Today, after quite a long hiatus, I enjoyed a workout in the pool!
During my lunch break, I headed outside for a run. I didn’t bring a watch to track my pace or time and set out to run around a giant loop, unsure exactly how far that would take me.
I ended up running for right around 40 minutes before I made it back to the gym and I was so ridiculously sweaty that the only thing I could think about was jumping into the pool to cool off. I changed into my bathing suit and grabbed the goggles I packed in my bag and figured I could tack a half mile swim onto the tail end of my workout. I haven’t swam laps in what feels like forever, so I loved getting back in the pool and swimming my little heart out.
My dad was the one who inspired today’s return to the pool. He completed his very first sprint triathlon on Saturday last weekend and raved about the experience.
My dad said it was really challenging, but he’s been training for it for a long time and finished in less than two hours without walking one time. I’m so proud of him! He is also seriously encouraging me to do one. I’m tempted, but still freaked out about the bike. Clipping into a bike? Riding super fast in big groups? It’s intimidating!
Once my workout was done, I dried off and opened up the fridge in the break room to dig into the meal I packed last night.
I made a batch of salmon salad and wrapped it in a tortilla to eat along with a cup of unsweetened applesauce and almonds.
It was great and fueled me through the rest of the work day, including a HOT water fitness class.
Hope your Tuesday is going well!
Question of the Afternoon
- Have you ever done a triathlon? Would you want to?
- What part of a triathlon – swim, bike or run – intimidates you the most?
A pool sounds soooo nice right now!
I’ve never done a triathlon, but I really want to do one. For me, the scariest part would be the swimming. Biking would be the easiest. Running would be less easy but do-able. I’ve only ever swam for fun.
Congrats to your dad for finishing a triathlon! What an amazing accomplishment!
I’ve never participated in a triathlon but may have to try it out after my first half marathon in January. And I’m all with you for the most intimidating part…the bike!
Whoaa your dad is soo healthy and fit! I can’t believe he completed a triathlon as I’ve never even considered it myself, haha.
Oh that pool is calling my name!! It looks gorgeous! I have done a few triathlons, and the swim is definitely the hardest part for me!!
What an amazing accomplishment! I’ve never tried swimming or biking in a race before, so those are both intimidating for me. If I trained though, I would probably be up for trying a triathlon one day!
Just signed up for a Sprint Triathlon, actually. Im a little scared of getting kicked in the face on the swim…
My father in law did a triathlon a couple of years ago and he loved it! You should totally try it out!
The biking probably intimidates me most, only because I have never biked in a competitive manner before. I was a swimmer in high school so that doesn’t scare me, but an open water swim might! I ALWAYS think about the indoor triathlon you did a year or two ago and wish I could do something like that because I feel 1,000x more comfortable in a pool vs open water.
Can’t say I have any real desire to attempt a tri- would prob consider a marathon first. The swim definitely intimidates me the most though- I like to run and I like to spin, but my aquatic exposure is limited to my childhood summers at the beach and just splashing around in the pool :/
My dad just completed his first triathlon last weekend as well! I’m in the same position as you — inspired to do one because he enjoyed it so much, but also completely freaked out about the biking portion of it! I’m hoping to find a dualthon that includes a swim and run.
I LOVE doing triathlons!! My first was 3years ago. I didn’t make one last season because of an injury but I can’t wait to get one in this season. I honestly wish I could do more but working full time and a mom of two very active boys.. Makes training a little challenging for me. But, I’m trying to get back!!
Congrats to your Dad! I truly is a great feeling to have that accomplished!!
I’m doing a sprint tri this labor day. I’m most worried about the bike part. I’m not very fast and I don’t ride with clips. We’ll see how it goes.
I plan to do a triathlon within a year! I’m training for a duathlon right now. The swimming part scares me the most. Though my friend who does half ironmans says it isn’t so bad!
wow congrats to your dad!!!
I completed my first sprint triathlon in April and I felt amazingly accomplished afterwards! It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever completed physically but it was so worth the hours of training. The hardest part for me was the run because it’s my weakest section but I made sure to train so that I would have enough energy to complete everything else.
I don’t know how you run in the middle of the day. I can barely walk to and from my car without breaking into a sweat!
I don’t know what it is but I just can’t get into swimming! No music plus I find it so hard to breathe–so that part would definitely be the most intimidating for me. Although you bring up a good point about racing on a bike in a big group–I never thought about how scary that might actually be haha.
