Smear a whole bunch of chocolate peanut butter on top of a banana and a hungry little dog magically appears.
We’re all peanut butter fanatics in the Fagan household. Even the extra-furry Fagan family members… like Ryan. Zing!
Unfortunately Sadie couldn’t sample my chocolate peanut butter-topped banana since chocolate is not a dog-approved food, but since I’m such a sucker, she managed to finagle a scoop of traditional peanut butter out of me after giving me the Puss In Boots eyes.
I bought the chocolate peanut butter I used as a (highly unattractive) banana topper from Earth Origins and it is incredible.
After dinner last night, I could not stop heading into the pantry for spoonful after spoonful of this stuff while Ryan and I watched the election coverage. It’s addicting! If you see it at an Earth Origins near you, consider yourself warned!
My breakfast also included a plate of scrambled eggs with salsa for a punch of protein and a cup of peppermint mocha coffee with a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
A good start to the day!
Before breakfast, Ryan and I headed to the gym for a Wednesday workout. I started my workout with a 15 minute warm up on the elliptical before heading into the weight room to complete Workout B from Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp program.
On Monday my fellow boot campers and I entered Phase 2 of Tina’s workout plan. Phase 2 focuses on strength endurance training. Today’s workout was right up my alley because it made my muscles burn but incorporated bursts of cardio moves to make me sweat and get my heart rate up. Another winner from Tina!
Of Possible Interest
- What to Do with Old Running Shoes (
- Sticking to Your Evening Workouts (
- Lentil Artichoke Stew (
- 10 Ways to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure (
Question of the Morning
- If you’re a pet owner, what food makes your pet give you the Puss In Boots eyes?
Sadie wants nothing to do with most fruit, bread or baked goods, but when it comes to meat, cheese and vegetables, she’s an equal opportunity eater.
Oh man, I think all human food makes my dogs give the Puss in Boots eyes! They are so shameless! 😉 PB is a huge hit in our house, though.
Be careful with the breads….it is like alcohol to dogs and they can become junkies. Seriously. Something about the way their stomachs process yeast.
Our dogs will do anything for animal crackers. No joke. Cheapest dog treat ever.
The Kidless Kronicles
We have two bulldogs and they give us the eyes over any food. If you’re eating it, preparing it, or even just opening the refrigerator to think about it- they want in on it. They even like raw kale!
Hi Julie,
I have a workout related question. I am not overweight but i do need to get rid of some fat.
In my gym the trainer told me that before doing any weight/streight training (even squats and lunges etc.) I have to do cardio and lose the fat…otherwise I’m just going to bulk up. When I research the web I often read that you have te do both…What do you think I should do?
Thx! Greetz
I know you asked Julie, but I thought I would throw in my two cents. Hope that’s Okay! =)
I have lost a lot of weight in my life. I have tried a lot of different workout ideas. What has worked best for me is a combination of cardio and strength training.
The science behind it is that muscle burns fat even when at rest. And when you pump your muscles full of blood (by strength training) your cardio efforts are then targeted to your now warm, blood filled muscle.
The best way to avoid bulk is to watch what you eat. Protein without strength training will cause bulk (fatty bulk not muscle bulk) and so will too many carbs without enough cardio. As always it comes down to balance.
Hope that helped =)
Thx Amanda!
One more question, should I do body-weight exercises or weight lifting or both? 🙂
I have completed the Insanity workout and lost a lot of weight but it seems to have stopped now so maybe I should try weight lifting…
I also read about light weights and lots of reps or heavier weights with less reps…
I already have some muscle bcs of the Insanity workout…wicht one is best?
Sorry for all these beginners questions :p and also for my Englisch…(from Europe).
Big thx!
As far as body-weight vs. weight lifting I say do whatever challenges you! There are tons of body weight moves that are really challenging on their own. But if they aren’t, add some weight.
I personally prefer heavier weights and repeating until failure. I also use this technique because it helps tighten loose skin which I have from weight loss.
I have a weekly routine that incorporates both cardio and strength training and is scheduled in a way that helps prevent (too much) soreness while giving specific muscles recovery time.
Feel free to check out my blog for my workouts and workout log! =)
I wil definitely check out your blog!
Thx again for the help! 🙂
My dogs go crazy for popcorn. The second you pull it out of the microwave they are right there! My poodle stands up on her back legs and gives you the “eyes”. Works every time 🙂
I have a vizsla too!!.. he likes peanut butter (of course), french fries, and carrots (he can hear me cutting up carrots from across the house!).
I’ve never heard of Earth Origins, but it looks like there’s one about 20 minutes from my house! How random. 🙂
if your earth origins has bulk bins, i highly recommend their dark chocolate-covered almonds. they’re so, so good!
