Thank you for the kind words and well wishes surrounding Ryan’s ACL surgery yesterday. According to Ryan’s doctor, the surgery went well and Ryan is now hanging out on the couch with his knee elevated and Sadie by his side!
Ryan’s surgery wasn’t scheduled until 2:30 p.m. yesterday but the doctor asked us to be there two hours early for surgery prep and all that jazz. After we arrived, a nurse immediately escorted Ryan back to a room and I waited for about 20 minutes until they called me back to sit with him for a while.
When I walked into the room, Ryan was joking around with the nurses (one nurse is also pregnant with her first baby and she is due in June so we had a lot to chat about!) and I was happy to see him in good humor! I am so bad with anything medical and Ryan is always such a trooper in these kind of situations. (And yes, I did tuck Ryan’s hand with the IV in it underneath the blanket while I was in the room so it didn’t make me queasy. Wish me luck with childbirth!)
I’m so glad I was able to wait with Ryan because the two hours we spent together in that little room passed by quickly. Ryan felt a little spoiled because he was able to watch ESPN while we hung out which we don’t get at home since we don’t have cable!
I also told him to be sure to hang onto his snazzy hospital sticky socks in case he ever wants to join me for a Pure Barre class in the future…
I could tell Ryan’s nerves kicked in a bit as surgery time drew near, but he always kept his attitude upbeat and positive. A little after 3 p.m., we changed rooms and 20 minutes after that, the nurses were taking Ryan back for surgery. I kissed him and wished him good luck before heading into the waiting room to set up camp for a few hours.
Ryan’s surgery ended up taking a little longer than expected, but there weren’t any complications and when the doctor came out to chat with me around 5:45 p.m., he said everything went very well! That’s all I needed to hear to feel a lovely sense of relief!
A nurse then brought me back to see Ryan and I found him wide awake, sipping on his second can of ginger ale. He was doing well but experiencing some pain in his hamstring which was to be expected since his surgeon used grafted tissue from his hamstring tendon to repair his right ACL. They gave him some oral pain medication and took us through a long “what happens next” list. And then we were on our way!
I took Ryan home and got him set up on the couch and it took Sadie all of 2.5 seconds to join him for some cuddles.
While she kept him company, I headed out to get his prescriptions filled around 7:30 p.m. Once I made it back home, Ryan said he was ready for the little surprise treat I told him I picked up earlier that morning.
The mini bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes are so, so delicious and I bought a small lemon cake for Ryan as a post-surgery pick-me-up.
And now the main focus is recovery! Ryan is not supposed to put any weight on his right leg for 48 hours and has his first appointment with a physical therapist on Friday afternoon. I’m doing my best to be as helpful as I can since he isn’t exactly mobile at the moment and am proud of how great he’s been doing so far! I know this isn’t an easy surgery and that the recovery can be quite long, so if those of you out there who have been through something similar have any words of wisdom to share, we’re all ears.
Thanks again for your thoughtful words and kind wishes!
Now I’m off to the gym to teach but home to be back to check in on Ryan around lunchtime today. Have a good one!
I played lacrosse in college and tore both my ACLs (at different times). Stay ahead of the pain and take the medication!! Don’t wuss out in physical therapy. Get a good therapist that is going to push you! The initial recovery is hard work! Getting all your flexion and extension back is painful BUT the sooner you can do that the sooner you can start to build strength again. In my experience, I recovered much faster the second time around because I knew what I needed to do and pushed myself hard. Good luck!!
I have also torn my ACL and agree with above comments. Take pain medication regularly because if you get behind it is hard and painful to catch up. I found the first two weeks the hardest, but the third week was where I started to feel better and could start reducing pain medication. Physio makes all the difference!! Good Luck!
Hi Julie! Tell Ryan good luck! I’ve had 4 ACL surgeries myself (8 total surgeries altogether) so I’ve been there! I had differernt complications along the way and just had too many injuries which is why I’ve had so many surgeries! I played sports since I was very little and now I’m 27 and the knee is still kickin’ 🙂 Tell him just to take it easy and do exactly what the therapist and doctor say because I work for an orthopedic surgeon and a lot of my patient’s don’t listen and get ahead too quick! You need to work with a great therapist who is going to push you and knows exactly what type of activity you did before and what type of activity you plan on getting back to when therapy is finished. Tell him it’s hard work but just push through because the first few months are the roughest! Good luck!!
Eight surgeries!? You are such a trooper!! And thank you for the advice.
