Yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind!
I drove to Orlando nice and early so I could enjoy a day in one of my favorite cities and attend some fun events in the process.
First up was a mock recruitment at my former house!
I lived at the UCF Kappa Delta house my sophomore through senior year in college and returned yesterday for an alumnae event where the current members take KD alumnae through a mock rush. Rush begins next week at UCF and it was fun to see how the new members have changed things since I was in the sorority.
Recognize anyone?
Oh dear. (Just in case you were wondering, that weird off-the-shoulder black thing we’re all wearing is basically a black velvet half-top that you put on over a strapless dress or shirt. It’s foxy.)
I haven’t been back to the house since 2007, so it felt crazy to step inside a place I called home for so many years. (They have hardwood floors in the bedrooms now. The stylin’ emerald green carpet is gone!)
My roommate for the three years I lived at the KD house was my best friend Laurel who longtime PBF readers have seen pop up on the blog numerous times. She attended the event yesterday too which was a blast!
Room 12 reunion!
The current members did such a nice job with the event and it brought back a lot of wonderful memories.
They served Publix subs and though I wasn’t too hungry since I ate beforehand, I grabbed a roast beef sub and some Wheat Thins and spinach dip which were tasty!
After the alumnae event, I had plans with Laurel to head back to her apartment to get a little crafty! Our friend Leah’s bachelorette party is coming up soon and we worked on some fun things for her special weekend at the end of the month. I loved the extra time with Laurel and miss seeing her face every day!
Katy’s Baby Shower
The second special event of the day took me to College Park in the late afternoon for a baby shower for the beautiful mama-to-be, Katy!
Hot stuff!
Katy was absolutely beaming and seems so excited about the next chapter in her life. She’s such a genuine person and will be the most amazing mother to her baby girl. (Katy was actually the one got the ball rolling and convinced me to believe in myself and leave my previous job to focus solely on freelance writing and blogging.)
The baby shower was hosted by Jackie who put did such a great job decorating and assembled a fantastic array of food and drinks for everyone.
My drink of choice for the first half of the shower:
I love this stuff, but eventually switched to a tasty non-alcoholic beverage since I had a long drive home ahead of me. Safety first!
I met Katy through blogging (if you’re a blogger and are looking for helpful blogging tips, I cannot recommend Katy’s blog enough!) and a bunch of other Central Florida bloggers I used to meet up with when we lived in Orlando attended her shower. It was so great to see everyone!
I loved catching up with Meghann about her wedding and chatting with Michelle again. Such a fun group
If you live in Central Florida and are interested in joining their amazing group for monthly meet ups, check out the Central Florida Lady Bloggers Facebook Page!
Once everyone had something to eat and drink, we settled in to play name that celebrity baby.
It was hard and I didn’t do too well.
Then it was time for presents! Katy seemed so excited about all of her gifts, which was wonderful.
She’s going to have one stylin’ baby girl.
Those ruffles kill me! So stinkin’ cute.
I ended up staying at the baby shower into the early evening chatting away with everyone and had a blast.
It was such a fun day! Congratulations again to the beautiful mother-to-be and her husband Lucas. I cannot wait to meet your little girl!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this morning.
Looks like so much fun!! I lived in my sorority house my sophomore year of college, but then I quit the sorority the following year and haven’t been back since. It would be such a bizarre feeling to be back in that house again!
cupcake prosecco? what does it taste like? I ve never heard of it before and I think you cant get it in Austria – I’d be the first one to buy!!!
p.s.: omg that ruffle bottoms are too cute! I want them for myself haha
how wonderful for you! One piece of advice for you sweet Julie–don’t rush on babies! Enjoy your time with your husband and small family.
The kiddos have talked my into a dog. I checked out Vislas but a little too out of our price range–any other suggestions? We aren’t dog people so this is a tough decision. Thanks. E.
Looks like so much fun!! Secretly I always wanted to be in a soriority but couldn’t because I was a college athlete. I had no time for anything. 🙂
Hey I recognize that portrait!!
it was sad to see the SAE lion missing next door!
I guess I meant I see that portrait every morning when I get into my car 🙂 Leslie still has not given me an equivalent picture to replace such a gem, so until then, it stays (or until I can find tweezers long enough to safely pull it out).
Yes, it’s sad to think what was once there is there no more. Hope the alumnae event/mock rush/frat house parties (jk) were fun.
hahahhahaha! i totally forgot that picture is in the 4runner. too funny!
Looks like you had a great day! Memories come dancing back into my head of living in my sorority house. Sadly it burned to the ground. It was a dorm. Shared by Phi Mu’, KD and of course AOII. We never slept!
YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS was the soap of choice, back in the day. We used to schedule classes around it!
Tyank you for refreshing those memories.
Glad you had a great day!
Sounds like such a fun day!
Love those little ruffled bloomers! 🙂
Looks like a great day! I am LOVING your teal dress. Where is it from?
thanks so much, jenica! all the info. can be found on the fashion page:
Looks like such a fun day! 🙂
Looks like an amazing baby shower! Those ruffles are too cute for words.
