The highlight of my day today was an early afternoon massage.
I purchased a Groupon a while back for a deep tissue massage and noticed it was about to expire earlier this week, so I scheduled an 11 a.m. massage for today. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who waits until the last minute to use their Groupons.)
I have a new idea for you business owners out there: Periodically schedule massages for your employees. I was crazy-productive this morning knowing that I had an awesome “reward” waiting for me. Anyone want to come work at la casa de PBF in exchange for a biweekly massage? My intern isn’t really pullin’ her weight and I’m in the market for a replacement.
Today’s massage was just lovely and rather unique for me in that it was the first silent massage I’ve had in my life. Usually the masseuse and I chat it up, but today’s massage was very quiet.
The lack of conversation gave me ample time to relax and think… which naturally meant weird thoughts crept into my mind, such as the following:
- Thank goodness there isn’t a video camera underneath this little head hole pillow thing. This open-mouth look is fox-aaay.
- I really wish there was an un-creepy way for me to ask the masseuse to massage my hips.
- Must. Not. Drool.
- If I were a masseuse I’d love to randomly throw in “The Thong Song” in between the instrumental music just to see if I’d get a reaction.
After my massage, I headed home and made myself a smoothie for lunch. The masseuse told me to drink lots of water, so I figured I’d be an overachiever and drink my lunch, too. Extra credit!
The smoothie was great and very filling. I had a hard time finishing it!
Into the blender went:
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup strawberries
- 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 spoonful dark chocolate cocoa powder
- 1 large spoonful peanut butter
- Enough milk to get everything moving
- 1 packet instant decaf coffee
- 2 large handfuls spinach
Off to get more work done before a conference call this afternoon!
I actually laughed out loud thinking about the Thong Song coming on in the middle of a silent massage. haha! Great idea..
can’t you just picture the beginning of the song starting and the person getting the massage being SO confused? someone needs to do this and film it.
Ohhhh I’m a little jealous. I’ve only ever had one massage, and it was glorious.
I definitely use my Groupons right before they expire almost every time 🙂 I don’t know what it is, but it’s like as soon as I buy it, I forget about it! Have a good afternoon!
Sometimes I like to be silent when I am paying money to relax!
silence is golden! i liked it, too! i wasn’t feeling particularly chatty today but apparently my mind was racing.
hahhaha! lol i love your random massage thoughts. i also adore having massages and prefer mine to be silent because i like to totally relax and let my mind wander. like you, i need to constantly remind myself not to drool!!
I always have this fear during massages that I’ll fall asleep and then drool all over the little head pillow and onto the floor. And I’m a little ticklish, so I always end up giggling. I should stick with facials.
Massages are covered on my benefits, so I go every so often 🙂
I actually prefer to not talk because I find it way more relaxing! My coworker says she chats away with the masseuse all the time, so I thought maybe I Was weird for not talking. I find when I’m talking, it goes by too fast and I’m not concentrating on how awsome it is! haha
LOL! I definitely drooled a little for my massage at the beginning of this month. I had to laugh at myself. And you aren’t alone in trying to think of non-creepy ways to ask if they could rub a certain area. I really wanted my inner thighs massaged bc they were super sore from my workout but I couldn’t bring myself to ask her so that she would know that I was not being a pervert! lol
this made me laugh out loud! requesting an inner thigh massage = super creepy. 🙂
haha!! I knoowww!! Well at least you agreeing, along with a few others, makes me feel better about NOT asking her lol.
You like to chat during massages? I get super PEEVED when my therapist tries to talk to me. I like to zone into how dang good it feels.
i don’t really LOVE talking lot during massages, i just feel like i have always had a really chatty masseuse!
I bought a deep tissue massage certificate from Groupon last week and I’m so pumped to use it soon! I’ve never gotten an official massage (the 5 minute shoulder rub I get from the boyfriend when I ask for a massage is definitely not “official”. ha), and I’m a little nervous since it’s deep tissue that it might be too painful to be relaxing. Either way, I’m looking forward to it!
