Guys, I am seriously going to bathe in smoothies when we finally take our Vitamix out of storage. Why-oh-why did we back it at the bottom of the storage unit? I am experiencing serious withdrawals.
I opted out of a first-thing-in-the-morning workout in favor of spending a good two hours writing today’s Blog Talk Tuesdays post and Ryan decided to sleep in, so we went to breakfast together, clean and not sweaty. Imagine that!
Today’s morning meal was sadly not a healthy smoothie, but rather breakfast buffet staples.
Scrambled eggs with cheese, yogurt and whole wheat toast with jelly. I smooshed the eggs between the toast to make a breakfast sandwich which was quite tasty!
A 5 mile run took place late this morning.
I haven’t been running nearly as much as usual lately. I’d like to blame the ri-donk-ulous humidity and heat in Florida, but really, I’ve just been lazy.
Running is hard for me. It’s not a natural talent I have and I have to continue running constantly to keep up my running fitness. (You may read my running story here.)
Yesterday I realized there are only 12 weeks until the Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon I am registered to run.
Twelve weeks! That motivated me to get my booty on the treadmill this morning.
I committed to conquering five miles, promising myself I could run as slow as I wanted to as long as I just completed the distance.
“Run as slow as you want to, but just get out there and run” was my go-to mantra on days when I didn’t want to run during my previous half marathon training plan and it worked like a charm again this morning. (Can you tell I am not a competitive runner at all?)
I was proud of myself for plugging away on the treadmill. I took two 30-second breaks to sip on some water and stretch out my legs that felt a little tight, but I did it!
The last time I ran 5 miles was more than a month ago on July 7. Has it really been that long? One of the benefits of keeping a daily workout log on the blog is that I can look back and see gaps in my workouts or patterns. Running must become more prevalent in my workouts if I want to cross the finish line in Savannah in November with a smile on my face!
I plan to officially start training for the half marathon soon but in the meantime, I want to run more often to build up a better running base before diving right in.
Questions of the Afternoon
Let’s talk running today!
- Running: Love it, loathe it or just tolerate it?
- Do you have natural running ability?
- If you’re a runner, what race is on your horizon?
I wish that I loved running. I wish that I was good at it. But, sadly I am not. I do however keep trying. I have run in a 1/2 marathon and hope to do another one but I have not registered for one as of yet. One of these days I will be a “runner!”
I have a love/hate, on again/off again relationship with running. I used to run about 16 miles a week, but nowadays it’s more like 16 miles every 6 months. That 16 miles a week really took a toll on my knees so I eventually found something else to do, which was high-impact aerobics. The funny part is that it’s not any better on the knees! My poor body wasn’t built for long distance running, but I lost a lot of weight doing it and it was hard to give it up. I’m trying to get back into it now because I’ve decided to run a 10K in October. “Back in the day” I kept my races to 5K and always wanted to run a 10K, but was too scared, until now. I feel empowered when I run, but I never feel that way until after the run. The first mile of my run is always the hardest because my poor body is trying to get accustomed to what I’m doing. This is why I say I have a love/hate relationship with running. It’s hard for me to run and I don’t always enjoy it, but I love the way it makes me feel afterward. I obviously love something about it since I continue to do it. I agree that some kind of running is better than no running, no matter how fast or slow you’re running!
I wouldn’t really call myself a natural runner – but I do call myself a runner. It is something that has developed over time. If we go wayy back in time to middle school.. I was one of those kids who could barely finish the timed mile in the allotted time.
Fast forward to 14 months ago – I was plug away at the treadmill between 6.0 and 6.5. I kept at it – ran indoors and outdoors .. and I now start at a pace faster then either of those. I never felt like a runner before.. but now – I do call myself a runner! I am currently training for a small half marathon (only 450 runners or so) in October.. 2 days before my 26th Birthday! (First half, too!)
That’s great that you completed it! I’ve been meaning to start running foreverrrr. I have no talent there at ALL. I’d be a baby beginner.
I really enjoy running, but I am definitely NOT a natural talent!
My mantra is always about going slow and just doing it. For some reason, when I run on the indoor track, I have no problem slowing down, but get me outside and I’m a speed demon. Ten minutes later, I’ve slowed down to a 17 minute walk because I went out too fast. I’m working on it though.
I keep wanting to race more. I’ve only done a few 5Ks and would love to do a 10K or half, but I always think of better ways to spend my money. I should just bite the bullet.
Good luck with your half, Julie!
I love to run. Love it! I finally got the courage up to sign up for not one, but two longer distances this year. The first is the RnR half marathon in San Jose and the second is a full marathon, the RnR in Las Vegas. I can’t wait!
yahoo!! San Jose!! I’ll be there too!
