This morning I awoke feeling excited about my new life. Of course I am looking forward to essentially being my own boss and working from home, but part of me is also nervous about not having anyone to hold me accountable other than myself. Fortunately I’ve always been pretty self-motivated and I am determined to work hard every single day. I plan to approach my new working from home lifestyle with diligence and vigor.
I figured the best way to get my new career path started on the right foot was to go with what I know: A morning workout!
Since I had a lot on my mind this morning, I figured I would take my new coworker for a run… unplugged.
No iPod, no Garmin, no heart rate monitor. Nothing.
As I set out on my run, I praised myself for wanting to spend my time running alone with my thoughts and for being so introspective. How adult of me!
Well, about three minutes into my run these thoughts changed and I was cursing myself, wishing I had some kind of a beat blasting in my ears to keep me going.
About a mile into my run, my thoughts changed again and I found myself enjoying the sounds of my breathing and the light tread of Sadie’s paws on the sidewalk. I switched my running plan from running our usual five-mile loop to doing whatever I wanted to do for that five mile loop. Running, walking, cartwheeling, whatever!
I ended up running about two miles to the path by the lake downtown where I ran the straightaway parts of the path and walked the curvy parts before walking half a mile home. I really enjoyed getting out there in the morning air and doing whatever workout my heart desired at that moment.
Breakfast this morning was a redeeming one. After making the world’s worst ginger-peach-vanilla smoothie yesterday, I had to prove to myself that I hadn’t lost my smoothie-making knack.
I stuck with a chocolate base because that’s always a safe bet.
Into the blender went:
- 1 1/4 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 handful fresh spinach
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- 1/4 c. vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 pinch xanthan gum
Much better!
Time to begin my first day at my new job! I plan to first try to fix the serious speed issues on the site (sorry it went down for a bit yesterday and is so slow lately) and organize my PBF g-mail box. My g-mail box is out of control right now and I feel like the only way I can possibly keep track of freelance projects and blogging to-dos and emails is to be organized. Time to roll up my sleeves and dive in!
Good luck on your first day of self-employment, Julie! 🙂
Am I crazy, or did your site have a totally new design for a few minutes yesterday? Did I dream that?!
yes – that was part of the blog issues! bluehost took down my current theme for a bit there to try to figure out what was going on. bleh!
Love a good unplugged run every so often. Enjoy your first day of your new rockin’ career!!
yey for following your HEART in more ways than one!
Have a great first day! I guarantee you will do fine with accountability. You’ve done so much writing with both your jobs you have the multitasking skills to excel at this! 🙂
that morning run/walk sounds lovely! can’t wait to keep reading and see what’s in store for PBF!
Sounds like the perfect 1st-day-on-the-new-job kind of morning!! Enjoy your freedom Julie, and have a fabulous day! 🙂
I recently moved back down to Florida and decided to not get a new gym membership…yet. So I’ve been making the world my gym and running outside, braving the heat, finding new paths. I was apprehensive about maintaining running zeal without my magazines & air-conditioning, but I am having the best time each day—that freedom of running outside.
Cheers to day one!
Good luck on your “first day”! Your workout sounds great. After the horrid half I finished on Sunday, I’m giving myself two weeks to go to the gym and just do whatever with no plan of any kind. It’s been weird, but fun!
i think that’s smart! anytime i’m done running a big race i always like a bit of “decompression” time.
I can NEVER run without music, and lately I have even started downloading books on tape to listen to while I run. I guess I just bore too easily! Enjoy your first day :0)
It’s great that you’re starting off your new career strong and busy!
I usually run with my ipod attached to me, but I actually surprise myself when my ipod runs out of battery, or I can’t find it, and end up enjoying my run even more.
But I don’t think I’d actually choose to run without my ipod yet…
Good luck on your first day at the new job! I’m sure you’ll love having your furry coworker around.
I actually plan on doing a post on some of the unforeseen challenges of working from home, because there are a few that pop up!
