She was there when we got engaged.
She was there when we got married.
She was there running after bears and boars on our hikes.
She was there flying off the boat and swimming her heart out during our lake days.
She was there when I found out I was pregnant.
She was there when I went into labor.
She was there when I came home from the hospital after two D&Cs and she was there when I miscarried at home. She provided me with more comfort than I could ever put into words. Dogs know.
She was there giving us the side-eye when we brought home yet another baby brother.
She was there, curled up in her dog bed in my office as I worked, serving as the best furry coworker in the world.
She was there on my bad days.
She was there on my good days.
She was there when we moved six different times, getting in the way, putting her butt on me while I packed boxes, and adjusting to our new homes like a champ.
She was there, pulling me along as I trained for my first half marathon. And she was there grabbing a tennis ball, begging me for a round of fetch 2.5 seconds after our 10 mile long training run.
She was there on every single walk, always trotting on the left side of the sidewalk or road. Her side.
She was there on our vacations.
She was there at the beach. Our little water dog.
She was there, shaking her ears and waking our babies.
She was there for endless rounds of fetch where watching her run and sprint was like watching sheer joy on four legs.
She was there, my forever best friend, when we moved to places where we didn’t know anyone.
She was there, refusing to sit or lie down on hard surfaces, waiting for a couch, bed, pillow, towel or blanket before she’d relax her little princess body.
She was there, standing at the top of our bed, staring at us, waiting for us to lift up the sheets so she could curl up underneath them to sleep with us every night.
She was there, a little grumpy in the mornings until she eased into the day.
She was there on my lap in the front seat of the car during every road trip.
She was there, pressing her warm body against mine when I climbed into bed with a book at the end of the day. She made reading at night with her against my belly one of my very favorite parts of every day.
She was there, standing in my office window, wiggling her body back and forth when she saw us drive up the driveway.
She was there, flying out of the house, whimpering her happy high-pitched whimper (and sometimes peeing a little!) when her favorite people came to visit.
She was there watching MilkBones and traditional dog treats drop to the floor whenever a kind person would try to reward her. Meat and cheese treats only for the princess, please.
She was there, always kicking our butts at the Hand Game.
She was there, sniffing us out on the trails when we’d take off and play hide-and-seek.
She was there, climbing up on top of my body every day, placing her face on my face in an effort to be as close as possible.
She was there, always making me feel better, the scent of her body and her warm presence helping me realize everything would be okay simply because she was there.
She was there, between me and Ryan, our perfect third wheel, the very best dog, for 13.5 years.
She was there. And then she wasn’t. But somehow she always will be because we will never forget our Sadie girl.
Julie, I’m so sorry, this was such a beautiful tribute. I’ve read your blog and followed your family for years – Sadie was a wonderful dog and I’m sure all the other long time readers will always remember Sadie just as I will. <3
Long time reader here – I’m so sorry to hear of Sadie’s passing! Loosing pets is so hard. What a beautiful post.
Julie, I have been following you for YEARS and remember when Sadie was just a puppy. My heart breaks for you and feel like we all have lost a piece of Sadie today. I’m so so sorry for you and your family. One of my favorite poems with pets is the Rainbow Bridge to help bring a little comfort to you:
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….
I know that the next several weeks and months are going to be tough. You’re going to see her everywhere and the grief may be overwhelming. But I promise eventually the grief will change a bit. You will still see her is special places but you will be able to have some joy in remembering instead of only sadness.
Colleen said this perfectly. I agree ❤️
sending love to you guys and also acknowledging the gutting sadness. sadie will live on in your hearts forever.
Julie, my heart aches with yours. She was there. So many years that never seem enough. So many memories to cherish forever. And so much love to it all. Never to be forgotten and yet goes by so fast. Sweet sugar face Sadie couldn’t have asked for a better life. It was full, it was fun and she was loved by all 5 of you. Now, no more sickness. She’s forever healed and running around more space than ever dreamed. She will be there too. Up there when your time comes. For now she’s there in your heart and mind. Hugs to you and your family as you mourn the loss. Lots of love sent your way.
Sending you love. What a beautiful tribute. I need to spend more time thanking my 11 year old dogs. I feel like they were puppies yesterday. Thankyou so much for sharing your life with us.
Tears in my eyes as I read this, Julie. Sending you guys so much love. The first few days afterwards I know the grief is so intense, as you hear phantom paws pattering on the floors. You guys gave her the very best life and she knows how much you loved her. Praying for peace in your hearts and that the happy memories soon outweigh the sadness of having to say goodbye. <3
So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful post.
I’m so sorry! I remember Sadie from the early days of your blog. It was clear how much you guys adored each other. Love and prayers to your family.
Sending you much love and prayers. There are no words to ease the pain of your broken heart.
Sending you and your family so much love <3
I’m so so sorry for your loss. She will be with you and your boys in spirit forever.
I’m so sorry for you and your beautiful family. Sadie was certainly a very special lady. Sending you all the love. Xx
I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. It’s so hard to lose someone who was always there for you, good times and bad.
Sadie’s birthday challenge will always bring a smile to my face. Praying for y’all and sending you so much love.
So, so sorry for you and your family at this time. Your post showed Sadie’s personality so clearly and how much she meant to you and your family. My thoughts are with you.
This was beautiful to read and I’m very sorry for your deep loss. Thank you for sharing. I am holding my older dog a bit more tightly.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Dogs are such a gift, and Sadie seemed like an exceptional dog! Thinking of you and sending up prayers of comfort.
such a heartfelt tribute. So clear that she was loved and had the best life a dog could ever ask for. You were always there for her too.
