First things first, your comments on this morning’s pumpkin butter granola post had me laughing out loud! Apparently we all flub the lyrics to songs from time to time.
If you’re in the mood for a good laugh, definitely check out the comments section of that post.
Some of my favorites:
- U2’s Mysterious Ways: “She moves in mysterious ways” = “Shamu is a serious whale”
- Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back: “Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it” = “Come here girl, go ahead big girls”
- Johnny Nash’s I Can See Clearly Now: “I can see clearly now the rain has gone” = “I can see clearly now, Lorraine has gone”
- Beach Boys’ Little Deuce Coupe: “My little deuce coupe” = “My little loose tooth”
You guys are awesome.
I crafted today’s lunch completely around the two remaining slices of bacon that were leftover from last night’s baked potato soup.
I made myself a BLT-inspired bagelwich by topping a whole wheat bagel with cheese, bacon, spinach and tomato slices.
Doesn’t that cheese look like a pineapple ring?
Sides for the day included carrots and a sliced nectarine.
One of these days I will have the patience to take the time to roast vegetables for lunch.
And now that lunch is over, my mind is already brainstorming dinner recipes. I have some beer and pork chops in the fridge and feel like there must be a recipe out there that combines the two in a fabulous way.
Know of anything?
Hope you’re having a great Tuesday!
Of Possible Interest
- How to Break Bad Snacking Habits (
- 5 Surprising Signs of Breast Cancer (
- William Rast sale on RueLaLa today! (My favorite skinny jeans are William Rast *proof* and some of you have asked for a head’s up when I see them on sale, so there ya go!)
That BLT looks like the perfect lunch..but then again I think cheese make everything better!!
yummy lunch! i never have the patience to roast veggies, unless i plan ahead. im so ravenous when i get hungry! i want my food and i dont want to wait.
Oh that does look GOOd! I love a good sandwich–esp with melted cheese!
those are HILarious comments about lyrics!!
Mmm that nectarine looks so juicy! I wish I had one here right now lol!
AHHHH that whole meal looks incredible!!
Roast the veggies ahead of time, then just heat them up again before you want to eat. I do this all the time—and roasted veggies taste great for several days afterwards!
The William Rast jeans are actually on Rue La La today! 🙂
I was just going to say that!! Unless they’re on BOTH! Oh the denim possibilities….
woops! i got my sale sites mixed up. i edited the post. thanks!!
LOL at the lyrics!
Beer and pork chops… I don’t think I have a recipe for that, but whatever you come up with, I’m sure it will be man-approved! Beer-marinated chops perhaps?
Your sandwich really does look like a pineapple ring! It doesn’t matter though, it looks delicious! 🙂
I love roasting veggies. If you have time at dinner maybe roast some extra and save it in a tupperware container for lunch? That is what I would do.
lol I’ve actually never had the patience to roast vegetables! I have a butternut squash at home though and I’m going to make it happen!
I bet you could make this with pork:
When I was FUNemployed (not really) and home all day, I never had the patience to make myself a slow roasted lunch. I feel like when you’re working or applying to jobs yo get so into it that you just want something quick so you can get back to work.
William Rast is also on the Rue – I know how much you love RLL! Also, my friend used to sing the following for Madonna’s Vogue: Gingivitis, can’t stop there. Real lyrics: Ginger Rogers, dance on air!
I love mixing up lyrics 🙂 It is one of my favourite things.. sometimes I dont even sing real words.. Just to be extra cool, ya know?
Martha Stewart has a recipe for Apple ond Onion Pork Chops that are simmered in beer that are very good. It’s a very “fall-ish” dinner.
What kind of beer is it? Probably you could crock pot the pork chops with the beer, sliced apples and potatoes – maybe throw in some brown sugar??
yum!! it’s a cherry wheat, so i bet that would be good!
Sam Adams? I have that in the fridge at home too – and the new blackberry 🙂
You know that Garth Brooks song, Friends in Low Places? The lyric is “I’m not big on social graces…”
My translation, “I’m not big on sausage gravy…”
hahhaha looove that!
