The Hero Rush obstacle course race I completed last Saturday took place on trails and had participants running in sand, over roots and around rocks.
With no pavement to ensure sure footing, I found myself mentally engaged during the run as I looked ahead to make sure my feet wouldn’t trip over a large stick or something of the sort as I ran along. It made the run a lot more stimulating and I was in the mood for another trail run early this afternoon.
I decided to drive to some nearby trails with Sadie around 11 a.m.
That is the look of get that camera out of my face pure joy.
I knew Sadie would be more than game for an afternoon run since she was neglected all morning as I worked in our home office. When we got out of the car, she ran all over the place, peed three times and then body slammed into me as I tried to get my gear in order before taking off.
The “gear” I speak of is my new iPhone and armband!
I bought my new armband on Amazon last week for $9.50 because I thought the little keyhole was so innovative! And, yes, because of the light pink color.
I was up for a new phone on our phone plan and last week I became a first-time owner of an iPhone. To say I love it would be an understatement. It’s so darn fast! My old phone was incredibly slow (it was an old Droid and took nearly five minutes to simply turn on and load everything), so I feel like my new phone is some kind of a wizard.
Ever since my phone arrived last week, I’ve been searching for fun apps to try and before our trail run today, I downloaded the (free!) Run Keeper app to track our distance and pace since I forgot to charge my Garmin. (I’d looove your app recommendations!)
The app was really, really easy to set up and I was surprised when a woman’s voice talked to me every five minutes to tell me five minutes had passed and inform me of my average pace.
After my run I investigated this mystery woman’s voice and saw that you can play around in the settings section of the app and set up voice notifications at different points during your workout. (The app has you choose what kind of workout you’re doing when you set it up – walking running, biking, etc.) It was so, so cool! Technology these days…
Since I know a lot of you guys are hardcore runners and hardcore iPhone lovers, this might be old news to you, but for someone like me who is a little slow to warm up to apps and iPhones, I was pretty darn impressed!
As for the run itself, it wasn’t a super speedy run for me because 70 percent of it took place in sand. I listened to a Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me podcast from a couple of weeks ago that I missed and tried not to trip on the huge roots along the trail.
About 1.5 miles into my run, I had a pretty major wipeout that made Sadie run over to me, lick my face and jump around because to her a serious spill = serious playtime.
One good thing about running in sand is that falling in sand isn’t painful!
After our run, I quickly showered, ate a double chocolate chip cookie, printed off my resume and some writing samples and drove to Starbucks to meet up with a potential new local freelance client.
I planned on eating at home after our meeting, but ended up getting awfully hungry and since I arrived early, I scarfed down a spinach and egg white wrap while I waited.
I also ordered a nonfat cinnamon dolce latte for a little sweetness.
The meeting went well, but now that I’m back home my stomach is grumbling and telling me it’s time for an afternoon snack!
Question of the Afternoon
- If you’re a smartphone user, what is your favorite app? Any “must have” apps that I need to download?
I have used run keeper for about 3 years now. LOVE it! And now they are promoting something new through runkeeper called gym pact. Only for Iphone currently and I have a droid. But from my understanding you have to set up the certain amount of times you want to work out and it gives you $3 for every week you keep on track but if you MISS ONE day you have to pay in $5 per workout. I will be getting this as soon as it becomes available for my phone. =)
GymPact is awesome! I use it on my iPhone and it is such a great incentive to workout – especially on days when you don’t feel like it or are really busy – because you know you’ll be down five bucks if you don’t! I’m excited that they just connected it with RunKeeper because you can include outdoor workouts as well now. Definitely check it out 🙂
gah I lovee my new Iphone I had a P.O.S droid as well and was soo happy my contract was up just in time for the iphone 5!! I am still figuring out how it works but love it! What a great app, I dont know if you noticed but the phone did come with the nike + ipod app and apparently you can sync your music to your workout and someone cheers u on as well. I have yet to use it because I dont have an arm band but I have heard good things! I cannot trail run because I am sooo clumsy I would trip and fall a million times!
seconds pro is a great interval timer for circuits, hiit workouts, etc.
I LOVE my Kindle App on my phone! I love to read in bed and it is some much easier to hold than a regular Kindle and I download books for free from my Library right to the phone!! I’ve read 25+ books this year that way!!
you don’t feel like it’s too small? i am definitely interested in this, but i feel like it would be hard to read an entire book on my phone!
I started a friends book on a trip last year and didn’t finish it before we left for home, so I downloaded the app just to finish the book and fell in love.
