Time needs to slow down because I’m not sure I’m ready to think of Ryder as anything other than “Baby Ryder” at this point. Ryder, on the other hand, seems more than ready to enter into toddlerhood. He’s crawling around everywhere and loves exploring new places. He’s fully embracing his new mobility and independence. He loves pulling himself up to get the best views and then crying because he’s not sure how to slowly lower himself down without a big plop just yet.
He’s fascinated by anything and everything, especially his big brother. Ryder’s new found mobility thrust us into the stage of brother battles and I find myself talking about the importance of sharing and trying to select a toy for Ryder that Chase doesn’t care about approximately 100 times a day. Thankfully Ryder seems to be a rough ‘n’ tumble little dude and smiles and laughs during most playtime with his brother but when things go south, they go south fast and he needs Mom Love STAT. Either that or a new toy. Whatever works!
I call Ryder my little “angel baby” for a myriad of reasons, most notably because he truly feels like a gift from God in my life but also because he’s such a sweet, happy and content little guy. I hope and pray every day his easygoing and joyful demeanor lasts him his whole life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but something about this kid calms me down and serves as a point of peace in my life which is such a bizarre thing to say about a baby, but it’s simply the truth.
Babies and children have a way of forcing you to slow down and soak up moments because there’s simply no rushing a nursing baby and no way to resist a baby who needs love and cuddles from Mom. A baby puts everything else on pause which can take some adjusting but when I remind myself that nothing matters more than the very thing I’m pausing everything else for, I’m able to be present in a way that brings me the ultimate joy.
Chase and Ryder are my ultimate joy not only for the way they make my heart ache with love but for the way they act out joy through high-pitched squeals, racing cars down the car tower track that takes up entirely too much room in our house or simply smiling with their whole bodies.
Like his big brother, Ryder is a social little guy. He babbles up a storm and loves practicing his tongue clicks, claps, head shakes (he shakes his head “no” for just about everything) and the enthusiastic whole-body bounce and hand waves he does whenever we say, “Yaaaay!” Ryder is also incredibly observant. He loves watching Sadie run and his big brother play and can usually be found crawling as fast as he can after them. It’s clear he already has a strong desire to be included in the fun!
I feel incredibly lucky because we’re in a really good place with sleep. I count my blessings every day for that one because I know how hard it is to have a kid who isn’t naturally a good sleeper. Ryder’s been consistently sleeping through the night since he was right around 6 months old and we implemented the Gentle Cry It Out sleep training method. Occasionally he’ll wake up in the middle of the night but there’s usually a reason (travel, teething, etc.) and it often takes us only a night or two to get back on track with decent sleep.
As far as naps are concerned, on one hand I’m kind of shocked I don’t have more of a steadfast schedule going for Ryder, but on the other hand, what did I really think would happen with a second child? With another kid’s activities to work around, Ryder’s nap times are rather flexible but thankfully that seems to work for him. Ryder takes his best nap in the morning and it’s right around two hours. He’ll go down for a nap anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. (depending largely on when he wakes up in the morning) and then his afternoon nap is usually around 2:30 p.m. While I can generally count on a solid two hour nap from Ryder in the mornings, the duration of his afternoon naps are all over the place!
Bedtime for Ryder is usually between 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. and he’ll often sleep a full 12 hours.
I truly hate to compare babies but I think it’s only natural that it happens sometimes as a second-time mom. The experience you have with your first child is so ingrained in your mind and you cannot help but expect your second child to be exactly the same so it blows your mind a bit when they’re so incredibly different.
I fully expected to have another child who could not care less about food on my hands and was ready for all of the stress that comes along with trying to feed a baby with little to no interest in eating. To say Ryan and I are shocked by how well Ryder eats on an almost daily basis is a serious understatement. Having a baby who shows genuine interest and enthusiasm around food is a serious gift in my eyes. To be completely honest, watching Ryder shovel bites of chickpea burger into his mouth and suck down a pouch of baby food in 2.5 seconds is a giant relief and makes meal time waaay less stressful.
For those who are navigating solids with a baby whose interest in food is practically non-existent, I feel for you. I must add that we’ve done absolutely nothing different with Ryder than we did with Chase and he’s just naturally a lot more interested in eating. All kids are so different and I know it’s easier said than done, but please don’t beat yourself up whenever you see someone’s baby gobbling up food and your little one would live off breastmilk or formula for all the days if they could. I get that feeling times a thousand so part of me hates to talk about how well Ryder is eating because I know someone out there is reading this and feeling stressed about how their kid is eating. If having a second child has taught me anything, it’s that babies truly are SO different and comparing babies is not helpful in the least.
