What is the easiest dinner in the world? Salmon!
Why did I go years and years without making this delicious fish?
I’m so glad I got over my fear of preparing salmon and tackled it because it pops up on our dinner menu all the time now!
- Salmon Burgers
- Cashew-Crusted Salmon (<—I need to make this again! Yum.)
- Salmon with Raspberry Glaze
- Honey Soy Glazed Salmon
Tonight’s salmon was rosemary garlic broiled salmon. I cooked the salmon the way I always do, seasoning it with garlic salt and rosemary.
Ryan’s words: “I like the thyme you put on there.”
It was rosemary, but I’ll take it. At least he pronounced thyme correctly! He used to say the “th” like “the” rather than “time.”
I love listening to people say words differently. Ryan swears that I say the word “cashew” like “ca-shoo.” Lies, I tell you.
(Just in case you missed it, I previously posted a list of the 20 most commonly mispronounced food words on the blog. I definitely said quite a few words incorrectly!)
On the side of our salmon we ate roasted cauliflower, which I prepared by tossing the cauliflower in olive oil, seasoning it with garlic salt and roasting it in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.
I’m thinking I should tackle another dish that has always intimidated me sometime soon. I’ve always been intimidated by pot roast, prime rib and ham (the whole thing, not just a ham steaks). Pretty much any big meaty dish freaks me out!
Question of the Evening
- What is one word people have told you that you say funny?
Apparently when I was a little girl I used to say “pink” like “pay-ink.” And I also thought “crayon” was pronounced “crown.” Thank you to my best friend Kristen for teaching me that one!
my whole family comes from brooklyn…almost nothing i say sounds quite correct, lol. there only thing my friends at home in northern nj make fun of is when i say “zatza—” instead of “that is a–“. i think i’m secretly right though, i save time when i talk(tawk)!
ooops–the,* not there*
No one I have met–ever–can agree on how my name is supposed to be pronounced (they don’t take my opinion into account, either! 🙂 ).
I grew up in the Northeast, and my parents and everyone I went to school with called me “Taaah-ra.” Short “a” sound, like when you say “at,” “bat,” “apple,” etc. But I have cousins out west in Arizona, and they always pronounced my name “Tear-a,” which just sounded so utterly bizarre to me as an East Coast kid…until all my college friends started saying my name the same way years later. I’ve even gotten “Tor-a” and “Tyra” (which is just a complete mispronunciation, if you ask me.
I pretty much answer to anything that sounds vaguely like that combination of letters. 🙂
i would totally say “tear-a!” 🙂 but i think tah-ra is very common, too! which do you prefer?
I prefer “Tah-ra,” but I think it’s because I associate it with my parents and my sisters and growing up identifying myself that way. I will say, it’s fun listening to all the people who say “Tear-a” or “Tor-a” when they try to say it “my” way–I never realized the short “a” sound could be so tricky!! 🙂
I’m trying to say it now and it is hard for some reason! My mouth keeps wanting to say Tear-uh or Tar-uh. But Tah-ra is hard!
Haha, I always say the word golf like “gulf”. I always get teased about it from my husband and family.
I apparently say “bagel” like “bag-el” instead of “beg-el.” I don’t know why!
I cooked my first ham on Easter-this is a fantastic recipe, following the changes in the first review! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/honey-glazed-ham/detail.aspx
hmmm, tough one! i’m sure i say some words “funny” but i can’t think of any specifics now. sometimes when i get excited i start combining my words, haha!
That salmon looks tasty!
My boyfriend makes fun of me because I say button but-ton like broken up. WHATEVER! haha!
escalator. i say: escYalator
haha!! i love it.
When I was little, I could not for the life of me say “hospital.” It would always come out “hosTIpal”!
I used to think that ‘brooch’ was pronounced phonetically– ‘br-ootch’ – not ‘broach’.
It’s such a totally weird word that even writing it just now got me confused and I had to go look-up the spelling to make sure I had it right (I did haha).
