A hot cup of tea to start the day!
Yogi Egyptian licorice mint tea is one of my all-time favorite teas and I have Ryan hooked, too! (If you’ve ever tried the tea they serve at Aveda, it reminds me a lot of their tea.) Such a unique flavor!
I am also a sucker for the little messages printed on Yogi tea bags.
I know you mean well, Yogi, but no one should have to endure my singing. I’ll leave singing to the talented Gretchen!
When I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast, the avocado in our pantry called to me.
I made myself a plate of scrambled eggs with peppers, shredded cheese and the glorious avocado.
Plus a cup of Greek yogurt on the side for a little sweetness.
Relay Races
Last weekend 26.2 with Donna, the only marathon in the U.S. dedicated solely to raising funds to end breast cancer, took place in Jacksonville, Florida. The runners ran by my parents’ place and my dad said it was incredibly inspirational and exciting.
Yesterday my dad brought up the idea of possibly running the marathon relay next year! Each relay team includes five runners that complete five different legs of the race:
- Leg 1: 6 miles
- Leg 2: 3.75 miles
- Leg 3: 6.75 miles
- Leg 4: 3.5 miles
- Leg 5: 6.2 miles
I think it would be so much fun and I’m sure that participating in the breast cancer marathon would be incredibly moving.
I’ve never participated in a running relay race before, but I have done a triathlon relay in Orlando. I was the swimmer for our team (Ryan swam for his team), my friend Ryan ran and my friend Laurel biked.
It was a blast and I’d love to do another one. My dad recently took up biking, so I’m hoping we can do a triathlon relay together sometime this year.
Blendtec & Stoneyfield Blends Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to…
- Anna Stepp: “Hi! I would LOVE to win the Blendtec blender and yogurt! I am getting married in June, and my fiancé and I are starting a new healthy lifestyle together for the wedding but mostly for ourselves, so this would be a great encouragement and blessing to us!!!! Thanks.”
Please email me with your mailing address and we’ll get your blender and Stonyfield Blends yogurt to you ASAP!
For Your Friday Reading Pleasure
Just a link to make you smile…
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever participated in a race as part of a relay team? Would you want to?
I’ve never done a race as part of a relay team. The only time I’d do it (I think) is for a full marathon because I have no desire to do a full – I’m all about the half! Perfect distance for me!
I’ve always wanted to do a marathon relay!
I’ve never heard of a relayed marathon before! I like the idea though, cause I’m in no way a distance runner, so I’d want to be on the 3.5 side of things. It’s a great organization!
I did a marathon distance relay before I got into doing half and full marathons – it was very fun! Now I do Ragnar Relays which are 10x as fun as that single day. I highly recommend any sort of relay!
i’ve always wanted to do a ragnar relay! they seem intense but a ton a fun!
I was actually looking into relay marathon too! I could never run a full marathon but a relay with family and friends would be so much fun!
I was just reading an article about a family that ran a marathon relay which I just thought was such a fun idea! 🙂
I would LOVE to run a relay one day. I’d find it hard to not feel like I’d let the team down though..so that’s something to work on – my own confidence..but I agree, it’d be sooo much fun. And, what a great cause that relay is for!
I love the idea of a relay race! My mom is a breast cancer survivor so i also love the idea that this race is a fundraiser for breast cancer. I would love to run in a relay race, or any fundraiser type race actually.
so glad to hear your mom is a survivor! <3
Wow, what an incredible picture. Look at all those runners! Well let me know if you ever want to do a relay! 🙂 I was thinking of the Race to the Coast/Beach/Something Like That yesterday and was thinking it sounded super fun.
A relay race would be so much fun! I need to add that to my fitness bucket list.
I’ve always wanted to run that marathon! A relay team sounds so fun!
I haven’t done a relay before, but some friends of mine and I are looking into doing the Ragnar Relay here in Chicago this summer. I hope it works out because it looks like an amazing experience!
I almost did a relay marathon a couple years ago. I’d love to do one someday!! They seem like so much fun!
I would love to do a triathlon relay! Swimming in an open lake with dozens of others freaks me out so It’d be perfect if I could let a team mate handle that aspect of it! 😉
the biking is what freaks me out, so i’m happy to handle the swim – relays are perfect for people like us! 😀
For the past 2 years I have completed the Beach to Bay team marathon run in Corpus Christi, TX. Both years have been great, with each year hotter than the previous year. But a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend participating in a relay marathon!
I’m also a sucker for the Yogi tea messages. I’d never ever ever pick up tea with the label licorice on it, but LOVE the Aveda tea so I’m definitely going to be trying this one. Eggs + Avocado is the best combo ever!!
me neither, but it honestly tastes more like peppermint than anything else! if you email me i’ll send you a bag to try so you don’t have to buy a whole box! 🙂
I haven’t done any relay races, but I think it would be fun! I may need to look into that locally… Thanks for the idea!
Those quotes are the tea bags are really neat. They remind me of the inspirational and motivational quotes found on the Hall’s cough drops wrappers. I seriously love reading them!
A relay race sounds SO fun, AND way less daunting than a full marathon!
Wow, memories! I used to work at the Mayo Clinic (Jacksonville) and since they partner with 26.2 with Donna pretty much everyone at the hospital gets involved during the marathon. I was part of a group that conducted some testing on the runners for a project, but it was really a well put together event and pretty inspiring because of the cause.
Josh got me on a serious tea kick and now I’m hooked. I love the ones that are pyramid shaped with little leaves for handles on the baggies. Not sure what they’re called but oh man are the flavors good. I havent tried one I havent liked.
I also just want to say it’s so inspiring seeing how active you, ryan, and your family are. My dad’s active too and Josh and I are trying to get there. We really want to cultivate an atmosphere where we sign up for athletic things not just in our day to day workout lives but for fun.
