I woke up nice and early this morning do knock out 35 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before heading into a morning yoga class offered at my gym.
Walking into class, I had one of those R. Kelly moments, where “my mind’s tellin’ me no, but my body, mah booooody’s telling me yeeees!” My mind was all over the place and said not to take the class, but my body wanted a good stretch.
I took my place on my mat and tried my best to get into all of the poses. I loved the stretching and knew my body was happy, but my brain would not shut up. I had a million odd thoughts running through my mind, including:
- Oh my gosh, my legs are so hairy!
- I have the tightest hamstrings known to man.
- I wish that lady to my right wasn’t so darn close to me.
- Seriously. She’s practically on my mat.
- Shoulder stands are the besssst! They’re easy but make me feel like I’ve got skillz.
- Holy hamstrings.
- Oh, that lady has lululemon pants. Lulu-leeeeemon.
- Yoga would be 10 times cooler if every other pose didn’t focus on hamstrings.
- I should wear my hair in a bun next time. This ponytail is annoying.
- What should I make for dinner tonight?
- I hope Ryan doesn’t look into this class right now. My butt is contorted in an extremely unattractive way.
- I like this music. It reminds me of Enya.
- Maybe it is Enya?
- I need a tan. Badly.
Suffice it to say I think I failed at the “quieting the mind” aspect of yoga today.
Walk + Breakfast
I came home to a dog that was ready to walk. I let her out in our backyard while I went to grab a scarf and when I returned she did not look amused.
I think my efforts to bundle up took a little too long for her liking.
Once we were both cozy in our respective fleeces (North Face for me Martha Stewart Pets for Sadie), we headed out for a one-mile walk.
It took Sadie a little longer than usual to find a stick that she fancied, but when she did, she and the stick quickly became best friends for life.
They were like the mean girls in school and apparently made some sort of a pack to exclude me from all the fun.
So I took Sadie’s stick and broke it over my knee. You will be MY friend, dog!
Okay, okay, just kidding.
Once the three of us were finished walking, we headed in for breakfast. (Stick friend stayed outside.)
Check out my totally original breakfast! 😀
For the third time this week, I dug into my favorite breakfast bagelwich.
I know I’ve been raving about these cinnamon raisin bagel thins, but I should probably add that I don’t think they’re unbelievably amazing without the gooey, melted cheese. It’s the combination of the cheese with the sweetness of the bagel thin that I adore so much.
Hi ho, hi ho…
Motivational Mantra of the Day
You don’t HAVE to exercise. You GET to exercise. (Kimberly)
Of Possible Interest
- 5 Awesome Overlooked Cardio Machines (FitSugar.com)
- Ultimate Guide to Healthy Snacking (Self.com)
- 10 Forgotten Winter Fruits and Veggies (Health.com)
Ha I’m sure about 75% of those things go through everyone’s mind during yoga! Especially the ponytail thing… I’m thinking of trying a braid during my next class.
I wish that my gym offered morning yoga classes. I am the same- my mind NEVER stops!
i’ve found that i can only do yoga in the mornings. afternoon/evening classes are even worse for me when it comes to shutting off my mind.
hahaha THAT Is my exact problem with yoga.. i can’t get my mind to shut up… im working on it though!
I’ve always struggled with shutting my mind off during yoga. I think it takes a lot of practice.
I love the quote. Isn’t it awesome to know that we CAN exercise! I have a fit enough body, and I don’t have an injury, so I can exercise. I know I took this for granted for far too long, and experienced serious sadness when I couldn’t exercise for several weeks due to a hip tear.
i honestly now look at my experience with hip bursitis as a blessing in disguise. i was so, so upset and honestly cried all the time because i couldn’t even WALK without pain. now i know the ability to exercise is truly a gift.
I think this post is why I haven’t gotten into yoga. While yes, it is good for you and I definitely could use a bit more stretching. My brain always goes off in a million diff directions when i’m working out, but it’s part of why I love to work out. 🙂
you are TOO hilarious. and i’m glad i’m not the only one who has 2398479234 thoughts running through her mind during yoga!
Hahah! I love reading what you were thinking the entire time you were doing yoga! So funny!
I love cinnamon raisin bagel thins too! They are so delicious!
