Last night Sadie’s annual birthday challenge continued!
Ever year on Sadie’s birthday, Ryan and I select two different foods that we think Sadie will love and put them both in front of her at the same time, taking bets as to which one she’ll go after first.
Longtime PBF readers may remember the previous challenges that popped up on the blog:
Each year the winning food progresses to the next year, where it faces a new challenger.
This year the contenders were…
McDonald’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich vs. Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwich
I though the chicken sandwich would win because Sadie is a chicken fiend. Ryan, on the other hand, put his money on the roast beef, since roast beef gives off an incredibly mouth-watering scent.
Before watching the video below, which sandwich do you think she chose?
Now behold the results!!!
(You may click here to watch this video directly on YouTube.)
(And yes, we have a room in our house with nothing in it and no plans to ever put any furniture there. Holla!)
We’re already brainstorming the competition for next year. Any suggestions? Right now we’re thinking a Sonny’s pulled pork sandwich might sway her…
Obviously we couldn’t hit up McDonald’s and Arby’s to pick up Sadie’s food without nabbing something for ourselves even if we try not to eat a lot of fast food.
McDonald’s soft serve cones make my heart smile.
Today Ryan and I hit up the gym but my workout plans were a little unusual! I decided to do Ryan’s workout with him.
I want to change up my workouts a bit and incorporate some new-to-me moves and exercises and figured following him would be a great way to challenge my body in a new way. Thankfully he’s always more than willing for me to copy his workouts.
We started with 20 minutes on the elliptical before I let Ryan take over.
Our workout looked like this:
It was definitely a total body workout!
I did modified versions of the pull ups and push ups and my arms were burning. Ryan and I talked about me possibly doing all of my Saturday workouts with him. I like that his workout schedule has Saturdays as a total-body day with lots of powerful exercises. I think it will challenge me in a new way!
Before the gym I only ate an apple with a scoop of Justin’s honey peanut butter, so when we got home I was hungry!
I quickly made a hearty breakfast that included scrambled eggs (three eggs + milk + shredded cheese), a toasted whole wheat English muffin with raspberry preserves and a banana.
I’m hoping this meal will keep me nice and full through a late-morning hike with Ryan and Sadie!
I’m sure a mug of peppermint crème coffee will help keep me energized, too.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
How cute is that video!! I never thought of doing that with my pup!
Just wanted to share that I absolutely love those McDonald’s cones…I think I may have an addiction! With snow on the ground and freezing temperatures, I got one last night and enjoyed every last bite even though I was shivering uncontrollably!
I never thought of a birthday challenge for my pups! One of them turns 9 in March, maybe I’ll start a new doggy senior citizen challenge for him, buy him something good! lol
Awesome tradition! It would be fun to do something similar with our puppy- although I think we’d have to get him a kids meal considering the max weight he’ll get is supposed to be around 10 pounds haha!
Sadie is one lucky birthday girl! I think maybe the roast beef vs steak for next year. Can anything really win over steak?
That is the BEST doggie birthday tradition I have ever seen. I had to show my husband right away. LOVE IT! Happy Birthday Sadie! 🙂
Great! I just loved the video, Sadie is so sweet. Happy Birthday to her!
Love this idea. We don’t feed Olive human food but if we did it would be fun to see what items enticed her more.
It’s so funny that Sadie skipped the bun! Sounds like someone is getting ready for the summer. haha 🙂
I always love Sadie’s birthday challenge- too funny 🙂 I just watched this one & the past 2 years with Craig ( had to let him catch up- haha!)
She is just so funny- always leaving the bread. Did she get to eat the chicken too?
I think humans should do this challenge on their birthdays haha. I also have that exact J mug 🙂
I haven’t looked through all of the comments but after watching your video I just had to ask…Where did you get that AMAZING tulip print that you have over your tv??? I’m a HUGE tulip lover and I’m a huge fan of black and white photography.
It must be weird when people ask about your personal belongings so they can look into getting similar items!
Thanks and Happy 4th Birthday to the 2nd cutest dog in the world (sorry, even though Sadie may or may not be a little cuter than my dog, I still have to act like my Addie’s the cutest of all lol)
Happy Birthday Sadie! Love the celebratory challenge!
Also I just had to share with you my discovery today. I ran into a starbucks that does not have the sugarfree peppermint syrup anymore. I know you love the peppermint mochas and I am not sure if you do the sugarfree syrup but feel free to check out my blog with my rant of devastation
this is so freaking cute!!
and your breakfast totes inspired me to make the same meal for lunch! yummmm
My puppies get a twinkie on their birthday. The challenge being sure there is enough for all three. The birthday boy or girl always manage to wiggle a full one all to themselves.
That is the cutest idea!!!
my money was on the roast beef!
If you live near a steak ‘n shake, get her a steakburger!
Ha! Love Sadie challenge! My husband is part owner of an Arby’s franchise, so he will LOVE to watch this video! 🙂 She is just so cute.
hahahawww! Did she go after the chicken right after??
I love that you’re incorporating some of Ryan’s workouts!
I have to ask, how do you feel about the rowing machine?
I’ve always been an elliptical girl, and never gave the lonely looking rowing machine in the corner a second look, but I decided to try it and I actually kinda love it!
I’ve worked up to almost 45 mins (before my form starts to gets sloppy) varying my grip, resistance and speed and I’ve noticed a definite full-body difference!
Haha I absolutely love this!
I will absolutely be starting this food challenge in May when my pup turns 3! This is hysterical!
Just stumbled on your blog and I LOVE the birthday challenge!