Today began with a strength workout from Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp plan that, yet again, incorporated five minute spurts of cardio in between supersets.
Though I stuck to the treadmill for most of the cardio, I did the mini five minute circuit from yesterday’s Beat Boredom Interval Workout as one of the quick cardio pick-me-ups and was quite humbled. That little circuit kills me!
Sexy Beast?
When Ryan and I arrive home from the gym every morning, we like to ambush Sadie. She’s typically sprawled out on our bed in her sleepy morning glory, and we love running into the bedroom and watching her continue to lay there, but with her tail rapidly beating against the bed sheets.
Ryan headed into the bedroom ahead of me today calling out, “Hey there sexy beast!”
Um, what? Sexy beast?
“What did you just call her?” I asked.
“Sadie beast.”
I laughed, explaining that I thought he called our dog a sexy beast. Admittedly, we’re a little obsessed with Sadie, but I think referring to your dog as a sexy beast is a line even we aren’t willing to cross.
Although, if we polled the male dogs from the Baldwin Park dog park, I think we would find that we do, in fact, have a sexy beast on our hands.
Breakfast this morning began with a hot mug of coffee.
My main meal included scrambled eggs made with a splash of milk, shredded cheese, onion, leftover roasted cauliflower and avocado.
Avocado made this bowl of basic scrambled eggs feel extra special.
Question of the Morning
- Do you have any unusual nicknames for your pet?
Sadie has a million nicknames, though Sexy Beast is not one of them. Off the top of my head, we call her Pooper, Poops, Sadie Baby, Princess, Wiggle Worm, Sadie Girl, Sades, Crazy Lady, Love Machine… the list goes on and on.
I call my dog “My little Stinky” or I’ll say “Dexter, Dexter, the bestest of the besters.” I have no idea what or why I’m saying it, it just stuck.
I have several nicknames for my Louie (named for Louis Armstrong because when I first saw his picture on, I was listening to “What a wonderful World” on Pandora!). When Louie was a baby, he made a buzzing sound when snored and had to hop like a bunny to get up on the couch. This led to me calling him Louie Bee, Bumble bee, and Bunny. Over the last 18 months these names have evolved into Bug, Bugs Bunny, Love Bug, Bug-a-boo Lou and more recently 70 pounds of sunshine! I’m sure there will be many more names in the future because he is just so darn cute! 🙂
that breakfast looks scrumptious!
we used to call my dog, Cassie, all kinds of crazy names…Wassie, Wiggle Butt, Cass, Puppy.
I call my one cat Einstein about a million different names. I call him Ham or Hammy (because in my mind Ham is short for handsome). I’ve also started calling him Stein, Albert, Sir Eisenstein, Hamcicle, the Hamster, MC Hammer, and so many others that I really can’t think of right now. lol
Our dog is named Jewels but she gets called Juju, Jew, Jujita, baby girl, sweet girl, pookie, booboo. If she’s bad she might get called a little fart haha.
Our dogs name is Magic but we call her margery most of the time….she’s a little westie!
Haha, appropriate choice of songs. I caught myself singing the lines you posted…:-)
Haha love the speech bubbles this morning! Our dogs (when I lived at home) were called Pokey and Nikki (my sister’s choices, not mine) but they didn’t really have any nicknames! Pokey was super skinny and scurried around a lot, and Nikki was fatter (relatively speaking) so occasionally my dad and I referred to them as “rat dog” and “fat dog”… but that’s about it!
LOL! i want to hang out with your dad.
Our dogs name is Rowdy…. but he usually gets called: Rowdyface, Rowdypants, Rowdykins, Crazy…. and sometimes just Mr. Face
haha that’s so funny! I actually call my cat “tush” haha “Bye little tush” is what I say when I’m leaving for work
Sadie is so cute! We had a Rottweiler named Tyson, but my dad always called him Brutis Beefcake. lol!
Those eggs look yummy!
Laying in the bed with tail thumping sounds a lot like my chocolate lab, Abi. We call her Abi-licious, Abi Pants, Abi Pantaloonious, Monkey, Monkey Pants and Princess Dog. 🙂 I love my dog so much, it would probably freak some people out, haha.