Yes ma’am! And I still work out and run somehow haha so just let him know it’s not the end of the exercise road…just a little bump 🙂
my sister torn her acl then re-tore when jumping down three stairs a couple of years later. She was in a ton of pain after the first surgery but her second one was a lot less painful. Hope Ryan has the latter experience. Be patient with the rehab and don’t slack off on you exercises so the leg will get strong. My advice to to be careful even years after your surgery! After the second surgery she invested in a really good (and expensive) brace in hopes that she can still do some of the things she loves and not re-tear it again. So maybe consider that! Good luck!!
Last summer my hubbs had shoulder surgery. I have never seen Rob as nervous as that, but I was glad to be there for moral support and light humor relief while we waited. The recovery was tough, and I remember not wanting to leave for work while he was unable to move around those first few weeks. It’s good Sadie is there to offer her help 🙂 Happy recovery!
Hope his recovery continues to go smoothly! I had 4 ACL surgeries and ended up becoming a physical therapist because of it 🙂
I tore my ACL and had surgery about a year and one month ago. I am still not completely recovered. I blame this on not seeing a physical therapist or athletic training for as long as I should have. A couple months after my surgery I quit my job to go back to school so my insurance coverage changed significantly. Unfortunately, my new insurance didn’t have as good of coverage and I didn’t go to the athletic training as long as I should have. I am still struggling with straightening my leg completely and being able to bend it as much as the other one. My knee also gets pretty stiff after I sit for a while (airplane rides are the worst!).
My advise to Ryan is to really focus on straightening his knee, when he gets to that point in his recovery. And make sure you spoil him! I wouldn’t have been able to get through those first 2 weeks without my boyfriend!
I hope you continue to heal, Valerie! Thank you for sharing a bit more about your experience! We have a long plane ride scheduled for the end of May, so that is good insight, too! I’ll tell him to chat with his physical therapist about it!
Happy to hear Ryan’s surgery went well! I am actually a PT but have never torn my ACL (just have worked with people to get that back to normal life!) My advice is to make sure he is doing his home exercises that the PT gives him!! He seems super motivated because he’s so active so I don’t foresee that being an issue, but we can tell when people don’t do their exercises at home!
jist had the same surgery at the end of December. Straightening your leg is more important than bending to begging with which seems kind of crazy, but bending comes more naturally. Tell him to constantly work on trying to move his knee cap. It’s so hard at first and the first time I did it after surgery I wanted to cry (mostly because the numbness was finally wearing off and I could feel my leg again). If he got the nerve block, make sure not to wrap the ace bandage too tight because I did not knowing it and all the fluid rushed to the top of my thigh while I was sleeping and it was miserable and scared me. Just tell Ryan to be patient! Also, buy the green rope thing they use at therapy for home. He will be working on bending his leg most likely three times a day and that will honestly help him push himself vs using a towel or just trying to do it independently. About once a month during the first 2 months I had really rough days where I hit a plateau in therapy and I actually cried out of frustration, but they said it was normal and they were right. The next day at therapy was better. For the first two weeks I went 3 days a week, and then I’ve been going twice a week since and I’m 4 months post surgery. I feel normal most of the time, but know I’m not fully recovered and occasionally have sore days. But overall, recovery was 20x easier than I expected. Rejoice over the little accomplishments because they feel like such huge milestones!! Going down stairs without having to push my hip out never felt so good. Going up will be easier than going down for a while. I’m assuming he got the knee machine for at home. Don’t be afraid to use it throughout the night either just to hold it in place even if it’s not on or even have it on during the night because in the mornings you wake up super stiff. Sleeping is the worst in the beginning but it gets better. Sorry for the novel!! From what I know about Ryan through your blog, he is a hard worker and will do awesome with recovery! I also took some isotonix for healing and anti inflammatory which are great natural vitamins that seemed to help a lot. I can give you the info if yall are interested. Happy recovering and good luck nurse Julie!! It’ll go by quicker than you realize! I’ll send yall some more granola bars and blondes from Polka Dot. Anything else you want from there?!
thank you for sharing all of this! and yes, we did get the ice machine for his knee and haven’t taken it off since he got home!
My husband had ACL surgery a few years ago—my best advice is for Ryan to take his pain meds right away at the prescribed dosage! My husband didn’t take them immediately, thinking he could do without (he hates taking pain medication) and then he was obviously in tons of pain and tried to catch up, but it was unnecessary pain (he agrees with that now!
Sending Get Well Thoughts to Ryan! Did they ask you 10,000 times which leg it was and then have the surgeon initial it?
I had ankle surgery a few years ago (4 weeks NWB, 4 week in a Boot) and the biggest thing immediately post-op was to get off prescription pain killers ASAP. They make you a little loopy, stop you up and eventually made me sick. Once I stopped taking them life got better.