Good luck with your first day! 🙂 So exciting!!
Perfect way to start off your first day with a delicious chocolate smoothie! Yum!
So exciting-keep us posted! I’m especially interested to know how you find changing your schedule, a less-steady paychek, and the process of such a big change in general!
so many changes! i am excited tp take you guys along for the ride. 🙂
Good luck organizing your g-mail account! I have such a hard time keeping my e-mail organized.
When I was in high school I ran without music so often that running WITH music was weird. Now I mix it up, but most of the time I prefer to run without music since I can never really “zone” out and just listen to the music. My thoughts are always going a million miles a minute.
I’m so happy for you because it’s obvious how excited you are! All the best. Enjoy girly 🙂
Yay for the first day of your new life (work life at least)! I can almost feel your excitement through the screen! 🙂
Good luck with the blog fixes — and hurray for your first day of your new job 🙂
I did the same thing last night — ran without music and the first mile was horrible! I was so bored! Then I finally got into it and enjoyed being present.
It’s nice to run outside without something plugged into your head sometimes. And it’s safer so creepers can’t sneak up on you!
good luck with organizing the email! Once you start doing it you’ll get it done!! I also know of some freelance writing opportunities I could tell you about but I can wait to send you an email until you’ve organized it…don’t want to add to clutter 🙂
Good luck on your *first day! Organizing my inbox is my least favorite thing in the world, and I’m a pretty organized person!
Congrats on your new job! How exciting!!
I’m sure your new coworker is excited too! My dad works for himself and he always used to say that our dog was the VP of his company and kept him in line to make sure he was doing enough work….I’m sure Sadie will do the same for you!
that is awesome! sadie is a little stickler, so she’ll keep me in check.
I hate running without music but I admire you giving it a try 🙂 I like to daydream when I run so I need music to set a soundtrack to my daydreams. I still haven’t put spinach in my smoothies yet. I’m afraid it will taste gross. Maybe I’ll give it a shot tonight!
Congrats on being your own boss! Your coworker is soo cute!
Quick question about the xantham gum you use in your smoothies. I am looking for a way to thicken mine up because i don’t usually use yogurt and yours always look SUPER thick, do you think that would make the difference?
YES YES YES. xanthan gum makes a HUGE difference in the thickness of smoothies. it’s expensive, but i’ve literally been using the SAME package for more than a year. a little bit goes a LONG way. i highly recommend it.
SOLD! I’ll pick some up and let you know how it goes. Thanks, missy! 🙂
Sometimes, I too like to enjoy a run or walk outside without timing myself or listening to my iPod. The plain old sun is good for me 🙂 Enjoy the first day of your ‘new’ life!
You are such a grown up! I admire you for running without the iPod–I think I’ve done it once in the last year and it was NOT a good time. I almost get too inside my head and start obsessing about things if I don’t have a little music to distract me.
I am coveting your smoothie right now. For whatever reason, this morning has me craving chocolate in a killer way!
Have a great first day at your new job! 😀
Hey Julie! I’m curious..what kind of almond milk do you get for your smoothie making?
almond breeze original almond milk. it’s my favorite!
Good for you for running unplugged! I can never bring myself to do it, I always need my music. Maybe I should try it one day.
Enjoy your first day of work! 🙂
I can’t imagine working out without music!! I can see, though, how after a while you would fall into the rhythm of your feet. I think Bob Harper from Biggest Loser talked about that or something. Anyhoo, hope your first day of work goes well!!
Good luck on your first day! I love running/walking outside, sometimes it’s nice not to have a plan!
Julie, Good for you for making the decision to choose another career path while you are young. Many people stay in a job for so many reasons other than happiness and it takes a toll on their lives. You are a motivated, positive girl with alot to offer. What type of freelance work will you do? Probably something in fitness and health I suspect. Anyway, I look forward to your new adventures with Sadie and Ryan by your side. Good luck!!
Yay for day one of working with your beloved co-worker, Sadie!
