1. I ate a whole frozen pizza and drank 2 beers. Inspiration!
2. I made up my own ‘ask me anything’ questions to answer. Bingo! Instant substance!
So here we go! But first, a quick disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Julie has NO knowledge of this post. These are Ryan’s opinions. Not Julie’s. Please don’t judge the blog. If I get a whole bunch of negative comments the wedding might get called off, so…smile and enjoy!
Question 1, Sarah, New Jersey:
I’ve heard that Julie is the best person ever, is it true?
Yes. It’s true. (sorry, had to throw that out there. now on to the good stuff!)
Question 3, Ariel, Mermaid Land:
Now, how do i get results in the gym?!?
Sweat, discomfort, and more sweat. Finding results in the gym is not easy, but the formula is simple. Ask yourself this question when you leave the gym. Did you push yourself as hard as you could? If the answer is no then results will be slow to arrive. There isn’t an ideal workout for everyone, as each person has their own physical limits. But everyone can push themselves to get results. Here are three suggestions to get the results you desire:
1. Make time to train. Are you too tired to go to the gym after work? Do you have too many commitments to workout this weekend? it happens to everyone. try to find a training schedule that fits your life schedule. when Julie first started working out at 5am i thought she was crazy. who can get up that early? i continued to try to go to the gym after work. but, as the days went on Julie was making it to the gym and i wasn’t. either i had a late meeting to stay for, or a friend scheduled a get together, or i was just too tired. so, i switched to 5 am. was the transition easy? no. but now i get to the gym consistently, because guess what? nobody has anything scheduled that early. nobody else is awake 😉
2. Do the difficult things in the gym – Do the things that you don’t see other people doing. People look at me like I’m crazy in the gym. Who does jump squats? Clean and presses? Or supersets every exercise with abs and no rest breaks? Nobody. I look like a sweaty fool, but these things have worked for me. Those were more guy example, but for girls: how many people do you see on ellipticals? how about stair steppers (julie does)? who’s more fit? Or: How many people do you see jogging on treadmills? How about doing sprint intervals (julie does these too)? who’s breathing harder? I have 0 scientific evidence, but my experience has been that harder exercises yield greater results.
3. Flex – flex? huh? what? i know what you are thinking, flexing is only for meatheads and those kids on the jersey shore. but here’s a tip, flexing is the single component that could change your fitness life. how many crunches can you do? 50? 100? I do 20. but i make my 20 count. each repetition i constrict my abs as hard as i can on the way up. i feel the entire rep. by rep 20 i’m done. try it. don’t just go through the motion. make the muscle work. it will change the way you train. i try to flex the muscle i’m working on each rep of every exercise. squats? flex your quads. arms? flex those bi’s and tri’s each rep. flexing forces you to focus on getting the most out of each repetition. give it a try!
(Did you notice I skipped question two? Just keepin’ you on your toes.)
Question 4, Sadie, (Your Couch) Orlando:
I want more walks and treats. No more baths. woof.
That was not a question. I refuse to answer, but how did you learn to type?
Questions 5, Princess Sofia, one of Julie’s favorite movies:
Do you and Julie have pet names for each other?
Yes. we have lots. they’ve changed through our almost 7 years together. at one point we were “Beef and Cheese”, “Rocco and Taco”, “little squirt and big squirt”, or for those special times 😉 “little stink and big stank”
Question 6, Oprah, Oprah-ville”:
How do you and Julie make each other happy?
Wow, didn’t know Oprah was a fan. that’s amazing! anyhow, Julie and I aren’t perfect. Actually, we disagree on lots of stuff. And (PBF Secret) Julie is pretty stubborn (I am too). But we both have made each other’s happiness our top priority and this leads to compromise. In my opinion (sorry, metadiscourse for all of you that went to grade school with nuns) if you want a successful relationship you need an overall desire to make someone else happy plus three things: Communication, Trust, and Entertainment. I could probably write a book on these three things, but of the three communication is the most important. Not happy with something your partner did? tell them. if you don’t, then they won’t know it upset you. and if they don’t know, they can’t make the situation better. Both Julie and I find it easy to bottle up emotion, but we’ve found that leads to a bigger fight later on. Talk to your partner. Better yet, find a moment to give them a complement. Either way tell them how you feel. Good or bad. Both of you will get enjoyment from understanding each other better.
OK. That’s it. I want to thank all of the question askers. Very thought provoking! I hope you all enjoyed the guest post. Posting gave me a true appreciation for all you fellow bloggers as this took a lot more time and effort than i thought it would. I know I can’t match Julie’s style, but hopefully she’ll like it too!
Awwww, this is hilarious/great/funny and very sweet, I love to see the “men folk” supporting their ladies and their blogs. Great job! I think the only thing missing was the obligatory Sadie picture. 🙂
Love it 🙂 What a smart poochie you got there!
Ryan you are so funny! It’s always nice to hear from the person we hear so much about from Julie! Hope you and Sadie enjoy your weekend!
Loved it.
Love this! Ryan, you are very good for a first-time blogger, kudos 🙂 Julie will love it!
