For the most part, people who find me through Google are searching for something peanut butter-related or simply type in the name of this blog or the web address, but I also get a slew of visitors who find me by searching for some wonderfully unique things, including:
- Chuck Norris
- Sweaty sports bra
- How to make an ironing board lady
- Drippy nose
- Why am I craving Brussels sprouts?
- Snowman poop
- I sweat a lot when I work out
- Slimer
And, cracking the top ten this week…
Welcome, friends. You’ve come to the right place.
Revamped leftovers made their way into my lunch today.
I took leftover pulled salsa chicken from Monday night’s dinner and combined it with a little light Miracle whip and chopped celery to make salsa chicken salad.
I then spread it on top of a toasted sweet wheat Alternative Bagel. (For those of you who asked, I buy them at Publix.) On the side I enjoyed red pepper slices.
A chocolate chip cookie was also snagged from the break room, but I ate that while chatting away and didn’t snap a picture. It was a *still warm* Otis Spunkmeyer cookie, so I assure you it was tasty.
Good news!!! We have some progress on the fashion page front!
As suspected, creating a page (other than my homepage) that allows me to post to it on my blog is really difficult. It requires a lot of back end work with coding and I’m not good with that kind of stuff.
Luckily Seth, the same wonderful man who helped me make the transition to a self-hosted blog, will be working some behind-the-scenes magic for me. Hopefully we’ll be in action soon!
Until then, here is today’s look…
- Navy blue short-sleeved turtleneck sweater: Banana Republic (Outlet)
- Khaki skirt: J.Crew (Outlet)
- Nude pumps: Gabriella Rocha
- Gold bangle: Banana Republic
- Long necklace: Beall’s (Outlet)
- Pale, pasty but no longer hairy legs: Julie Fagan
After Work Plans
This weekend will be a three-day weekend for me! After work today, Sadie and I are heading to my parents’ house in St. Pete. (I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and am taking the day off work. Ryan is not coming along because he leaves tonight on his friend Dru’s bachelor party cruise.)
I hope the rest of this day flies by because I’m anxious to see my family! My sister is arriving in town from college today, too. Reuniiiited! 😀
I love your fashion sense!
And I always love the crazy search terms people use to find my site. Although I will never get why people search the web address of the blog. Why not just type it in and go to it? Why the extra step of the search?
I do it when I’m unsure of the exact address, but the other search terms are hilarious!
I love the search terms! I actually found your blog about 9 months ago because I was searching for “how to make a cake in the shape of a fish.” lol I guess there was a post about a fish cake that you made your dad! I have read your blog every day since then! You are an inspiration!
oh my gosh, i LOVE this! so glad you found your way here and decided to stick around. 🙂
yummm, that bagelwich looks awesome.
ok, this may be a silly question, but how do you see the search terms that people entered that got them to your site?
on the back end of any wordpress blog, if you click “site stats” you can then scroll to the bottom to see the search terms people used to find you!
ah! thanks!!! i’m gonna go look!
Did I see correctly in an earlier post that you were wearing a leather jacket as well? That looked cuuuuute. Where’d you snag that?
Love all of your outfits!
thanks! it’s a faux-leather jacket & i got it from off 5th (the saks 5th ave. outlet).
Haha! I love looking at the search terms people use to find my site! ;D
I find the search terms hilarious! That’s why I’m obsessed about sitemeter.
Great idea for the post: I’ve been meaning to do something like this, but you are faster than me 😉
Awww such a fun weekend! I love that you still get excited about going home…I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow sleeping in my childhood bed either 🙂
Best search term of mine at the moment: Breast year ever.
I love that all these bloggers are showing their outfits. 🙂
You look great!
LOVE your search terms! I’ve had some good ones too lately, like “earthquake inside my body”, “what do postmen eat”, and “can you sniff olive oil spray to get high”…… unfortunately i don’t think any of those people found what they were looking for!
Drippy nose?! hahah!
Those search terms are hilarious!
Absolutely LOVE your style sense Julie! I am a relatively new blogger, so I haven’t come across any weird search terms yet for mine, but I am looking forward to my first one 🙂
ahh i hope Sadie and you have fun in St. Pete!!… cute outfit as always.. and i love how you transform your leftovers!
Aw what a fun weekend! Safe trip!
The search terms people use to find my blog always crack me up!
