So long Christmas décor!
Our Christmas decorations came down yesterday, but haven’t been fully packed up because we need some new storage containers. One of the clasps on our old box broke and it’s basically useless. I guess I’ll be making a trip to Target or Bed Bath and Beyond this week because the decorations chillin’ in the middle of our floor will slowly drive me crazy.
Ryan and I spent the rest of the night cleaning, eating grilled cheese and sweet potatoes for dinner, starting our new book and watching The Bachelor. Apparently the horse-riding girl who the website said was “from Ocala” is now from Seattle? How are we supposed to become best friends now? And that whole “fight” between Monica and Jenna was waaay played out. But I’ll watch every week because that’s how I roll. Feel free to weigh in with your Bachelor assessments on the PBF Facebook page. It’s where we let it all out.
Today’s workout included a new-to-me strength move. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical before completing a leg workout similar to the one I did on Saturday morning, only I substituted single-leg bench sits for the lunges.
I saw the move in the December issue of Oxygen magazine and decided to incorporate it into my workout this morning. It was definitely challenging in a new way and I did three sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.
It was quite a humbling move and made me feel like my balance needs some work.
Breakfast this morning included a typical egg, cheese and jelly English muffin sandwich, served with another half of an English muffin spread with strawberry preserves. (Ryan ate the other half.)
Time to be productive!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated with yesterday’s outfit information after I had a few questions about my boots and sweater.
Love that leg move! Another leg move I like that is hard is the bulgarian split squat with one leg behind you on the bench…those make me sore for days! I haven’t taken down my Christmas decor yet…kind of sad to do it. Maybe this weekend.
oh! i’ll have to try that! do you hold weights or just do it w/bodyweight (or both)?
I’ve done it both ways…just depends on how much you want to challenge yourself… but even without weights its tough!
Agreed, that move is legit! It was one I dreaded in the last stage of NROLFW I did.
i’m going to make my client do this move this morning – love the looks of it! balance + strength all in one always makes for a challenging but great exercise.
Okay that Jenna chick is something else – The Husband and I could not believe her!
i know! she was a mess. i just wanted to shake her and tell her to grow some balls. she was so, so overly emotional. hopefully it was just the stress of the show… ???
I’ve yet to take down our decorations! Thanks for the reminder. 😉 Plus, the Bachelor is still on?? I haven’t owned a tv in 3 years, so I’m way out of the loop on these things!
Awww, but your Christmas decor was so pretty! I took mine down this weekend too. I wanted to do it sooner but didn’t have time. It was starting to drive me bonkers!
That move looks great! I am trying it out today 😀
We took down most of the decorations except we just could not part with the table decor! Also today for the first time i tried a new workout dvd and it was high intensity kickbutt stuff!! I love that you can choose your intensity level and there is a warm up and cool down all to awesome music. Also there is a breakfast meal plan. Definitely adding this to my dance workout!
p.s.-for anyone that’s interested the dvd is Leslie Sansone’s walk at home 5 day slimdown 🙂
New storage containers are the jam! I bought a ton to organize our Christmas decorations and attic and now I get giddy whenever a see the neatly organized and labeled bins. Ahhhh pure satisfaction 🙂
Those boots are gorgeous! I always wear boot in the winter and fall.
I felt the same way! I am feeling pretty positive Jenna and Monica are strictly being kept around for drama and ratings. Ah we shall see
what comes next I guess. Just hope they don’t stick around too long, the “conflict” was a little annoying to be honest!
You can leave all those christmas decorations on the floor with out Sadie thinking they are chew toys for her? No chance that’ll ever happen in my casa with my pup!
Your house looks so nice and airy– I love it!
I just cannot muster the energy to watch the Bachelor again. Investing myself in their drama takes more effort than I want to give it! 🙂
Confession: that was my first-ever Bachelor episode. And now I’m hooked. 😉
That leg move looks crazy! I’ll have to give it a shot, although I’m a little worried about my lack of balance.
I am totally dreading taking down my Christmas decorations. Putting them up is so fun but taking them down and putting them away is such a drag. I have to get it done soon because my son’s birthday party is coming up and I don’t need a bunch of toddlers attacking my tree!
I still have yet to try the jelly on my egg & cheese thing yet… But in my work meeting the other day, we had a 20 minute discussion about it! I swear my coworkers think I am nuts, because so many of my stories start with – “this girl, whose blog I read….”
Anyway, I said you love the jelly on yer sammies, and it started a lively debate! Now, I just gotta try it! 🙂
single leg lunges or lunge jump ups ALWAYS make my butt burn in such a good way!! I love it!
You’ve got me hooked on those egg sandwiches in addition to overnight oats 😀 Can you believe I’ve never watched The Bachelor? I refuse because I’m pretty sure I’ll get sucked in.
That is called responsibility, and i am in awe of you 🙂 If only i had that resolve! No, i have not watched it either, but only because of the lack of time. But i remember not watching the bachelorette for the same reason but got sucked in!
My husband took all our decorations down right after Christmas. Boo.
But the weather is crazy here in Chicago, so better to do it before it’s freezing and icy!