Ha, Ryan, I totally loved this!! I laughed so hard that my boyfriend (in the next room) asked me if I was ok 🙂 Way to put up an entertaining, informative, and totally awesome post to brighten up our Saturdays!
You are so cute.
So cute! 🙂 This was a great post!! Very funny, thoughtful, and creative! Perhaps you should get your own blog one of these days? 🙂
Hope you and Sadie enjoy your weekend – I’m sure Julie will love your guest post! I liked the advice on getting more results in the gym! 🙂
I bet it was your blog-ebrity sighting this morning that motivated you not the pizza and beer 🙂 Cute post. I hope you come back!
Awwww I LOVE this!!! Who knew you were so funny 🙂
I really liked your answer to Ariel (lol). It’s always nice to hear the honest truth about working out. It’s definitely not easy to see results but when you do it’s awesome.
Hope you’re having fun at your bachelorette party #2 Julie! 🙂
Lol! You should guest post more often!
Ha ha! Good job, Ryan! I love that Sadie asked a question…she is so clever. 🙂
Love this!
like everyone else said, loved it! and I know Julie will too! 😀
Awesome post, Ryan. I love Julie, but its so nice to hear things from your perspective too 🙂 Great advice about pushing yourself on your workouts. I’ll try to keep that in mind on my run tomorrow morning!
Julie is one LUCKY lady!!! Great job Ryan….
Love this!!! Super informative while being hilarious. I think there needs to be more guest posts more often!
Alright, I lost count on how many “awwws” I let out while reading that! Very sweet! I say that Julie should make a monthly installment out of your guest posts. And here are some questions for your next one… 1) do you bring your own lunch to work? do you make it or does Julie? 2) my boyfriend eats a lot more meat than I do so sometimes its hard making meals that satisfy both of us. Do you and Julie have that problem?
Didn’t know Ariel had internet access under the sea! So interesting to hear from Julie’s other half!
very witty haha, i liked it!
Hilarious and adorable. You are definitely a “keeper.” I can’t wait to read Julie’s comment to this!
HAHAHA! I love it!
Thanks for the Q&A, Ryan!
SO cute!
you had me at “Julie is the light of my life” haha. I’m sure she’ll love this!
Very sweet of you to write for your wife-to-be. And who knew that there was another LM blogger out there 😉
hilarious, ryan 🙂 thanks! you’re too cute.
Haha, oh Julie you have a keeper! And Ryan does too!
very cute post! love julie’s blog… she has good taste;)
hilarious! I’ve been reading pbf for a while because julie is adorable and hilarious, turns out you are too! no wonder she seems like such a happy girl =)
great gym tips too! so true
how did you get access to her blog? lol, great post tho! 😀
So cute and funny Ryan! Julie will adore it I’m sure 🙂
what a great post! An old gym instructor used to always say ‘laziness wont produce sexy-ness.’ kinda reminds me of your gym philosophy.
I can’t wait to see what julie will say!
Best. Post. Ever! You can guest post anytime Ryan! That was thought-provoking and fun! And by the way, you should write a book about the 3 most important things a relationship needs. I completely agree with the entertainment part. Unfortunately relationships can get DULL if you don’t get a litte creative and HAVE FUN! Thanks for a great post!
ahahha! ryan you should start your own blog!
you and sadie 😉
This is awesome! I hope more guest blogging is in the future.
My husband (also in Orlando — and he has a blog of his own so maybe YOU could start one? Just sayin’…) seems to do the same thing when I’m out of town. I get lots of pictures sent to my phone involving him, the dogs, our couch and beer.
Haha this was funny!
You should do a couple more guest posts 🙂
This post cracked me up. I’m sure Julie will love it!
My hubby was just saying last night that to him a blog would be torture! Loved the question and answer approach – very creative!
Only thing missing is the pic of Ryan and Sadie on the couch with the empty pizza box, beer cans, and the laptop! That’s what my husband would send me, just before he cleaned it up 🙂 Look forward to more guests posts, nice to get a male perspective mixed in!
Uh-oh Julie you’d better watch you you might have some competition this was a pretty stellar blog post!
Great post Ryan… Next time you have to put some pictures in of the pizza & 2 beers… and you and Sadie being bored!
I love this! Very cute, Ryan. Please make more guest appearances on PBF!
Haha! Ryan, you crack me up! You need to do more guest posts! 🙂
Hahaha! Awesome post Ryan! You have a talent for blogging
Great post!
Why do I have a feeling my hubbs would use pizza and beer as inspiration on a healthy living blog, too? 😉
Great Post Ry! (Did I just call you Ry? Like I actually know you?… yup, sorry, I’m a name shorten-er).
Post a pic of Sadie! She’s presh.
This is AWESOME!!! I really loved the part about getting more from your workouts…. thank you for the tips!!!
I agree, you should guest blog more often 🙂
You and Julie are such a cute couple!!! Early congratulations on your wedding. Enjoy the rest of your “bachelor” weekend
HAHAHA! I loved this post! So funny and sweet! After reading all the wonderful things Julie posts about you, it was fun to hear all the great things you have to say about her! 🙂