My beauty routine is pretty simple and most days I don’t wear any makeup outside of a little mascara since I work at a gym. On days I do wear make up, I follow the same beauty routine I’ve had for years and knew I could benefit from some tips that might help up my makeup game.
I promised you guys I would share some of my notes from the session with the hope that they that might also benefit those of you out there who feel a bit overwhelmed by makeup and hair styling at times like I do!
Here we go!
For the Face
- Use Primer
This was the number one tip from the makeup experts at Canyon Ranch. It’s actually one I echo myself because after I started using primer a few years ago, I noticed a HUGE change in the longevity of my makeup. They explained that primer also allows you to use less makeup and have it last longer (I love my Smashbox primer, which they said is great. I buy mine at Ulta.)
So when do you apply primer? After you’ve cleansed your face and applied your moisturizer/SPF, apply primer before foundation, concealer, blush and bronzer.
Recommended primers: Smashbox Photo Finish Primer, NARS Pro-Prime Oil Free Primer, Laura Mercier Radiance Primer
- Apply Foundation “Out and Down”
I loved this simple tip and began implementing it immediately. When applying foundation, apply it in lateral motions across the face and then down. This follows the natural lines of your face and lessens the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. When you apply foundation in a circular motion, it can emphasize the appearance of fine lines by settling in creases rather than smoothing the skin’s appearance and gliding over creases.
- Twirl Mascara (Don’t Pump It!)
When removing your mascara wand from the base, twirl it to get it out. Avoid pumping your wand to make sure it’s properly coated in mascara, as this allows excess air to get into the base and can dry out your mascara. By twirling the wand as you remove it, you’ll get a nice coat of mascara on the brush and avoid pushing air back into the tube.
- Clean Your Makeup Brushes
When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? When the women leading the beauty basics session asked our group this question, an embarrassed silence came over the crowd. Cleaning makeup brushes is incredibly important, as this keeps bacteria at bay and can significantly help reduce breakouts. The professionals at Canyon Ranch recommended using basic alcohol to clean makeup brushes. Simply spritz your makeup brushes with alcohol and wipe clean. Allow to dry before using again.
- Use Lipstick and Gloss Over a Lip Stain To Prevent Dryness
My lips are very pale and lack any real pink color, so I was curious to hear what the professionals at Canyon Ranch had to say about long-lasting lip color. They weren’t huge fans. They said that regular use of most long-lasting lip stains can really dry out the lips. Using a lip stain for a special occasion or night out can be is great since you don’t want to have to reapply lip color all the time, but they encouraged more frequent daily use of lipstick or lip gloss, as both often moisturize the lips while providing a pop of color.
For the Hair
- Use the Nozzle When Blow Drying Hair
When blow drying your hair, use the nozzle to help direct heat and prevent breakage. Using the nozzle allows you to target the heat and reduce frizziness. The nozzle also helps give the appearance of smoother, shinier hair!
- Limit Hot Showers
Hot water can dry out the hair. Try not to wash your hair under hot water too frequently!
- Brush Your Hair
This was the number one tip the professionals at Canyon Ranch shared regarding hair care. They said that brushing your hair is the perfect way to distribute your hair’s protective oils. They recommended brushing your hair with a boar bristle brush rather than a comb because the soft bristles detangle hair and rather than rip through it.
Though quite expensive (um, I kind of died a little inside when I saw how much a boar bristle brush costs!), a quality boar bristle brush can last forever and the Canyon Ranch experts reiterated the fact that it’s a worthwhile investment if you use it regularly. They also said they hear about people who often avoid brushing their hair because they feel like it makes them lose hair… This simply isn’t the case for the vast majority of people. Each hair has a 4-year life span, and you’re supposed to shed old hair! New hairs are growing in their place and brushing your hair will only help keep your locks healthy and increase their strength since you’re distributing the protective oils to each strand by brushing!
Recommended brush: Mason Pearson
- Dry Shampoo Is Great… But Try Not To Use It Daily
Dry shampoo is the best thing going for refreshing dirty locks, but the professionals at Canyon Ranch cautioned against using it daily, as this can cause dryness and prevent the distribution of the natural oils of the hair. Use it to help bring your hair back to life, but try not do use it every single day.