Julie, when that first picture loaded on my computer, I thought I recognized that white rose of Kappa Delta!! I’ve been reading your blog since last year and knew your sorority was dear to you but didn’t realize you are a KD!! I also was a KD and lived in the house…but this was WAY back in the early 90’s and up in chilly Chicago. Love your blog, your recipes, and your workout routines!! Hope you are having a fun weekend.
so fun!!! 🙂 woo!
loooooove your dress!
Omg those ruffles!!!
What a fun day! Looks like such a fun weekend. I am so obsessed with little baby clothing. It is so adorable, I could probably look at a baby store for hours with all its cuteness.
What a great day of sweet memories! It’s always especially sweet to have close friends about to have a baby ~! and Katy’s shoes are so cute!
Katy’s shower looked so cute! She is definitely an awesome person. I love meeting her (and you!) at HLS last summer. I highly recommend her blog too!
What a fun weekend you’ve had!! I’ve been wanting to try that cupcake wine out. I’ll have to grab some next time I’m out.
haha, we had to use those stupid drape-things too when we did our composites. I always felt like a super-dork.
I love seeing Greek bloggers! I am a Phi Sigma Sigma and I’m coming up on my senior year 🙁 None of the sororities or fraternities at my college have houses, but 30+% of our campus is Greek! 🙂 I’m glad you had fun!
That velvet thing is a drape. Did you not have to wear them for senior pictures in high school?
nope. we wore whatever we wanted for senior photos.
Omg. Those ruffle bottoms are to die for. I am going to a baby shower next week and I must find them somewhere, they would be a perfect gift! 🙂
I feel like Katy is a blogging genius haha love her site!
she is a mastermind!
Hahahahaha I HATED picture day for our sorority, the photographer would always keep telling us to tilt and turn our heads various ways so my smile was so strained!
so fun! i lived in my sorority house for two years as well! I was a tridelta. I can’t wait to go back for reunion this year :0
Awh when I saw the fashion pic and the mention of the baby post I didn’t make the connection with Katy! She’s looking fantastic! Looks like you had an incredible day, great friends, good food…what more could you want 🙂
Too fun! I was also a Kappa Delta in college and lived in room 12! So many memories.
very cool!!
I always wondered about the black “dresses” on sorority photos!
What a fun looking Baby Shower!! I am always looking for blogging advice, and I will definitely check out Katy’s 🙂 Also, I was in a sorority in college and we wore those same black V-neck things! haha!! They were so strange 🙂
YAYYY Kappa Delta!! We wore the same black drapes for our pictures! <3 & AOT!
Love this post! What a fun day! I’m a Kappa Delta at Michigan State.. and we also wear those silly black velvet shrug things.. so awful! Have a great weekend and AOT!
LOVE Katy, she is a blogging genius and one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She looked absolutely glowing! 🙂
PS: I wore a similar black cloth for my senior photos, but it was a baggy scoop neck. Consider yourself lucky? lol.
Oooh my gosh reading about your return to Greek Park sounds so fun! I’m a Kappa Kappa Gamma sister now and it’s great to hear that I can look forward to such great alumnae events in the future.
I am completely obsessed with Cupcake wine! I didn’t know they made Prosecco – I love Red Velvet…have you tried it?!
Sounds like a great day! Those ruffles are adorable naww. Is it making you clucky 😉
LOVE THIS! 🙂 I’m currently on the recruitment team for the Sigma Epsilon chapter at the University of Texas. We are starting work week this week, and it is SO helpful when alumnae come for conversation workshops! AOT!
I lived in my sorority house my junior & senior years! I always think of surreal it would be to go back!
Yayyy, another KD lady! My chapter (Alpha Rho at University of Maryland) has emerald green carpeting too. So fancy. Haha and while I loved living in the house (sophomore-junior year for me) my favorite time was living in a house senior year with my best friends from my pledge class and still going over to the house to snag some of the free food in the kitchen 😉 I miss those days!
AOT <3
Looks like it was a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now … primarily because I’m in love with your dog! I had no idea you were a fellow Kappa Delta! It’s a small world! 🙂
AOT <3
Oh Em Gee! You’re a “K-A-PP-A D-E-LT-A” too?!? I shoved my phone in my husband’s face to show him, I was so excited! I was a member of the Sigma Gamma chapter at Kansas State (Go Cats!) we got our huge makeover the summer after my last in-house semester (I still had a year left of school, but moved into a small apartment with my little sister – biological and sorority!)
I keep putting off joining a local alumnae chapter (I now live in GA and was worried about “southern sorority chapters”) but now, seeing how similar you are to my sisters back in KS, I might just reconsider 🙂
I lived in my sorority house my junior & senior years!
Hey there! I have just recently started reading your blog after finding you through pinterest. I was actually an AZD at UCF as well. I haven’t been back in forever so it was nice to see a pic of the KD house. Brought back so many memories. Thanks for sharing!
Looks like it was a wonderful day!
Hi Julie 🙂 🙂 I just love reading your blog. It is such an inspiration and I also realllllly enjoy getting new workout ideas! Anyways this post caught my eye because I’m in college now an living in my sorority, delta gamma!! Ahhhh so exciting and a little crazy to hear about you coming back to the house after a few years away……as fast as college is going now I bet that moment for me will be here before I know it EEK!!! Anyways hope you’re havin a good day, keep up the awesome work, you are so great!!