Holy crap. That cat link is going to be the highlight of my day and it’s only 9:45. THANKS JULIE!
I would love to do a relay race! I’ve never done one. I’m also loving avocado right now. I’ll eat it on anything!
I’m hoping to participate in a Ragnar Relay, if not this year sometime in the future. I really like the concept of running a race as a relay, though, especially for a triathlon. Everyone can use their best skills to contribute to a group effort, which I think is really cool.
I can’t say that I’ve ever participated in a relay race.. but it’s definitely something that I’d LOVE to try one day! 🙂
I’d definitely come down to Ocala to help you with the relay! Wouldn’t that be a cool idea? A pbfinger fan team featuring pbfinger, herself!
I would totally do a triathalon relay, as long as I got to do the swim portion, I don’t even own a bike anymore!
I ran the Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cincinnati last year, and was thinking about doing it as a relay with my sister-in-law this year since I am pregnant. I would walk it, but there are lots of walkers in this race too.
Did you like the pear Chobani? My favorite is the pineapple 🙂
I was there!! I didn’t run since I was there for work, but it was an awesome day. One of my client is a big sponsor for the race, so I was there doing a lot of the coordinating of our tent at the finish line, but the company had a ton of runners and relay teams too. This race was so inspiring and had a FUN vibe to it as well. I’d highly recommend it! There’s a half marathon and a 5k Fun Run as well, and the marathon is a Chicago and Boston qualifier.
I would actually love to do a relay! Because that is the ONLY way I will ever be able to run in a marathon. 😉 And I really want to have that experience. So I decided I would take leg 4 above (notice it is the shortest). My dream would be to do a Disney one, but I don’t think they have relay teams. Does anyone know the answer to that?
I ran the Beach to Bay relay marathon in Corpus Christi last year, and even though my leg was only 4 miles, I felt like I had run the entire marathon after it was all over; the adrenaline and rush from the crowds/runners is truly exhiliterating!! It was a great and fun experience for me and I would do it again in a heartbeat! So I say go for it!!
I love Yogi tea. The motivational quotes are so fun 🙂
I love the Aveda tea! I’m going to have to try that out. Thanks 🙂 The little messages on yogi tea bags and inside the wrappers of dove chocolates make me so happy.
My first “big” race was a marathon relay here in my hometown. I did it with 3 of my girlfriends and we each ran between 6 and 7 miles. It was a blast! We were new to running so it was so much fun to cheer each other on. We made matching team shirts that said “Girls Run Wild” on the front and on the back said “What’s the best diet shake?”.. “The shake my booty makes when I run!”
I’m sitting at the airport laughing hysterically at those cats! I’m probably about to get sent back through security for acting like a nut job. thanks for the laugh, Julie!
I totally wish I would have done that 1/2 when I lived in Jacksonville. Once day when I’m back living there (it WILL happen), I will do it. And will gladly join your relay team as well 🙂
Yum! Avocado always makes a dish taste (and look) better in my opinion!
I love making eggs with avocado! Looks like you had a delish breakfast 🙂
I’d love to do a relay- it sounds fun!
PS. I am obsessed w the quotes on Yogi Tea’s tea bags… I think I like them more than the actual tea. 😉
I’ve never done any type of triathlon or relay event. I’m thinking about signing up for a 5k over the spring and summer.
I would love to do a relay! Me and my boyfriend just signed up for a tough mudder race in July. I am really nervous because I’m not much of a runner (its 10 to 12 miles) and the electric shock part freaks me out. I prefer to do boot camp and otherr classes at my gym which will help me with the obstacles. Have you ever done an obstacle course type race?
running a relay is on my list of things to do in the next few years. i need to find a fun team. i think it would be an absolute blast.
My first race was a multi-sport relay race. Talk about jumping in feet first! Six legs consisting of 13K cycle, 3K kayak, 31K cycle, 9K trail run, 14K mountain bike, and 5K run. I ran the 5K and about died because I didn’t realize the course would include a mountain climb. Ugh. But it was a great experience that hooked me!
Check out the Ragnar Relay. 12 people 2 days. 200 miles. Cool costumes! Just did the one from Mami to key west in January. It was challanging, fun, and gorgious to run highway 1. http://www.ragnarrelay.com/
Love the idea of the relays! Especially the thought of doing them with family and/or good friends. How fun! 😀 I don’t think I’ve run a relay race since the end-of-the-school-year celebrations my school had in elementary school. (Aka it’s been way too long!) Any adult relay races with the potato sack race and running with an egg on a spoon? Lol. 😉
i’d love to do a relay marathon! such a good idea
check out my blog post today:
thanks for the tea suggestion – i’ve been trying out new flavors to find my jam, and this one looks like an excellent contender. happy friday!
I am obsessed with PEAR CHOBANI…YUM! :)) Your picture reminds me that I need to go stock up…hopefully they have some at the Wegmans I food shop at! Happy Weekend!
This race sounds incredible! I have never done a relay, but few of the teachers at my school do the “Reach the Beach” Relay every year. They sleep in vans, run with head lamps, and look like they are having a wacky old time. I would definitely consider doing one in the future.
On another note, this weekend I will be riding in my first ever cycle-a-thon put for by Sloan-Kettering, called Cycle for Survival. Our team, Team Sass, raised almost $7000 for rare brain cancers. I can’t wait to saddle up and ride!
That sounds like a pretty cool race! Except, NO ONE ever make me swim for it or it’s game over, haha!
cool race! I have run 2 Ragnar Relays (overnight) and the Vermont City Marathon Relay 3 times Both very awesome and very different! Puts team work into running 🙂