Favorite dry shampoos: Blopro Dry Shampoo, Klorane Extra Gentle Dry Shampoo (<— I discovered that one through my Birchbox subscription and it’s my all time favorite!)
- Opt for Ceramic and Ionic Heat Styling Tools Over Metal
Metal heat tools do not heat evenly and can make styling hair very difficult. Choose ionic or ceramic styling tools for even heat and a longer-lasting style.
Favorite styling tools: Chi Flat Iron, Sedu Pro Ionic Ceramic Flat Iron (I own both and love them!)
Question of the Day
- What is one change you’ve made to your beauty routine that you felt like made the biggest difference for you?
- If you could only use one beauty product for the rest of your life, what beauty product would you use?
For me, using primer made the biggest difference. As for the one beauty product I’d use if I could only use one for the rest of my life? I’d have to go with mascara. My blonde eyelashes disappear without it!
I, too, am a minimalist when it comes to makeup and hair care. Thanks for these great tips!
At the very end of my showers, I let my head sit under really cold water just for a few seconds. I still like my showers relatively hot, nothing crazy, but the blast of cold water at the very end makes me feel a little more awake and hopefully is doing something good for my hair! 🙂 and I LOVE primer. I don’t wear a lot of eyeshadow very often, but when I do, I use eyeshadow primer. It makes such a HUGE difference! My eyeshadow never creases when I have primer on. I particularly like the Tarte brand. I got a trial size a few years ago and found it works really well.
I’ve had good experiences with Tarte cosmetics, too!! Love their stuff!
Good advice. I discovered primer not long ago and although I like it I’m fairly sure I’m not using it right… I think i’m more of a novice than you. If I can not wear make up I won’t (much to the detriment of anyone who has to look at me!)
Also, I’m guilty of having a “new mum stash” of dry shampoo already… I’ve been told getting breaks long enough to wash hair is a rare opportunity and dry shampoo can be a regular go to option…
(still can’t wait to be a mummy though! grey tired skin and dry hair will be my medal of honour!)
I’m honestly trying to do more with taking care of my hair and skin. I do think brushing my hair (even with a regular paddle brush) has helped make my hair silkier, but I should really invest in a boar bristle.
And I’m going to take note of the primer thing. In the summer, if I wear makeup, I step outside, and it slides down my face. NOT a good look. 🙁
eyeliner is my go to! have you heard of ava anderson non toxic? they have all non toxic personal care items – skin care, makeup, baby line, cleaning products.. all safe, effective, and affordable – i’m loving their makeup, skin care, and baby stuff right now! let me know if you want to try something – i’d be happy to send it to you! 🙂 🙂
I love this, thank you for sharing!
I agree about hot showers! While I love them, I started noticing how dry my hair always was and it was falling out a lot more. My stylist told me to switch to cold or cooler showers and it’s really made a difference.
These are such great tips! I love the smashbox primer, but actually haven’t used it in a while. I definitely agree that it helps tremendously with the longevity of makeup!
I’ve been using out of box hair dye for a few years now, because I have SUPER dark hair and can’t afford salon prices every 8 weeks. It’s taken a toll on my hair. My favorite stylist told me to invest in GOOD shampoo, but you can buy cheaper conditioner (which I’ve done). I use coconut oil once a week, and I try to only wash (thus blowdry and style) my hair every other day. This has helped tremendously!
The one product I can’t live without (besides deodorant, hello summer?! HAHA) is Mascara! And face wipes….and bb cream …. really? you want us to pick ONE?! impossible….. haha!
I love eye shadow primer! I use the cheap ELF brand from Target and it’s great! I’ve splurged on more expensive brands and didn’t like them as much as the ELF one.