You should do an Accent VLOG!
i really should! i never did it when others were posting it, but i think it could be really fun. 🙂
I think you should tackle the roast first. I have only started making them in the last couple of years because I was scared too and now I make them all the time with the crispiest little baked potatoes as well – my husband requests this meal often which means he likes it.
I mispronounce words on purpose so I can remember how to spell them, it’s a little strange, but it works for me 🙂
Our teacher in elementary school taught us how to spell Wednesday by pronoucing it incorrectly. Wed Nes Day. I still break it up every time I spell it!!
I still do that now! 🙂
someone once told me that i say ‘also’ so that it sounds like ‘ass hole’. i don’t know why or how but i am pretty aware of it now!
i’m from chicago so i say every word funny according to anyone who is not from chi. especially mom, which apparently i say “maaaam”.
i’m gearing up to tackle a whole chicken. seems like it should be super easy, but is so intimidating!!
ah!! i grew up in palatine (NW suburb of chicago) and i got made fun of all the time for how i said mom (“maaam”) when i moved to florida!
Roasting Cauliflower is my favorite way to have it.. I don’t really care for it just steamed. I sometimes put honey and a little bit of curry power on it.. So good!
When I was younger, my mom said I used to point to the cabinet and say I want “pokidoes”. Apparently I was trying to some “some of those.” And instead of pigtails, they were lily-ups. 🙂
basically, any word that i say with a letter “a’ in it, people tell me i’m pronouncing wrong! im originally from the philadelphia area and i’m the only one in my family who says water like “wa-ter” everyone else says “wood-er”
Salmon is my favourite type of fish! It’s so easy to prepare and there are so many health benefits to it!
I don’t remember anyone pointing out that i pronounced things funkily, except maybe “for real” which i guess i say too fast and it comes out sounding like “frill” as for my friends? 🙂 there’s Comph-terble (comfortable), Flayg(flag)/waygen(wagon)/bayg(bag).. W-are (war) and then there’s also hoc dog(hot dog)!
With all this salmon talk, how do you all pronounce salmon? I say sa-min.. Though my cousins say sal-min
i definitely keep the “l” silent like you!
I don’t know if this counts but I used to (and sometimes still do) refer to underwear as “drawers”. Haha 🙂 and crayons as crowns was something I said as well!
We’re a little southern here in the cornfields of Indiana so we sometimes get told we say “Poosh” for push, “Warsh”…classic hick talk
My uncles name is Barry and I used to say Berry. I also used to call Burger King – Berber King. lol
Okay you gotta do pot roast! It’s ridiculously easy. Especially if you have a crock pot.
Also it’s delicious.
One of my favorite foods ever. 🙂
I was totally intimidated by cooking prime rib, but my husband and I decided to brave it and make one for Christmas dinner last year. It was absolutely amazing! Just make sure to get a reallly good cut from a butcher. You won’t regret it!
My ex always said “ar-lando” instead of Orlando and “ar-eo” instead of Oreo. So annoying! What is even worse is that (even after 2 years of dating!) he never pronounced my name right! It is pronounced like “la-ra”, not “lora!” No wonder he is my ex, huh? 😉
haha! my aunt is aunt laurie and it’s pronounced “la-rie” not “lor-ie” and it gives people such a hard time.
My boyfriend pronounces so many things wrong and I think it’s so funny. 🙂 The most recent one I can remember is how he says herb the way it’s spelled . When I was little I used to say “ketch-cup” in instead of ketchup and “nacaroni and cheese”.
that is absolutely adorable!
Hi Julie, I always read your blog, but dont usually comment! Tonight I also had salmon for dinner! I prepared mine on the grill though. Anyways I love your blog! And I can always relate to all your Sadie comments haha!
When I was away at school, people commented on how i said salad all the time. I guess my chicago accent makes my vowels really long.
You have to try pot roast in a crock pot! It’s so easy and yummy. You just brown te roast on a skillet and add it to the crock pot with onions, potatoes, carrots, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a packet of knorr spinach dip. Cook it for a few hours!!