Nancy, my dogs love carrots too! Sometimes we even use them as treats!
our pups love popcorn!! our gsp sleeps like a rock (on his back, legs in the air, drooling and snoring)———but when he hears the sound of kernels being poured into my air popper he sprints like a mad man into the kitchen!! he doesn’t even do that when i get home from work!
i loooooove german shorthaired pointers! i would love to rescue one someday!
When is the next registrationg for best body boot camp?
My parents have a golden retriever and she is absolutely NUTS about greek yogurt. I was reading the paper at the kitchen table and had the yogurt next to me and she jumped up, grabbed the carton, and was working away within seconds. You have to be *very very very* careful with yogurt around her. It’s crazy, she’s more excited about yogurt than chicken or beef!
My dog growing up would eat anything. I think his favorite was any kind of red meat (no surprise there) probably because we never actually gave him legitmate dog treats.
My dog give me those same eyes! It’s so adorable I can’t stand it!
Our pup, Daisy makes those eyes for everything. Then she gobbles it up and looks at us again like, “please feed me, I’ve never been so hungry.” The eyes that I can’t seem to ignore though are the ones that she gives me while I’m at my computer working (I work from home mostly). She puts her front two paws on my lap and wiggles her face under my arm and looks at me. And about .2 seconds later we are on a walk. I am so well trained 🙂
My dog is all about bananas!! It’s the weirdest thing, but I guess I’m thankful it’s not something super unhealthy or bad for her {here’s to hoping my future kiddos beg for fruit instead of candy, too!}. If I even start peeling a banana, Holly usually hears it from all the way upstairs and is by my side in my side in a flash! Beggy puppy eyes included 🙂
My cats give me the Puss in Boots eyes ALL the TIME! We have a girl kitty that looks EXACTLY like Puss, and she does the eyes all the time. I just can’t resist it!
Those pictures look eerily similar!!
Waaaaaaahhhhhhh! (sorry, that’s supposed to be me crying, but now I’m not sure what it is…) I just looked up Earth Origins, and it looks like they’re all on the East coast. *sighs* I’ve been searching for a dark chocolate peanut butter for a LONG time, to no avail. The ones I’ve sampled taste like cardboard.
Any recommendations for chocolate peanut butter that I might be able to pick up at Whole Foods, Central Market, or Trader Joe’s?
And my dog LOVES turkey. Before we feed her, we normally make her do a certain number of tricks just to keep her smart and have funt. But when there’s turkey on the line, she does the tricks in superfasthyper mode. It’s so funny, but it makes me feel a bit like a circus master.
TJ’s has cocoa almond butter that is delicious…have you tried that?
Thanks for the tip, Jen! I’m super ashamed to say that Houston JUST got a Trader Joe’s, and I’ve been trying to let the crowds die down before I have my very first Trader Joe’s experience. 🙂 You’ve inspired me to start a shopping list for that first TJ experience, and I’m putting cocoa almond butter at the top of my list. Yummm.
No problem! And if you pair it with regular peanut butter, it’s like a reese’s cup. But that’s dangerous haha 🙂
Ha! Exactly the kind of tips I’m looking for. 🙂
Our new puppy gives us those eyes for absolutely every single food! Anything we’re making, he always wants a taste, even if it’s brussel sprouts, ha! But our golden retriever is a bit more picky. Her favorite food is cheese and no matter where she is in the house as soon as she gets a wif of an open container of cheese she comes running. Oddly enough, she couldn’t give two hoots about peanut butter, but that’s ok, just means more for me. 😉
My parents’ dog, Scout, loves ALL fruit (especially bananas). My parents spoil her so much that every night when they have fruit salad for dinner Scout gets some in her bowl as well. When I am home and pull out a banana she sits in front of me and waits because she knows I will share! She’s also a big peanut butter fan and we are often able to sneak medicine in with peanut butter when she needs it!
Aw, Puss in Boots eyes! Our greyhound Zelda is always hungry–like me!–so basically whenever there’s food around she gets all googly-eyed. She’s such a load. 😉
Oh my goodness your dog is absolutely the cutest! It’s so crazy how closely he resembles Puss in BOots!!!
I have a Westie and a Maltese. My Westie goes crazy when we cook salmon. Something about that smell when it’s cooking in the oven drives him bonkers. In addition to the “puss in boots” eyes, he runs back and forth sticking his nose out catching all the scents, licking his lips and wagging his tail. He’s a silly little dog ; )
Those crazy puppy eyes get me every time with the PB 🙂
My German shepherd doesn’t beg anymore when it comes to food. She now gives me those eyes when she wants to get on the couch. It gets me every time!
My dog literally thinks all food is for him. Any time I open the refrigerator, open a jar or bag of food, or go near the pantry, he runs over and automatically sits down. It used to be cute but it’s starting to get really annoying having him follow us all around the apartment any time we have food!