I have really thick wavy hair so I only wash it every 4-5 days (per recommendations from my stylist). I typically wear it down for the first few and then do cute updos for the rest of the days. The oils in my hair sort of act like a natural product to keep my braids/top nots/whatever from frizzing out. Another game changer was learning not to fight my natural texture. In the winter I will blow dry and sometimes straighten my hair, but in the summer it’s just not worth it. I just let it air dry with minimal products, if any, and let it do it’s thing! My hair is so healthy 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this out for those of us that desperately needed makeup tips! I usually just wear eyeliner and mascara every. single. day. How boring?! I do this because learning how to use makeup and spending money on different brands until finding one I like is a daunting task. I do have the Smashbox primer and noticed my foundation will stay on longer whenever I do use it – now I just need to apply the foundation correctly! I need to get on the dry shampoo bandwagon ASAP as I’m also expecting our fist baby in September and my hair is so straight and gets greasy super quick! If I could only have one beauty product for the rest of my life, I would also choose mascara. I look like the walking dead without any on my tiny lashes!
Great tips! I clicked on that brush and about fell of the chair! So expensive!
Holy Smokes! I had to look after you commented. For real? A brush?! It better wash and blow dry my hair too. LOL
I’m with you on the mascara… I need it to make my eyelashes look like they exist! I don’t wear any make up, but still found myself unhappy with my skin. So I started washing my face at night and sleeping with toner on… so much better. I feel like my skin is less oily and is much fresher the next day.
Great tips! I love a simple makeup routine, especially during the week! What is your favorite mascara? I’ve tried a lot of the drugstore and more expensive brands and still have not found one I absolutely love! I think the Maybelline one that comes in a yellow tube is one of the best but am always looking for a new one to try!
Hi Megan! I’ve tried lots of different brands ranging in price and my favorite is Covergirl Clump Crusher or Maybelline Full and Soft! I also recommend trying out Sephora’s lash stash (I think Ulta does one as well). You can try out 5-6 mini mascaras, and there’s a gift card for a free full-sized mascara. I think it’s around $25- great value!! Hope that helps 🙂
Wow I had not heard of the lash stash! definitely going to try that, thanks Gretchen!
I’m still trying to make this change on a daily basis, but I try to moisturize at night and not just in the mornings. Also, I started using a tinted moisturizer in the morning so I don’t need foundation.
I would want to always keep mascara as my beauty product. Most days that is all I use!
I could really use a boar bristle brush but I’m like you, the cost seems crazy.
Primer absolutely makes the difference for makeup, I use the same smashbox one as you.
I didn’t realise that each hair lives for four years! That’s actually a very long time. Knowing how quickly my hair grows I expected it to be much less time than that. I am rubbish when it comes to looking after my skin and often just fall into bed without washing my face. I rarely wear makeup though, so at least I am good in that respect!
I gasped out loud when I saw how much those hair brushes are. I saw a few at Marshalls and they were quite pricey there. I can’t imagine full price!
My must have is NARS shadow primer. My eye makeup stays on throughout workouts. Yes, I’m too lazy to wash my face before I exercise! 🙂
Great tips! I’ve LOVED Mary Kay’s primer for years. Usually I’m not a Mary Kay fan, but for some reason, this one has me hooked! And interesting suggestion about a boar bristle brush! I’m in need of a new hair brush – maybe I’ll cave to the investment?
What’s a small change that made a big difference? ROUND BRUSHING my hair when I’m drying. It was a little bit strange to get used to, but it has made a world of difference.
One product? Without a doubt, I’d be with you on MASCARA! 🙂
One beauty product I cannot live without… I will have to go with lip balm. I have lip balms everywhere so I always have one on hand. Love the Avene, Uriage and Bioderma brands, they all works super well and doesn’t dry up the lips in the long run (like almost all the other brands). I get cold sore from time to time and to keep your lips hydrated at all time is my #1 prevention tip.
I’m all about the sunscreen! 5 or 6 years ago I started a job where I was outside most of the day. Since then I’ve been putting sunscreen on every single morning. I know it’s made a huge difference. I’m pretty fair skinned so it’s pretty obvious if I forget sunscreen one day.
