I went through a phase when I was so sick of fish in high school. Of course I made what my mom prepared, but I would cringe when I found out fish was on the dinner menu.
Fast forward to college and when I would come home to visit, all I wanted was a homecooked meal that included fish.
Maybe my craving stremmed from the fact that I didn’t eat fish away from home since I had a meal plan in college and didn’t really trust the fish prepared on campus. Or maybe I now wanted fish because we moved to Florida and the fish we ate was super fresh and often caught earlier that day during one of my dad’s spearfishing trips. Either way, my love for fish retured in full-force.
These days I don’t make fish all that often because it can be pricey, but when I saw beautiful filets of trout on sale at the grocery store yesterday, I had to pick some up.
Fish is not only delicious and nutritious, but it’s also easy to prepare, which may be what I like most about it!
I prepped the trout by sprinkling a seasoning of Nature’s Place lemon, basil and thyme that Ryan’s mom gave to me after I complimented a dish she made that used the yummy spices.
This flavor combo is perfect for poultry, red meat or fish. Gotta love the versitility!
To cook the fish, I placed it on a baking sheet lined with foil and sprayed with cooking spray and broiled it for approximately 10 minutes, until it flaked with a fork.
Along with the fish, I enjoyed a mixture of lentils with sauted onions and carrots.
I went back for another small piece of fish because it was so delicious!
I really need to start integrating fish into my diet more regularly. It’s too good to continue to ignore.
- Do you like fish?
- How often do you eat fish?
MMM, that fish looks delicious! I try to eat fish at least twice a week, I love salmon!
I do love fish, but I actually hate trout. Funny, huh? I’m more of a white fish girl. I can only do salmon in sushi and can’t stand it cooked.
I love fish. Sadly we don’t eat it often cause of cost and finding good fresh fish. My favorite way to eat fish is sushi though!
Salmon is my favorite fish and I find myself eating it at least 2 times a week. It’s also quite amazing on the grill!!!
Gotta get in those Omega-3’s and for me, salmon is definitely the way to do it! 😉
i had a lentil/carrot mixture tonight for dinner! mine had collard greens, tomato sauce, raisins and curry powder. darn tasty! lentils are a powerhouse of protein 🙂
I love fish. I eat it a lot. Love all kinds. My fave is salmon though.
I looooooove fish – I eat it too much, seriously, I’m beginning to be scared of mercury poisoning. It’s just so so good!
I LOVE fish! Salmon and mahi mahi are among my favorites. As well as seared ahi tuna … yum! Yours look awesome 🙂
I heart fish. I could give up all meat, but not my fish. I would eat it more often if only it weren’t so expensive. For now, I would say I probably have fish 1-2 times a week. My fav form of it is sushi!
I love fish, but I definitely don’t eat it as often as I would like!
My parents both hated fish, so I don’t think I ever tried any until I was at least in high school…I had to do a lot of exploring on my own 😉
Fish is amazing, especially sashimi with wasabi and soy sauce. <—- I like it more than others because my family hails from the part of Korea where the fish is plentiful and omega 3's are in overabundance 🙂
Sadly, I dont eat fish that often because all we usually have is tuna and tuna 24/7 is NOT appealing 🙂
It sounds like we’ve had a similar relationship with fish. I had it all the time growing up, but in college I didn’t have the opportunities to have it like Mom made it (Wisconsin likes their fish fried). When I first had my own apartment I made a lot of frozen fish, but I don’t really make it that often anymore. Not sure why… But your salmon looks delicious!
I love fish! I probably eat it once a week or so. If I moved back to my hometown of Portland, ME I’d probably eat it a lot more often. So much great, fresh seafood.
I just posted a blog about how I can’t make myself like fish–that’s so ironic! Try as I might, I just don’t dig the flaky texture!
I don’t love cooked fish but I do love sushi, especially salmon and tuna sashimi.
