Anyone remember those infomercials for the Ronco rotisserie machine?
The catchy tag line for the compact rotisserie was “Set it and forget it!” The whole crowd would get really into it and practically scream those five words.
Well, today we applied that mantra to our dinner of Italian sausage with peppers and onions.
First we set it by placing a casserole dish full of Italian sausage, chopped onions and peppers into a 350 degree oven.
Then we left on a 40-minute walk with Sadie to forget it.
(I don’t think that dog wanted to be Sadie’s friend.)
Once we returned home from our walk with the pup, dinner was ready! The set it and forget it technique worked perfectly.
This is such a simple dinner, but so, so tasty. I only wish we had fresh hoagie rolls on hand to enjoy it sub-style!
We enjoyed our dinner while catching up on The Bachelor on DVR. For those of you watching, how adorable is Emily?
Now I’m sippin’ on some hot chocolate while I finish this blog post and then we’re off to bed a little early because we have a hot date with book number two of The Hunger Games. We’re about halfway done with Catching Fire and let’s just say that things got very interesting last night. It’s sucking us in quickly!
Oh my gosh my boyfriend would LOVE this and it’s easy, which means I get maximum points for minimal effort. Bookmarked, thanks for the idea!
That looks awesome! I dont like sausage very much though!
Your life seems so perfect and quaint! I can’t wait to get out of highschool and college and live with my future husband!
JW…is your job stressful? Do you really have any stresses in your life?
I cant wait to be out of school in general your life seems so stress free!
aw, don’t wish away college! it’s fuuuun! i definitely have stresses, but really try to deal with them privately and with those close to me, rather than on the blog. i get most stressed out by things out of my control (family’s health, etc.). things w/in my control, like my job performance, etc. are easier for me to handle. i make a lot of to-do lists and keep a calendar handy to keep me organized!
College/uni is awful. Tooooo much stress – so yeah I get Carlee’s Q. I’m wondering too if it gets worse haha
Have a great rest of your night! My favorite meals sometimes are the set it and forgot about it kind!
I love Emily too! So cute… Have a great night!
i am secretly hoping she’s the next bachelorette. she seems too sweet for brad… but we’ll see!
And how kookoo bananas is Michelle? Not to mention majorly orange!
total whack-o! i love how she lingers…
OMG Michelle is so creepy. But I looked up her info and apparently she’s an actress! Kinda figures, someone that crazy has to be either acting or in a hospital…
I can almost smell the sausage and peppers through the screen! Gotta remember this for a quick and flavorful weeknight dinner!
LOL…we had the Ronco Rotisserie machine and loved it. Unfortunately it had to go because it was hard to clean and took up a ton of space on the counter. Oh well!
you HAD the set it & forget it machine!? jeeealous!
Ahh – The Hunger Games! I read the first book last week…in 2 days! It really does suck you in. I can’t wait to get my hands on Catching Fire – I’m going through withdraws!
I just picked up Hunger Games from the library today! I have 3 chapters left of Twilight before I can get started! Let me know what you think of Catching Fire when you get finished!
I’ve always been afraid to put a dish in the oven and leave it cookin’ so I can go on a walk/leave the house… maybe it’s just an irrational fear of something catching fire?
Anyway, I agree, Emily is adorable and I too hope she’s the next bachlorette
maybe i’m more comfortable b/c we rent and own nothing of value? 😉
LOL!!! This is true, I rent too and don’t have anything of value (as long as the pup and the boy are with me!) Hm. Perhaps I’ll start livin’ on the wild side and follow your example! The neighbors can deal…
Love Emily – she is a doll and so sincere!
Anything with onions is usually a win in my book =)
Does Ryan watch The Bachelor with you? That’s amazing if he does! My sister’s boyfriend hated when it was on last summer…even when he was in an entirely different room haha!
he does… but he usually has his laptop on his lap w/ on…
I was just saying “set it and forget it” last week.
When is Brad going to realize that Michelle is off her rocker?
The picture of your dog and the neighbor dog is hilarious!
What a tasty and easy dinner!
Set and forget it…I wish I could do that with my email inbox.
Somehow just…forget it for a day or…more 🙂
Great eats girl!
I love your dinner ideas! That mixture would be great on a roll, or a pita, or a lavash with cheese!
I’m just getting into the bachelor! I love it!
btw.. I started having a new dessert at night you may like (or already have!), I just slice up an apple, sprinkle it with cinnamon then for a dip I a put spoonful of peanut butter in the microwave for 30 seconds, then mix in a few spoons of vanilla’s so good and better for you than just plain peanut butter!
oooh that sounds like it would be a tasty breakfast, too!
I LOVE Emily! She has been my favorite since the beginning. She is just perfect and like the other girls said, such a sweetheart so you can’t hate her.
