I have a love-hate relationship with running.
I hate it because it’s hard for me.
I love it because it challenges me and makes me feel accomplished.
But the best part of running? For me, it’s purely emotional.
I often find myself deep in thought during a run. For some reason running seems to bring clarity to my thoughts and helps me work through issues in a way that nothing else can.
Today, on the final mile of my five mile run, the song Firework by Katy Perry popped up on my iPod.
You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
Maybe I’m totally off my rocker for looking so deeply into a pop song, but the lyrics really resonated with me this morning.
I’ve found myself letting certain negative things in my life eat away at me lately. Negative things that have made me question my normally positive outlook on the world and people in general.
And then it hit me.
I want to see and be the good in the world.
I cannot change the actions of others. As much as I long to understand where such negativity, cruelty and hate comes from in people, I’m beginning to realize I may never understand.
As a logical person, I typically face issues in my life head on and think about how I can fix them, talk with people involved and move on. I’m beginning to realize not every issue can be fixed.
All I can do as a person is try to live my life in a way that is motivated by good. I honestly believe that this world is a good place filled with good people.
I want to continually strive to see and be the good in the world.
After quite an introspective workout (it’s amazing where the mind goes at 5:45 a.m., huh?), it was time for breakfast!
I made healthified Egg McMuffins for me and Ryan featuring two fried eggs, muenster cheese and Canadian bacon.
And an overly ripe banana on the side.
Time to work! I have a freelance project that needs some attention.
Love it, and you! You are the good in the world! 🙂
Sadly, some people are just full of negativity and thrive off of bringing others down to make THEMSELVES feel better about being less-than-stellar. Really, all they want is a reaction.
Just remember Julie, you’re so much better than anyone who’s trying to bring you down. Look at all of the readers you have to prove it. We love you!
Yum breakfast looks delish!
I too have a love/hate relationship with running. It’s just not something that comes easily to me at all. I have to really push and work at it. But you’re right to look at it on the positive as a challenge and I should try to adapt that mindset more.
it definitely doesn’t come naturally to me. but i think that’s why it really does give me such a sense of accomplishment when i finish a good run! sometimes the challenging things are the most rewarding. 🙂
Great little bit of inspiration to start the morning! I just wrote a post this morning about why I run, and runs can definitely inspire some profound thinking in my mind too! I agree that often we try to fix everything. I think part of growing up and becoming more wise involves realizing (like you acknowledged) that we really can’t control and fix everything. Keeping this in mind, I’ve been more selective in choosing my battles lately! Have a great day Julie!
it’s kind of a weird and new revelation for me, to be honest. i always felt like i COULD fix bad situations… rise above them and help others who are hurting or extremely negative. it’s hard to realize that this just isn’t always possible.
Love this post- surrounding myself with positivity invariably makes me a happier person!
I’m with you, girlfriend. I notice I do most of my deep thinking on my runs. maybe that’s why I feel like I’ve missed something when I don’t run for a week?
So relaxing.
And there ain’t no shame in getting introspective about a pop song. I do it every day. 😉 Hooray for the constant reminders that we all have something to be POSITIVE about in our lives! I need ’em.
One of the reasons that I LOVE you and your blog is because you are such a Good person and you spread your positive outlook on life through your words. You recognize that there is negativity out there but you are not hindered by it. Your love for life shows in everything you say and do. Keep up the great work Julie! It helps to make the world a brighter place.
thank you, cathy. very much. 🙂
I often struggle with understanding WHY some people can be filled with so much hate in this word…but like you, I have come to realize that it’s something that I am truly unable to understand because I will never be filled with that level of hatred.
The only thing we can do is fill the world with love from our own selves and pass that to others.
yes! i love this –> “I will never be filled with that level of hatred.”
Hey julie,
I love your blog, I’ve been reading for a while now but this is my first time commenting. I love your post today. I think you should read the book the Secret. I imagine you have probably heard of it, or maybe read it already. I keep it on hand and read it quite often. Although some people don’t believe it ( mostly negative people!) I think it is a great book, and a little positive thinking never hurt anyone! 🙂 You would definitely love this book! You can’t change other peoples thoughts but you can totally manage your own, and you’ll be surprised as the more you start thinking positively the more positive situations will come into your life! 🙂
I love your blog and look forward to reading it every day! Keep up the great work! 🙂
I have a love hate relationship with running as well and have been running 5ks so I run like 4-6 miles twice a week, but now I have an ache in my foot and its driving me crazy i can’t run!
that happens to me too! when i injured my hip and couldn’t run for MONTHS i was dying!