During recovery, find the best PT you can. If you’re unhappy or unsure, find a new PT. Do not be afraid to leave the one you initially chose. Ask for recommendations, start with surgeon, but don’t stop there. Ask friends, people at the gym, etc. I had a crappy PT after my ankle surgery and it makes the difference between a good recovery and a great recovery. Good meaning- this is entirely functional but I wish I had a bit more ROM and it wasn’t stiff in this direction of motion. Great meaning- I got back my entire ROM and have no stiffness pain, I’m not limited by my knee/ ankle at all. Your PT is SO SO important. Find a great one.
And finally, patience. Ortho surgery, though common, is really painful and takes a long time to recover from. People who haven’t gone through it don’t understand. Recovery is SLOW. Painfully slow sometimes. but just focus on progress, any progress, however big or small.
Good Luck to you both!
yes!!! i thought the fact that the surgeon initialed his knee was so crazy! we actually talked to the nurses about it!
hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now….when I read you were pregnant and due in August I felt this connection because I am also due with our first child in August!! It’s been fun to read your updates on Baby week by week 🙂
Ok as for ACL surgery…..I tore mine in highschool (2005….wow time flies!) And had reconstruction surgery as well. It is no joke…I always say I wouldn’t wish ACL recovery on my worst enemy…it’s that intense. no maybe I was a little more into it because I was preparing to play field hockey in college so I needed to be 100%! Anywho….1. Stay ahead on pain meds! DON’T try to tough it out. First 10 days of recovery are the worst(sorry, Ryan!) 2. Don’t be discouraged at first PT appt if can’t do something. I couldn’t do a simple leg lift and just about freaked out. It’ll come! 3. At the same time, take PT seriously and do everything they say. 4. ICE ICE ICE!
That’s all I can think of for now! I will ask my mom if she can think of any more tips (maybe some for you) since she is the one that took care of me!!!
Hope Ryan’s recovery is swift! I ha this surgery and then some about 15 years ago. Make sure he does ALL his P.T.!!!! It makes a big difference in recovery!!! Stay well!
yes!! we’ve heard great things about his PT, so i am hopeful that will help a lot!
Good to see the doctors are still using the hamstring as an option. I had ACL surgery 12 years ago and they said using the hamstring allowed for a faster recovery! Like others have mentioned stay ahead of the meds or he will experience pain like no other! Also really take your PT serious and do exactly what they say. Knock on wood I have had zero problems with my knee since my surgery! He will get through it!!! 🙂
I just had my second really big foot/ankle surgery due to marathon running – right was 4 months ago, left was 2 weeks ago. I have 4 screws and 40 stitches in each foot – bones removed, bones fused, and tendons repaired/reattached. Six weeks of strictly non-weightbearing, hard cast, and crutches each time. My husband has to drop me off at work, help me get in and out of bed, do all the cooking and cleaning, even help me get dressed. Physically it’s not so bad, but emotionally it is THE hardest thing I hope I’ll ever go through. The biggest thing is perspective – it really helps with my attitude. Yes, it sucks, but I am reminded every day of people who are going through much harder things. We’re so lucky that we have good ortho surgeons in our country and can get the care we need. I will say now that I’ve already recovered from one ankle/foot, I’m soooo glad I did it. Ryan will be too! Time FLIES (doesn’t it always?!) so a few months from now he won’t even remember this! It’s gonna be worth it!
It’s been awhile since I took some time off for my test, so I’m just now finding out you’re expecting!! Congrats!!! And I’m happy to hear that Ryan’s surgery went well 🙂 .
Get better quickly, Ryan! I’ve had two knee surgeries in the past (thankfully no ACL repair) but they’re just never quite fun to come back from. Hopefully he’s got a speedy recovery ahead of him!
Glad everything went well! I live in Charlotte too and love those bundt cakes!
If he is allowed to, move it a little! BEND BEND BEND! They took my hamstring as well and it took a long time before it felt “normal” and it took a really long time for me to get my flexion back. Glad to hear he can go to PT on Friday it will be worth it. I am not going to lie the bending is going to hurt A LOT!!! But the more you do the better you will be in the long run. I was a gymnast when I tore my ACL and I couldn’t sit on my heels till about 2 years later. But I also didn’t work hard on my flexion, it just hurts so bad. GOOD LUCK! He is strong I am sure he will do great! Good Luck Ryan
Thank you, Tanya!
Glad everything went well!!
