I have a love-hate relationship with running.
I hate it because it’s hard for me.
I love it because it challenges me and makes me feel accomplished.
But the best part of running? For me, it’s purely emotional.
I often find myself deep in thought during a run. For some reason running seems to bring clarity to my thoughts and helps me work through issues in a way that nothing else can.
Today, on the final mile of my five mile run, the song Firework by Katy Perry popped up on my iPod.
You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
Maybe I’m totally off my rocker for looking so deeply into a pop song, but the lyrics really resonated with me this morning.
I’ve found myself letting certain negative things in my life eat away at me lately. Negative things that have made me question my normally positive outlook on the world and people in general.
And then it hit me.
I want to see and be the good in the world.
I cannot change the actions of others. As much as I long to understand where such negativity, cruelty and hate comes from in people, I’m beginning to realize I may never understand.
As a logical person, I typically face issues in my life head on and think about how I can fix them, talk with people involved and move on. I’m beginning to realize not every issue can be fixed.
All I can do as a person is try to live my life in a way that is motivated by good. I honestly believe that this world is a good place filled with good people.
I want to continually strive to see and be the good in the world.
After quite an introspective workout (it’s amazing where the mind goes at 5:45 a.m., huh?), it was time for breakfast!
I made healthified Egg McMuffins for me and Ryan featuring two fried eggs, muenster cheese and Canadian bacon.
And an overly ripe banana on the side.
Time to work! I have a freelance project that needs some attention.
I love love love this post. I have spent so much time, tears, and energy trying to understand the negativity and cruelness that comes out of this world. And the truth is…there really is no explanation.
I’ve always liked to believe that there is good in everybody. And sometimes, I still like believing that. But I’ve honestly come to learn that there are some people out there who truly have no good in them. I had to accept it, as hard as it really was, so I didn’t spend time dwelling on things that make no sense to me.
I like to think that those of us who ARE good human beings have a hard time understanding negativity. As my boyfriend tells me, “It is. Sometimes there is no reason – it just is.”
I’m glad your run helped 🙂 Hope the rest of your day is fabulous! <3
Here’s another quote to add to the bunch already mentioned:
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. ”
– Khalil Gibran
I think you’ve already come to this conclusion, but I love the way the quote simplifies it!
I love it when I feel like my music is speaking to me… it provokes very profound thinking as you experienced this morning.
Keep on with the positive vibes Julie! One of the reasons I come back to your blog everyday is because you are so positive and lighthearted and fun. It’s really refreshing!
I love your attitude. I always try to see the good in things and in people (and someone once told me it is my worst quality!). It’s not always easy, but I think it makes for a happier, more positive life in the long run! 🙂
I have the same relationship with running!
Your “realness” and positivity always shows in your blog, and I appreciate it so much. Keep it up!
You do have such a great attitude. And given all the recent changes in your life, that’s amazing! I think it would be so difficult to start blogging full time and then to move away from your friends and live in temporary housing with gross food for a month. If there would be anytime to feel like your in a funk this would be it even without any haters! Your attitude never fails to impress. You seem like such a kind-hearted person and are incredibly motivated… it actually motivates me!
I hope you feel better soon 🙂
Great post! I feel the same way, I have a friend that is always negative and I always do my best to show her the positive light, even if she does look at me funny 🙂
Love this. And your positive attitude I’m sure affects more people than you know. I always get my best thinking done while running too! 🙂 I don’t know if I commented on the other post, but congratulations on two years! You and Ryan should definitely celebrate this weekend.Isn’t it weird how it only took 2 years to get to where you are today? That’s just plain crazy! 🙂
Dang, you and Then Heather Said both posted about this this morning and now I’m REALLY curious about what exactly happened that you guys are referencing! Darn my nosiness. 🙂
I think you have a great attitude and all those negative people need is a Sadie kiss to cheer them up.
I’m sitting here looking at my now cold oatmeal and all I really want is an egg sandwich… I’m totally jealous of yours.
Yep, be the change we wish to see in the world! i’m bless to have a job that allows me to change others whose world’s need some changing from time to time!
Thank You Julie! I needed that post today, more than you could ever know.
Love it! I love the positive attitude (and the lyrics to Firework – I sing it to my ‘niece’ dog…crazy story but I figured you’d appreciate it).
BTW, I started Room last night. Kinda hard to get into given the grammar of Jack. But it is good and I was glued to it.