I’m a massage therapist and if you want your hips worked on, all you have to say is that your hip rotators have been tight and sore lately. A good LMT won’t think its weird! (Its the pervy boys we have to watch out for…seriously, one guy told me his pecs were tight from a workout then as I was doing a myofascial release on them asked me to “work his nipples”–don’t worry, I kicked him out right then). Also, we take drool as a compliment 🙂
LOL!!! thanks for the tip! and sorry about the nipple guy. creepy!
Haha oh dear…I’m a massage therapist also and I agree that it’s not weird at all to ask for work on your hips. In fact, I consider it essential for most folks! But I have not experienced the creeps magoo guys wanting nipple massage. Gross!
Julie, is this near you? Crazy!
I looooove quiet massages, and I hate when they are too chatty. Same goes for haircuts – it’s weird! I like to just relax, zone out and feel a little pampered without making myself engage in conversation.
Do you make your smoothies in a blender or do you have a juicer?
After my junior year of college I interned at an ad agency in nyc. Our copy editor was part time and her other job was massage therapist. About once a month or so, she’d do massages for the staff in the conference room.
For insurance reasons you had to be over 21 (and I wasn’t) so I never got to take advantage of it…but it was a really good idea!
Hahahaha… I literally just laughed out loud at work when reading your “weird thoughts.” So much so, that I had to try and turn it into the fake cough (which failed miserably). I hear you on the drool. Sometimes it just cannot be stopped! And I loved the Thong Song thought… hahaha too funny! Thanks for a good laugh – I needed it today!
I have never had a massage, but I bought one on Groupon a few months ago. I really need to use it …
If my massage therapist isn’t talking to me I will fall asleep. I had to go a couple times for therapy from car accidents and I’d schedule them on my lunch break, so amazing except for going back to work with smoosh face from falling asleep on the weird table.
I loooove the idea of a silent massage. I’m so not a chatty person! haha especially when I’m wearing a sheet.
I want a massage soo bad! I would gladly come work for you in exchange for massages! I always fall asleep at massage and have drooled once or twice ha!
I want a massage! I’ve never had one lol only ones by boyfriends but that doesn’t count :p lol I so wish I had a smoothie right now.. it’s 107 in NY lol and my boss has yet to put on the air because “it’s too much money” :/
I have a massage @6:45 tonight a la groupon, I think it’s having the opposite effect on me. I want to do absolutely nothing and get the day over with already!
Totally jealous of your massage! What a perfect mid-week treat. Also, random question, but how do you clean your smoothie straws? We have the same ones and I feel like I can never get them fully clean. There is always leftover stuff inside the grooves.
Oh man, I do not find deep tissue massages relaxing. They hurt way too much. The person will always tell me to relax, which I can’t because it hurts, and then them asking me to relax so much makes me even more tense.
As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve never had a professional massage that is better than one of Fabian’s. That boy is awesome with no training. Unless you count on me as training. 🙂
Okay, I always wondered if throwing in spinach into my smoothies was going to drastically affect the taste.
I see it so often now – all over blogs and Pinterest. People mixing up a ton of fruit and then shoving in some spinach. The thought of tasting a spinach-y smoothie makes me want to gag a little bit.
Is the taste overpowering?
My department brings in a masseuse once every few months and lets us sign up for 15 or 30 minute time slots in the chair. Breaking up the day with a little backrub is seriously the best. I only wish it were more often.
I am also glad nobody can see my face through the chair’s face hole…my relaxed face is NSFW. 😀
It’s funny that you mention that offices should schedule massages because my office actually does! Every month we have two days where a masseuse (I probably spelt that wrong, ooops) comes in and we can schedule an appointment to have a massage in our conference room (clothes ON of course ;)). It’s $1 per minute and it was such a hit that they’ve started toying with the idea of having her come in more than once a month!
I haven’t had a massage yet but the next time she comes around I plan on signing myself up!
I just had a massage on Monday, but it was a deep-tissue massage so it wasn’t quite as relaxing. But it’s made my headaches go away! worth it 🙂
I’m jealous of your massage. I’ve been so stressed lately, I could really go for one. My fiance and I are planning on getting a couples massage on our honeymoon next month. I cannot wait to relax 🙂
I can’t think of anything worse than making conversation during a massage- that’s my ‘me time’ to switch off completely!