Love the responses. Our little sheltie pup is named Kimo, and he often is referred to as little turd. ; )
Oh man we have so many nicknames for our cat Romo… The most recent is “poop nose” because he randomly developed a brown spot on his nose… And of course… My husband and I are REALLY mature. 😉
Haley goes by Haley-bird, Halestorm, bug and Poops McGee. Poor, poor little one…
PS – you’d love this!
Oh my gosh, those pictures cracked me up!! 🙂
Ah yes, I call my kitty “Belly” (started when I’d rub and kiss her belly saying “aww your belly is so silly cute”). She actually now thinks her name is Belly.
Aww Sadie is such a cutie! I feel like her eyes in the second picture are saying “I’ll get you back for this photo shoot later when you’re trying to get work done”.
My dogs, Lily and Reese’s, go by the nicknames Lily May, Lily Girl, and Reese’s Pieces. However, my boyfriend prefers the names “too big dog” and “dumb dog” yet he is their favorite person in the entire world!
I know dog people and we say the most insane things to our dogs. Really looking forward to reading these comments 🙂
Hey!! random question, when you made your breakfast this morning with the avocado. Did you cook the avocado with your eggs? or did you add them in afterwards?…..
but for the nickname topic, pretty much none of our dogs go by their actual names haha
charlie is called carlton, veda is called suzy, and cruise is called crouton (my favorite lol) Love your blog!!!
i added the avocado at the very end!
We have lots of nicknames for my parents’ Jack Russell – everything from “baby girl” to “goon” to “little pink” – she makes this oink-ing like sound when she’s excited! 🙂
Such a cute baby!! My dogs really name is Abby but I also call her bugga boo, pookie, and abbity rabbity lol.
my dogs name is Regis but I tend to call him “nugget” “nug” and “bug” a lot…. random I know! He’s a 7 pound maltese so he is a little nugget.
I had a rabbit or bunny (i never figured out, what to say in english…) and his name was Ernie. He got 11 years old and I was so proud of my little old man. So we called him little old man, at times 🙂
Just off topic: I love following your blog and I send greetings from far-away-Berlin in Germany! I just had yummy overnight oats with blueberries this morning, following your instructions! Thanks for lighting up my
that’s so neat! thanks for reading from all the way in germany! very cool!
My dog Lily gets alot of nicknames: Angel Pie, Stinky, Pookie, Pooks, Pookster, Poochie Norris (there was a sports guy Moochie Norris), Smiley, Smiley Face, Baby Doll, Sweetie, Sweet Potato, Lily-the-Pup, Pupster, and when Im really annoyed, Damnit-Lily-Get-Over-Here-NOW!
I have a 7 year old beagle named Nutella! I call her all sorts of nicknames: Nutellies, 4 Paws, Nutella Pup, Puppy girl, Baby girl, and my favorite nickname for her is my 4 year old nephew calls her TELLA!! 🙂
LOL love the convo bubbles on Sadie’s pics – I was giggling away in my cube. My office mates probably think Im a loon!
haha that is hilarious! Adding avocado to eggs is my new favorite thing, it makes them a million times better! Gosh we call our dog so many different things Brady baby, poopie, poopsie, rascal, doodie head (so mature)prince and the best is butt nugget, I don’t know why my boyfriend calls him that and I don’t even know what that means!
Aww Sadie Beast is a cute nickname! We always call Milo by his first and middle name — Milo Bear. We have other weird nicknames for him, but Milo Bear is the most common.
We have a vizsla too, her name is Rezi. My fiancé calls her Rezi-do, like residue.. It’s turned into dodo – and considering how flatulent vizslas are, it quite fitting at times, haha!
Haha these might be my favorite sadie captions yet!
The captions on those pictures of Sadie are so funny…Growing up we had a white Bichon Frise dog named Angel and my sister and I would always sing Angel Baby to her in the tune of the inappropriate Christmas song “Santa Baby.”
Your captions for Sadie kill me! I so wish my dog Eloise could meet Sadie, I have a feeling they’d have quite a good time together. Let’s see we call Elly all sorts of things: Elly Bobby, Jelly Belly Elly, lady, crazy lady, and probably a hundred others I can’t think of. 🙂
Our dog’s name is Boyd. We most often call him Boydy-boo. But also My Little Fluffernutter. You should see his ears. He totally is a fluffernutter.