I really love to run, but have pretty much zero natural athletic ability….so I have to work pretty hard at it!
I’ve never been a runner, but when we moved to DC last year, I didn’t have a gym so I decided I had to do something to work off all the ice cream I eat. 🙂 I was miserable during the first few runs, but I’m stubborn and decided to stick with it. I used Hal’s training plan and signed up for a 10k. I’m training for my first half the R&R Virginia Beach over Labor Day. The first 10 mile run I did felt like I had won the Olympics or something. 🙂 It might not mean much to some serious runners, but getting myself to that distance felt so awesome!! Hopefully I’ll feel that way on race day.
Currently training for the Disney Wine & Dine half marathon October 1. Decided to jump on the bang wagon with a friend and now she backed out! I could seriously kill her.
I’m not a runner at all! My training cosists of FORCING myself to run 5-6 times a week. I guess you could say I am “learning to love it.”
Any tips or tricks you have for a first timer half mary runner would super-duper helpful! 🙂
Running …. love it! 🙂
Next weekend I’m doing the Giants Run in San Francisco, a 1/2 marathon that ends in AT&T Park!! The friday night before is runners game night so I’ll be going to that ballgame as well 🙂
funny, I’m planning to do a 5 mile run today and my last one was July 4th! looks like we are on a similar schedule! I just did a 1/2 in June, so I’ve been taking a break from running. sometimes it’s tough to motivate, but I never regret a run..or any workout.
I never thought I would actually be a runner. I do love it…sometimes. But I love running races – the accomplishment, the crowd support, the goodies! 🙂
My next race is the Cape Cod half marathon in October. Good luck with your training!
I tolerate running, but am starting to love it. I have no natural running ability, and am slow for now, but building endurance and getting a little bit faster.
I’m currently training for a marathon (Oct. 1st! Ahhh!) and lately it’s been setback after setback – my right knee sucks, and the weather has been a challenge. But committing to running a marathon is the very best way for me to celebrate turning 30 later this year.
I would say I tolerate running…I’m definitely not a natural!
Every year my husband and I run the 10k Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta on July 4th, and the night before, we’re always like, WHAT HAVE WE DONE?! It’s hard but a fun tradition…I guess. 🙂
I love running so much, that I started a company –! Plus, I now work part time at the top running store in Atlanta. 🙂 I’m not fast, but it’s my favorite thing!
Me and running = I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. I am definitely not a natural and need to work at it. Once I get out there and just run, I always feel great about what I accomplished though, so I guess that’s what keeps me doing it.
I wish I had a race on the schedule, but I’ve been on a running break this summer due to some unfortunate health issues. Hoping to be back at it in time to enjoy the fall season!
I’m definitely not a runner! I used to enjoy it years ago, but I just can’t bring myself to find any enjoyment in it!
I just updated my workout log on the blog – you are right about the accountability thing. I was ticked when I saw what little I had done. Sure does motivate me to get my routine pulled together!
How much longer do you have in the hotel? We’re in the process of moving so our house is a mess of boxes and half packed things. I can’t WAIT to just be done with moving! I feel your pain!
so fun! i am running in the savannah half marathon as well! i need to whip my bootay in shape quick! 🙂
I do not love running….but you wouldn’t think that if you saw my car with my “runner girl” vanity plate and 13.1 sticker. I’ve been running for 12 years. I’ve never been really good. I rode the JV train all the way through high school cross country. I do it for the comradery. I do it bc I like to race. I do it bc I need reasons to buy new running shoes (which are my favorite kind of shoes to buy). I’m planning on running a 10 miler on Thanksgiving morning, one half marathon in Nov and one in Dec.
which half are you doing in nov.?? the st. pete one!? i just saw that one today and am thinking of doing it!
No, the baldwin park half…I can’t do st pete because I have comp exams that day. booooo!!
I meant to ask where the post with the mantras is? I remember loving so many of them… can’t find it now 🙁
here ya go:
I LOVE your mantra! Next time I’m having a bad day or a bad run or not wanting to get out the door I’m going to remember to “Run as slow as you want to, but just get out there and run.”
I LOVE running. Its a big passion of mine. I wouldn’t say I have natural running ability. If I don’t keep up with it then I loose my stamina pretty quickly. I also am prone to injury so I only run three days a week and cross train the other days. I’m no super speedy but I enjoy it and I think that is what really matters. I have a few races coming up but I’m most excited about doing my 2nd full marathon in December at the California Interanationl Marathon. This race was also my first full marathon next year. I’m also doing a couple of 5ks, a 10k, a 10 miler and a 20 miler race before the end of the year. I LOVE TO RACE 🙂
I’m by no means a natural runner but I have come to love it! I have the Disneyland half coming up Sept. 4th and then San Fran full in October (my first full!) and vegas half in december! So excited for them all 🙂
I love running but unfortunately I have been sidelined due to surgery on my right knee. 🙁 It’s KILLING me.