My husband had the same surgery, hamstring graph and all. He started PT the next day and with aggressive therapy, he is back to all of his usual athletics. I hope the same for Ryan!
My husband tore his Achilles tendon last fall playing flag football. Man, reading this recap brought me right back to our experience. Luckily I work from home and could take care of him, but girl let me tell you – the first few weeks after his surgery were exhausting. I wouldn’t have had it any other way of course, but working full time, playing nurse 24/7 and doing everything around the house was so tiring. My advice to you is to make sure YOU rest too, especially since you are pregnant. 🙂
Wishing Ryan a very quick recovery!!
Wishing Ryan the best of luck with therapy.
I have a partially torn MCL and ACL and have been in out and of therapy for years.
Just tell him that it is pretty bad pain wise, but you have to keep pushing through it and think about everything you want to be able to do again! Gets better with time.
We used WII strength and balance games for part of my therapy, so it made it a little more fun!
Make sure he does stuff at home too! The extra therapy training at home makes such a big difference in the healing time!
Good luck! I hope everything goes well!
I’m so glad everything went well with Ryan’s surgery!! 🙂 Sending him lots of healing power and good energy!
I’m so glad his surgery went well! I’m thinking happy, healing thoughts for him! And Nothing Bundt Cakes are the bomb dot com! So good!
Glad Ryan’s surgery went well! I was in a skiing accident 6 years ago and tore my ACL, and had the exact same surgery with them using a graft from my hamstring to repair it. I was so scared going into it that I would l become totally out of shape, but the recovery was surprisingly much quicker than I had anticipated! The biggest/most challenging part will definitely be the physical therapy that follows. I am amazed how tiny my left hamstring (the leg with the surgery) feels now compared to my right leg!
My husband tore his ACL in high school playing basketball. He got an infection in his knee after the surgery and the only person to figure that out was his physical therapist. At that point, a lot of his cartilage had deteriorated due to the infection. And then he somehow got a staph infection in the knee a few years later and had to have surgery again. I would say to have him look out for any unusual inflammation in his knee and/or a high fever. I wish him a quick recovery!
Oh and I’m totally the exact same way with needles! I didn’t want an IV during my labor at all but my midwife convinced me to get one just in case I would need an emergency c-section. It took the nurse a few times to get it in (which was the worst). But it was partially my fault – contractions and trying to remain still so they can stick a needle in your hand!? Yeah, not the easiest thing to do. I ended up giving birth naturally and without an epidural. Good luck at your diabetes test too! More needles, more blood.
We are thinking of having our second and it makes me cringe when I think about doing all the needle stuff again. But somehow we overcome our fears (if just for that moment) so we can do what we need to do. 🙂
That’s great that his surgery went well and that he was in good spirits! It’s never fun being in a hospital, so having a good mood helps out a lot. I also don’t have cable, so it’s always a treat when I get to watch it! I don’t even mind being in waiting rooms anymore because I love watching live tv 🙂
Hope he feels better soon and that nurse Sadie keeps him company!
I had ligament reconstruction surgery on my knee last summer to fix recurrent patellar dislocation. Healing timeline is very similar to ACL surgery. Make sure he does ankle pumps while being immobile!! Flex and point toes to mimic walking. It helps circulate blood. I ended up getting a blood clot in my leg as a result of being immobile post-surgery–extremely painful. As soon as he’s allowed to walk, encourage him to move around frequently to keep blood flowing and keep muscle tone. It’s crazy how fast you lose muscle tone! The hardest part of recovery for me (besides the blood clot) was regaining full extension and flexion, so it’s important to practice range of motion constantly! Good luck to him in recovery!
yes!! he’s having a hard time moving his right foot right now, so i helped him through some ankle pumps this morning. thank you for your comment!
Post surgery chats are nerve wracking. When my mom had her mastectomy, my dad, best friend, and I were in the waiting room playing several rounds of Disney Princess Uno, and when the doctor called my dad and I back, I was watching his face for any sign that something bad happened. The feeling you get when they tell you everything went fine is one of the most terrifying, yet relieving feelings in the world.
Glad Ryan’s feeling okay, and Nurse Sadie is there to keep an eye on him! And mini lemon Bundt cakes make everything better. 🙂
Julie-my boyfriend, John has had this done not once, but TWICE! He tore is right ACL when we first met 11 years ago and then his left one about 5 years ago. Needless to say, we are pros at doing stuff like this. He is very accident prone-also broke his ankle about 7 years ago. Anyways, we kept him on the lower level of course because he could not do stairs and I remember the nurses telling us to monitor his temperature the first 72 hours to make sure no fever happens as this is a sign of infection. Hope Ryan recovers nicely!!!!