I loved this post, my mind is so similar during yoga. My small bladder also usually means I spend half the class thinking about racing to the bathroom!
ugh. I hate it when people put their mat too close to you. the point of yoga is to relax and stretch, how can you relax with someone invading your personal space?? i would’ve hip-checked her during downward dog.
the same lady actually farted in class last week. no lie. the whole time she was all up in my grill i was waiting for a little “pffffttt” again.
Your yoga stream of consciousness is hilarious!
LMAO. That R.Kelly mention just made my morning. Hahahaha….
i don’t see nothin’ wrooooong… with a little bump and griiiind.
haha–I love all your thoughts during yoga! I do the same thing–that whole clear your mind and relax thing? No way! 🙂
Definitely can’t quiet my mind…ever really. 🙂 Whenever Ryan and I take classes together I always make him stand in front of me so he can’t see how awkward I look from behind. Haha.
Haha. I hate having that feeling that someone is just a little too close while exercising.
Btw, they’re turning Hunger Games into a movie…
YES! i can’t wait. i wonder if they’d let me play katniss. well, since i have blonde hair, i’d also settle for peeta. 😉
Your yoga commentary had me cracking up! I’m always constantly thinking, “How do they seriously expect me to breathe at the exact.same.time when they say ‘inhale…ok…now exhale.'” I’d be blue in the face.
OMG BFF necklaces? Oh man, middle school was the worst. I think I had like five pairs of those things, though, and in some cases, I remember having to keep them secret so I didn’t hurt someone else’s feelings.
i have the same problem with thinking too much in yoga…but the thing that helps me is realizing that everyone else in the room is kind of struggling to find peace in their thoughts too!
hahahahha my mind runs whenever i do yoga too !! do you recommend doing yoga before cardio or cardio before yoga ? i always feel i get a better workout if i do yoga BEFORE.
i would say it’s totally up to the person. i like to do cardio before because once i’m in a yoga class, i lose all motivation to do any kind of hardcore cardio!
I am the same way! I have to get the “harder” stuff out of the way first. But yoga is hard too, for the reason of exactly what you’re talking about here! Darn brain won’t husssssh.
Hahaha I think I fail at the quiet mind thing about 80% of the time in yoga! Oh well, there’s lots of time for improvement right?? Have a god day Julie!
That is my mind ALL THE TIME. It’s never quiet. My friends say “the squirrels are talking.” hahahaha
I have been trying to quiet my mind and meditate every night for 5-10 minutes. So far, I think that meditating stresses me out! Good idea on trying this in the morning instead of after a long, busy day at work!!
This comment is on the link you posted at the end of your post, “5 awesome overlooked cardio machines”.
I rediscovered this machine about 3 weeks ago and it has been wonderfully kicking my butt ever since. It is seriously such a good cardio workout as well as leg workout. You’re truly getting a two for one workout with this machine. Real leg work plus cardio– can’t go wrong.
Especially because a lot of ladies forget that just doing straight cardio doesn’t necessarily always burn a lot of calories throughout the day. This baby will help fix that problem up real quick let me tell you!
Oooh you and I are yoga soul sisters! I was laughing to myself reading your thoughts. When I did practice, it took a few weeks to get into just being in the moment. Although your qualms with hamstrings = mine with downward facing dog. So. Many. Perhaps my only thought is, “Another one?? WHY?!?”
Are these cinnamon raisin bagel thins the Alternative Bagels? Did you order them online? I am thinking I want to jump on this bagelwich bandwagon!
nope… they’re made by thomas’. they’re thinner than the alternative bagels.
both your bagel thins and sandwich thins were featured on Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today show this morning! you must be on to something!
The Sadie pictures always make me smile! 😀
Oh your yoga thoughts just got me really excited to get back into yoga classes. I just purchased an monthly pass for unlimited yoga for super cheap – I’m so excited!
Okay, so what exactly constitutes as waking up early for someone who already gets up so early?? 🙂
The pics/captions of Sadie had me cracking up!
5:30 a.m. – sometimes i sleep in until 6:30 or 7 on days when i don’t take bodypump (which starts at 5:45 a .m.)
you are one dedicated chick — quite an inspiration!