I have an Android Evo LTE 4G (something like that) so my screen is a little bigger. I would look at blogs and websites while laying in bed at night anyways, so I think it is perfect! My phone is so easy to hold in any position I’m laying in, too. You can change the size of the font to make it bigger or smaller.
I’m a True Blood fan, and read the Stackhouse Series (11 books) on my phone. It works for me, because I read, every night, in bed and I do not need the lights on.
The kindle app is great for when you’re stuck somewhere without your kindle but need to pass the time. The awesome thing is that it picks up right where you left off reading on your kindle!
I thought it would be too small but it’s actually easier to read books in the Kindle app than it is to read blog posts on the web! It’s remarkably clear. Not sure if I’d read a whole book that way but it’s great if you’re reading a good book and are caught waiting or something and don’t have your Kindle.
I read on my phone ALOT with the Kindle app! I love that there is a connection to my actual Kindle because I can pick up right where I left off. Some are bothered by the small screen size, but its never bothered me at all!
I’m the same way. The small screen is only a problem when I’m out, like at the pool. I don’t care to read on my phone then, but being able to switch between the two is great! I can’t switch with my books from the library, though.
My fave/most used apps: Instagram, Pic Stitch, Pandora, Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, The Weather Channel, the two banks I use have apps which I use, Emoji free, flashlight, Redbox, Starbucks (you need to get the Starbucks app if you don’t have it! They will scan your phone to pay and you earn rewards aka free drinks). I also have apps for local news, transportation, etc.
Can’t wait to see other people’s faves!
my sister’s boyfriend told me i needed the starbucks app last weekend, so that baby is already on there! i pretty much freaked out when i could scan my card from my phone today.
Haha it feels very … futuristic? It still amuses me too.
Where did you get your monogrammed case from?!
the case is from! i had it made a solid month before i even had my phone. 🙂
Every time I use the Starbucks app I’m like THE FUTURE IS HERE!!!
My dog is a perfect gentleman when we do our normal runs, but if we go to the trail near our house, he turns into a psychopath. No trails for us.
The Voxer walkie talkie app is my favorite! It’s a lot of fun to send quick little voice messages to friends, and also to avoid texting while driving.
ooh! that sounds cool!
Lol well my favorite app is only for Chicago, but it tells you how far away (time wise) a bus is from the stop you’re waiting at. It’s amazing. And I LOVE trail running but never get to do it here in Chicago!
I so wish they had this app 4 years ago when I lived in Chicago! Many memories of freezing while having no idea when the bus would come haha
In addition to the “standard” iPhone apps–like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram–I use the Starbucks app a lot; it keeps track of your Starbucks card balance and lets you know when you accumulate enough stars for a reward. I also have my bank’s app on my phone, which is really useful, too.
Please tell me where you bought that one cover!? I need it stat!! you can customize the backgrounds and the monogram colors and fonts, too!
I love the new phone cover, Julie! My friend also makes AMAZING phone covers if you’re interested! And she lives here in Orlando 🙂
Oh, and here’s her blog too 🙂
Oh, my favorite apps! Fitness/Health: MyFitnessPal (tracks calories eaten/burned), Cyclemeter (like RunKeeper, but infinitely better with more options and, I think, a better algorithm for tracking; also, it has an option for foreign accents, so I’ve got an Irish guy cheering me on), SleepCycle (you set it under the fitted sheet on the mattress next to you and it tracks your sleep rhythm and then wakes you up at the best point in your sleep cycle. AMAZING), and iPeriod (tracks lady business and reminds you to do exams and when you’re going to be due for your visit). Photography: Hipstamatic (funky photos), Snapseed (edits to normal photos), Pic Stitch (collages), Phonto (adds text), maskingtape, and Mosaic (photobook of 20 photos/$20). And games: Bejeweled, Draw Some, Flow Free, Streaker!, Angry Birds and BrainExercise. In general: Pandora, Pinterest, and Facebook have decent apps.
Do you find that the Sleep Cycle really works? I was using it for awhile but couldn’t tell the difference, so I would love to hear your opinion!
The first night that I used it, I woke up cheerful. And I am not a morning person. I can’t say that it is 100% spot-on, but I find that it’s pretty effective. I also like that I can just tap the phone to snooze. I think the data collection is really interesting and I like seeing the correlation between my activities and how well I sleep. If it’s been a little while since you’ve used it, they had a major update about a month ago. Now you can list what activities you did prior to going to sleep (it comes with some presets, but you can add your own) and it’s got more specs with graphs.
*phone cover. Welcome to the world of iPhone autocorrects…
Please share if you find any good apps! I’m going to be the first time owner of an iPhone within the week!