Though I’m not a runner, I often find myself thinking some deep thoughts during whatever exercise I’m doing (pumping, shredding, body attack or combat, or just on the elliptical). Maybe it’s all that extra blood flowing to your brain, it just opens things up (a la Brad Cooper in Limitless?) Luckily, added in with the endorphins, I think it just pumps me to a new level of feeling good. Like, the kind of good where you think “Have I ever felt this wonderful in my entire life before?!”
As long as you maintain a positive outlook on your life, I have no doubt you’ll continue to see/be all good!
I too have a love/hate relationship with running. I also hate it because it challenges me and LOVE it because it makes me feel like I accomplished something! I feel proud of myself after every run.
Julie, you are the good in the world, and have inspired so, so many people. Sometimes my organization (which is GOOD) gets flak in the media (by ONE certain negative reporter). He just rips on everything we do, it doesn’t matter, he will find a way to hate on it. Sometimes it’s hard not to let it get to me (especially when he brings up me in particular), but my boss always says “Lindsey, don’t let the turkeys get you down.”
So Julie, don’t let the turkeys get you down!!!
(Apparently Ronald Reagan left that quote on a note in the oval office for Bush’s first day of presidency :))
This –> “He just rips on everything we do, it doesn’t matter, he will find a way to hate on it.”
I just don’t understand it. It seems like just wasted energy to always look for something to hate, tear down and rip apart. I wish I could somehow understand where it comes from and why it’s something people feel the need to spread but I don’t think I ever will… and that’s probably a GOOD thing. My mind just doesn’t think that way.
And I love the turkey quote. 🙂
“It’s the simplest properties that will help you clear yourself of negativity … The profound power of a simple prayer. The strength of a deep breath. The gentle guidance of good music.”
I’m almost positive the author of this quote had Katy Perry in mind 🙂
Running is my thinking time, I love when that one song comes on (whatever that song may be) and my stride starts to pick up and it almost seems like I forget I’m actually running. I also share a love hate relationship with running, especially right now since I’m training for my first half marathon.
I signed up with a friend who begged me to do it with her. I paid way too much money for it and now she backed out so I’m running solo! LAME!
But every time I hit the pavement I try to think of how good I’m going to feel when I cross the finish line.
it will feel amazing!!! good luck to you! the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel at the finish line will make it all more than worth it.
When I first heard that song, I thought the SAME EXACT things. My sister actually heard it first and made me listen to it because she thought of me. Everyday while getting ready, I give myself a pep talk about being positive and creating positive energy for others. We really can’t control the way others think and behave, but I definitely believe we can influence people to shift their thinking…slowly but surely. I love your attitide, Julie! It’s what brings me back day after day!
I’m totally the same with running – I don’t really look forward to it like I do other workouts but I feel so good afterwards!
You bring a lot of good to the world, Julie! You inspire others to live healthy, fulfilling lives, and to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Keep up the good work, friend!
In unrelated news, I am making your two-ingredient chicken tonight. Time to dig out the crock pot! 🙂
“SEE and BE the good in the world” <<< reminds me of an all-time fave quote
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
I can completely see that connection (and have totally been in that exact same head space before while listening to it and thought the exact same thing) – you are completely NOT off your rocker!! 🙂
Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again. – Evelyn Underhill, 1875-1941
One of my favorite quotes. Thanks for this wonderful post.
great quote, alex. thank you for sharing.
I too have a bit of a love and hate relationship with running: It doesn’t come natural to me, and more often than not I end up ending my run sooner than initially programmed for some reason or another. No matter the lenght of run though, I always feel good and de-stressed, and that’s way I’m sticking to it! Who knows, I might get better with time 🙂
I love early morning runs! This one of my favorite serious posts you’ve done!
I love it! Very inspiring 🙂 there will always be negativity (that is the enemy trying to break us down) but if we turn to God for help, we can overcome it and be a shining light in a dark world.
agreed 100%
I love when I have time to think like that on a run too!