I was not a natural-born runner growing up. I was slightly overweight and in high school went through something which turned me into a runner. At first I ran to lose weight, then I ran because I felt like I needed to get skinnier, but I realized after signing up for my first run that I LOVE running. It’s a passion now. And I miss it more than annnnnything.
I was going to run the Hershey Half Marathon this fall but this stupid knee. Grumpy, can you tell? Ha! I mean… they have a chocolate-aid station… A CHOCOLATE AID STATION!!!!! How awesome is that? Maybe I’ll volunteer and just run in front of that station 😉
I go through phases with running… But definitely feel like I have to work hard at it to feel good after runs. I’m doing hood to coast in a couple weeks and wish I would have trained better! I like your mantra 🙂
I like running…usually. I feel like I’ll like it more when I get better, because I remember doing runs in high school and liking those because I was in good shape.
Running doesn’t come naturally to me at all, which surprises some of my friends. It’s not that I’m a better runner, it’s that I just keep going, cramps, pain and all. Back when I ran track and cross country I would always tell friends that I did well because I was to stubborn to stop, not because I was particularly good.
I’m planning on running a 10K in April and half-marathon in May. Other than that, I don’t really have anything on the horizon, though I might see if I can find some 5K’s between now and then.
i loathe running…but i wish i didn’t. running is HARD for me. running (or anything athletic, for that matter) does not come naturally for me. i’ve been trying to do the couch to 5k, but even that is challenging for me!
I used to hate running in high school! I think because I had to do it for the dance team.. but after I graduated I realized how much I actually enjoy running! I like running because I can — not because I have to.
I have my first triathlon coming up in two weeks! eeeek… and just finished a 205 mile relay run this last weekend!
Have you ever done a relay?! They are a blast!!! Ill be doing a recap on it tonight or tomorrow morning;)
Funny – I am signed up for that half too and had the same realization of how close it is on my calendar about 2 weeks ago! I was determined to run 5 miles 2 weekends ago and ended up pinching a nerve in my back at 1/2 mile… had to turn back. So last week was my first long run, I decided to do 6 so I didn’t miss a week of training and had the same thought “go as slow as you want, but finish 6 miles”. Turns out the loop I did was a total of 7, so the last mile was alot of walking so I didn’t over do it, but I finished! I have the same agenda to run more frequently so I can get my butt across the finish line!
I looovvee running (a passion I developed about a year and a half ago). right now I’m training for a half marathon in Appleton, wi (about 2 hours north of Milwaukee).
I’m so jealous you are going to Savannah! Please tell me you are stopping by the Lady and Sons 🙂
I as well, have a love/hate relationship w/running. I am not a natural. I remember years ago, I would see runners and they make it look so easy, so enjoyable and fulfilling. I always had so much respect for them.
Then I decided *I* was going to be one of *them*!
I do alot of 5k’s, have done a few 5 milers. I belong to a club that does a 4.2 race every 3rd Thurs of the month. Sometimes I love the way I feel when I am running. Sometimes I really struggle and I ask WHY am I doing this to myself? But I try to get out of my head and just GO. And I am always so proud of myself once I am over that finish line!
Now I just have to step it up and sign up for a 10K, the next step..and some day I will make it a half, and maybe a full marathon!
I LOVE running but I’ve actually been battling a back injury for 12 weeks now, which has honestly made me appreciate it even more (well, when I actually do get to run). I have a couple of races coming up, in which I’m just hoping to make it to the finish line. I’m going down to Orlando for the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon in 45 days! (I love the food and wine festival.) And then I’m also attempting my first marathon here in DC with Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October!
LOVE IT! I impusively signed up to run in the Bronx half marathon which is in, oh, a week and a half. Fingers crossed that I too will be able to cross the finish line with a smile!
Every since losing over 110 lbs, I run 6 miles religiously on the weekdays and 12 miles a day on Saturday and Sunday. There are tough days, and days I want to stay in bed, but I atleast get up, put on my running clothes and THEN ask myself if I want to run today. And 99% of the time since Im fully dressed and ready to run, Ill run anyway. But I still ask myself that question. Love to run and hate to lift weights.
First of all, I just started reading your blog recently, and I absolutely love it! I live in San Francisco, so I can’t wait to check for your workout/breakfast posts first thing every morning!
