place is key…as well as good music! Good luck!
I think you will be a great spin instructor! As a frequent spin student, I always enjoy a motivated and energizing instructor and an upbeat playlist! I’m sure your seemingly endless energy will keep your class happy 🙂
Best of luck with your spin class! You will do great.
And you have us wanting to try a Barre class. One day we will get the courage 😉