You ARE a good in the world 🙂 Keep shining–and seriously, that song IS full of good stuff, so don’t feel crazy. I teach BodyPUMP and it is the lunge track for release 78, and a few times while teaching I have caught my self thinking about the lyrics and how they apply to my situation right now, AND it’s given me hope! So crazy, I know 🙂 hah.
I love this post Julie – Firework is one of the top played songs on my running playlist too.
Good luck with your freelance project. Looking forward to reading it in the future.
Katy Perrys new album is great for a run! I used to listen to firework when training for my half last spring and it was the motivation to push through! A feel good song with a great message, what more could anyone want?
I’m not a natural runner. I run slow and sometimes to leisurely. (11/min miles or so) I think it’s a great “me” time activity. I’ve gotten flack before of why I do it if I can’t run under 10 min miles, but at least I’m doing it and it just makes me feel proud and good about my body!
Good luck at the half!! You’ll def kick some Hiney!
“Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter” – Dr. Seuss
I feel like I am allowed to quote Seuss as an Elementary school teacher! Keep that one in mind, we all LOVE you and your blog, the others who don’t just DO NOT matter!! Keep it up!!
haha i remember a friend telling me that quote when i was worrying about the seating chart for our wedding and seating the right people together. it’s a good one that’s applicable in so many situations!
I love this Julie, and I completely agree 🙂 Lyrics are the most important part of song to me, and I downloaded this song to my ipod when it came out because i love the sentiment behind and how empowering it is – you’re not silly to take the words seriously and look at them deeply, they’re lovely! <3
I'm sorry it's been hard for you lately to remain positive and upbeat – that happens in life, but what you say about seeing and being the good in the world is incredibly powerfuland beautiful! Love it! <3 Wishing you so well! Big smiles and best wishes… xyx
I never actually listened to the lyrics of that song… I’m glad to see that they’re actually motivational 🙂 I definitely know what you mean about people’s negative views getting in the way… it’s so hard to look past them and ignore them but it’s so worth it. I don’t like anyone’s negativity bringing me down!
please don’t look into the lyrics of katy perry’s OTHER songs now. 🙂 i’m pretty sure there’s not much you can pull out of “exextraterrestrial.” 🙂
It’s hard to stay positive in a negative world. Anger, jealousy, hatred…where’s the LOVE?!? I wish I was around more people like you in my life- it would make it so much easier to see the bright side to things.
Thanks for the words of encouragement…we all could use a ‘dose of Julie’ this morning.
that reminds me of that one blackeyed peas song! where is the loveeee? 🙂
This is a beautiful positive post! Nice way to start the day =)
Haha. Those are some of THE WORST lyrics ever. “After a hurricane comes a rainbow”??? Really??? Could we be more sickeningly nonsensical and cliched?
This is such a refreshing post to read. I have felt the same exact way about this song. I always look to it as motivation for something positive. 🙂
This is a fabulous post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a fabulous day and good luck on your freelance project!
It honestly baffles me that ANYONE would want to bring you down! I just don’t get it. You’re such a loving, caring and easy going girl (from what I can see) and I just adore you and secretly wish you were one of my bestie!! Ok that sounds creepy but you ROCK Julie – never forget that! xoxo
I really think that some people throw out negative energy just for the sake of throwing out negative energy. It doesn’t matter who or what spawns their feelings. They just take it out on whoever happens to be the easiest target. Being hidden behind the anonymity of a computer screen makes some people *very* brave, so bloggers unfortunately turn into sitting ducks. These people are jealous of the success and happiness of others, and it’s really not something you can fix. They need to work on their own self worth and self esteem and start to take care of themselves. You just can’t fix everyone.
Regardless of the people who try to tear you down, know that there are people (me included) who genuinely love reading your blog! I get some fantastic recipe ideas, and we all love your stories about Sadie, house-hunting, Ryan, etc. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and hopefully someday the negative people in the world will have a change of heart.
thank you, kim. and i agree – the anonymity of the internet turns everyone in to a critic and, unfortunately, allows people to hide behind a computer and be hateful without having to actually encounter face-to-face confrontation.
