This morning I slept in for a bit which wasn’t too hard to do thanks to our new crazy-comfy feather topped bed. If you’re on the fence about purchasing a feather topper, I kindly nudge you to do so. It’s lovely!
I awoke around 6:15 a.m. with a grumbling stomach.
Hot steel cut oats called to me.
I made the oats on the stove top with milk and a bit of honey and though I had a bit of an overflow issue (don’t walk away from from a bubbling pot of oats… duh), the taste was great and that’s all that matters to this girl. Before removing the oats from the stovetop, I stirred in a spoonful of almond butter and topped them with a sprinkling of chia seeds. Quite the satisfying breakfast!
I ate my breakfast at the computer as I finished up a writing assignment. It felt good to email that baby off before 8 a.m. Hooray for a productive Friday!
And double hooray for coffee!
Rest Day Friday
I don’t have a workout on the agenda for today since I usually take Sunday as a rest day and will be running in my first trail race on Sunday this weekend. Since I prefer to take 1 – 2 days off from the gym every week, a relaxed Friday sounded like a good way to go.
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
As Monica reminded me yesterday, today is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day! (This day is not to be confused with National Peanut Butter Day in January. There is holiday for everything, huh?)
I would be remiss if I didn’t at least acknowledge this day on the blog, so Happy National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day to my fellow peanut butter fanatics out there!
Here are some of my favorite recipes to help you celebrate:
- Oatmeal Peanut Butter Banana Cookies
- Peanut Butter Granola <— I make this several times a month. Great snack!
- Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie
- Peanut Butter Protein Bars
- Peanut Butter Energy Bites
Question of the Morning
- How many rest days do you take a week?
I sometimes won’t take a rest day once a week but once a fortnight, although on some days I might do a mix of walking and pilates as a sort of ‘rest day’. In other weeks I may have 1 a week I try and really listen to my body and know when I can push myself and when I can’t.
I take one and it’s always Sunday unless something crops up during the week.. Always feel fantastic of a Monday morning ready for the fresh week. Enjoy you’re chillax Friday and Happy PB day..btw have you tried Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butters? Smooth operator is divine and I have a new white chocolate wonderful ready to whip open!
I try to keep my rest days at only 1 to 2 days a week. It depends on how hard I’ve worked out all week and what my body can take. The great thing about “rest days”, however, is that “rest” doesn’t mean “do nothing”. Going for walks at a park or playing outside with the dog or walking around the mall (my person favorite) is also a nice way to get in some type of activity without straining yourself or even trying.
I take Sundays off. This week though I took two days bc I’m sick. Over the years I’ve learned to rest when my body needs it.
Sundays are my rest days too… It is hard to take more than that but I know it is important to listen to your body!
One rest day a week. Sunday’s. With Mimosa’s. I enjoy the gym and as a work-at-home person, it is one of the few ways I get out of the house without shopping.
The Kidless Kronicles
I usually try to take one rest day per week. . . sometimes life gets in the way and makes it 2, but I just go with it!
Yay PB lovers day! I think I celebrated a bit early…yesterday pb was at EVERY meal. Whoa!!
LOVE your PB granola.. I might have to make it again since it’s a holiday and all.. 🙂
Oh boy, there truly is a holiday for everything, isn’t there?! If it has to do with peanut butter, I’m all about it though! 😉
Since being pregnant, I take 2-3 rest days per week depending on how I’m feeling. Before being pregnant, I took 1-2 rest days but we’ll see how that works out again after a baby is in the mix! 😉
Peanut Butter LOVERS day – well, that’s me for sure, except I celebrated with sun butter. I think I’ll have to add some peanut butter into my meals later today so I’m celebrating as a lover should. 🙂
I have 1 rest day built into the schedule. Some weeks I will take two. The two day thing has been happening a lot because of the weather lately. Ideally it would only be one day off per week.
I used to only take 1, maybe 2 but then I learned my body needed more rest than that so now its 3 days of rest a week usually and some weeks 2.
Where are the Chia seeds located in the Grocery story? I have looked at Publix and Winn Dixie and can’t find them.
do you have a whole foods or fresh market near you? the bulk bins often have them!