LOVE this post. I agree with everything you said. I’d leave a really long comment explaining How much I loved it, but I’m commenting from my phone, and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading this. Great post! Also, if you want to Really be able to appreciate the meaning behind the Firework song, look up Firework by Boyce Avenue on YouTube. It’s acoustic and slowed down and really great!
Don’t feel silly! I love that entire CD. The songs “Pearl” and “Not Like The Movies” have made me cry on quite a few occasions. I think it’s because Katy Perry used to be a Christian pop-artist before she made it big. She’s great 🙂
It can be easy to question/overthink…I am guilty of this…and I am in a position right now where I see pediatric hospice patients once a week for school. Yesterday truly brought me closer to God and made my negativity seem SO small in comparison to the bigger picture. Runs always clear my head, too. I have one planned for 3:00 today!
I love that Ghandi quote. I actually had it embroidered on my son’s first swaddle blanket. The only thing that can make the world better is the people in it.
I never knew the lyrics to Firework, but I suddenly like that song even more. Thanks for posting these inspirational words!
I find that i have a love/hate relationship with running too. It makes me feel awesome but sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me because of how hard it can sometimes be! Firework is such a great motivational song, I listen to it during almost every workout to get the “positive” energy going 🙂
I too get into deep thoughts when I am running. I love it! It is where I spend a lot of time with God. I talk to Him and I can listen to Him in the quietness. I believe that we know what goodness, and love is because of Christ and what He came to do. He showed us how to serve others. Looking into our broken world through Christ is what makes me joyful and be able to see the goodness because alone, I do find myself getting frustrated with the lack of good. There is a purpose to why you are so passionate about seeing good in the world. Thanks for sharing this post ! Have a great day!
I love that song & I love the message you attach to it! I feel the absolute same way and am trying to move towards the life I want to live with each choice I make. Life is far too short to waste time being angry/negative/upset all of the time… let things roll off your back 🙂 and remember when there’s drama going on around you…. “you’re not in it” (one of my favorite maya angelou quotes!).
oh my gosh i LOVE that maya angelou quote!!! i’m writing it down right now. 🙂
That is what I love about running too — I get so emotional and things seem to make so much sense when I’m in that moment.
Don’t feel silly for analyzing a pop song, I do it all the time!
Thank you for that little pep talk 😀 Just what I needed this morning!
And I’m always loving on your breakfasts.. that egg sammy looks delicious!
Running is so tough for me and I love it because I feel so accomplished but I hate it because it is soooo much work! Then again with hard work comes progress!
I had almost the same breakfast today (sans the bacon lol!)
Katy perry’s “firework” = best thing to happen to a dance party since “Single Ladies”
I’ve disected that song before too. Interesting how Katy Perry can go from a song like Caifornia Gurls to this one. The lyrics are a bit different, huh? I had almost the exact same breakfast but with a real egg mcmuffin considering McDonald’s was the only halfway decent option in LAX this morning before my flight!
Cheer up, Julie!!!! You are one heck of an awesome person, I think 🙂
Totally understand the Firework-enlightenment-moment. Sometimes the silliest things like that can speak to you. Stay positive! Life is a lot better that way.
This is very timely to read since I just wrote a post on dealing with people who weren’t what they seem. I can’t change them, but I can change my actions and perhaps not read their blogs anymore!
And to think, on my runs, I only think about food! haha
Way to start the day of on a positive note! And that breakfast sandwich, yum! Can we be neighbors so you can make me breakfasts like that? 😉
I feel very similarly about running and life actually. The biggest challenges to me are the ones where no matter how I angle it, there is no solution and nothing I can do to fix it, and I find the only thing I can do at that point (after letting myself be whine for a good minute) is throw myself into something I can look at positively. And sometimes I get inspired by cheesey pop songs too :O)
I hear you on the running thing. Ugh. But so glad it brought some clarity and positivity. And that breakfast sandwich…shut up. Looks divine.
You know me. I read into songs WAY too easily too. Firework always gets me going in a motivational way too. Loved this post! So true we can only focus on the energy we put out into the world. : )
I know just how you feel about running! If I have a long, tiring day at work, I generally want to come home and put my feet up – but the other day, I had such a mentally draining day that I was past the point of wanting to relax and just wanted to RUN. Just to have that time in my head to myself.
Your sentiments in this post are truly inspirational – the world could use more people with your attitude! 🙂
You put a positive spin on my mid-morning work! Great post!
