Lunch today centered around leftovers.
I reheated a big bowl of crock pot curried lentils and topped them with a bit of fresh cilantro. The lentils actually tasted even better today! I suppose sitting in the refrigerator for two days allowed the flavors to develop even more.
On the side I had a sliced Harry & David pear.
When it comes to pears, Harry & David can’t be beat!
Questions of the Month: January
In 2013 I’m hoping to actually stick to the “Questions of the Month” series that I started last year and did exactly three times. Whoops.
Every month I hope to feature a small handful of your questions, focusing on questions that I received more than a couple of times from many of you.
- I love the wrist wallet that you wore to store your fuel during your half marathon! Where did you get it?
The wrist wallet was actually a Christmas present from my mom and she bought it at TJMaxx. It’s made by Sprigs and they can also be purchased online.
I’ve also seen a few wrist wallets for sale at Target and Given makes multi-colored wrist wallets especially for runners that hold fuel, keys, an ID, etc. (I love the pink and aqua colors!)
- I’ve been reading blogs for over a year now and really want to start one of my own but I feel so overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. Do you have any tips or advice for a new blogger?
Yes! A while ago I started a series on the blog called Blog Talk Tuesdays where I addressed common blogging-related questions from readers, including how to start a blog and what blogging platforms I recommend.
- How to Start a Blog, Blog Focus, Self Hosting and More
- Blogger Safety
- Company Outreach
- Connecting with Other Bloggers
- Rising Above Negativity
- Balancing Blogging and Real Life
- How to Increase Blog Readership
- Freelance Writing 101
- Blog Pictures, Organization and Photo Editing
- Everyday Blogging Tools
You can always locate the links to these posts and other blogging-related posts on my Blogging page, located underneath the Favs tab at the top of the blog.
- I really want to get into running but I cannot run more than five minutes without feeling breathless. I feel like running a 5K would be a great goal for me and was wondering if you have any training plans for beginners that you would recommend. Thanks!
I am a huge fan of Hal Higdon’s plans. He has awesome plans for all different race distances, but his Novice 5K plan is a great one for beginners. And he has a 5K walking training plan! I’ve also heard people absolutely rave about the Couch-to-5K plan. Another quality training plan is Jeff Galloway’s 5K training plan.
Question of the Afternoon
- If you have completed a race before, did you follow a training plan? Did you like it? Please share any favorites!
I need to look into that wrist wallet to hold my keys and things while running! I always awkwardly try to hide my keys and it’s not a good plan haha Great question/answer!
I will second the Couch to 5k, especially for someone who says they can’t run for more than 5 minutes without getting breathless, because the great thing about C25K is that you start running for only 30 seconds on and 30 seconds walking. You work your way up to running more than walking, but it’s so slowly you really start to get the hang of it first.
Thanks for the links!! I am running my first 5K in April (The Color Run!! 🙂 and I am a bit intimidated. I am in pretty good shape but I mostly strength train so I am not a good runner at all!
the color run looks like so much fun!! good luck!
Really like this series! Reading your blog regularly adn the blog talk series finally helped me bite the bullet and start my own blog!
I completely agree about the Hal Higdon plans – LOVE them!! I used his Novice plan when I first started running 3 or so years ago and always revert back to his plans when I need to get back into running after a long hiatus or when training for a new distance. i’m currently training for my first 1/2 marathon with his plan. So far so good! (Knock on wood). 🙂
Two out of these three questions were ones I would have asked you! I’ve just started training for a 10km and started a food blog after months of hesitation. Your tips for both were really helpful, thanks for the advice!
i’m so glad to hear it! good luck on your 10K!
So glad you’re bringing this feature back! It’s a fav of mine 🙂 I have designed my own training plans in the past, which have been loosely based on legit ones. I develop shin splints very easily, so I usually have to extend my training over a long period of time and develop slowly. I also like to always include at least two days of weight work, which I find many training plans don’t include!
I followed Jeff Galloway’s 5K Plan a few years ago and it was a good one! Thanks for the roundup of blogging tips 🙂
When I first started running I did the couch to 5k and loved it! Super easy plan to follow and I felt great working my way up to running longer distances. I am not as consistent as I should be but I do enjoy running. Reading your blog and your workout tips really help to motivate me. Thanks!
Thanks for the new blogger tips! I just started my own, and I agree, it’s a whole new world.
When I first started racing, I’d already built a base of about 4 miles, but then I signed up for a 10K and followed Hal Higdon’s plan. I also used Hal Higdon for marathon training and loved it!