Julie that salmon salad looks amazinggg!!! Any chance you could post the recipe??
Wow, go your dad!! And kudos to you for running outside in Florida in the summer! That is some serious dediction.
oops dedication**
Your lunches always look so delicious! I have never done a triathlon. I would love to but just like you, I am so nervous about the bike!
You can definitely do a sprint tri! I did my first one a month ago and I was nervous about the bike too. I didn’t clip in (just rode in my running shoes) and it worked out fine! There were a ton of other people that did the same. You can do it!
Agreed with Katie – could you please post the Salmon Salad recipe??
Many thanks – I enjoy the great reads!
I completed a triathlon 2 summers ago. It was very challenging for me but rewarding at the same time. The swim was by far the hardest for me. It didn’t help I trained in a pool but the actual swim portion was in a lake so it was definitely different! The next one I do I’ll now know how to train a little bit better!
You should so do a sprint tri! I did one earlier this year and loved it, but will have to move to duathalons because I tore my arch running so I can’t do that portion any longer.
Riding a bike isn’t that bad, you don’t have to clip in, I didn’t for mine, that way I had my shoes on I was to run in as well. Plus by the time you finish the swim and head out on the bike you aren’t in a huge group like you see at Tour de France.
I really really want to try a triathlon. My fiance has even printed out training plans for us to do together. He’s awesome at swimming and biking but struggles with running. I enjoy running and struggle with swimming and biking. So we thought we could help each other out with training, but it is so intimidating!
The bike ride freaks me out. I am afraid of crashing. My uncle got in a serious bike accident during a triathlon and hurt his shoulder pretty badly.
I just recently started doing triathlon’s this year. All stemmed from a stress fracture obtained from running. I decided “it’s time to cross train more!”
What a journey – it is SO MUCH FUN. And you’re body doesn’t hurt because the biking and swimming you incorporate is so good for you.
Clipping in is terrifying at first. Especially for a clumsy one like myself — but find a big, empty church parking lot and practice, and you’ll get the feel. I did my first sprint tri, 2 weeks after learning how to clip in — so if I can do you….you can!
I highly recommend you try the Tri! 🙂
I’ve been really wanted to swim laps lately but I don’t have access to a pool! Booo
That is a great accomplishment for your dad. He should be very proud! I have been wanting to do a triathlon for a while now, but the bike riding intimidates me also. I don’t have a bike, so that is not helping me get into the biking mentality. I grew up swimming on a club team, so I would love to get back into it. Someday!!
never done a tri, but I plan to eventually! With a background in running and swimming, I would have to say biking is what intimidates me most. I’ve never been a fan of cycling, and especially dislike the bruised crotch after a long road bike.
Congrats to your dad! My friend just completed her first half ironman – Amazing!!! I’m new to cycling and have the pedals with clips on one side (SPD) and they make me feel less nervous. You could totally do a tri!
So far I have done two sprint triathlons and I loveeee them! The last one I competed in was actually 2 weeks ago and I did it with my boyfriend which was a completely new experience for me. It was amazing having someone right beside you the whole time making you try your best! I am a fairly strong swimmer but the swim in the worstttt part because there are so many people swimming at once that everyone winds up grabbing and pushing others, which gets pretty scary. Regardless, I strongly suggest trying one! It’s a great way to switch up your workout routine and it feels amazing to accomplish it:)
I love that you did the tri with your boyfriend! How fun!
The pool must have felt wonderful with how hot out is has been this summer! I could go for some laps right now!
You don’t have to clip inyou can get cages for your pedals. I have a friend who has become addicted to tri’s and another friend is starting her training!
I think you should do a Q&A video session like the ‘Ask Emily’ series over at Cupcakes and Cashmere! 🙂
I would like to know whether you have to consciously keep your calorie intake up now that you’re excercising even more by instructing classes?
I did a triathlon that was canoe, run, bike. It was SO fun and such a good challenge. I don’t know if I could do a real one, very intimidating!!
I am doing my 6th sprint tri this summer. I started 3 years ago and do 2 every summer. Training for them, I am always most worried about the run because a) it’s last and b) I am a slow runner. During the race though, I find the bike to be the scariest portion! Lot’s of people, going really fast and passing, especially on the downhills. Five of the six races I have done have been women only and it’s always been a great time, a great vibe and a great challenge!
Yum. I’m definitely a goat cheese fiend so this is right up my ally. Except I would probably add double. And a generous pat on the side to be eaten straight up.