Julie, you’re not crazy! Fireworks is one of if not my favorite running song. (I prefer the Glee version, but Katie’s is great too.) It’s pop music for sure, I feel awesome and happy listening to it, but it’s also very deep and moving. You don’t get that frequently in a pop song so enjoy it!
It seems like seeing the good in people and the world comes naturally for you and that’s fantastic. Just keep doing your thang and spreading good in the world will flow naturally from that 🙂
I love this post. I feel the same way about living my life for the good of those around me. The world is a good place, and it’s going to take more people having thoughts like these to make change happen, no matter how big or small that change may be.
Have a great day. And Happy Running! 🙂
That’s a great attitude to have and totally spot on. Negativity tends to breed negativity and who wants to go through life being an Eeyore?
Running is totally therapeutic for me too. It helps me work through the issues in my life and the physical empowerment I get from it gives me the courage to deal with the emotional.
Firework always makes me feel better. I’m trying to make changes in my life to make me happier. It’s tough but I’m trying.
that’s a great way of thinking and approaching life 🙂 i think thats the most anyone has probably ever gotten out of a katy perry song, too. so i commend you on that! haha 🙂
in all seriousness though, it is overwhelming to focus on the bad that is in the world because at times it seems to surround us. if you try to see the good in people, your approach to life changes. for me, this is where my faith comes in and where i rely on something (someone, actually) much bigger than myself to help me see things through a perspective that i cannot see because i am human and i am flawed. i often ask God to give me His eyes to see a situation, because i know that way i will see the beauty and the good in it.
I feel the same way about running. I have a love, hate relationship with it but when I am done I feel so calm.
Julie, there will always be negative people in this world. Don’t ever let negativity take away your positive attitude. Just keep doing what your doing.
Have a beautiful day and Happy running. 🙂
Hey Julie!!
Funny you just did a post about running…a couple days ago I just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon and I am FREAKED out beyond belief. Especially because I too have a love hate relationship with running. I honestly think everyone does…so we are not alone..
P.s. I just started a blog and you are one of the people that inspired me to do it! haha I am so nervous but maybe you can let me know what you think!
I think that you are absolutely a good person! And it’s important to remind ourselves of how we can be better people, not how we can change others!
I’ve been wanting to mix up my b’fasts in the morning but never seem to have the time before work!!! That healthified mcmuffin looks amazing! 🙂
I also listen to the lyrics of pop songs it’s not so weird!
Your posts have been really beautiful and on point lately. Keep it up! We all read your blog for a reason 🙂
If you haven’t already, check out this post: http://zenhabits.net/negative/ Zen Habits is a blog that has provided me much guidance and inspiration for years. We can’t control what other say or even think about us, but we can control our reaction and feelings in return. We know deep down who we are and as long as we are secure and confident in that, we can become more resistent to others’ opinions. I usually try to identify why someone would say something hurtful. And when it is from a stranger who has no idea who you are, then they themselves must have a problem: jealousy or hurt within themselves. In fact, 9 times out of 10 the person inflicting pain upon others is a very hurt soul and find joy in (trying) to make others hurt. Any time someone “makes” me feel a certain way I remember this quote: “The people who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most” Peaceful Warrior
You are adorable and rock! 🙂
I was listening to “Firework” literally as I scrolled across this post. Hah! And pop music is, well, popular for a reason. 🙂 I think when music speaks to you, take it. It doesn’t matter what type of music it is. And it inspired you this morning! Soak that up, because once the negativity sets in, it means you’ve made it big. And they won’t go away. Just revel in the fact that the MAJORITY of folks love you for YOU.
What a wonderful post, Julie! Your optimistic outlook on life shines through, and you definitely spread joy to others. Unfortunately, there are some mean, cruel people in this world who thrive on hurting others (fueled on jealousy, fear, and low self-esteem), but we must never let them get us down. Remember that YOU are always the stronger person and try to brush off their hurtful and untrue comments (hard as it may be).
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16
You nailed exactly why I feel in love with running! My head feels clearer just thinking about my next run!
I’m in love with that song and I’m in love with this post! It is funny when you really listen to a song that the lyrics can have so much meaning! I’ve been listening to a lot of new songs on the radio, and seriously almost all of them make me think of my marathon or accomplishing amazing goals or overcoming negativity! I just love it!
And Julie…you definitely are a piece of that “good” in the world. Keep it up girl!