This post was hilarious Julie. 🙂 I totally agree about quieting my mind during yoga…there’s so much emphasis on it, the opposite starts happening. Every time they say something about emptying your mind, brand new thoughts just jump in there. I’m not so great at yoga. 🙂
hahaha. I love the random thoughts posts. I think I have as much fun writing them as I do reading them. 😀
THIS baby popped up on my news feed, and I immediate thought of you. Check it out – looks like The Hunger Games may be turning into a movie?
Am I totally late on this news?
For everyone that cant turn their mind off in yoga you all need to try BIKRAM yoga. Not just “hot yoga” but actual bikram (theres a difference). I have never been able to turn my mind off in yoga and quite frankly have never wanted to, I’m just not into that Om stuff. Then I discovered bikram and its like the best thing ever. Most instructors are hardcore and they pretty much yell at you “GO BACK, LEAN BACK, FAR BACK, ALL THE WAY BACCCCKKK!” its awesome haha. Its more of that hardcore workout feeling that I bet you all feel like youre missing in regular yoga class (I know I do). Anyways, just a thought!
I LOVE Sadie’s sweatshirt. So cool and yet so cozy. The cutest.
I don’t know if this fits in with all of your other motivational mantras but I really like it and thought I would share!
“I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” -Indian Proverb
I don’t really know why but it helps me get through challenging runs/workouts, and it just motivates me in general! 🙂 Happy Thursday!
Your dog looks so cute! That’s how I am during yoga…the OMG my legs are hairy thought is always going through my head, hahaha.
I have noticed that with me if I take yoga in the morning my mind races like CRAZY. But if I take yoga in the evening hours it’s much more calmer. perhaps that’s the case here? but it also does take a good amount of practice for quieting the mind so it could just be that too. LOL!!!
I’m laughing hysterically at your random thoughts. It’s like listening to myself!
haha, i totally feel like that every single time i have tried yoga – so eventually i just decided that its not really for me. running clears my mind more i think?? thats cuz im watching tv on the tread and not thinking. lol.
sadie is too cute – hahahha “are u ready yet?” tooooo funny. i love you narrations
that sounds like my mind when i take yoga…especially the hamstring part!
Glad you had a good yoga class, even if your mind was racing! =D For me, its when I’m stretching that all these random thoughts crowd my mind! =D
Sadie looks adorable!
I really need to get some of those cinnamon bagel thins!
this is why I struggle with yoga! I have a REALLY hard time concentrating on it. Any tips for times you’ve successfully shut off the mind chatter?!
You are hilarious this morning 😀 You definitely gave me a FEW good laughs. Thank you SO much, I REALLY needed it this morning…it’s been a really bad morning…tears & all. But this cheered me right up! You are the best 🙂
We have the same yoga problem. I love the stretch, but I just can’t “zen” line I’m supposed to. The gym I go to near my parents’ house used to have a “stretch and strengthen” class, which I LOVED- yoga-like poses but with more of an emphasis on repairing muscles for athletes- but it got replaced with another yoga class. So annoying! I’m not a patient enough of a person for yoga.
I also have a really hard time shutting my mind off. It races a hundred miles an hour. Don’t think I would be any good at yoga. 🙂
That’s why I never do yoga, even though I need to! My mind just will NOT be put to rest!
hahaha you are cracking me up this morning. I have the same problem with trying to shut my mind up during yoga. I don’t think I could ever actually successfully meditate.
Hahah I am the same way in yoga classes!! I always wonder how the people next to me seem to get so into it and I have trouble leaving everything outside of the studio like they tell us to. At least I usually leave feeling better!
I had the same problem in Body Flow yesterday! Even when I can’t relax, it still feels good.
P.S. I mentioned you on my yogurt/fitness pack giveaway today (you introduced me to the Jell-O/Greek yogurt combo)!
Original, schmoriginal. Enjoy that breakfast! 😀
Umm so how about I never understood how you got up so early to get movin and do everything that you do. Now I get it! I’ve gotten up and worked out every day this week before work and I have so much more energy! This morning I did dishes and made the bf breakfast in bed after my workout. Go team! PS. I thought you chopped off your hair in the last picture, I thought oh that’s so cute! You didn’t…your hair is there in case you didn’t already know…still cute, just not chopped off lol.