Lunch today was oh-so-simple.
Grilled cheese and soup… easy peasy.
I enjoyed melted Gouda cheese on a whole wheat sandwich thin with a cup of French onion soup and sugar-free strawberry Jello on the side.
My snack was cocoa-tastic!
I stirred a spoonful of Jello instant chocolate pudding mix into a cup of Fage Greek yogurt and nibbled on a Attune coffee bean dark chocolate probiotic wellness bar. So delicious!
Weekend Plans
My weekend is going to be a busy one!
- Quickly clean the apartment since it’s being shown to potential tenants tomorrow
- Pack for the weekend
- Drive to Sarasota
- Late dinner with Ryan’s family
- Hang out with Ryan and his family
- Dinner party with Ryan’s family and my family in St. Pete
- See the musical Wicked with Ryan
- Drive back to Orlando
- Try on bridesmaid dresses with my friend (and bridesmaid!) Laurel
- Rollerblading with Laurel
It’ll be a go-go-go kinda weekend, but a fun one!
Coffee Lover?
Click here to receive a free sample of Nescafé Taster’s Choice instant coffee.
Yogurt Lover?
Click here to receive a free sample of Yoplait Yoplus yogurt.
AMA Round Three
Ready for round three of Ask Me Anything questions!? Woop, woop!
(Click here to submit an anonymous question. Click here for Ask Me Anything round one. Click here for Ask Me Anything round two.)
What tips do you have about maintaining a healthy relationship? I admire yours & Ryan’s. What’s things do you two argue about? How do you resolve it?
Ryan is honestly the easiest person to be in a relationship with, and I really do feel so blessed to be with someone as open and loving as him. Ryan has taught me so much about love, but the biggest thing he’s taught me is the importance of communication. I am not a confrontational person by nature and will typically get quiet when I’m upset and I prefer to be alone when I’m angry. Ryan has really encouraged me to communicate with him all the time, and he’s always been very open with me. It can be so hard to bring up what’s bothering you, but the only way issues can be resolved is to talk about them. Ryan made it clear to me from day one that as his girlfriend (and now his fiancé), I was his number one priority and he is mine as well. I’ve always felt like he puts me first and I’ve tried to show him the same respect. Ryan also has three ideals of a good relationship that I think are spot-on: communication, trust and entertainment. You gotta have all three! 🙂
As for arguments, we really don’t fight often and our fights are typically over trivial things like my driving abilities (they’re stellar, by the way), or Ryan not unloading the dishwasher when he was home all day. We’ve actually even taken the time to communicate and talk about both of these little issues and even issues as silly as those have improved because of a simple conversation. Talk it out! It works!
In most of the pictures you post of yourself, your hair looks phenomenal! How long does it take you and what do you do to it?
Thank you!!! To be totally honest, I have the thinnest hair in the world and have always considered myself hair-styling inept. I’m assuming this question refers to the times I curl my hair (since straightening is a pretty self-explanatory process 🙂 ), so I’ll address that! My friend Merri showed me how to curl my hair with a flat iron and it is awesome! If I curl my hair with a curling iron, the curls fall out in no time at all, but when I use a flat iron (I use the Chi for curling and the Sedu for straightening), the curls stay in all day long. Hallelujah! 🙂 There are a lot of instructional videos on that can show you how to do this. I literally propped my lap top up on the toilet seat in my bathroom, and watched the videos while attempting to curl my hair in the mirror. I burned just about every finger on my hand, but eventually got the hang of it!
I’I notice you eat a lot of veggies, but how do you get your protein? I see you put protein powder in a lot of your snacks but I’ve heard that protein powders aren’t as good for you because your body can’t break down and optimize all the grams of protein these powders offers offer and it’s best to get it from a natural source.
I get my protein from Greek yogurt (one little cup has 15grams!), cheese (I could live off cheese), lean meats, beans, cottage cheese, eggs and protein powder. I am not a protein powder freak and I can’t stand protein shakes. I like to use my protein powder as a mix-in in my oatmeal or in baked goods… basically I like to eat it, not drink it. 🙂 I used to be crazy about protein and concentrate on getting a lot of protein at each meal… now I try to be crazier about fruits and vegetables and enjoy protein as a smaller side.
What does a typical day of eating for you look like (including snacks) on a weekday? What about on a weekend?
I love this question since I rarely post pictures of my snacks and tend to slack off on blogging on the weekend. Here’s a general outline:
Weekday: Breakfast, snack (around 11 a.m.), lunch, snack (around 3:30 p.m.), dinner, snack (around 8 p.m.). If you follow this blog, my breakfast, lunch and dinner are typically posted, but my snacks are not. For snacks I generally eat a whole wheat tortilla with cheese, Greek yogurt with a handful of nuts mixed in, protein cakes/brownies with nuts or peanut butter, apple slices with cheese or peanut butter, cottage cheese with pumpkin, cinnamon and nuts, and oatmeal with protein powder or peanut butter stirred in.
Weekend: My weekends are a lot less structured (for better or worse) mainly because I am not at home or in one place like I am during the weekdays. I generally eat larger meals and smaller snacks on the weekend, but have been known to graze my way through an entire weekend… eating constantly (this isn’t good for me though because even though I eat and eat I never truly feel satisfied). I typically enjoy one meal out on the weekends at a restaurant with Ryan or friends and I’ll order whatever pops out to me at the time. I’m also much more likely to enjoy desserts on the weekends when we’re out and about and Ryan tempts me with ice cream! 🙂
What are some of your recommendations on purchases from You’ve said you buy a lot from them. There is SO much on the site, it’s hard to know what’s good.