Julie – I’ve not heard of runkeeper – i use mapmyrun and its really good – same basic features, but you can map out a run online and then send it to your phone for when you want to run it. Also tracks How far you’re run this month, this year, etc. And the lady talks to you too.. 1 mile. pace… half way there you can do it! ”
Other good iphone apps – GroceryIQ – grocery shopping has never been more fun. Second the Kindle app – i thought it would be too small as well, but its PERFECT for standing in line at the post office or doctors office – its amazing how fast i can finish a book now. Last time on vacation, i forgot to bring my kindle charger and actually finished and started a new book on the iphone.
Other good apps – Waze – social traffic navigation,
gasbudy – find cheapest local gas station
Hurricane tracker – self explanatory
enjoy your new phone !!!
Check out the app Charity Miles. You can use it to walk, bike or run and for every mile that you complete and turn in, then they donate money to a charity that you choose on the app. I just learned about it this week!
The Nike+ running app is awesome!!! Definitely look into that one- I actually look forward to my runs when I use it!
Julie, I bought an iPhone 5 recently and a big otterbox to go with it, I can’t tell too well from the picutre but how well does the phone fit into your new arm band? Is it pretty snug or do you have extra room? I haven’t been able to find any bands big enough for my phone to fit in, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Also, don’t feel too bad about your wipeout, I once wiped out on the treadmill in front of a whole crowd of people at my old gym..I was mortified!! 😀
The best workout app I know of is Nike Training Center. The workouts are so hard and there are tons for all different fitness levels. They are all circuit workouts and are 30-45 minutes long. They don’t require tons of space and it talks to you so you know what moves to do without looking. Highly recommended!
I kid you not, I have that exact armband from Amazon! I love the keyhole, but I have never figured out what to do with the two slots marked “A” and “B”–I usually just put the band through the “B” slot and call it a day. I figure its just so the band can be adjusted for a range of arm sizes, but I always wonder if I am supposed to be using both slots or if it is something else altogether that I am too dumb to figure out….ha!
I love trail running. We have some great trail systems here in Fairbanks, Alaska. In the spring, I can’t wait for break up to end and the trails to clear. It can be very peaceful.
I love the Nike+ app for tracking runs. You can find an app for almost anything you want. My favorite game app is Temple Run. Gotta try it!
Spotify is my new favorite app! It’s like Pandora but better.
I’m getting an iphone soon too (currently have a droid) and CANNOT wait! So glad to hear you love yours and it really is worth the switch. 🙂 You’ll have to post more of your favorite apps!
Songza is the best app ever! It asks you what you’re in the mood to listen to (working out, relaxing, having a party) and creates a playlist for that purpose. You don’t have to have the songs downloaded. I’m Canadian so don’t have pandora, but I think it might be similar?
My favorite app is HeyTell, which allows you to voice text with people. My friends and I love leaving funny little messages for each other, and there’s something about saying your message as opposed to writing it that is so much more fun!
Lose It! (calorie tracking, Aviary (fun with pictures), Instagram, TempleRun, Craigslist, Amazon, TripAdvisor, Pandora, P Tracker (for lady things), Seafood Watch (for sustainable seafood choices), Urbanspoon, the Flashlight app, Tetris, and Draw Free. You’re going to LOVE your iPhone!!
Urban Spoon, definitely. The shaker is a lot of fun for times when you just don’t know what you’re in the mood for. I also like the Open Table app because I like accumulating points for making reservations (you get a gift card once you have a certain amount). Now I just make a reservation like 5 minutes before walking into a restaurant so I get points.
Download Nike Training Club, like, NOW! There are over 80 circuit workouts on there. A voice tells you when to switch exercises and you can sync your ITunes to it. Its basically boot camp fo free. I think you will love it, as it similar to a lot of the circuit workouts you post.
Card Star. You can add all of your store loyalty cards their and have them with you no matter where you are shopping.
The Kidless Kronicles
Hi Julie! First off, I’m obsessed with your blog and your dog. Love!
Also, I’m a writer too and have had trouble finding sites where I can find freelance work. Where do you find these potential freelance clients? Help would be much appreciated.
Thanks! : )
I didn’t have time to read through the comments so I’m not sure if this has been suggested but I absolutely LOVE Endomondo. You can download the free one or purchase it for around $5.00. I love the pro version because you can challenge yourself against other friends who use the app or a previous workout. When I was training for my half marathon it was so motivating. At the end of each mile, it will tell you how far ahead/behind you are compared to your goal. You can view all your stats online and join challenges as well. Highly recommend it!
second this!
Agree Also!! Love Endomondo!!