My boyfriend teases me for the same thing (saying ca-shoo) instead of cashew. I’m still convinced I’m saying it properly. We also get into the debate about how to say ‘almond’ when the first one comes up. Of course, I’m right on both counts! 😉
My husband and mom always told me I say “pinch” like “peach.” It was a running joke for a while at my house 🙂
Your salmon looks amazing! I have a sweet spot in my heart for rosemary anything!
Are you loving Bachelor Pad right now!?! Poor Michael <3 But I'm not sure what words I say wrong, but I always forget how to pronounce Raleigh (as in Raleigh, NC). I always pronounce it as "Ra-Lay" hahaha
That salmon looks amazing! I’ve been told I pronounce aunt and route funny. I live in Cali and I’ve been told I have an “east coast” pronunciation, but I think it’s more fun to say those words in that way!
My family always says Chester drawers instead of chest of drawers.
People always say I have a Minnesotan accent particulary with the words “sorry”, “bag”, and “bagel.” 🙂
Salmon is by far my favorite fish. I like to make it once every other week. My favorite recipe for it is this one:
I say a couple of things weird but my husbands favorite is “roof”. I say it like “ruff” – like a dog does instead of roooof like it’s supposed to be pronounced. *shrugs*
I’m currently working on reminding myself not to pronounce ‘picture’ like ‘pitcher’
I grew up in MA and a few weird pronunciations have stuck around. Idear, rum (instead of room), and the city I am from is Pee-ba-dee. Not Pea-body 🙂
Apparently I say tired wrong. Like tye-red. I think it’s a buffalo thing!
I pronounce so many words wrong! I’ve lived on every coast of the country so I picked up the weirdest accents and somehow meshed them all together!
A word that I pronounce wrong that I have no excuse for is pumpkin. I just think punkin sounds cuter! ;p
Crayon and drawer are my 2. I say “cran” and “draw.” I guess it’s a NY thing. When I try to pronounce drawer correctly I sound legitimately slow. I just can’t do it.
After years of speech therapy I came to really pronounce my “t’s”, so I get bugged about that – kitten, mitten, Tim Hortons. I just say they slur their words whereas I speak clearly! 😉
I love roasted cauliflower! Is it weird that I think it’s buttery?
My husband makes fun of how I say the word “orange” – I don’t even think I can type it like I say it…too weird for actually letters.
i do, too! i always say it reminds me of popcorn!
i notice words that my dad says “funny” and I’m sure I say words strangely but it hasn’t been pointed out…yet!
I said broom and room like brum and rum. Everyone told me I should open up a store called the brum rum.
I say cashew like “cash-oo”. Is that right? Speaking if nuts, sometimes I say “pecaHn,” and sometimes I say it like “pee-can”. But I’m from GA, and even the farmers here can’t agree on it. Different pronunciations are so interesting! My father-in-law says “birfday” for birthday, and it’s not a speech impediment because he can say “birth” just fine. Anyway…you should def try pot roast in the crock pot because it’s so easy and good!
As weird as it may seem, I’ve been told I say “box” funny. I’m pretty sure I don’t but apparently that’s one of those words where my Chicago accent comes out and I somehow add an “a” sound. Think “bax” vs “box”.
Though I haven’t really heard this since college so maybe my classmates were just crazy… 😉
WOW the pic of your salmon made my mouth water and I just finished eating salmon for dinner 😉 hehe
Apparently I say spider funky??
I was actually always confused about how to pronounce ‘thyme’ so thanks for that. I also says “strawbry” instead of “straw-berry”…apparently it only has 2 syllables!
I just followed your link back to the “commonly mispronounced food words” post and discovered that you’re a KD! I am so excited to find that out because I just pledged Kappa Delta and I love that I automatically have sisters everywhere! KD love! <3
wooohoooo! AOT baby! 😀
Hahaha well apparently I struggled to say the world funeral. I kept say FRUN-ER-ALL. So close yet so far…