I want to savor the next week and really immerse myself in the holiday spirit of loving and giving and spend quality time with my loved ones.
I also plan to listen to the Rockin’ Holidays station on Pandora non-stop.
It gets me through the work day and follows me home as I make dinner. I can’t get enough of the upbeat holiday jams!
One highlight from yesterday’s random assortment of music was “All I Want for Christmas is You” sung by the adorable girl from Love Actually. That girl can SING.
All I want for Christmas is a good singing voice. Actually, if I’m dreaming, I’d prefer tan Tory Burch flats. 😀
Workout + Breakfast
Now for this morning’s regularly scheduled blogging…
This morning was a typical Friday workout. I took a BodyPump class and the instructor did the latest release. Not be Debbie Downer, but I’m really not a huge fan of this release. I’m sure it will grow on me (they all do), but I’m not feelin’ the awkward movement in the bicep track or the ease of the lunge track. Not a big deal though… I always go back!
Breakfast was another smiley creation!
On my plate: cream cheese smeared on a whole wheat bagel thin, served with a banana and a big, fat tangerine nose.
My breakfast smiled, which made me smile.
Good way to start the day!
Question of the Morning
What big-ticket item would you love to receive this holiday season?
a new laptop!!!
Dude, I’m totally getting a kitchen scale. This will help me making macarons. I’m so excited about this that I have convinced my grandmother that we’re making macarons on the 26th.
I’m hoping for a membership to a rock climbing and yoga studio near my college in northern california!
Definitely a new camera! My current one has taken a serious beating the last few months. Scratches, dents, covered in sugar and flour…I’m surprised it’s still working! 🙂
My dream Christmas gift is the ceramin/platinum tag heuer watch!!!! My boyfriend laughed when I showed it to him..hey, a girl can dream!!!
A trip to somewhere warm and that’s never seen snow would make my Christmas!
Love the smiley face breakfast 🙂
Hmmm, I want a new camera. It won’t happen, but I can dream!!!
Well I certainly wouldn’t kick a new pair of Christian Louboutins outta bed 😉
I think I’m getting a netbook though!
i would LOVE to get a flip camera to play with! fingers crossed… 🙂
I would loooooove a Vitamix!
I would like to get wii fit package. Or some good workout clothes 😀
I love those Tory Burch flats! They are so cute! I’d love those or a kitchen aid mixer. 🙂
Cuisinart 12-Piece Green Gourmet Set…. drool.
My bf just got a iPad for Hanukkah from his dad. Fun, but there are so many other cooler things I would ask for. The best gift anyone could give me would be plane tickets. I would take traveling over something material any day.
I really really want a Kitchenaid mixer!! I’ve had my eye on that for awhile and can’t bring myself to actually spend the money on it
I already got my big ticket item – a new Roomba… but I would also love to have an Ipad. I don’t think I’m getting one though LOL
For Christmas I would love a new house. We’ve been looking to buy for years, but keep getting out bid.
Girl, if you are into the Tory Burches, check this out….
I’m a shoegirl too. I need to own the MiuMiu black ones. **Sigh**
I already received my big ticket item which was a Garmin 305.
But if we are dreaming…then a DSLR. My point and shoot isn’t doing it for me anymore.
I asked for a Vitamix, but my Fiance did one better and got me a professional macro lens. And, knowing me really well, he gave it to me before Christmas so I could use it all my Christmas baking!
Okay, I’ll buy you the tan Tory Burch flats if you will buy me the grey and silver color block Tory Burch flats! 😀
I am crossing my fingers as tight as possible for a Garmin Forerunner!
An iPod touch. I believe it will miraculously get me out of my running funk so that I can start up my half marathon training again with new, fun running playlists to get me back out there!
Ha…truthfully I want to wake up on Christmas morning and find a new Lexus IS250 in my driveway with a big bow. I told Keith that and he said he would get me the bow! haha!
I would LOVE to get a mini vacation with my husband and son for Christmas. Some place that’s fun and new to us.
A french bulldog pup.
Already have a fantasy idea in my head of carrying her around in a LV dog bag!
Love the blog by the way, you’re entries are incredibly inspiring and always brighten my dreary work days.
A french bulldog pup.
Already have a fantasy idea in my head of carrying her around in a LV dog bag!
Love the blog by the way, your entries are incredibly inspiring and always brighten my dreary work days.
I think I would like a pony…at least the 5-year-old me that pops up every now and then would! I don’t celebrate Christmas but my birthday is on December 22nd. I would absolutely love a VitaMix this year, but I think I’ll end up with a new dress instead. It’s hard to be practical when I stay awake at night thinking about smooth, chunk-less green monster smoothies! 🙂
I don’t really know what i want for Christmas…..
Your breakfast is sooo cute!
A bike trainer or a car… Figuring I’d have more luck with the bike trainer though 😉
everyone by now knows the answer to this one… A PUPPPYYYYY! =D
A subscription to Womans Wear Daily!!!!
Black uggs in tall or a michael kors or marc jacobs watch!
Honestly though I am just excited to get to be home and spend time with my family over the holidays – and given presents too :)!
I was just saying to my sister how I’m not feeling the new body pump either! The music is a total miss, hopefully they’ll get it next time…
And I would love a pair of the cheetah Tory Burch flats 😀
We are actually not doing gifts this year in my family for Christmas. Instead we are going to a beautiful resort in Arizona as our gift to each other. But my birthday is in March, so I’d have to say for that I’d love either a GPS (not cause I want one, but cause I NEED one, ugh) or a Kindle. 🙂 OR a really sweet yoga mat/yoga clothes/yoga anything.
I have a sneaking suspicion you will be getting those flats some time soon! You have mentioned them so many times, and now I am starting to like them as well! lol!
I think the big thing this yr will be Kindles/Ebook readers etc!
I’M GETTING A GARMIN FORERUNNER!! 😀 I’m so excited! My parents (who I had hinted heavily to!) accidently gave me the recipt, thinking it was something else! Haha!
I already received my big ticket item, a waterproof digital camera, the Olympus Stylus Tough. Hanukkah gift from my awesome parents.
Hubby & I also “gave” each other a new 55″ tv to upgrade our old 40″ 🙂
good times!
I want a good singing voice for Christmas too!
Nothing big, no one I know has any money as well as myself.
I LOVE Christmas music 😀
And smiley breakfasts 😉
i dont celebrate christmas, but i want a kindle!! haha 🙂
You and Ryan totally look like the couple in Tangled! You guys have to go see it!
It’s not really big ticket, but I need a new blender. Mine actually started smoking the last time I made a smoothie. I thought I was going to burn the house down. It still has the ability to make smoothies, but I am not feeling it. I need a better one.
i have those flats in green…such a good investment, they hold up well, dress up or down, and feel all right, too(yes, i’m enabling and no, i’m not ashamed. they’re adorable). i personally want the marc jacobs leola hobo…and it keeps going on sale so i think this might end well. i hope santa’s good to you!
I would absolutely LOVE a new point-and-shoot. The one that I have now is just horrendous and was an impulse buy a couple of years ago but it works fine and I can’t bring myself to replace it!