Anyway, I so so so WISH that I liked running, but the sad fact is that I hate it. When I’m running, I just stare at the clock wishing for it to be over. In the past, I tried to force myself to like running, but I realized that all I was doing was trying to make myself do something I dreaded, and I ended up copping out of workouts all the time! So instead, I’ve found ways to exercise that I actually look forward to, like yoga and pilates in the morning, and walking home from work every day (walking an hour over the San Francisco hills can be verrry effective haha!). Even if those forms of exercise aren’t as intense, I find that I end up exercising far more often. There are so many different ways to exercise, so I think it just comes down to finding the ways that you actually enjoy!
Keep up the great work on your blog!
I just ran the Chicago Rock n Roll half marathon on Sunday. It was my first half marathon and I had a great experience! I love Savannah so I’m sure running 13.1 miles there would be great- I’m jealous! Nice work pulling out 5 miles today!
I’m learning to love day I will be completely enamored with it!!! I have a half marathon in 12 weeks too!! talk about a kick in the rear of reality!! Best of luck with your training!
I love running and that’s awesome that you kicked those 5 miles in the booty today!
I go through periods of love and hate with running. When I am in love I take full advantage!
Have to mention…look how long ALL the comments are..coincidence?
people have a lot to say about running! 🙂
I am actually thinking about running the Disney Princess Half in February..but am super nervous. I am not concerned about finishing in a specific amount of time…I just want to finish! I heard it is an amazingly fun race though!
I’ve started with the Couch to 5K app, and it has helped me develop a base run. It’s been tough, but I’m excited to meet some awesome people at races. Some days I love running and other days I love it a little less. I’m hoping running becomes my go-to stress reliever when life gets to be too much. And one day I hope to run a marathon with my mom! 🙂
I like running, mostly the feeling I get after accomplishing a run. I am definitely not good at it. I have run 2 half marathons and have been the “run slow, just finish” girl. I am currently signed up for the Long Beach half Marathon in October and I realized today it is only 7 weeks away!! Eeek!! I have started training, but I am way out of shape and very nervous. But it will be a good challenge for me!
Hi! I am a fairly recent new reader, but love your blog so far.
The past two days I have eaten a cheddar and grape jelly sandwich for lunch..inspired by your muenster cheese and jelly sandwiches. Surprisingy delicious!! Thanks for the idea 🙂
I do NOT like running on the treadmill! I feel very unmotivated to run when I have to use the treadmill. I think I concentrate on the numbers on the screen rather than just running.
Running outside is a TOTALLY different story. I love it. Although sometimes it dies take a little while for my head and body to get in sync.
My relationship with running fluctuates between the three. Most of the time when I just get out there I LOVE it. It is so refreshing and feels amazing to accomplish even a shorter run!
I used to think I had a natural running ability and I probably do. But like many others, I have to work at my speed.
I haven’t been racing the past few years because I had a bunionectomy (not fun) which took me out for 6+ plus months. Due to an injury to a team member, however, I got asked to run Hood to Coast – A relay from Mt. Hood to Portland, Oregon. I’ll be running 15.5 miles in a fewer than 24 hour window : ) YIKES.
I’m excited to read about your half training!
I do really like running, but I think deep inside I’ve always been and still am a bodyweight plyos and heavy weight workout type of person! haha. Running has a really cooling and soothing effect after a while, but I feel really strong when I can lift heavy stuff 😛 I still think though, that anyone has the ability to run as long as their body is capable without an impairment. I thought I was crazy when I first joined xcountry in high school, and then after a little while I fell in love with it.
Julie, I have a GE blender that makes the single serving smoothies in the glasses that you can drink from, which I got at Wal-Mart for about $20 . I’m sure the Vita Mix is a way better blender but you should consider picking up a cheapie to get you through!
I’ve got a 10K in 2 weeks and I just ran 6 miles last night for the first time in probably 4 months! It felt great to be back up at that mileage. I’m eyeing the Philly half at the end of November so I might continue training from the 10K straight through. I do love running but I wouldn’t say it comes naturally. It’s hard work no matter how you slice it for me!
That’s so cool that you’re coming to Sav! I wanted to run in that marathon but I’ll be in my junior year at the art school here, so I probably won’t even have enough free time for a good night’s sleep 🙁 But I live right on Forsyth park so maybe I can steal a second and cheer you on! Good luck!
And you should check out all the amazing restaurants and fun bars if you’re staying for a couple days!
Love it, but I’m pretty new to it … so I run sllooww. And some days are better than others. Today on the treadmill, my run felt miserable. So I did lots of walk breaks. But last Saturday, I did 10 miles outside with my husband and felt great! Go figure!