My mom and I ended up extending our stay in Jacksonville through today. My dad had business to do in the area since his company has an office in Jacksonville, so we piggybacked on his stay and spent another night at the beach.
Last night we went to a late dinner at Beachside Seafood, a casual restaurant and seafood market in Jacksonville Beach.
The restaurant had a lot of fried seafood on the menu, but my eyes lit up when I saw steamed oysters! (Fried chicken, I like. Fried seafood, no thanks.)
I was so hungry by the time we sat down to eat, that I ate four packs of Saltine crackers that were on our table before we got our food.
Eating the Saltines made me instantly crave ginger ale. My mom would always give me saltines and ginger ale when I felt sick growing up. Surprisingly I still love the combination! Just give me a bowl of her homemade chicken noodle soup and I’m in sick girl heaven! (If you’re in the market for a quality chicken noodle soup recipe, I highly recommend my mom’s. It’s always a hit!)
My entrée selection was a no brainer.
I ordered the steamed oysters and a side salad with a side of fried onion strings.
Holy goodness, those onion strings were great! (Onion strings > Onion rings) My mom had French fries with her meal and after eating about half of the onion strings, I tried one of her fries and they tasted so bland. Fried onions for the win!
I also had two of my dad’s conch fritters and split a piece of key lime pie with him for dessert.
After dinner I passed out in bed with a nice, full belly.
I’ll pop in again soon to recap this morning’s workout. I met someone pretty darn cool at the gym and can’t wait to share more!
Questions of the Morning
- What do you eat or drink when you’re feeling sick?
- What is your all-time favorite fried food?
I love seasoned or sweet potato French fries. I also love tempura vegetables. I once had a fried banana sundae thinking it would be fabulous and it tastes like regurgitated baby food. How’s that for a mental image?
Oh man, I am a sucker for fried onion rings! Anyway….
I was nominated for the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling and I’m supposed to nominate five talented bloggers as well. I Blog Love you and nominate you!! Now that I’ve done that I have no chance of winning cause you’re awesome. But that’s okay as I’m new and will then choose to believe the whole thing was just a pyramid scheme anyway 😉 In any case, I really do Love you and your blog and have been meaning to share the Love for awhile now. After all, it was bloggers like you that made me want to blog in the first place. You can check out the details if you are at all interested on my latest post Blog Love at
When I’m feeling sick I love saltines and chicken noodle soup too. There is something about soup that mom’s make that make everything better 🙂
My favorite fried food are french fries or onion rings! Happy Friday!
Loved my Mom’s chicken noodle soup when I was sick as a kid too and gingerale. Now my go to sick meal is PB and toast and the green tea gingerale.
Do mini donuts count, they are deep fried! Best fair food ever.
Sushi Tempura = fave fried food 🙂
chicken noodle soup and gatorade! fried food? hmm if i HAD to choose it would be onion rings 🙂
Definitely sweet potato fries! I could seriously live of sweet potatoes I think. The best ones I ever had were in Lake Placid, NY at a restaurant called Carribbean Cowboy. I have only been once and still dream about them to this day- yum!
When I was living at home, my mum would give me dry toast (sometimes with jam depending on my mood) and ginger ale if I was feeling sick. She also gave me canned fruit cocktail (the peaches and pears because I didn’t like the cherries lol) and I thought it was delicious at the time!
I love onion strings, and rings! If I eat too many I always feel sick though. When I’m actually sick, I I like grilled cheese and goldfish (if I’m up for eating anything)
Not a fried food fan but sweet potato chips are a different story!
I always ate white rice with a little butter when I wasn’t feeling good as a kid! That and jelly toast. Every time I have one of those two things it brings back memories!!
Usually I’m in line your eating preferences (like fried onion strings and key lime pie, yes please!) but steamed oysters!?? Lol this Texas girl can’t hang with that. Yikes 🙂
That image will haunt me for the rest of the day 😉 lol
i always like simple carbs when i’m feeling sick… bread, crackers, etc. soup always sounds good to me too!
my favorite fried foods? i’m not really a huge fan of fried foods… they don’t agree with my stomach, but i do enjoy sweet potato fries!
Chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers, and lots of liquids were my mom’s “go to” sick food for my sister and I. She also gave us sprite and toast to help with our upset stomachs. Ahhh the good ol’ days of being a kid 🙂
hmm when i’m feeling sick usually some sort of brothy soup, lots of water, fruit, or a bowl of cereal. i feel like cereal is always a safe bet!
i actually can’t really handle fried food all that well, but in high school my boyfriend and i would get apple fritters almost every morning (probably why i can’t handle it now! haha!)
so nice you and had so much mom time, i’m jealous! enjoy!
Ginger ale. Chicken noodles. Toast.
Onion rings. WINGS!!!!
The Kidless Kronicles
I’m always starrrrrving when i’m sick! It’s the weirdest thing!