Julie, I have to tell you!! I’m going to meet a chocolate lab/vizsla mix rescue today!! I am so excited!! She’s a beautiful girl (1.5) who needs some loving and to put on some weight. Boyd is really my husband’s dog so I’m excited to have my own and not be the wicked stepmother. Plus I’d like a dog who could make it farther than around the block!!
oh i am so excited for you! i would love to see pictures! are you going to post any on your blog??
Of course!!! I’ll let you know when I have her!!
I called my cat Leia Bella for a while because she’s so darn pretty. The hubs thought I said Leia Bear though, and that’s what has kind of stuck. It’s a dead ringer though since she kind of walks like a grizzly.
my little pups name is Annie and we have somehow morphed it into: Bunbun, Nancy, Nanniepants… along with many others but those are the 3 we use on a daily basis
There are four pets in my house. I call my kitty, Jane Austen, Janie, Princess, or Angel. My other cat (I share custody of him with my dad. He likes my dad better), Henry, I call Bug. Always have. I call my dad’s dog, Frisket, Pupper or Bubs. I used to call him Squeaker when he was a puppy because instead of whining, he squeaked. We have one more cat, my sister’s/mom’s cat (she was my sister’s, then went to my mom when my sis couldn’t have pets in her apartment), Tris, but she doesn’t have any nicknames. She’s too regal and important for that. You know how cats can be. XD
Dog nicknames are the best! The are made spur of the moment and can never be thought about in advance. My Lucy’s nicknames include, Lucy Lou, Loosey Goosey, poopie, loose, pretty girl, baby girl, Lucy girl, ah there are so many!
Wiggle worm! We call our Vizsla “Mr. Wiggles.” 🙂
I love that you call Sadie “Poops” or “Pooper.” We call our English Bulldog that, too, as well as Sweet Pea, Pumpkin and Zoe-bird. Her actual name is Zoey.
Some of Sam’s nicknames include Sammerson, Sammerton, Sweet Pea, Sammy, baby dog, little man, etc.
We call our 17 year old cat Ears by a multitude of names, but our favorite one is Earsy McMuffinman said in a ridiculously childish voice. We think we can see the spite and teenage angst in his eyes when we refer to him as that! If only animals could talk and tell is how they really feel!
Haha! We call my pup pooper, stinky, lil one, freckface, lil babe, stinker…why do all dogs get called pooper?! Lol poor animals 🙂
Literally LOL’d at the Destiny’s Child caption with Sadie. Love that dog.
Bahahah that literally made me laugh out loud (the sexy beast comment). Your blog makes my morning!
Our dog’s name is A.J. (after A.J. Foyt the Indy car racer) and we call him so many different things that I sometimes think he doesn’t know his REAL name 🙂
Whiz, Whizanator, Whizzy (these came from the fact that he had an issue with going to the bathroom in the house AFTER we would bring him inside), Simpson (OJ Simpson? I don’t know lol), Augustus… the list goes on. I mostly call him Whiz… but are we the only couple who makes up voices for their dog?! LOL 🙂 so weird, but I love it!
Oh my goodness, the pictures and little comment bubbles of Sadie had me rolling!!!
My dog is named Ozzy and we often call him Ozzy Wozzy and handsome boy, and stinky breath. I hate to admit it but he is 10 years old and in need of a good dental cleaning, lol!!
We don’t have a dog yet – I feel like I’m missing out! I love that Sadie poses for you! such a ham.
My puppy’s name is Bentley, but I rarely actually call him by his first name. Usually I call him B, bubba or bubbabaloo, which always gets me weird looks when were in public and people hear me going bubbaballoooooooooooooo!
The captions to your pictures of Sadie seriously make my morning! Nothing like starting the day off with a good laugh at my desk 🙂
My pets all have er..umm.. interesting nicknames. 😉
My cat Piper is sometimes called: Pip, Pippy, Piper-the-pippy-poo, Piperonie, Pipi.. etc. LOL
My cat Boo is sometimes called: Boob, and Boobie
And my horse Chelsea is sometimes called: Chels, Chelsea-Bun, Donkey (because of her big ears), Donkey-Kong, Lady, Miss, etc.
Pets are fun 😉
I just found your blog and am so glad I did! I couldn’t stop laughing!
When our girl was here, we called her everything but her actual name. Funny how even 5 years after she’s gone and I accidentally curse in the kitchen when I drop something I still expect her to come running! Mommy cursing in kitchen = food for pup!