That looks so good! I wouldn’t have thought of that dinner idea! Another one to remember when I graduate 🙂
Man…I miss the Bachelor! I need to find a way to catch up!
I’m an episode behind on the Bachelor but it’s getting good!
I love emily too! I’m soo not a fan of Michelle though, that girl needs help!
I kid you not, I watched that infomercial SO MANY times when I was younger. We had a lake house and my parents and I would go out to it every Saturday-Sunday. We only had three tv channels, and every Sunday morning while eating breakfast, I would watch it. I totally got into the “Set It and Forget It!” 😉
OMG that pic of Sadie and the golden is priceless!
thats awesome, i love easy dinners
looks yummy!!
I absolutely adore Emily as well…my mom is a total spoiler monster and told me that someone else is the winner…I won’t give it away but just to say it’s not the orange monster…I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks she’s coo coo for cocoa puffs. Time will tell who Brad picks…I’m hooked
I love watching the bachelor…and I really like Emily, too! Its a sad story about her fiance dying in the plane crash…one of my college friend’s dad was on the same plane, they all worked in Nascar. Very sad….but Emily is super cute and I hope she wins!
Ahhhh! The Bachelor is so addictive but so fun to watch 🙂 I love your blog it’s so upbeat!
Emily is one of my favorite! Some of those girls are nuuuts!
That meal (plus a roll) was my mom’s favorite thing to make growing up, might need to add that to list for next week
Yes I have to admit that someone gave me one of those Rotisserie machines, but there were so many parts and pieces we never used it. We ended up donating it to Good Will 🙂 Easy dinner idea!
I’m glad there are so many Bachelor supporters out there… almost cried last night when Emily told her story. Super touching.
Btw, love your and Ryan’s tradition of reading a book together out loud. Seems like a great way to enjoy something together.
So yummy! I love crock-pot meals, but sometimes you don’t have time to wait 6-8 hours for dinner! This looks great! I bet it really would have made a tasty sub!
What an excellent dinner! Hoagie style would have been so delicious too!
ahh so yummy! esp with a hoagie.. i forgot about the bachelor! im going to go watch that….NOW
Your meals always look so simple yet tasty. My only problem is that I am not sure my husband would go for just meat and veggies like y’all have most nights. He would want some sort of grain ie. rice, pasta, bread, tortilla. So I guess my question is more for Ryan. Does the meals you eat satisfy him or does he add to it? I was always under the impression that men who weightlift would need lots more carbs than that to maintain energy.
he eats whatever i eat, but usually double the portion. he also has a big bowl of cottage cheese + blueberry yogurt every night about 2 hrs. after dinner.
I do love Emily… but I agree, I think she is too sweet for Brad.
aaand Michelle? wacko bananas! I think she’s acting for the camera and trying to make it big. did you notice her playing to the camera in the episode before last when she was “stretching” with one of the girls… and when the girl wasn’t looking, she mouthed “you bitch” in her direction?
oohh, the drama!
Do I remember the Ronco? Girl…my mother in law got us one for Christmas one year! 🙂 That baby went straight to Craigslist.
lol – loved the craigslist comment. 🙂
Ha! We had a very similar dinner last night only my recipe is a stir fry and adds chicken and yellow rice. YUM! I love those flavors together.
I have Hunger Games downloaded onto my Kindle, I’m just finishing another book first, called Never Let Me Go. Love dishes that can just be thrown together, popped in the oven and ready for eating!
I got the first Hunger Games book based on your review and it did not disappoint. I read it from cover to cover in two days. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the 2nd.
That meal is exactly what is planned for us this week. I forget what night I have it scheduled for. LOL!
You are one brave soul. I cannot put food in the oven then leave my house while it cooks. Call me paranoid but what if it catches fire and you’re not home?! Crockpot is one thing but the oven..I just cant do it. LOL!!
I just placed the Hunger Games #2 on hold at the library. Anxiously waiting for it to come in!
Emily is my favorite 🙂 Ryan and I have a hot date this weekend to watch all of the bachelor shows on DVR! It’s a long story but somehow that became our “date night” (since we’re long distance). It’s a pretty fun “date” 😉
Miss you!
aw i love that idea! i miss you too, ash!
This looks soooo delicious! I can’t wait to try it for dinner one of these nights! I do not watch The Bachelor, but I do watch re-runs of Friends! 🙂
Simple dinner, yet delicious. I love sausage, peppers, and onions! Loving The Bachelor more than I thought I would this season. Emily is definitely one of my top faves.
That looks so good! I love watching the Bachelor. I read Reality Steve’s website for spoilers. He has spilled the entire season before it started! I always read his blog and watch along. He is always 100% correct. 🙂
I hate spoilers! Where’s the fun in watching if you already know the answer? And I’m pretty sure Reality Steve was completely wrong last season with Ali…he said she was pregnant which she wasn’t and that she had to switch guys bc of that..which she didn’t