I am obsessed with this Web site… they have awesome products and shipping is $5, no matter how much you order. I typically order Joseph’s lavash and tortillas, Kay’s Naturals protein cereal, Kay’s Naturals protein pretzels, Flax-Z-Snax hot cereal, PB2 powdered peanut butter, and Carba Nada pasta from this site. If you’re going to order one thing, order the Carba Nada pasta. It’s seriously unbelievable and I am addicted! I honestly like it better than most normal pasta.
I am currently recovering from hip bursitis and read that you had it too a while ago… Could you share some of your favorite hip stretches?
My all-time favorite hip stretch is this one. Pull the leg that’s not folded over (in the picture it’s the left leg) toward your body until you feel a nice stretch throughout your hip. It’s amaaaaazing! (Click here for another picture.)
I’d like to know what you majored in…I’ve followed the links you leave on your page that lead to your articles, and I noticed they’re always about healthy eating, but did you study nutrition? Or journalism?
I graduated from college with a degree in advertising and public relations and a minor in marketing. I definitely prefer the public relations aspect of my major, but found that in the first two jobs I had right out of college, the tasks I most enjoyed related to writing. I loved writing press releases, brochure and Web site content. I’ve always loved reading and writing and realized within a year or two of graduating that I wanted to make a career out of writing. As for nutrition, I did take one personal fitness/nutrition course in college and loved it. I took it my senior year and truly believe that if I’d taken it sooner my major may have changed. I still love learning (and writing!) about health and fitness and read anything and everything I can get my hands on about food, exercise and healthy living. I am a skeptical learner though and constantly ask questions about what I read and follow it up with a lot of research and supplemental reading.
What resistance and elevation settings do you use on the elliptical for steady state cardio? I am always curious and I’m not sure what other people do with the 20 available settings!
I typically do the elliptical (with arms) at a resistance level of 10 (on the ellipticals with arms at my gym you cannot change the elevation). When I do the elliptical without arms I do it at a resistance level of 10 at an incline of 9.
I have been following your blog for about a month or so and have noticed how active you are. You seem to find time to get some exercise every day. Do you ever have days where you just don’t want to workout but still do? If so, how do you motivate yourself? Would love to hear your tips for staying motivated.
Of course I have days where I don’t want to work out. For me, scheduling my workout first thing in the morning makes it a lot easier. When my alarm goes off, I can’t go back to sleep because in my head I’ll be thinking “I should be at the gym right now” since it’s such a huge part of my routine. By the time I actually feel awake in the morning, my workout is over!
When I’m really not feelin’ the gym, I have a couple of go-to workouts that motivate me. I keep print outs of a couple of cardio interval workouts in my little gym bag (click here and here for some good examples). It’s always easier to get to the gym when you have a new workout planned. Group exercise classes like BodyPump really motivate me on days I don’t feel like putting myself through a quality workout.
Also, I read somewhere that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so if you’re losing motivation, commit to working out regularly (still schedule a rest day or two!) for 21 days. It will likely become part of your routine!
I’m interested in these Body Pump classes you always take but don’t really know what they are. I know people always talk about doing body pump 72, 69 etc. What do these numbers mean?? how long is the class? and what do you do in the class??
BodyPump is a total-body weights class and it’s basically AWESOME. 😀 According to the BodyPump Web site, “BodyPump is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 60-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls.” The numbers you’re seeing refer to the different BodyPump releases. BodyPump is the same wherever you take it and different instructors will do different pre-choreographed releases at different times. When a new release debuts, it features new music, exercise, etc. The class is formatted the same way every time, with each exercise lasting for the duration of an entire song: Warm up, squats, chest, back/hamstrings, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs and cool down/stretch.
So I totally love sugar free pudding and greek yogurt but have never put them together. How much pudding mix do you use? I am really excited to try it!
Eww, jello! I can’t stand the way it jiggles. 🙂 I like your answer to the styling your hair question. My flat iron that I’ve had for years is about to hit the dust and I’ve been looking with both Chi and Sedu being main brands.
Woah! You’ve been getting a lot of questions!! It’s fun getting to know you better!! I agree – your hair is always gorgeous. I’ll have to look into that straighter technique. Happy Friday!! 🙂
Seems like you´ve been receiving TONS of questions!
Thanks for all your answer – I simply loved reading absolutely ALL of them!
Have a great weekend!
Brazilian XOXO´s
Love the idea of putting pudding mix into yogurt!!! And have fun seeing Wicked…such a great show! 🙂
I’m super impressed with your honesty. I don’t think many people would be so honest and its very refreshing! Thanks for answering all those questions. I loved reading them! Oh, and I’ll fess up..I totally asked about Ryan’s male friends. Unfortunately, I’m from Boston (wah wah..) but I AM looking at med schools in FL 😉 hahaha have a great weekend!
oooh a smartie pants! good luck w/ med school!
You said you were super curious about who asked which questions so I will reveal that I asked about your hair! 😀 I’m a major straight hair girl but I’m looking for something new…guess I’ll be using my Chi for something else!
haha thanks for letting me know!
Your hair does look pretty phenomenal!
Love these questions, i feel likle we’re really getting to know you (and love ya even more:)
Busy weekend…have a blast
do we get to see the bridesmaid dresses once they are chosen?
yes! of course!!! i’l definitely give you guys a sneak peak of the dresses. 🙂
thanks SO much for the Q and A’s girl! i love them!!!
you are adorable!
have a FUN weekend!
I am new to your blog, so I decided to start from the beginning and work my way forward. I discovered you through a Women’s Health magazine recipe and couldn’t believe how similar our interests were. I too graduated with a PR degree and am a health and wellness blogger, but mine doesn’t hold a candle to what you’ve created here! Anyway, I’m anxious to read more and want to thank you for such an entertaining and inspirational blog!