I love that pic of Sadie in the background! She reminds me a lot of my dog, I assume since she is always in your pics, she must always be underfoot, just like Molly. She HAS to be where I am at all times. Adorable.
oooh yes. she’s a true “velcro dog.”
Just found your site…it’s GREAT!
I’m a fish snob because my mom spearfishes and I grew up eating fresh fish 2-3 times a week…Nothing beats eating grouper that was swimming in the ocean the day before 🙂
I absolutely love fish! My mom cooks it at least once a week, its one of my favorite meals!
I do love fish-especially salmon – but it has to be good! Not stinky, fresh is always best of course.
I was wondering if you were still planning on training for a half with only two runs a week. I want to do a half but I get injured so easily- I would like to know how it goes!
i decided to try to run 3x a week… i’m a little concerned that 2x a week could make it hard on my body come race day.
Love Fish! Love it! I wish I ate it more
Yum!!! I love fish and you are so right, it’s SO easy to cook!
Ew! So I think you can see that no, I’m not a fan of fish, lol
I don’t like the taste or texture of ANY kind of meat for that matter. Blech, no thank you. I have actually never tried lentils before, but your side dish looks so tasty!
had haddock for dinner tonight!
That trout looks amazing! Love the lentil salad on the side.
I loooooooooooove fish! All seafood, really. I eat fish at least 4 or 5 times a week, especially salmon. <3
I love fish, but I don’t eat it as often as I would like to. It’s usually canned tuna, but I love smoked salmon, fresh salmon, or some nicely baked fish.
salmon and lentil combo sounds pretty good!
Now I’m craving salmon! I don’t eat fish nearly enough – I hope to rejuvenate my dose of Omega-3s when I go home.
LOVE LOVE LOVE fish. I think my fav fish is chilean sea bass…so light!
I really like just sashimi too. Thats how you KNOW you like fish 🙂
I love fish… I think pretty much all of it. I could eat sushi every day. and I used to go fishing with my uncle when I was six, and had My Own crab pots (two of them!) when I was like nine.
I think liking fish definitely has to do with where you live, and or where you grew up… living in Portland Oregon we have access to amazing fish. I know folx from the midwest that detest fish.
I love the spice photo with pup background. 🙂
That fish looks so good!! I tend to eat fish more than normal because I try to sub it in for all other meats, but on average I’d say I eat it maybe 2-4 times a week. I need to get my little hands on some of that spice however that’s for sure!
I do love fish, especially tuna steak, but I rarely buy it because of the price. Your trout looks delicious, though! Very inspiring!
I used to hate fish up until late in high school. My father and brother are huge fisherman so we had fish all the time.
I know love fish and eat it pretty often during the summer because my father and brother catch so much of it. We have fish coming out of our ears.
I also work in a seafood restaurant so I kinda have to like it haha.
I absolutely LOVE fish, trout in particular! I love it baked whole, in foil, with lemon and thyme and olive oil. Serve it with some steamed vegetables and it’s absolute perfection!
I LOVE salmon baked with a light drizzle of pure maple syrup and crushed garlic… Tasty!!!! It has such a nice flakey texture… It’s really too bad my husband hates fish in any form.
That spice mixture looks great, lemon + basil + thyme… I think I’ll put that on the salmon next time I make it! 🙂
i love fish…every kind! Your meal looks fantastic!!!
I didn’t start liking fish until about 2 years ago—and I still dont love it. Basically, I like fried fish right now . Shocking huh? Anything fried tastes good 🙂
I love fish! Tuna, tilapia, and salmon are the ones that we have the most often, along with the occasional crappy dinner after my dad’s out on the boat all day! The fish crappy, not “crappy” as in “bad”… its actually quite good!
I love fish! I make my own version of Fish Tacos atleast once a week, along with a night of Salmon or Tilipia and then maybe a dish with Shrimp – so I get some type of seafood atleast 3x a week. My only wish is that I lived in a state that wasn’t landlocked so that we could get some decent FRESH seafood that wasn’t previously frozen!
Yum Yum Yum In my Tum Tum! Every single day!