I feel like I am finally breaking into the local magazine market in Ocala. Yeehaw!
Orlando has a ton of local publications and since I lived there for eight years, I felt like I had a good grasp on the local magazine scene when I was first trying to break into freelance writing. This made it easy to know which magazines fit my writing style. Since I was a long-time reader of many of the magazines, I felt more comfortable pitching story ideas to them.
When we moved, I made it a personal goal of mine to get involved with local magazines in Ocala.
I’ve been gathering every single local publication I can get my hands on in Ocala whether it be at the gym, local coffee shops, the grocery store or local restaurants. Like I mentioned in my Freelance Writing 101 post, I really try to keep my eyes peeled for publications that I might be able to write for every where I go.
While I’ve had some success in the past few months, I feel like I’m finally getting repeat assignments and it feels good to have a steady stream of work, even if it’s not raking in the big bucks. (Local freelance work rarely pays incredibly well.)
I have Lindsay, a new friend of mine, to thank for getting me an “in” with one of the publications. I had a chance to meet up with Lindsay after lunch today for an hour or so. Talking with her was so much fun because she has lived in Ocala her whole life (except for four years in Pittsburgh for college) and has a lot of knowledge to share about “must try” restaurants and fun hot spots. Plus, she’s getting married at the end of March, so anytime I can talk with someone about weddings, I’m all about it!
Before getting together with Lindsay, I ate a produce-packed lunch that included a salad made with arugula, green and red peppers, tomatoes and goat cheese.
Sides included strawberry banana Greek yogurt and two clementines.
I had a feeling I would be hungry fairly soon after lunch since my meal wasn’t very large, so I popped up some Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn to stash in my purse to bring with me to the local coffee shop where I met with Lindsay and am currently working.
Have you guys seen the new pop up bowls? Pretty cool!
Even though I’ve never been classy enough not to eat popcorn straight out of the bag, I can appreciate the easier “shareability” of the new pop up bowls.
I am actually participating in a month-long partnership with Orville Redenbacher and a few other bloggers and had a conference call last week where I got to speak with Bernie, a former contestant and at-home winner on The Biggest Loser, who is also working with the company.
What an amazing change, huh?
Ryan and I were big time Bernie fans when he was on the show and found his energy and optimism so inspiring. He’s just as bubbly over the phone and has a serious passion for helping others get healthy.
I am actually allowed to submit one reader question from one of you guys for Bernie to answer during the week of January 30! He’ll answer the question via video that I’ll then be able to share with you guys. Pretty cool, huh?
If you have a question you’d like for me to pass along to Bernie about anything and everything (I asked him to spill juicy secrets about The Biggest Loser when I talked to him!), feel free to post it below and I’ll pass it along.
WHAT!? I LOVE BERNIE! i remember him! I don’t have a question for him, but that is SO COOL!
he is the most energetic and bubbly person over the phone! i loved him during his season of the biggest loser and remember rooting for him. such a genuine guy!
I’ve not seen those pop up bowls, thanks for sharing! I think I’ll have to pick some up this weekend 🙂
My question for Bernie: Were there people in your life not supportive of your weight loss? How did you handle that?
Thanks Julie!
I loove popcorn! We have an air-popper at home which is so much fun to use. I have a question for Bernie:
“Do you find there is similar public pressure these days for men as there is for women to be thin and fit a certain body image?”
I’d like to know how long it took the Biggest Loser trainers to really help the contestants understand effective training and nutrition. And how did they break it down so that it wasn’t so overwhelming for newbies? I was wondering this the other day when one of my facebook friends posted a comment online about how to “tone” up certain areas after her gastric bypass. She mentioned that she didn’t want to lift too much weight because “she didn’t want to be jacked”. Where is the best place to begin with total newbies without making it overwhelming. That’s something I’m curious about….
I have two question ideas:
1. How much time did you all spend working with physical therapists to keep from getting injured? Like icing, stretching, etc?
2. Do you get to listen to music when you workout?
in my opinion, popcorn tastes MUCH better straight out of the bag. you keep the heat in there… and can scrape the butter from the sides!
I love microwave popcorn bur I always eat it out of a bowl because I don’t like touching the sides if the bag. Weird, I know. Those pop up bowls would be perfect for me!