Hi Julie! I’m not exactly a pro at makeup either. I don’t use primer so should look into that. But I agree I can’t leave the house without mascara — even to the gym! And I have never used that nozzle that comes with the dryer … hmmm … guess I should try. Fun post! 🙂 Thanks!
$200+ for a hairbrush?!?! I’ll take my chances with plastic bristles!
Like you, mascara is a MUST for me. I have light eyelashes and look dead without it.
I buy drug store makeup, but at 31, I think it’s time I invest in better quality makeup. And develop better habits like regularly washing my brushes (& face at night, for that matter).
Anyway, these are great tips!
The best product I can’t live without is Coconut Oil! I use it for everything! I cannot wear primer, my skin is unfortunately too sensitive for all brands and will break out in nasty hives if I tried to wear it under make up so I just went without it. Then about a year ago I started using coconut oil and it has done wonders for my hair and skin! I use it as a moisturizer after washing my face and simply put a thin layer. It makes my face look so smooth and flawless, better than any other moisturizer or primer product I have ever tried and so much cheaper. I also use it for my hair as well about 2-3 times a week. On nights before I’m supposed to wash my hair I simply wet it and apply the coconut liberally all over my hair then leave it in as I sleep. The next morning I wash it out with my Jason Biotin shampoo and conditioner (organic) and after blowing drying my hair will be so smooth and silky. I use a chi straightener every single day to either straighten or curl my hair and even with daily heat use my hair looks so healthy, shiny, and undamaged all because of the coconut oil. As someone who has bought many products her whole life for hair and face nothing has given me the best results as virgin coconut oil!
I loooove coconut oil. Weird question…when put it in your hair the night before, do you just wear a shower cap so that it doesn’t get on your pillow? I need to start leaving it in overnight because I think it would make a big difference!
BTW I just clicked on the link for the brush and this is just very crazy no need to pay that much for this kind of brush. Check out the Jean-Pierre boar brushes, made in France and super high quality, for around 50$. I still have the same one my mom bought me 20 years ago. Like this one :
I love hot showers but when I have my head under the water I make sure to turn it to cold. I started doing that about a month ago and I hardly have any split ends and my hair feels so much smoother. The one…ok two things that I can’t live without is mascara and my eye lash curler. I promise I’m not complaining but I have super thick, long, black lashes and in order to keep them from bending down and being in the way of my vision I have to apply a good coat of mascara to hold them up and curling the crap out of them.
I wash my brushes constantly after reading an article about what’s found on brushes! It’s really disgusting, and I’ve had so many fewer breakouts when I started cleaning them regularly. It doesn’t take too long and makes a big difference! Another tip is to use a base on your eyes before applying eyeshadow. This cancels out veins in your eyes and makes the shadow look so much better! my favorites are MAC paint pots, or bare minerals BB cream eyeshadow. I also just like using those by themselves!
One tip I’ve found helpful in making my mascara last – when it starts to dry out but not quite empty, I add a few drops of contact solution/eye drops to it and really helps break it up!
Yes yes yes! Love my primer, but I am terrible about actually using it all the time! I’ve got a primer from Arbonne and it works wonders! I would say mascara and a powder/foundation combo. I use a powder/foundation combo that I apply with a brush and it’s the easiest thing ever! And, I’ve always heard to NOT brush your hair when it’s wet, but to always use a wide tooth comb instead!
Loved this post – thanks for sharing the tips you learned! I have recently started brushing my hair before bed {something I rarely used to do} and I have actually noticed a difference in the overall health of my hair. I am a dry shampoo lover, so I am glad to know it should not be used 🙂
CLARISONIC IS MY LIFE!!! I am very happy with how wonderful this tool is… exfoliates, cleans, polishes all in one. It does wonders to remove blackheads and dead skin.
I have also been using anti wrinkle cream since I was 16 (i know… a little freaky) but my skin is in very good shape. I look good for my age.
I’d choose BB cream as my only beauty product for life as it provides cover up, sunblocks and all sorts of other good for your skin things!
The best thing I ever did was go to Sephora and have a beauty consultation where they selected a foundation for me based on my skin type and did color matching along with a blush and bronzer for my skin. Amazing what the right colors can do on your face!