Thanks! We do have a Whole Foods about 30 minutes away. I’ll have to make an excuse to head up there. 🙂
you can also find them on!
Whoop whoop- cheers from one pb lover to another!
I celebrated today with a huge dollop of pb on my oatmeal this morning, and will probably have some more later with an apple as a snack! I am kind of dtrange in the health/fitness world.. I take more like 3-4 rest days a week, but try and get some extra walking in on the rest days. To each their own, every body is different! 🙂
I’m with you on the 3 rest days! It seems to be a rarity around the blog world, but I just can’t make 6 day a week workouts work! Plus, I’m a big fan of just walking to get activity in. And this works for me 🙂
I usually take 2-3 rest days a week! Usually it’s just saturday and sunday, but yesterday I had to go to a dr appointment and didn’t have time to make it to the gym, so voila! Rest day!
oooh first trail race eh!! good luck and can’t wait to see how it goes!
I’m sick with the awwwwwwful flu right now so every day has been a rest day..ha! 🙁 Otherwise, probably once a week – not on any specific day though!
i hope you feel better soon!
Usually 2 days a week and I try not to make them in a row.
I take two active rest days a week, but I use them more as cross training/active recovery days and throw in some biking or strength training. It usually ends up that I have at least one real full day off of all activity, though, due to weather or things going on, which I think my body needs.
You missed the world of burpees today! Haha quite the challengingly last BBB workout! I am not one to like peanut butter, but I a thinking of making a recipe for my fiancé because he loves it! I usually only take 1 rest day, but sometimes I end up taking 2. After the burpee extravaganza today, I might take tomorrow and Sunday off!
I think it’s hilarious that 6:15 is sleeping in 🙂
it’s sick, i know. 😀
Another peanut butter holiday!?! I’m fine with that! 🙂 Thanks for the recipes! Today is another Lenten Friday without meat for me so peanut butter will help me replace some of that missing protein today… what a sacrifice, haha!
Love peanut butter holidays! I usually take 1 full rest day and then have one really easy workout during the week. Hope you enjoy your relaxing Friday!
Happy Peanut Butter Lovers day! Thanks for some yummy recipes to help celebrate! I take at least one rest day a week. I need it physically, emotionally and spiritually 🙂
I LOVE feather toppers! My only complaint…the last time that I had one it got feathers everywhere!! 🙁
Yay for rest days! They are so much needed, both for our physical and our mental health.
Peanut butter is so good that it definitely deserves more than one “holiday!” I am most definitely going to have to incorporate some into my eats today…which should not be too difficult! 😉
I take one too, and mine is also today! I’m about to change my schedule so it will be on Sunday from now on, but for some reason my body is always tired come Friday. Must be all that work! 😉
PS-I am obsessed with the peanut butter protein bars. I’ve made them a couple times and absolutely love them, so thank you!
I almost always take a rest day every week, and many weeks I just end up taking two for some reason or another. Haha and I wonder how many peanut butter holidays there are in the calendar year!
I usually take two rest days. Sundays are my long run days when I’m training for a race, so my rests usually fall on Mondays and Thursdays. I too was wondering where to find the chia seeds in my grocery store. Thanks for answering that question! 🙂
I love that PB essentially gets two national holidays each year!
Lately I have been taking at least 2, sometimes 3 rest days a week – I need to get my butt in gear!
I am all too familiar with the bubbling over pot of oatmeal, milk, or whatever it is. I always walk away! So silly.
I LOVE peanut butter. When I saw it was national peanut butter day, I immediately thought of you 🙂
I usually only take one rest day during the week, but today I am actually realllyyy not feeling a workout. So I think I’ll copy you and enjoy the rest. Happy Friday!
I definitely want to try some of those recipes! They seem great! I rest about 1 day a week, usually on Friday’s right before my long run on Saturdays!
they certainly do have a day for everything, I love peanut butter everyday :). I typically take 1 rest day a week unless I am extra sore I will maybe take 2. Good luck at your trail run, I cannot wait to read about it!
Peanut Butter should have it’s own holiday! And we should all get the day off and be gifted a jar of it!
Yum peanut butter! I just discovered PB2 – I mixed in into my Greek yogurt this morning – delicious!
