This Christmas Eve started off slightly unusual when compared with Christmas Eves of my past. I’ve always woken up at my parent’s house, so it was bit strange to wake up in Orlando this morning.
Ryan and I stayed in town so we could attend my company’s Christmas party last night, but we’re getting on the road soon to spend the day with my family.
Our day began with a workout at the gym. We were surprised at just how many people were working out on Christmas Eve! Apparently we’re not the only crazies!
While at the gym, I did the same total-body weights workout that I did on Wednesday, but incorporated an awesome shoulder exercise that Ryan showed me into my routine.
I figured you guys might be interested in checking out this exercise as well, and since it’s rather hard to explain, I figured I would just have Ryan show you!
Check out Ryan’s video debut!
If you cannot see the above video, click here to watch it on YouTube.
In the video Ryan references his friend Ben who taught him this exercise. He owns his own fitness center in Orlando so the move is legit! 😀 It’s tough, but actually kind of fun to do once you get the hang of it.
After our workouts, we came home to eat a quick “clean out the fridge” breakfast.I had a toasted whole wheat English muffin, a sliced apple and a cup of strawberry banana Chobani Greek yogurt.
Time to shower, pack and load an inordinate amount of presents into my car!
Watch out, family, we’re comin’ for ya!
Holy crap, I did Ryan’s shoulder exercise yesterday and my shoulders were on FIRE! Thanks for the video! Awesome move!
ahaha i imagined your voices much differently in my head! LOL