I need to go back and read all of your blog tips. I definitely like the question feature. It’s SO different to be a blogger and not just a reader. I honestly thought it would be so much easier, but holy, it’s not. Hah. And getting used to taking pictures is still a new one for me.
I tend to make up my own plans that work for how I like to motivate myself, but I will definitely look at those 5k plans you mentioned. Recently I was reading about the Disney princess half marathon and thought that sounded like so much fun. It just seems like way to hard of a goal for me to achieve. My husband said I should look for one that I could do as part of a relay team. Thought that was a good idea. Thanks for the info!
I meant to tell you that the Sadie pictures in all your Blog Talk Tuesday posts had me rolling on the floor! You get the best pictures of her facial expressions!
i love the wrist wallets! you were an inspiration for me to start my blog: thanks for the advice!
Thanks for sharing about your wrist wallet. I noticed that one on here too and wondered where you got it. I want to find one! I used a Hal Higdon plan for my first half marathon. It was a great starting point for me. As I got more comfortable with my training I adjusted it a bit.
i saw a bunch for sale by new balance at target!
i’m also a fan of hal higdon! i followed two of his plans for my first half and full marathons, and after using a running coach for my second marathon, i feel even more confident about using hal 🙂
Where is the jacket you wore for the ZOOMA Half Marathon from? It’s super cute!! I absolutely love your blog, you’re a huge inspiration! Thanks for all the great tips 🙂
I’m using the couch to 5K app and I absolutely love it! My running tolerance levels are way up and I’m only four weeks in! Check it out if you are looking for a program I highly recommend it!
Since I started running I’ve participated in either the half or full of the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach, VA. They provide a free training plan with two options, beginner or intermediate, for both races. I love this plan and have used it by adjusting the dates for other races as well! It’s great because you never run a ton of miles on weeknights (good for someone who works full time) and the long runs are spaced out perfectly.
My first half-marathon, I used the FIRST Half-marathon plan and followed it to a T. I chose that plan because it fit my busy schedule. Two runs during the week, one long run on the weekend.
For my first marathon, I joined my Fleet Feet distance running club which happened to be targeting the same marathon that I signed up for (ScotiaBank Toronoto Waterfront Marathon 10/2011). Full training calendar was provided as well as scheduled long run with the group (water/nuun along the routes). Definitely worth my $75 for the 16 weeks of running with new friends for 3+ hours at a time!
Definitely a fan of Hal Higdon. I used his plan for 10k training, and I loved it. I’m also using his Novice I plan for my first half coming up. Hope it goes well!
I love your wrist wallet, I didn’t even notice it before! Super cute and convenient, I’m gonna have to keep my eye out next time I find myself in TJ Maxx (which let’s face it, will probably be very soon)
I got a shirt recently that had a zipper pocket on the back of it and I used it and found it incredibly difficult to get to. I’m a big fan of the shorts / pants that come with a zip pocket. That wrist one is handy for clothes that come with out.
I have raced a bunch of times and when I started I just kinda went for it. I figured being stubborn would get me through it and it worked (10 miles was my first race!). My roommate is a newbie runner and did the couch to 5k and she really liked it.
I ALSO used Hal Higdon’s plan! I was crazy though – I signed up for a half marathon having never even run a 5K beforehand. lol
I used Hal Higdons plan for my first half marathon, which was 7 years ago. I highly recommend his plans too! I don’t use his plans now that I’ve ran so many races & know what to expect. However, the plans I create for myself now are still loosely based off Hal Higon’s website.
Hal Higdon is great! I used the novice version for a marathon but then ended up only doing a half marathon since my fiance was injured during training, and I wasn’t up for training on my own yet. Marathons demand a lot of time and I prefer the half marathon distance for now 🙂 I’m planning to race my fourth half marathon this spring and will probably use the Hal Higdon intermediate version!
Having a wrist wallet sounds like a fantastic idea! I wonder if they make ones big enough to hold your phone in or do you usually use an armband for that?
I’ve done a few 5k’s and never really trained for them. I just kinda jumped in and tried to run with it. 😉
Such a cute wrist wallet!
If someone really wants to get into running, I, as a long time runner and a daughter of two running parents, would recommend to write it down and do it and if I was coaching myself as a beginner runner i would want endurance first, obviously, the speed can wait. I would do something like this:
Monday: Run 1 mile, jog it, don’t walk it. Or at least run 5 minutes, take a break, run another 5 minutes. Then walk for about 20 more minutes.