I usually take a rest day on Sundays!
And I just finished my last jar of PB2…looks like I’m heading to the store after work today!
Nowadays I always take 2, sometimes even 3 rest days. Though on at least one rest day I will still do something active that’s not in the gym, like a long walk (when weather permits) or yoga. I’ve found that for me, when I used to try to work out 6 days a week every week, I got burnt out, and I would find myself canceling plans with friends ALL THE TIME to make sure I got that 6th day in. My workouts were my #1 priority after school/work and it was interfering with my life. With my schedule, it just didn’t work. Now my workouts fit into my schedule, and I’m much happier for it, and honestly, not any less fit. It’s what works for me. 🙂
I actually don’t schedule rest days, with a baby it’s easier for me to just go with the flow and see how the day is going…plus having a crazy mobile baby I am ALWAYS chasing after him!
Ideally, 2 days of rest. I like to take classes at the gym and if I get stuck at work or in traffic I often miss the class and end up taking 4-5 rest days. I should probably start making a plan b. And I can’t believe 615 is sleeping in. You’re too funny!
I take 2-3 rest days a week, but still get activity in on those days.
my rest days depend on how i’m feeling… i take anywhere between 0 – 2 but all my workouts aren’t super hard… especially on weeks that i workout everyday!
Hahaha! I feel like this year has already had 3 different peanut butter-related holidays. And I’ve failed miserably at “celebrating” any of them. I don’t really like to plan my rest days. I just go off of how busy school is and how my body feels!
Funny you should ask about rest days. I am training right now for a half marathon at the end of April. But, I also do Crossfit. So, right now I do Crossfit 4 days a week. Run 2 days. Rest 1 day. I am wondering though if I should be cutting back Crossfit to 3 days and taking another rest day until the half is over. Not sure. Thoughts?
I use to only take one rest day but lately, I’ve been taking 2 and it’s really doing my body good. I’ve been working harder and longer hours and on my feet so much more so I’ve been honoring the fact that my body has been still working hard. Rest days are truly a wonderful thing!
Your coffee looks so good today! Jealous!! What kind is it? Do you have a single cup brewer??
I also frequently make you pb granola. Soooooo goood!!!!
i use a keurig… but i fear it’s on its last leg! i use the refillable k-cups so i can use whatever coffee in it that i choose. (i LOVE flavored coffee – today’s flavor was hazelnut creme from the fresh market.)
I usually take 2-3 days off depending on how I’m feeling. I run alot and it detroys my body, so the more rest the better!
today is my rest day too!
check out my blog post today with a month 2 recap in my goal of reaching 1000 miles this year
I’m starting a new training program next week and will take 2 rest days or a basic yoga/ stretching class and 1 full rest day. I like having a yoga day mid-week and a rest day on the weekend.
Ideally I try to go for 2 days of rest, but sometimes that gets messed up and I end up with 3-4 days off. I just try to listen to my body because some weeks I need more rest than others 🙂
Is there really a big taste difference between steel cut prepared oats and instant oats? I’ve been meaning to give them a try sometime, but I find I don’t really have the time to make them in the morning!
-Sarah (Inklings Read)
if you’re short on time, you can make them the night before! they definitely take longer than instant oats. i’ve also read about people bringing them to a boil on the stovetop at night and letting them sit in the fridge overnight… might be worth looking into!
I am currently training to run a full marathon at the end of April so my rest day have gotten more and more “restful” as the weeks get closer to the race and the Saturday long runs get waaayy longer. Unfortunately I have developed really bad shin splints in my left shin, so I’ve tried to modify the runs during the week to inclined slower runs. Have you ever gotten shin splints? I’ve had mine for about a month, and though I know rest is important I have a fear of sacrificing my long Saturday runs during training. Any advice?
i did when i was running in nike shox a long time ago! have you been fitted for a good running shoe at a local running store? that might be worth looking into. i feel like quality shoes can make a HUGE difference!
I was fitted for Mizuno Wave Runners in November and have Super Feet inserts which are meant to last longer than the shoe! I got these shoes after my first bout of shin splints this summer and they went away for a long time, but now are seeking revenge again.