I have to know where you got your iPhone cover. I LOVE the chevron stripes. : )
I love Evernote (amazing way of keeping track of interesting articles, lists, things you want to remember etc both on your phone and on the web), PayPal, Zite (great way to find new reading material on the web), (amazing for budgeting!), Dropbox (for file sharing), and the Chrome app if you are a Google Chrome user. (It will sync your phone and computers so you can easily find a tab you had open on your computer on your phone or vice versa…love it!)
I like using apps like Yelp to find cool restaurants and other things to do. I’d also recommend Gogobot (for restaurants and exploring cities/towns), UrbanSpoon (to choose restaurants it’s great if you can’t decide where to eat because you can select the cuisine, location, and/or the price point and it will spit out a restaurant), and of course FourSquare (to check in and see where your friends are). I also like Flixster for movie reviews, the Redbox app, Drawing with Friends, Words with Friends, and of course, all of the different social media apps. You should also check out ‘WhatsApp’ for $0.99 you can text for free with your friends out of the country. Can you tell I like apps? 🙂
Love the RunKeeper app! Isn’t that awesome how some nice lady is just like hey, 5 minutes have passed, here’s how you’re doing. So great! I’m in the market for a new armband, that one is adorable I just bookmarked it!
How did you design your phone case? Did you use a program and then upload it onto the zazzle website?
Okay, so I’m sorta glad I’m way down here in the comments section because I need a bit of a security blanket for what I’m about to say… One of my most-used apps is P Tracker Lite. I won’t explain it. Just get it! 🙂
I agree! It saves me every month from a surprise! 🙂
I just saw this video and immediately thought of you and Sadie – particularly appropriate for this afternoon’s post on trail running 🙂
Key hole in an armband, that is genius! Great purchase, along with the iPhone! I am so jealous, my boyfriend has had one since the very first one and I keep telling myself not worth it, don’t need to spend the money when I have a perfectly fine phone, who am I kidding I would LOVE the speed and cool apps! ha Mine is HTC Window’s phone, it’s super slow and only makes me frustrated, and doesn’t even have pinterest! what a joke! ha Well congrats on the new phone and interview, hope you get it! 🙂
I love Runkeeper! That’s where I keep all my running info and you can also log miles on your computer if you used a treadmill or an indoor track. There is also a real social aspect as you can add people to your “Streets Team” and people can comment on your workout. You can also set goals, they email you when you hit a personal record (distance, elevation, speed, etc), and you can do write ups about your run when you save it which is nice when you look back on it. As you saw, you can play around with the coaching features, choose different play lists, or create different workouts (intervals). As you can probably see, I’m a big fan!
I also forgot to add that you can swipe to a screen that shows your trail (very helpful for the directionally challenged like myself) and then another screen to show your mile splits.
Love the new accessories! I need to purchase that armband. One of my biggest pet peeves is running with my keys.
I love that iphone case! I want one!
I’ve never even bought a Garmin just because RunKeeper is my lifeline while I run! I love it! I just upgraded my android to an iPhone too! I’m going to look into that armband! I am in need of a new one now 🙂
I love Gym Boss! Its a free interval trainer and I use it EVERY DAY!! Also, Pandora, of course!
This has NOTHING to do with running, though I love trail running too, but I got SO happy reading your post because you listen to “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me” as well! I LOVE that NPR show soooo much! I keep hoping for the day my call goes through so I can get Carl Castle’s voice on my answering machine. 😉
Just got my iPhone 5 couple of weeks ago; I had the first one before that. I’m getting that armband. Thanks for asking everyone about apps.
Your description of Sadie after you got out of the car made me laugh. 🙂
I agree with many on the app recommendations you have gotten so far, but I would add The Bible by YouVersion. I’ve tried other Bible apps and this one is my favorite because of the way you can easily find the verses.
I am loving that case & arm band. You can find the best deals on amazon. Welcome to the iphone club! I use mapmyrun during runs and it sounds similar to the app you are using. I also suggest the Nike Training App! Great circuit workouts 🙂
Where did you get order your phone case from? I love it!!
I have been using the Map My Run app and I really like it! It chimes in and tells you when you have run a mile and your pace. I will have to check out Run Keeper. I like the idea of knowing my pace and distance every five minutes, I think it would help motivate me run a little faster 🙂
Welcome to the iPhone side. We are way cooler over here. 😀
I just got one too! What’s the name of the app where you can hold your phone up when there’s music playing and it will tell you what the song/artist is????? My husband has that one and uses it all the time!
Shazam? I love that app, use it all the time and it’s way faster on the iphone 5 then on my old android!
I love trail running. I run with a big group of girls and we always do the trails. I also wiped out this morning on our trail run, those silly roots just come out of no where.