You don’t seem to eat a lot of popcorn, but if you do, try the Nordicware microwaver popcorn maker. It’s this magic bowl that pops popcorn in your microwave. All you do is pour in popcorn kernels and stick it in your microwave. No oil needed! Bought mine for $9 at Target (by the plastic microwave covers), plus $6 for popcorn kernels, plus $3 for a Archer Farm’s kettle corn seasoning (YUM). We end up making our own buttered popcorn, kettle corn, salt and pepper corn… SO GOOD. Yes I’m a total shill for this microwave popper thing because I love it! And I think everyone should have one. 🙂 This is what it looks like but I’d recommend a Target trip so you can get all those things and make popcorn immediately. http://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Ware-60120-Microwaver-Popcorn/dp/B00004W4UP
I have one of those and love it! Everyone should get one – much more natural popped corn than a weird bag (but I do use bulk Orville Redenbacher corn 🙂 )
my parents have one of those! they’re awesome!
I love microwave popcorn but I always eat it out of a bowl because I don’t like touching the sides if the bag. Weird, I know. Those pop up bowls would be perfect for me!
Now I’m craving popcorn! 😀
That is so cool! I was also a huge Bernie fan during his season of Biggest Loser. He seemed like such a nice guy!
SO cool–and what an amazing change for him (And others who are now inspired by him).
No questons–but I’m sure it’s going to be good!
COngrats on breaking into the Ocala scene too, that’s awesome 🙂
I want to know what the trainers on the show are were like and how he motivates himself now that he’s off the ranch?
I never liked popcorn but I love that they have 100 cal packs that pop into a LOT of popcorn! I may change my mind just because I’m such a snacker lol
My question for bernie: what is your typical day routine? As in how many meals you eat and when and what you eat, as well as how many times a day you exercise, and when and what types of exercise.
I want to try those popup bowls but my husband is NOT a popcorn person, so I never even buy it!
Love the popcorn bowls! To cute 🙂
Such a great idea to make a pop-up bowl! Could always just turn a bag sideways and open it… Wonder why it’s taken so long to brand it 😛
Did you know it’s national popcorn day today?? =)
Totally was going to ask this as well! I tried to eat tomatoes yesterday and was sad to find that after awhile, I don’t have the taste buds for em anymore! 🙁
I noticed one other person mentioned this, but today is National Popcorn Day. Fun!
Bernie is lives near me and my husband got to meet him when Bernie came into my husband’s store looking to buy fitness equipment. My husband said he was so nice and down-to-earth. He even posed for a picture! 🙂
I recently moved to TX, but prior to moving I lived in Clermont,FL. While there I read a couple of lovely local magazines that you may want to approach for your freelane work. The magazines were Lake County magazine and Lake County Healthy Living. I think the same publisher has other publications. Hope this helps you.
perfect!!! thank you!
Good Luck with your freelance adventures. I love Biggest Loser but I miss them having a female trainer 🙁
Always looking for good ways to meet people (especially good girlfriends) in a new city… How did you meet Lindsey, if you don’t mind me asking? A goal of mine for the new year is to put myself out there more socially. Would love some tips! Thanks Julie 🙂
i actually met her through the blog! one of her friends mentioned my blog to her when they saw that i was from ocala and we’ve been facebooking each other back and forth for a while. i’ve also heard GREAT things about meetup.com. that site seems to have really neet meet up opportunities for people looking to meet new people with activities centered around so many different interests! i’m also hoping volunteering will expose me to more new people.
Ahh, I would have asked the same thing! Whenever I watch the biggest loser (and I always watch it), there are so many “behind the scenes” things I wonder about and want to know. I hope he fills us in on something juicy 🙂
I loved Bernie! He always made me smile. According to Twitter, yesterday (Thursday) was national popcorn day!
I am so happy you are sticking with your New Year’s Resolution and making new friends in Ocala! 🙂
I bought those pop up bowls last night!
I don’t have a question, but I am a popcorn addict!! LOVE Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop!!! (:
I’d like to know how they workout for that many hours, day after day, without taking rest days. If I do I tough workout, I can be sore for days after sometimes! Or do they take rest days without telling us? That’s what I’d like to know :).