Ryan and I both say that Ryder is a very grabby baby both during playtime and meal time but never is it more prevalent than when you’re holding him and trying to eat something that Ryder then decides he wants. The food very quickly becomes his obsession! Ryder is game to try pretty much any food we put on his plate and his favorites continue to surprise me. Right now he’s loving Thai chickpea burgers, roasted broccoli, lentils (not plain but prepared in a recipe of some sort), Bolognese sauce, smashed blueberries, peanut butter, pretty much any baby food pouch that has at least one fruit in it (have YOU tried the all-veggie pouches? Bleh!), frozen banana (we give it to him in a mesh food feeder and he LOVES it), apples, pancakes and Cheerios.
Aside from eating solids, I am exclusively breastfeeding and typically nurse Ryder four(ish) times a day. His best feeding is his first feeding in the morning and aside from our morning feeding session, most of my nursing sessions are an acrobatic endeavor!
Ryder is thankfully an efficient eater but he also loves to multitask when he nurses so breastfeeding looks like a whole lot of face grabbing, body bending, wiggling, hand exploring, playing and baby babble! Sometimes he seems content to eat for two minutes in the middle of the day and then just wiggle around and play and grab my face. When this happens, I roll with the punches and let him skip a mid-day nursing session in favor of eating more real food/solids which I think is part of the natural weaning process. (When I say I “let him skip a nursing session” I have to laugh because there’s definitely no forcing a baby to nurse when they don’t want to!)
I feel very fortunate that nursing Ryder continues to go well! One thing we didn’t realize until his front teeth came in and he had a pretty big gap between them was the fact that Ryder has a slight lip tie. For some reason this makes feeding on my right breast quite painful at times (something about the way his teeth settle in — ooph!) but since it’s not affecting his nursing efficiency and isn’t too severe, both his pediatrician and pediatric dentist said not to worry about getting it clipped.
The biggest hurdle for me is and always has been my excess lipase issue and I quickly learned that my pumped breastmilk actually begins to turn within 24 hours but I haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact moment it changes over. It’s honestly all such a headache and even when I’ve followed steps to scald my milk, Ryder still doesn’t seem to want it so I am pretty much just throwing in the towel on pumped breastmilk at this point and opt to schedule my time away from Ryder around nursing sessions. It’s not ideal but I also recognize how fortunate I am to be able to be around him and nurse him.
As far as when I’m planning to wean, I’m not sure! I am going to follow Ryder’s lead but will likely try to wean a bit once he turns one and eliminate middle-of-the-day feeds so we’re get him down to a morning and evening nursing session.
- Bath time (He is a water baby through and through and the minute we begin filling the bath tub he just about loses his mind until we put him in the water)
- Watching and playing with Chase (His big brother is captivating!)
- Crawling after balls
- Watching Sadie play fetch (Ryder is mesmerized by her!)
- Being outside
- Exploring new places
- Burn Boot Camp childcare
- Crawling everywhere
- Eating
- Drinking water
- Pulling himself up
- Chewing on everything (He as 8 teeth!)
- Crawling under our coffee table
- Tide pools at the beach
- Peek-a-boo
- Diaper changes
- When we take something away from him
- Lowering himself down after standing (He’ll often cry once he gets himself up because he cannot lower himself down without a big plop.)
11 Month Old Baby Favorites
- Choo-Me Food Pouch Toppers (I basically never give Ryder a pouch without one of these on them anymore! So great for grabby babies who spill pouches and on-the-go independent feeding.)
- Mesh Food Feeders (We put frozen bananas in these and Ryder goes crazy for them!)
- Suction plates and bowls (Avanchy are our favorites)
- Chicco 360 Hook On High Chair
- Snack Catcher Cup (The best for stroller snacks, on-the-go snacks, etc.)
- V-Tech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker
- PlayKidz Pound-a-Ball (Ryder is obsessed!)
- Beach Tent (perfect for a shady spot for long beach days)
- Little Tikes Grow with Me Swing
- Step2 Water Table
- Tuffo Outdoor Water-Resistant Blanket
- Balls of any kind
- Pretty much anything his big brother is playing with…
- Nuby Ice Gel Teether Keys
- Shape Sorter
- V-Tech Drop-and-Go Dump Truck
- Hatch Light
- Wubbanubs (Ryder sleeps with FIVE)
- Infant Optics Baby Monitor
- Sposie Diaper Booster Pads (to help prevent nighttime leaks for our little tummy sleeper)
Do you have any tips for babies that don’t like strangers? My first was not bad but my 2nd (she is 19 months now) is a nightmare. I’ve dropped her in Burn Bootcamp daycare a few times and she will cry/hyperventilate the entire time. I really want to keep going but if she keeps crying she is going to get kicked out!