I was feeling similarly lately and a print I saw on pinterest got me out of my funk. It simply said: Love More, Worry Less and I’ve made it my new personal mantra. Can’t go wrong with that message in your heart! Glad you’re feeling better 🙂
i love that!
what a great postive post to start my day!
thank you! 🙂
I love that song…when it first came out I made a fb post about it. The lyrics really ring true to me and my outlook.
Through some personal development over recent years I’ve learned that many times people hate because they have inner issues that they are dealing with, then they project that on to others. They feel negative inside because of so many things that may have happened to them and so that is what comes out.
Where our thoughts go, energy will flow. So if our thoughts are negative, well that’s what comes out. But you are a perfect example of what TO do, keep things positive most of the time. We all have our days and that’s normal, it is NOT normal to be happy and positive ALL the time. But the key is to deal with the negative emotion, take time to get it out, then move on. Many will hold it in and it gets buried and negative layer upon negative layer builds up making an utterly hateful person come about.
There’s so much more to it though I could write a looooooong blog post about it (much like this comment haha!). I love this part of understanding humans as it really opened my eyes on why people do what they do, and it makes it easier to understand but also be able to move past it.
Yay for you for having a positive place to come to in the morning 🙂 I LOVE that!
thank you for this wonderful comment, roz. if you ever do get around to writing that post, i’d love to read it!
YW 🙂 You deserve it lady! I will let you know, I literally have about a hundred blog post ideas written down lol!!
Your post really resonated with me too! I wrote something vaguely similar on my post today too actually. I have a few people that are close to me in my life (or should be) and they are so negative and I feel like “try” to hurt my husband and I. I have spent nearly 9 mos. racking my brain trying to understand what we did and why all these problems were happening, but in the past few weeks, I, too, have come to the realization that I just have to accept this situation as is and it can’t fully be fixed. There will always be issues with these people and that’s what I have to accept. It was/still is soooo hard though!
you’re a great inspiration, Julie! you’re the only blog i read 100% of the posts, you are definitely spreading the good around this world! thanks for the positive post this AM 🙂
I love that song too. Sometimes I feel weird looking into pop songs like that too, but I think it’s a great song nonetheless!
Katy Perrys firework always touches and pulls on my heart strings as well lol 🙂 Like a friend of mine died who was a singer and anytime her songs come on my ipod while running I dedicate that run to her 🙂 Those are typically the runs I REALLY push myself too.
This is so true, Julie. I’ve had the same types of thoughts near the ends of runs myself! Thanks for the reminder.
And–you always bring a little bit of sunshine to my day! So thank you! 🙂
I don’t know what this says about me, but I usually view the world as a bad place full of bad people… but I try my best to view the positive and make the best of it. Maybe I look at it that way because I don’t want to be disappointed when “good” people do “bad” things. (Not sure if that makes sense — it’s early!)
You inspire people in so many ways, maybe even more then you think!
Loved this post! I too have been dealing with negativity in my life, I needed this to pick me up! Thank you for such an inspiring post! 🙂
A huge motivating factor for me in running are those introspective (alone) moments running. I really never looked into the lyrics to Firework — and honestly, there’s a lot of substance to them. Pop music & deep thoughts — who knew! 🙂
Additional positive quotes from the vault:
“Happiness, like a boomerrang, always comes back to you!”
“Don’t judge your day by the harvest that you reap; judge your day by the seeds that you sow.”
You’re sowing seeds of positivity and happiness — so while you may not always feel like the word is reciprocating this (poor Debbie Downers of the world…), it is no doubt that your life will always be better because of your choice to be positive.
It’s funny what music can inspire us to do – what a beautiful goal!
SN – I got really emotional over Adam Lambert’s “whaddya want from me” on a run last year – don’t feel bad about getting deep with the crappy pop!
I love this post, because it’s just part of WHY I love reading your blog so much. You are always so positive!! Even when I’m having a super bad day, I know that I can turn to your blog for a little reading pick me up. You are just so cheery & remind me that even IF I’m having a bad day there are always things to be thankful for..even silly stuff like the ability to run. Sometimes when I am dealing with stuff with my stomach issues, I tend to get pretty down on myself & just get a negative attitude, BUT then I try to remind myself that there are so many people out there in the world that are so much more worse off than me. & your blog tends to remind me of this too, just that I should always look on the bright side! 🙂