Tuesday: Run 1 mile, walk 1 mile, run 1 mile. Or run 10 minutes, walk 10 minutes, run 10 minutes.
Wed: Repeat Monday
Thurs: Repeat Tuesday
Friday: Try to run 2 miles without stopping.
Then the next few weeks, just increase the time or mileage by 1 mile or another 10 minutes.
Never go out and try to run as much as you can as fast as you can–> which is what most ppl do and they end up breathless.
For races, I’ve been a cross country girl so, i would have 2-3 speed work days (intense) and then 2-3 mileage days for endurance and recovery. That got my in 5k shape like crazy. I brought my 5k from 29 minutes to 25 minutes. Now I’m working on knocking off another minute and now my half marathon will go from 2:15 to 1:53ish. 5ks are a good building block if youre looking for increasing speed.
I also like doing 10X200m a lot when training for a 5k.
I do like following training plans because otherwise I don’t do long runs or speedwork!
Right now I’m using the Women’s Health 10 week training program for my first half-marathon. Although the half is in March, I just finished 8-9 miles and can notice myself getting stronger/faster because it incorporates interval training:
I love the answers about how to start a blog! I started my blog a few months ago so it’s always great to have some tips and guidance.
I am just looking into training for my first half marathon! I am definitely going to try to follow a plan so that I feel ready for the race 🙂
With a goal of completing a half-marathon this year, I actually signed up with a local half-marathon training group in my hometown! Since I’ve loved running since I’ve started, I just needed the guidance of being able to run properly.
Thanks for the blog tips! I just started my blog about a month ago and they have been very helpful 🙂
Leftovers for the lunch win – mine too! 😉
I followed Couch to 5K for my first 5K and I loved it! I’ve also used Hal Higdon’s plans for longer races and I love those as well. I’m training for a 10-mile race (and maybe a half!) and I’ve been using one of Hal’s plans but that I tweaked a little to fit my schedule. It’s been going well so far!
When I trained for my first 1/2 marathon about a year and a half ago, I used a training program for beginners that I clipped out of a Runner’s World magazine. You can also buy it on their website!
Now I’m about to run in the LA Marathon and am part of the LA Roadrunners running club. We follow a program designed by our coach, Andrew Kastor (Deena Kastor’s husband!) and it is awesome.
I highly recommend following a training program, especially if you’re new to running. I had been running “casually” for a few years before I decided to train for a half and I was completely amazed by how much I learned and took away from the program. I always thought I couldn’t increase my mileage beyond what I was doing…turns out it’s because I wasn’t doing it right! I literally could not believe how much I improved in such a short amount of time. Back when I was running 10-12 miles a week, I used to say I would never even think about doing a marathon…now I say never say never 🙂
When I first started running, I used Couch-2-5K and it was AMAZING! Great for someone who’s never ran before. Now, I swear by Hal’s plans for my half marathons. They’re fantastic!
I am training to run a half marathon at the end of March! I am hoping to get in some fun 5K’s with friends before the big day!
When I did my full marathon, I followed the training plan in Runner’s World for a 4hour marathon (I’m sure it can be found on their website). I ran my marathon in 4:15 and it was super cold and rainy, so I was pretty happy with it.
Hal Higdon has helped me cross every new finish line I’ve crossed. Even if it is a redundant 5k; if I had not ran in a while I will pick up one of his plans and run. I’m currently using his 1/2 marathon plan that I download from iTunes that interjects support tips during my run.
I am a big fan of the Hanson Brooks Training plans.
Those lentils look delicious!!!
I used Hal Higdon’s plans for my 15k and half marathon…loved them!
I love that you are willing to take the time to answer all these questions. It is super helpful! So, thank you, thank you 🙂
I followed Hal’s 1/2 marathon plan and found that I really liked it. I will sometimes modify the plan a bit depending on my week, but it is definitely great as a base.
Still not sure what the question of the month is.
they’re just frequently asked questions that i receive that i highlight each month. hope that’s a little more clear!
I am currently using Hal Higdon’s plan for my first half-marathon!
i followed his plan for my first half, too! good luck!
Thanks for all that blogging info! It’s great for someone like me who’s just getting started 🙂
OH MY GOSH. Love Harry and David pears.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Couch to 5K as well, and that is the walking/running planning I am currently on. I’m only on week three but it’s great! A friend of mine used Couch to 5K two years ago and just last month she ran a marathon. If you don’t think you can run you should definitely try this program because I never thought I could run for three minutes either and I was really out of shape!