I ran a short race unplugged once.. it was to raise money for the school I teach at.. and it was kind of liberating! I don’t know if I could do long runs without tunes though!
was thinking the same thing!
Good luck on your new job!!
Will the Fashion page still be around since you could be working in your pjs?!
i was thinking the same thing!
i am planning on getting dressed most days! don’t you worry. i am thinking i may go to barnes & nobel in the mornings to work and then come home for lunch and work the rest of the day from home to get out of the house a bit. we’ll see! the fashion page will still be updated!
yay!! I love you blog and have spread the word about it!
Thanks for writing it!
Pheww!! I LOVE the fashion page! 🙂
Happy first day! Enjoy this beautiful day!
Xanthan gum is the same stuff they use to lubricate oil drilling rigs… kinda gross when you think about it…
So there’s a tiny smiley face on the right hand side of your blog currently thats on the brown part but scrolls up… do you see that or is it just my computer? Has that always been there?? Haha
haha yeah it’s always been there. i think it only shows up on certain computers though.
Good luck during your first day at home! 🙂
Have a great 1st day. Those kind of workouts are so liberating!
I always run outside without an iPod, and it’s so nice to just focus on my thoughts…plus it’s way safer!! Enjoy your first day from home 🙂
I love running unplugged! In fact I do not ever use music when I run… its just me and the road usually!!
Best of luck to you as your start your new job today 🙂
Sounds like a good run and a really good smoothie! Hope your first day goes well! 😀
I’ve been my own boss for about 11yrs now: I’m a stay-at-home mom. 😛 Well, technically, with 4 kids under my belt, I suppose I am not “my own,” hehe! But the freedom to play such a huge role is controlling my own schedule is wonderful!
I’ve never ran without music. I am wanting to give it a try soon, mostly to avoid the weird tan line from my ipod armband, but am wondering if I could run as fast or far without a beat.
I’m so happy for you! Way to follow your heart and make such a scary, but amazing, decision!
I am so excited for you embarking on this new endeavor!! 🙂 I still can’t get over it 🙂
I can only imagine I’d be feeling a little lost and overly excite if I were in that situation! Such an exciting day!
Good luck on your new adventure I can’t wait to be part of it!
Two questions that are unrelated and random: 1. Will you still get dressed up each day for “work”? I worked at home for a bit and it was something I found that helped me focus. I ask this, too, because I love the fashion page and hope we won’t miss it! 2. How is Ryan’s “new” cardio focus going– is he seeing any results from it or what was he wanting to get from trying to do cardio at the gym with you in the am?
i do hope to still get dressed! and ryan is really liking his new cardio addition. i’ve asked him to write a guest post about it, so stay tuned!
I just found you blog and wanted to tell you how much I admire your decision to follow you heart with your career change. I would LOVE to do something like that one day. 🙂
Good luck on your first day! I’m sure you’ll have no problem keeping yourself busy, and Sadie must be one happy pup to have you around more often 🙂
I love what you did with your workout this morning. Sometimes it’s just what you need to do. No restraints, just go with what your body is saying.
Have a great day!
I used to run with music too, but the more I go, the more I don’t use it, or sometimes when I need some boost to finish on the last minutes. I like the calmness of the park I go to. How does it work when your blog is your job, do you write sponsored articles or something like that? I’m curious^^
the main income comes through the ads you see on the sides of the buzz (my ad network is foodbuzz). i also hope my freelance writing will provide additional income.
Congrats, Julie! I’m so excited for you! A few years ago I made the decision to quit my job, and move..with nothing lined up and no back up plan. Looking back now it was so risky and could have been a disaster but it ended up best decision I’ve ever made! Sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith. I know you have great things ahead of you, can’t wait to see what’s in store for the blog =)
I am just so excited for you and this next phase in your journey! It sounds like you’re off to a wonderful, productive start. As John Denver says, “this is the first day of the rest of [your] life!”…and I hope it’s a fabulous one!