Hmmm perhaps marinate the chops in beer?!! I bet they’ll be super tender then!! hahahah those lyric examples are hilarious!!!!! shamu is a serious whale?!! I gotta listen to it now, and make sure lol 😛
I don’t think William Rast is on HauteLook – just Rue today! Just a heads up to anyone looking to buy them. Super cute stuff though!
Also, I definitely just stared at your sandwich for a few moments like, pineapple on a sandwich? well, THAT’S different. haha.
just edited the post! i got my sale sites confused. 🙂
that’s okay! me stalking those sites daily is the only reason i noticed… 🙂
hahah! Oh my gosh. I just laughed out loud in my film class. I’m such a dork.
Mmm i love how wonderfully melty that cheese is!
Haha those lyrics are hilarious! 🙂 I am so bad at singing the correct lyrics so I’m that person that always makes them up
I love William Rast. They’re tied with J.Brand for my favorite. The one thing to be careful with buying William Rast through sample sites is that they also sell their less-expensive line alongside of their regular merchandise and don’t differentiate it. So while getting a pair of jeans for $60 is a good deal, its not as good of a deal when they were originally selling for $95 instead of $220.
BLT is one of my favorite sandwiches. How can anything with bacon on it go wrong?
With pork chops and beer? I love putting that together in a crockpot with onions and letting it cook away. Tastes to good! Then you can simmer the leftover liquid on the stovetop with some butter and chicken stock until it reduces and you have instant glaze.
That cheese really DOES look like a pineapple ring! I love roasted veggies but I doubt I would ever make them from lunch even if I was home. Sometimes I just can’t wait 45 minutes!
Go to You can put in the ingredients that you have and it pops up all kinds of recipes. You should be able to find something there.
I can’t decide between a beef stew recipe or an irish stew recipe for tomorrow.. One is crockpot and the other is dutch oven. Decisions decisions.
The Kidless Kronicles
I used to sing Waterfalls all wrong! Saying:
instead of…
I thought this until sophomore year of college.
I totally forgot about my lyrics flub this morning, but for the longest time, I thought that “Pumped Up Kicks” song said this:
“All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, faster than my cousin” instead of “faster than my bullet” and I had this whole story built in my head of a gang of tough cousins. Hahaha.
i don’t think i’ve ever cooked pork chops, but LOVE me some bacon!!
Hey julie, I thought you might find this article interesting! Peanut butter is becoming more expensive!
I’m pretty sure this would work with pork!
Aaaanndd this one looks good too 😀
I totally just thought this up and don’t know how it would actually taste, but what about pork chops with a beer glaze of some kind? Like marinated in beer, basically. Hmm, actually now I want that!
LOL!!! SO funny! Missed the post so went back to read it. I have had A LOT of crazy lyric mix ups. There is one Hindi song i love ” Desi Girl”- i dont know Hindi but my parents do:
actual version: who’s the hottest girl in the world? My desi GIRL
mi version: who’s the hottest girl in the world? My desi GRA
haha loveee this song! but agreed- they need to work on enunciation!
even worse? I went to india and that is how i sang the song at the top of my lungs wherever i went. Geez, and i thought people were looking at me because they admired my voice (yeah right)- i was a weirdo in their country *sigh*
Pork + beer sounds like the beginnings of an amazing recipe!
That looks more like cheese with a bagel! Yum!
I need to get making some wheat free bagels, it’s been way too long!
Roasting vegetables is definitely a plan ahead type a thang- but they freeze well so its worth it once in a while!
Do you have any suggestions for work-out music? Would love to hear your playlist, specially for long runs.
yes! here’s a link to a page that i update w/ my past playlists:
Those carrots look so fresh! Mmm! and bacon!? What can be better?!?
hahaha I like the misheard U2 lyrics, that one is my favorite
Shamu is a serious whale!? O-M-G, I cannot stop laughing!
i know! that one literally had me dying!
My husband always sings the words to “Maneater” wrong. The lyrics are:
“She’s a maneater
make you buy cars
make you cut cards
make you fall, real hard in love”.
He thinks it’s
“She’s a maneater
Makes your back paws
want to touch cars
Makes you want more lump-de-lump”.
Um yeah, we laugh a lot in our house. :0)
i would love to hear him sing that!