1) Using concealer to help me shape and fill my eyebrows. I take a light concealer and dab some on my hand, and then take a concealer brush and outline my brow shape. Then, I go in with an eyebrow brush and powder to fill them in and create shape. It changed EVERYTHING. They look much more natural and I don’t feel like I’m just filling in what I already have and that I’m actually giving my brows a natural shape. I didn’t start messing with my eyebrows until a few years ago and I really think it helps make my face look much warmer.
2) Finding the right facial cleansing system for my acne prone skin. I used Philosophy products for years and LOVED them but a few months ago my skin started to go crazy with breakouts. It was time to switch it up and finding a brand that worked for my skin was really difficult. Thankfully, at Sephora (and Ulta), you can get samples and even return items that don’t work for you even if they’ve been opened so I was able to try a few products to find the best fit. YAY FOR BOSCIA! Love their products and what they’ve done for my skin. 🙂
REALLY enjoyed this post, Julie!
For me it would be a close competition between lipstick/gloss and concealer. Lately I have started to use self tanner and that is my most recent change because I really like the glow it gives. I agree with you that primer is a big game changer.
I am a minimalist when it comes to makeup just mascara and lip gloss. I’ve always wished I knew how to apply eye shadow and foundation but never learned. I didn’t know that about twirling the mascara. Going to definitely try that one!
I am the WORST with eyeshadow. I rarely ever where it and when I do, I feel like I’m still playing dress-up or something! I need tips!
You should watch YouTube tutorials. I’ve found some great makeup tips on YouTube
Great beauty tips! I always pump up my mascara because I think it coats evenly, but now I know that it doesn’t! I love mascaras and concealer so I wouldn’t mind using those two products for the rest of my life.
Thanks for sharing these! I’m with you, I’d pick mascara. My puny little lashes need the extra help!
I looooove my dry shampoo, but I agree that you shouldn’t use it everyday. Also, I’m obsessed with cleaning my makeup brushes! I can always tell when they start to get clogged up with makeup and I love to scrub them clean.
So many great tips! I should try wearing primer more often. I had no idea it made such a difference! My favorite beauty product is CoveGirl Clump Crusher mascara! Only $8 and it makes my lashes look so long and full! Thanks for such a great post!
Love this post! Thanks for all the great tips!!
What is the one beauty product you would use if you could only have 1 the rest of your life? SO hard!
I am a bit of a makeup junkie, I’ve always loved it! Mascara is always high up there and I totally agree about primers being life changing in the make up game but I’d have to say a good BB cream for me would be my pick. I feel like there’s nothing better than a soft and clear complexion, no matter how awesome your eyebrows and eyelashes might look, and BB cream is a 1 stop shop to even out skin. That’s my pick! Good question!
If I could only use one beauty product it would definitely be mascara!
BB Cream for life!
Also eyeshadow primer. Sometimes I just wear the primer alone.
Ooh, I had no idea that dry shampoo could be drying to your scalp! I’m in luck though, I only use it twice a week 🙂
Reducing how often I wash my hair has been such a time saver! I have fairly thick, wavy hair… and I’ve learned to embrace the natural texture, and only wash it every 4ish days. I can’t live without… chapstick, I have it everywhere. I’ve all but given up on wearing much makeup, I swipe on some bronzer and eye shadow to look alive, and out the door!
Same! I used to wash my hair 2x a day in high school (morning shower and then again after swim practice) — not anymore!!
My grandmother SWEARS by those Mason Pearson brushes. Every Christmas, every single member of my family (5 of us) got one from her in our stocking. They really are great!
If you have short eye lashes this stuff REALLY works to grow them.
When I run out of dry shampoo, I just use baby powder!
I have heard so many good things about boar bristle brushes!
I love my tinted BB cream. It is the best! It doesn’t feel too heavy, has nice coverage, and does double duty as my moisturizer.
I really wish I could be better about not taking hot showers, but I love them so much! I’m a makeup minimalist, so I am a huge fan of BB creams. Right now, I’m loving Clinique’s Acne Solutions BB Cream!