Apparently Sadie thinks she will melt in the rain. She walks on wet sidewalks with light, awkward steps and looks up at me every five seconds as if to say, “How much longer are we going to be in misery?”
Well, my mom caught wind of Sadie’s hatred for rain and bought her a pink raincoat for Christmas! Since it was rainy outside this morning, I slipped it on Sadie before our walk.
She was quite excited about her little jacket until I opened the door and she saw the rain coming down.
She sniffed the wet air, walked back inside and just looked at me.
I pulled her outside and we went on a short walk. Once we got moving, Sadie didn’t seem to mind the dreary weather. Apparently her rain jacket was a success!
Plus, when we got home she just about peed herself with excitement when she saw me grab a towel. This dog loves to be toweled off!
Breakfast was a cozy bowl of yogurt with quinoa and freshly sliced strawberries.
I love the texture that quinoa adds to a bowl of yogurt. It’s slightly chewy and just plain fun to eat.
One last thing before I’m off to work…Did you hear about Starbucks’ new logo?
Not sure how I feel about that one….
I saw the new Starbucks logo yesterday, I think it will definitely take some getting used to!
I love that Sadie has a rain coat. Also not sure how I feel about the new logo. I think it will take some getting used to.
Funny, our dog Loki (an english pointer) wont go out in the rain either, she will hold it all day and refuse to go out if we let her. I love that rain coat:)
maybe sadie needs rainboots! hahaha. she’s so cute!
i don’t like the new logo!!!
Haha that is too cute! And I love that she gets so excited to be toweled off.
I love the little captions you give her! lol
It was such a treat to see Sadie in her new coat. She looks adorable and I can just picture her reaction to the rain. As for Starbucks new logo – first reaction isn’t good. I never noticed the Siren in the old logo so if they want to highlight that, they may be right! XO Mama
OOF I didn’t know about the logo until I saw it here! I’m never a fan of change, but I’m sure I’ll get used it.
Hahaha! My doggies don’t care for the rain either. I open the door, they start to go out and quickly stop when a few rain drops hit them. I’ve been know to walk outside with an umbrella covering them all the while I’m getting soaked!
haha, how cute that she sticks her nose up at the thought of walking out in the rain! Such a girl. 😛
That raincoat is too cute! If she’s that disgusted with rain, how does she fare in the snow?
I think the new logo looks really plain and boring. I liked the last one better!
Sadie’s such a princess! Haha love her in her little raincoat. I bet grandmama is loving this post 🙂
I just put my dog down today, so I love these pictures of Sadie!! Love seeing a happy, smiling, joyful dogs!!
I’m not sure about the new logo…
Aw, Sadie, love her! Regarding starbucks new logo – I’m not a fan!