Oh Jenn, I know that must be so, so hard! I feel for you!! <3 Honestly, I wish I had better advice for you but I think I owe a lot of this to bringing both boys to drop-off childcare at church and the gym from a fairly young age (2 months old-ish) so they don't know any different. I know that really doesn't help much at all BUT I also think the age of your little girl is right smack-dab in the middle of a typical age for separation anxiety b/c I remember that age being more challenging than the baby days so hopefully things will naturally improve! And you've probably already thought of this, but are you able to bring your youngest with your oldest so she has a built-in buddy? Or perhaps bringing her favorite stuffed animal/lovie with her?
I was going to ask the same thing! We tried the church nursery at 5 months and he only lasted 10 minutes. He even cries after a few hours with his grandma. I’m nervous to try a workout daycare, but it’d be so wonderful to be able to workout during the day outside of the house!
Yes! I’ve done that and she does worse with big sister there! We went today and it actually went better than ever!! Thank you for the suggestion!
I cannot handle how cute Ryder is!! He is such a handsome and happy looking little guy. My daughter is 6 months old and I’m already getting those “cherish the baby days before they’re gone” feelings! I feel like she’s becoming such a big girl!
What a little cutie pie. I can’t believe he’s already almost 1!
Hey, this is random, but do you get your teeth whitened? If so, what method do you use? I’ve been researching this…
I am back to using Crest Whitestrips! I took a break from them when I was pregnant but I really do love them! I typically take a year or so to go through one box and just use them whenever I feel like my teeth need a little help!
Ryder is such a cutie! My little boy is a little younger than Ryder and right now our biggest battle is diaper changes. As soon as I lay him down on the changing table he immediately flips over and sits himself up. It’s basically a two person job to hold him down and keep him still long enough to change his diaper! He absolutely hates lying still on his back! Any tips???
oh my gosh YESSSSSSSSSS. i honestly dread changing ryder’s diapers right now for this very reason. it’s such a battle and he basically thrusts his hips up and tried to roll over every time. the thing that helps the most is always having some kind of toy to wave in front of his face to try to distract him. it doesn’t always work but something new for him to hold, chew, etc. helps a lot!
This is probably basic advice but my 18 month old has always hated lying down for diaper changes. What’s worked for me is asking him questions like where is your nose or what does the cow say?! And it snaps him from rolling around or crying. It also helps to have a few “new” toys around or even the wipes which I grab back as soon as I’m done!
We gave my daughter a book to look through during diaper changes or a toy to hold/shake. To keep her on her back. The phase only lasted a few weeks for us (she’s 1 year now). Good luck!
I have a four year old boy who was NEVER interested in food (and still is VERY picky). My daughter is 5 months old and already soooo interested in food. She’ll eat any pureed fruit/veggies we give her and it really has been such a shock after having a baby who couldn’t care less before her. I totally feel you!
My friend gave me the best advice: you can’t force your kids to eat, sleep, or poop. Some kids are just going to do those things in their schedule no later what you try to do. My first (same bday.age as chase!) was a bad sleeper. She climbed out of her bed at 14mos, opened baby gates at 16mos and eventually figured out the door lock soon after that. She was a fantastic eater though – still super adventurous and makes great, healthy choices. My second? Terrible eater, terrible mapper (2nd child problems here I think), and the best night-sleeper! It is what it is. They’ll figure out those three things eventually and sometimes you have to lower your expectations to “survival.”
I definitely encourage you to try a bottle of formula with Ryder so you can get a break! I EBF both girls but would give our second the occasional formula bottle just so I knew she would drink it. I had terrible, terrible anxiety with my first that focused on her bit being able to eat anything if I was late or got sick and my meds weren’t BFing compatible. Congrats on BFing for so long! People rarely understand how much of a chore/commitment it can be – EVEN IF YOU LOVE IT.
Rachel I had to smile at your description of your first jumping out of bed and figuring things out! My 18 month old is about ready to make the jump out of his crib. A few months ago he figured out how to unlock his highchair seatbelt and will sit on top of the tray! He had already figured out how to unlock his infant car seat seatbelt so I shouldn’t have been surprised. My first son never did these things so yes second child problems here too!