Hahaha I love your random thoughts. I must admit that every time I get a massage, I’m silent 🙂 I don’t know why, but I guess I feel it’s more relaxing that way! It must be a fine art for a masseuse to “feel out” their client to see if they want to chat or have silence. And, by the way, you are not the only one who leaves using Groupon deals ’til last minute! 😉
a massage sounds glorious right about now! i prefer silent massages – they’re so much more relaxing!
I have never gotten a massage…its on my list of things to do!!
I went for a massage on Saturday with a groupon with three of my friends..lunch and massages…nothing can beat that girls day outting..
I love silent massages and can’t even imagine it any other way….
One of my friends never had a massage and when she came out she said the massage therapist chatted the entire time …we all cracked up and said newbie. I never heard of chatting during a massage..I want to relax lol…
Btw I figured out that if you get the free App on iPad or iPhone called g-whizz and set up settings a certain way you can see comments and comment on blogs in google reader in this app…yay!
My office does 15 minute massages every Fri! I anticipate my phone ringing allllll morning for my turn.
Okay… where do you work and how do I apply?! How lucky!! 🙂
A small law firm- not even a big deal! haha love it though!
I always forget to add chocolate to my smoothies!! I bought some cocoa for a recipe recently and keep wondering what I’m going to do with all of it. This is the perfect solution. Chocolate strawberry banana sounds awesome! I had a PB Banana one this morning but that would have been yummy with chocolate too!
My friend works in a banks and they get a massage once a week! Just in the office, a guy comes in and whoever wants a 10 minute massage can have one!!
My office has that, too! 10 minutes chair massage for $10. I haven’t done it myself, but it must be popular because it has been happening for years on a regular basis.
I’ve never had a massage in my life.. I think I’m missing out!
I’ve never had a massage, but I really, really want to get one. In fact…I’m running my first half marathon in September, and I’ve been trying to come up with “Yay you’re awesome here’s your reward for finishing!” present to myself, and my first massage might just be that present. Hmm…!
Had the SAME smoothie without the peanutbutter(I used almond butter) this morning for breakfast! It was so thick and yum. Definitely…wanting it again tomorrow.
I’m seriously freaked out about getting a message…
Plus I’m extremely ticklish on my hamstrings and i fear I would totally jerk and fall off the bed thing…and that wouldn’t be good.
HAHA. You totally made me laugh. Love the idea of Thong Song coming on.
Peeking into people’s thoughts is WAY interesting 😉
I wish I had a massage right now. Maybe I can convince my work to do so?!!!
I can’t stand chatting while getting a massage, it gets me out of my zen zone. Have you ever seen the Ellen show where she says crazy things, does weird things and plays crazy music while massaging people. Its hysterical. Like honestly what would you do if that happened? I don’t even think I’d say anything because I’d feel bad. Haha, my dad just told me recently that he was getting a massage, feel asleep and the lady had to wake him up (where he had been drooling) and she told him he was snoring super loud. Awkward.
Okay, laughing inappropriately loud in the middle of my office right now. The thong song would be HIL-ar-eous!!! WOW. That got me! I can see that on one of those “some e cards”
Add cereal and granola to your smoothie and its good.
I would love to see someone pull out the Thong Song in the middle of a message. Someone needs to email one of those practical joke shows and get on that.
Hahaha your cracking me up. I’m totally picturing you thinking these things! Too funny! This reminds me of the Ellen episode where David Beckham went to go get a massage and Ellen made him say whatever she said to him through the ear piece which set up for a lot of funny/awkward situations. Glad you had a relaxing afternoon!
hahaha i love massages too and laughed when i read your massage thoughts… mine have been similar lol 🙂
where did you get that straw??!! its so cute!!
i’ve been wanting a massage for so long now!
i prefer silence…no talking. i just want to relax and not have to make small talk.
once the husband and i had a couples massage and he full on started snoring. i tried to not say/do anything until it got so loud i just started laughing and then the 2 massage therapists started laughing too. then he woke up. lol.
Just curious…what kind of protein powder do you use? I’m in the market for some new brands. 🙂 Your smoothie sounds amazing!!!
I do get my hips done when I go for a massage and it hurts SO BAD. Like ten thousand foam rollers!
I also do drool sometimes. 🙂 Woops!
Based in the plethora of gift cards you have on hand, it does not surprise me that you wait until the last minute on Groupons. 🙂