When I’m sick, nothing tastes better than a giant doughy bagel toasted with cream cheese. Fave fried: hush puppies dipped in maple butter sauce mmmm!
Sweet potato fries are my favorite too! I also love fried ice cream 🙂
Mmmmm sweet potato fries are the jam! And those oysters look awesome. YUMM!
Can’t wait to hear about your workout adventure 😉
Saltines and ginger ale was always what my mom gave me too!
I need onion strings/rings in my life immediately!
I have a weak spot for french fries, ESP steak fries (you know, the thick cut kind?) and sweet potato fries.
I’ll take steamed or baked (or even raw!) seafood any day over fried! But I do like me some fried clams every now and then. 🙂
I love sushi that has some tempura batter in there somewhere. 🙂 I also LOVE sweet potato fries! Or truffle oil fries. Oh my goodness!
When I got sick as a kid, it was all grape slushies and grilled cheese from Sonic. I still LOVE that combo!
Honey toast and hot tea. It’s a magical cure.
A shrimp tempura sushi roll is probably one of my favorite fried items!
Fried oreos!! Horrendously delicious.
I’m craving a beach holiday for good seafood!
My favourite fried food? The large pieces of calamari that are inches thick and wide. Sooo good!
I’m a southern girl, do I have to pick a favorite?
When I’m sick I usually want applesauce, weird but true!
I used to love fried food but these days I can barely stand to eat it. But I do still enjoy fried squash and okra, just very rarely!
My mom always gave us sprite or 7up when we weren’t feeling well!
I recently had a baby not too long ago, and I had a bit of morning sickness some and when that occurred, I would live off of wheat thins and gingerale.
Fried Oreos, althought disturbing in concept, are delicious! 🙂
Saltines and ginger ale were a childhood favorite of mine too! Also some plain white toast with jelly 🙂
I love fried seafood! Calamari, fish and chips, yum!
Saltines and ginger ale are totally my go to. My favorite fried food is a little weird. Two words.
Don’t bash it until you try it! My Italian grandma makes the best friend turkey hands down though :).
I can only seem to stomach English muffins and peanut butter when I’m sick—but chicken soup is a favorite, too!
Haha I refused to even TRY onion rings when I was little, for some strange reason! Now I have to keep myself away from them 😉 haha They’re tasty and definitely more flavorful than plain french fries!
Depending on the degree of sickness I usually have saltines, gingerale/sprite and gatorade. Also sometimes grilled cheese sandwiches. Random I know.
As far as fried things last week I went to Serendipity 3 in Vegas and they had a fried oreo sundae and those fried oreos were amazing!
I love that you ordered onion strings with your salad and those look particularly yummy!!
Hi Julie, I have a question (it is personal, So DO NOT respond if it it way too personal), but any experience with birth control?
I am 31 years old and my hormones are gone wacky for a long long time now. I’ve neglected it for too too long (decades) and now I think I might need to take birth control or something to straighten them out.
I am showing all signs of high testosterone and low estrogen 🙁 No one else in my family has a “mustache” and suddenlY I have one 🙁 So embarrassed, I know some girls have them, but its usually in their families too…but not me. Plus I’m having hot flashes and things are haywire. I’m not sure, does birth control lower testosterone too? I’m still waiting to see results from my lab work. Because if I take the birth control to increase the estrogen, I still worry that the testosterone will be way to high and I’ll get worse mustache.
I’m HOPING the birth control will REVERSE the mustache…I hope…
But I worry about acne and weight gain…do you have any experiences with birth control? Or can you mention to me bloggers that do (that are positive stories hopefully).
I SO want to fix this naturally (with a naturopath), but I just do not have that kind of money…so I hope I don’t mess up my 31 year old body too much with pills causing more weight gain and stuff. Ugh. I’m so sad right now. Thanks for ANY ideas on this. I’m hoping for some positive stuff or whatever (mustache reversal)…but anyway, thanks.
hi tara! i know caitlin ( did a whole post about natural birth control (the fertility awareness method) that sounds like it might be RIGHT up your alley!
All time favorite fried food…that’s a tough one! There are so many delicious options. I’m going to go with fried pickles and fried zucchinis…I can’t decide between the two. They’re amazing!! And zucchini is healthy…so fried zucchini is healthy too, right? 🙂
I hate onions, so fries would win over for me. When I was sick I always had chicken soup and gingerale too! And lots of toast with bananas on them. Classic sick food for me.
When I’m sick it’s plain pasta with passata…or minestrone soup, homemade it has to be! Fried food…I’m not a fan, or at least my tummy isn’t but those deep fried donut string things you get in other parts of Europe are amazing!
I crave vietnamese pho when i feel sick. or a good bowl of ramen.
if i feel nauseous sick, i crave gingerale and soda crackers.
I second that! As soon as I feel any bit blah I make my way to a big bowl of pho asap!
Doughnuts or beignets are the greatest fried food hands down