And I’m crying. After reading your blog since pre-engagement I feel like I’ve watched Sadie grow up. I’ll be thinking if her as I cuddle my pup extra hard tonight.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so clear how much Sadie was loved. I feel your pain, they are a family member. You have so many beautiful memories. She was such a lucky pup to have a wonderful family. Thinking of you all and sending healing thoughts.
sending lots of love to you and your family. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things in the world. They are not just pets, they are family. <3
Sending you, Ryan and your boys so much love and prayers. These next few days, weeks, months and years will be hard. Sadie will never be forgotten. She was a great dog and an even better friend. May you find comfort in knowing she lived a beautiful life full of adventure and love. Rest easy, sweet Sadie.
So sorry, we know how deep that pain is. But she had such a great life.
Oh Julie! I am heartbroken for all of you! Thinking of you during this very difficult time. Sadie was such a sweet lovable pup! I know you will miss her dearly!
Crying for you and your family. What a beautiful and full life you gave your girl.
So sorry about your loss. Sending love.
We will.all miss our sugar faced princ ss…she gave us endless joy……love you all to bits.
Remember the joy, it will get you through the sad. Hugs to the boys who will have to understand that she’s in heaven with your grandparents
Thank you for sharing sweet Sadie with us and for this beautiful tribute. She is healthy again and will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. ❤️
I am so so sorry. Sending your family lots of love.
I’m so sorry, Julie. This is a heartbreakingly beautiful tribute for one very special dog.
Thank you for sharing the joy that was Sadie with us for all of these years.
Sending you and everyone in your family lots of love right now.
I am so very sorry for your loss. We lost our 13.5 year old lab last summer, and reading your words this morning brought back so many of the same memories that you shared about Sadie. There was no better protector for me while I was pregnant, and he was a constant companion during the sleepless newborn nights.
Your tribute to Sadie was beautiful, and the love and joy you brought to each other is so evident.
Sending love to all of you!
I am so sorry! My thoughts are with you, your hubby and the boys.
My heart breaks for you all. She sounds like she was such a love. I hope all these amazing memories (and great photos) bring you some comfort in the days/months/years ahead. xoxo
Ugh…I’m so sorry! It’s the worst! My prayers! I think I’ve been reading your blog since before you even had kids, so I feel like I got to know her over these several years.
She was loved and she knew it <3
Crying right along with you. XO
Broken 💔 heart. The loss of Sadie will be very difficult to often grasp in the coming days.
These family pictures with Sadie are everything Julie. I will look at them often to think of these incredible times and life you all cherished with Sadie. You and Ryan loved her so much. Sadie knew love 💘 and kindness from all of you.
One favorite celebration was Sadie’s birthday when she could have her favorite meal ,,,,,, a choice 😋 of a burger or chicken! I think she always ate the chicken first!!!
So love seeing those pictures.
My thoughts are with you all.
Julie, there are no words! I am so sorry for your loss of Sadie. I teared up reading your post as I lost my cat last week due to a ruptured splenic tumor. So well put, “She was there.”
Crying with you. ❤️🌈🐶
Sorry for you loss. Lovely pictures and tribute to Sadie!
There are no words. Just so many tears.
I am holding you all in my heart, and feeling your tremendous sense of loss.
A beautiful tribute. We have an elderly princess ourselves, so I can understand some of your grief. Hugs to all of you.
Oh, Julie, I am so, so sorry. Sending you all so much love. Sadie had such a wonderful life with you, and this is a beautiful tribute. All of the Internet hugs ❤️
Sending love to you all 💕
Beyond her everyday awesomeness, I really loved the time that Sadie came in first place at the dog race way back in the day.
Your and Sadie’s bond inspired me to get my very first dog five years ago. You both changed my life for the better.
I’m so sorry Julie. I’ve been a reader since before you got engaged, so I’ve followed Sadie along with your family for what feels like her entire life! I always enjoyed her birthday posts where you guys would see which of her favorite foods she would pick. What a wonderful little Velcro dog and what a life you gave her! Thinking of your family.
I am so very sorry to hear about Sadie. I was with your blog from the very, very beginning and still check in here every month or two. I don’t post often but always love seeing your beautiful family updates and adventures and Sadie is very much one of my favorite parts of PBFingers! I recently lost my baby boy, Chewie, after 14 years to a very sudden and extremely aggressive cancer as well and it broke my heart. I am so sorry you and Ryan are going through this and I wish your family the best. It is so very hard to lose a best friend, companion, and family member like a pet. I can promise it does get easier but missing her will never fully go away and her void will never truly be filled. It has been 1 month for me since losing Chewie and I still cry if I see old videos or pics of him or if I talk about him in depth. I know that crazy girl, Sadie, had the best life ever and she was soooo incredibly lucky to have you and Ryan as her guardians! I know she gave you just as much in return, of course, but trust me, she’s 100% missing you guys just as much and is waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge to play some fetch again! Sending you guys all my love and healing vibes! I’m gonna miss the Sadie updates and seeing her go on your family adventures!
I’m so sorry for your loss, Julie. So many beautiful memories shared in this post. Thanks for sharing Sadie with us.
Julie and family,
I have been in tears for the past week. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sadie was part of your family and will never be replaced. I’d like to say it gets easier, but after losing 3 of my furry children know that it never does. Remember her and talk about her. It’s the greatest joy with those who loved her as well.
What a beautiful post and tribute to your girl.
Her happiness shines through the photos.
My heart extends to you, when our 14 year old girl passed it was so hard, thank you for sharing these beautiful memories
She was a well loved dog her whole life with you. That is the best gift that goes both ways. It was an act of love that you let her go when she needed that. Hugs and respect to you for being so loving and brave.