Hope Ryan feels better soon — but takes it easy at first! I met my boyfriend right after he had ACL surgery (he actually tore both but only needed surgery on one). His injuries came from Ultimate Frisbee… anyway after lots of physical therapy (and more patience), he’s a big runner now and is training for his third half marathon!
I hope his recovery is quick!
I’m so glad to hear the surgery went well!! My brother in law had that surgery a few years ago and it ended up being much more complicated than they had originally thought, so I’m so happy for you guys that is not the case.
Have fun teaching!
LOVE those cakes! We had a pumpkin one at our family Thanksgiving and it was the most incredible pumpkin dessert I have ever had!
Praying for a speedy recovery! He’s so lucky to have you home to help him!! And in a weird way this is good timing, pre-baby!?!? #SilverLining
we’ve had the same thought! getting it out of the way before baby comes is a big plus!
Nothing Bundt Cakes are my weakness, and a surefire way to get to feeling better quickly! Wishing Ryan a speedy recovery!
So glad his surgery went well, Julie! Good girl Sadie!!! Dogs are the BEST when it comes to sensing when us humans need a good cuddle 🙂
I’m so glad to hear it all went well! It sounds like Ryan is a great sport about it all…I’m sure that will make things so much easier with his recovery. That optimism is huge! And you, girl, look so cute in your baseball hat and tee – love that pic of you! Heck yes to Nothing Bundt Cakes!! They are my very favorite. I always go with the lemon and order extra frosting. 🙂
My best friend sent me a Nothing Bundt Cakes pound cake all they way from Texas for my 40th birthday. Their shipping packaging is stellar and it arrived tasty and cute.
So glad everything went well and he was able to get Sadie therapy when he got home. That ranks about even with Nothing Bundt therapy. Man that place is amazing!
Do you have stairs in your house? If so, I’m guessing you’ve set up a little shop for him on the bottom floor. My brother has had a couple of knee surgeries and found that his recoveries were both quick. Best of luck to Ryan! At least he has Sadie and you — two devoted nurses!
yes — he will be camping downstairs for a while right now!!
As a physical therapist myself (and I have also had ACL surgery with a hamstring graft!!), tell Ryan to listen to his PT!! The first 2-3 weeks are the worst but get much better quickly after that. Do his home exercises religiously, and he will be back to playing soccer in 6-9 months if all goes well!
I am so glad to hear the surgery went well for Ryan! Praying for a speedy and easy recovery fro him now. 🙂 I am like you and not a fan of medical issues, so I am equally impressed with the way Ryan handed it!
Thanks for sharing the experience! Feel better soon, Ryan! And thanks for all the comments and advice from your readers! They are helping me get ready for my surgery on Tuesday (and scaring me a little:))
PS you are so sweet to get him a special treat…I think I need to send my boyfriend to read your blog 🙂
GOOD LUCK to you, Megan! And best wishes for a speedy recovery! 🙂
My only (nursing) advice is that if he is taking any narcotic pain meds regularly, INCREASE HIS FIBER AND FLUIDS! Narcotics constipate you, and I’ve had so many patients come to the ER after taking narcotics regularly and not pooping for like, 1-2 weeks. So just stay on top of that, which can be hard since I think narcotics also make your stomach feel off and not want to eat a lot of “healthy” stuff.
Thank you!! He has been drinking a ton of water, so that’s a good thing!
Glad he came through the surgery ok! Hopefully he will have a speedy recovery. That surgery is not fun to go through or recovery from.
Glad to hear that everything went so well! Even though ACL surgery is so common these days, it still is major surgery and definitely scary. Sounds like Ryan was quite the trooper though!
Wishing Ryan a speedy recovery! My best friend had surgery on her ACL last summer and was happy she got it done! My stepdad tore one in 1996 and then his other in 2010 and refuses to get surgery but is always in pain! Ryan is smart for getting it done, especially because you are both so active!
You feel great the day of surgery and day after…but post-op day 2 was terrible for me! I was throwing up relentlessly because of the anesthesia and it wasn’t exactly easy to get to the bathroom or sit in front of the toilet (with a straight leg) to do that. I recommend a bucket and liquid diet until post-op day 3 even though he’ll feel great!! Here’s my ACL recap of post-op day 2…
thanks for sharing this recap, natalie!
So glad everything went well! I would have been a nervous wreck. I’m a worrier in general and hospitals really freak me out. Looks like he was in great hands and has the perfect snuggle partner to help him through recovery – I swear dogs make you heal faster!!