Have fun with your family! I just got to see my family this past weekend after not seeing them for 6 months; it was SO good!!
Have fun with your fam! <3
& hip hip horray for non-hairy legs!
I love search engine terms. Always good for a laugh.
The #1 search term to get to my blog is “Angry Gorilla” haha seriosuly?
What a fun weekend planned! Have a great time. P.s. I love your outfit today 🙂
My husband finds it hilarious that I have short sleeve turtlenecks, he doesn’t understand why they exist. I guess he kinda has a point, but I still love them! 🙂
i just moved my blog this week to self hosted WP (what a move, oh my…) but its finally over after months in the making and i dont even know where to access terms like that. People keep saying the Dashboard. And im like,…but where?! lol
Beanie Weenies! I used to eat those when I was little! Hahaha, my Dad would cringe. I think they were calld Beanie Weenie…? The canned beans and sausages. Oh goodness, I would’ve gotten a kick out of that too 😉
Enjoy your evening, Julie! LOVE the outfit – your necklace is so unique!
Haha funny search terms! My fave this week was ‘Boob Party’. Lol! 😀
Have fun with your family! And I love your wedding photo in the background of your lunch photo by the way- gorgeous 🙂
I think yesterday’s background pic was Sadie, lol!
OOOHHHHH I just sent Seth and email. I have been trying to figure out the same thing for my exercise page. I didn’t think a seperate page that allows you to post to it was possible. I’m so excited to see it unfold on your blog and hopefully once he’s done he can help me too. This is why I love you and your blog.
By the way you look stunning today as usual.
And it feels so gooood
I actually found your blog looking for half marathon playlists about a month ago and have been reading ever since!
Loving the outfit today! I so wish it was skirt weather up here!
A way to find my blog is to look up the quote “Ross bruises like a peach, He bruises like a peach!”
Oh, I miss St. Pete. My husband and I went there on a day trip when we first started dating. That whole area makes me feel all sentimental. 🙂
So funny! Thanks for the lol!
LOL those are some funny search terms!!
Ha! I love how people find my blog too, so random.
I love that top, Banana Republic outlet really is the best.
Love the search terms! You have to wonder the reasoning for searching for those specific words – hmm. Funny!
I’m on my long weekend now too! My husband and I are heading down to San Diego. I’ve never been, so I’m super excited.
those search terms are hilarious! this semester i dont’ have class/work on fridays so i always have 3 day weekends…its great!
Those search terms are hysterical!
Love the outfit! =D
cute outfit! its nice that you dont have to wear boring suits to work! hope you have a great night 🙂
I’m already a huge fan of yours and i only started reading your blog yesterday! I came across your site the boring old way of typing in peanut butter recipes. Nevertheless i’m here and here to stay so keep up the awesome posts, you’re awesome and an inspiration.
thank you, maddy! i’m so glad you’re stickin’ around for the fun! 🙂
I love reading the search terms that people type in to find my blog. It definitely provides some entertainment! I love your outfit! It’s super cute! That salsa chicken salad looks delicious!
i think i found your blog through some links given on fit sugar (not sure!) – i loved it instantly! 🙂
You always wear the cutest skirts so I’ll be checking to see where you got them from! Have a great weekend 🙂
I did ONE post about comparing something to a basset hound and suddenly everyone’s coming to my site for basset hounds. hahaaha. I love all of your search terms
You look so cute! And that sandwich looks so good!
Favorite part of the post: “•Pale, pasty but no longer hairy legs: Julie Fagan”
You are hilarious! 😀 I love it!! You have had me cracking up all day with your posts 🙂
Ironing Board Lady? 🙂 I love checking out the google search terms that lead to my blog. 🙂
Those terms are hilarious!! Even though I just started my blog.. i’ve still had a few funny searches, my favorite being “sheepdog backflip.” Happy sure does atrtact the good ones 🙂
Do you not est. doctors in Orlando because you’re thinking of moving someday? Or have you just not gotten around to it. Just curious! Anyway, have fun with your family!!!
honestly, i am TERRIBLE with doctors and all things medical, so i just prefer to go w/ professionals i alreayd have a relationship with and know and trust.
I love the Beanie Weenies. 🙂
Love those seach terms. I get some interesting ones- last week I got “hot fudge sundae undies.”
I love your outfit!!
Chuck Norris! That is awesome 🙂 Looking forward to the fashion page!
Have a great time at home!