My beagle/schnauzer mix countersurfed for the first time for tuna fish. When I first got her, she wouldn’t eat vegetables or fruits—she thought they were toys. Now she eats them, but tuna fish is still her favorite.
My two dogs love apples, like start whining and going through their arsenal of tricks for a slice of apple. They love anything nutty but hate carrots! One of them loves ice cubes too.
My puppies will be for anything but when my parents make chicken they go absolutely nuts.
Omg I laughed when I opened your blog, her eyes really do look like Puss in Boots! My brother’s dog will do that if you aren’t constantly petting her! She loves attention, even more than food!
My dog loves mashed potatoes. his addiciton happened after I dropped a spoon once as I was making them… I can’t even get the mixer out to make cookies anymore without him thinking he’s getting potatoes.
lol equal opportunity beggar. She’s so cute. The chocolate peanut butter sounds amazing! It would make me go puss-in-boots-eyes too, I think.
My cats get serious doe eyes around tuna. Any can opening in fact gets their juices flowing!
Mine really like eggs & tuna. You should see my little boy dog attack the can of tuna. I let him lick out what’s left out of the can & he goes crazy! It’s really funny. 🙂
My dog has permanent puss in boots eyes! All day every day, she’s always looking like she’s starved for attention. Even if she’s laying on the couch between me and my boyfriend, if we’re not giving her adequate attention, she’ll be staring at us like “come on, you got 2 hands… you could be rubbing my belly!” Or she’ll stretch herself out on top of you while making a funny noise… just in case you didn’t notice her! Dogs are silly 😀
I could not stop laughing at the Puss in Boots eyes! She’s got those down pat!
My Catahoula, Bella, would love to eat pretty much anything my husband and I eat. We do limit it to scrambled eggs (no seasoning), bananas, peanut butter, carrots, and chicken. But when we aren’t looking she will steal pizza, brownies, Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses, sandwiches, fries, and whatever else we might want to eat. No worries, the vet is on speed dial now!
Honestly, any and all foods bring out Bear’s eyes. The only food that doesn’t is popcorn, which I find odd.
I have to ask and maybe you know the answer – is there a universal connection with runners and peanut butter? Every fellow runner I know or have discovered through reading different blogs has a peanut butter obsession and difficulty stopping eating it after a run. Yesterday, I nearly consumed a whole 16 oz jar. What is it about peanut butter and running?
My pup gives the feed me eyes for anything. He loves PB for certain! I have been eating pretty vegetarian recently and only got my pup in May-so there hasn’t been too much meat to go around. I’ve tried not to spoil him too much but I never feel bad about some PB, carrots, apples, bananas, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and things along that line. He tried fish recently and loved it along with chicken. He knows the sound of me cutting up apples and will be by my side!
My dog loves just about everything BUT bananas. However, when I break out the peanut butter and crackers, he’s my best buddy! 🙂
My Sadie is nuts after bell peppers and asparagus! I don’t know why she loves veggies so much, but I can’t deny her veggies. I just throw her the bad tips of the asparagus that I would throw away anyways. She also had those same eyes with her head in my lap this morning as I ate an apple with peanut butter before my run.
That chocolate peanut butter looks SO good! I’m a fan of Justin’s Hazelnut butter. And sometimes I’ll mix nutella and peanut butter to make my own chocolate peanut butter since we don’t have anything like earth origins around here.
My dogs do the same thing. They go absolutely NUTS for turkey. We can’t even keep them in the kitchen during Thanksgiving because they go absolutely insane!
oh gosh those eyes get me lol my cat does that to me when I’m eating yogurt haha he loves his Chobani
My labs go after anything but they really live milk (I don’t think it’s very good for them but my husband gives them the milk leftover from his cereal) and peanut butter.
I was filling their kongs on Sunday and left the peanut butter jar open on the counter since I got a phone call. Our 1 year old, Angel, was so upset she couldn’t get the jar! She kept coming up to me with those same puss in boots eyes while I was on the phone.
Our golden retriever, Jake, loves orange foods…frozen mango, sweet potato, pumpkin, salmon (ok that’s pink). He sits downs slowly and start licking his massive chompers. Good little buddy…He will go lie down if we tell him to, but he still gets plenty of treats!
No pets, but my sister’s dog would do those eyes! haha
beef jerky!
My dogs are equal opportunists. They do not care what we have… If we are in the kitchen or at the table, they so are they. I’ve dropped raspberries before, and they won’t eat those but they still continue to beg. I guess they hope I will give them a treat instead?
YUM. I need that peanut butter. Like stat. Except that it would all be gone within the first day I’m sure!!
Sadie is such a cutie! Our dog used to love smoked sauage! No matter where he was in the house when I opened the package, he would know it and come running!
My weim will pretty much house anything and everything in site but his faves are pb and chicken. Only not together. Well, probably together too.
Amadeus (my cat) always begs for peanut butter and yogurt when I have it. And of course I always give in!