In the words of the Dixie Chicks, I awoke this morning “ready to run.”
Fortunately this little menace did as well…
We were quite the running duo and completed 5 miles in right around 46 minutes while jammin’ out to my favorite Run, Run, Run playlist.
Normally I take Sundays off from working out, but I wanted to run and know I won’t be hittin’ the gym for nearly 13 days when I’m in Europe next week so I went with it.
When we arrived home from our run, Sadie made a bee-line for her water dish. I knew she had the right idea and made myself something cold and liquidy to enjoy for breakfast as well.
I made myself a smoothie bowl by combining the following:
- 1 1/4 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1/2 c. frozen strawberries
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 2 pinches xanthan gum
- 1 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 2 handfuls fresh spinach
I hope this smoothie fuels me through a busy morning. Unfortunately this Sunday will not be a day of rest. I have a million things on my to do list today ranging from Europe and blog-related preparations to some freelance work and laundry.
It’ll be a busy one!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated today!
NICE RUN!! 5 miles is my FAV distance!!! girl u are the SMOOTHIE QUEEN!
Congrats on an amazing run, Julie! Hope you stay productive and get everything done. You must be SO excited for Europe! I know I would be. 😀
Happy Sunday funnndaaayyy! Awesome run with an awesome pal 😉
Enjoy your day!
p.s. now Dixie Chicks are stuck in my head!
Happy Sunday! It sounds like you had a great weekend! I noticed that your sister Leslie looks like she has lost a lot of weight. What was her secret! Has she been working out more?
Ok this is the THIRD blog I’ve read this morning that highlights something cold and yummy. I’m pretty sure that this means I need a smoothie for breakfast. 🙂
Have an amazing Sunday!!
A nice sweaty run followed by a smoothie — looks like a great day to me!
Smoothie after a run is perfect!
Can’t wait to read your posts from Europe!
Before vacation preparations are always SO hectic!! But I bet you’re excited 🙂
I love your smoothies! I have to pick up cocoa from the grocery store and as soon as I do I want to make your chocolate-covered strawberry smoothie bowl. I am torturing myself by looking at the pictures in all of their deliciousness!
That’s great that you ran 5miles, I’m sure Sadie was happy! Good luck in prepping for Europe (:
Pre-holiday preps are overwhelming yet exciting! Once everything is ticked off, you’ll feel great.
Glad you had a great run!! 😀
Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!
Smoothie is my favorite thing to have after working out. So deliciously cold and good.
Running with your dog must be so fun! My baby boy, Arlo, is waaaaaayyyy too small to go for runs. His little chihuahua legs would give out and I’d have to carry him home! Lol. Sadie’s awesome. 🙂
I’m headed to Europe on thursday for 3 weeks too! What places are you going?
Great run! I went to my sister’s crew meet yesterday, and there was a vizsla dog there that was so cute. I wanted to take a break from the meet and go running with it!
I love that Dixie Chicks song! Makes me want to run for sure.
Happy Sunday – Must be amazing to run with a dog! Hoping I can do this too someday..!
I do the same thing before I go on vacation, like I’m trying to make up for the exercise I’ll miss when I’m away.
I really hope that you have a fantastic time on your European vacation! I can’t wait to read all about it when you get back.
Seeing as you’ll probably be doing plenty of walking in Europe I thought I’d tell you that starting today, I’m hosting a 100 Miles in May Challenge! If you’re interested in participating, come over and visit my blog: All participants are entered in a draw for a $20 gift card from Amazon!
What type of bag will you be bringing around europe?
A Longchamp, baby! I just bought one last week with my birthday money. 🙂
5 miles is a great distance! SO excited for you to head to Europe 🙂
Waking up ready to run is the best feeling!! Glad you had a great one!
Happy Sunday!!!! I am SO jeal of your trip to Europe =( HOWEVER I am excited because I knowwww you’re going to take a gazillion pics for us all 😉
If my foot wasn’t injured would totally be out running today! Gotta love it when you just wake up ready to run, make the day so much more enjoyable
I love those days when I wake up and just waaant to go out and exercise! And believe me, you’ll be getting plenty of walking exercise in europe!
I love your flamingo bowl!!! Where did you get it, if you don’t mind me asking 🙂
I love your smoothies! I need to gather up the ingredients to make my own!
I LOVE sadie, she is such a personality!
Do you just hang on to the leash when you run with Sadie or do you use a hands free leash?
I just hold it.