There is a website: that offers a Bachelor bracket to create pools with your friends! i started it last season and it’s been so fun we’re doing it again, even my bf is into it (now we’re even after all the years of doing March Maddness and losing bitterly with him) 😉
Storage Containers even at Walmart seem so expensive now – I found a few pretty good ones at The Dollar Tree here no kidding! Although the ones at Target made specifically for ornaments are pretty cute 🙂
The decorations are still up in this house…my mom’s rationalization of “It’s still Christmas in my heart!” really translates to “I’m too lazy to take them down. Can we hire someone?” I can’t say I technically disagree, but, c’mon ma. When the nativity set next to the tv is becoming overrun with my brother’s XBOX games (wait, you mean Jesus DIDN’T get call of duty as a gift from the Wise Men?), it’s time for the decorations to go.
Also, on a totally unrelated note, I tried my first oats in a jar this morning! I can’t remember a specific post where you mentioned having them, but I know you have before so I’m saying I was inspired by you. I was making some regular oatmeal in a bowl with peanut butter, but was afraid it wouldn’t be peanut butter-y enough (which is undoubtedly one of the worst First World Problems a person could ever have). But all that was left in the jar was the peanut butter remnants jammed into the corners that you shamelessly scrape out with a spoon (or sometimes fork) to eat, but then once you realize what you’re doing you kinda hope nobody can see you doing it. So I just dumped the oats in there, added some blueberries, and it was awesome. And the fact that I’m eating healthy oatmeal this morning justifies the cupcake I had at midnight last night. So there.
You are awesome.
That looks like a challenging squat move! Thanks for sharing. I love a little challenge in the gym!
SO glad I already took down my holiday swag! It’s kind of a pain…
Hope your finger’s feelin’ better!
Oooh I love the burn of single leg bench sits!! And you’ve just reminded me that I really, really need to take down our Christmas decor!
I call those one leg sit n stands and LOVE them. They are great to strengthen legs for running because of the balance component and the one-sided training.
That is an awesome move for the legs–especially because of the balance, focus, and stability needed to keep the leg up and the body moving. It also strengthens the core too–you had no idea how awesome you were getting it, did ya?! 😉
Love the eggs and jam!!
I’m pretty sure if I did that leg move I would fall over!! Serious balance issues…
Do the girls on this season’s Bachelor seem EXTRA dramatic, or is it just me? I was dying watching the preview for the season after last night episode.
Your breakfast looks great! I’m now hooked on oatmeal and peanut butter thanks to your posts. 😉 Any suggestions on how to make overnight oats or oats in a jar?
We were rather grinchy this Christmas and didn’t decorate. I feel bad, but there was just so much going on! We got out pup on December 3 and was trying to transition him into his new home.. and the decor just never made it out.
Next year, it will definitely be out though.. our first married Christmas!
Your egg sandwiches always look so incredible…one morning I am determined to make one. I figure there has to be a Faigen/Fagen gene for making these so perfectly.
I can’t wait till I get a chance to watch the Bachelor on Hulu!
I knew Ben was going to choose Jenna for the last rose!!!! Sometimes I think all of this is set up, they pick a couple of girls to be drama queens on the show! You could tell Ben was not interested in her, but I’m sure the producers of the show told him to pick her for the drama!
We are working on taking down our decorations too. It is kinda sad, the house looks a bit empty!
Ah lunges are the band of my existence: so trying this move instead!
Bane not band! Damn touchscreen!
Those ladies were SO crazy. I wonder if someone puts them up to those ridiculous introductions. I was so embarassed that I covered my eyes a few times 🙂
I’ll be watching every week though…don’t worry!
They have some great storage containers at Target, I got mine there last week!
I love single leg bench sits. Although I call them one leg stand ups! I love making my clients do them to feel their quads burn. Once you master them, try holding a dumbbell in either hand. Not only will it make the move more challenging, but it will your your stabilzer muscles a lot too!
I took my decorations down yesterday too. That leg workout looks really difficult. I’ll try it out today.
What was your new book called again? Didn’t you say it was good for folks who loved Hunger Games? If yes, I need it! 🙂
AHHHHHH I’ve been looking for challenging leg exercises, definitely using this one tomorrow!!! Thanks!
We took down all of our Christmas decorations [and tossed the tree out] too. Like y’all, ours are sprayed out on the kitchen table and all over the family room floor because we don’t have any storage containers… Thank goodness my momma lives close and she’s letting me raid the storage room 😛
P.S. My Dear and I watched The Bachelor last night… It was bad, it was good haha!
That move is so hard. It’s like once you sit down you’re like “Wait? You want me to do what? Hrmmph, hmmm, mpmphph, I’m up!”
By the way, finished Violets of March and just read 3/4 of the Hunger Games last night. Can’t wait for the book club!
Julie, I have to tell you, I have long thought that the combination of eggs, cheese, and jelly must be absolutely gross. But you eat it so much and make it sound so good that I had to try it at least one time.
Yeah, okay…I’ve eaten it no less than like 5 times over the course of as many days! Who knew that combination would be so dang delicious? I can’t wait to have another one tomorrow. 😉
I looove single legged squats! I think that they work so many different muscles all at once.
I totally need to work on my balance too. Well, once my foot fully heals! But I always seem to neglect balance and flexibility in favor of cardio.
I stopped watching The Bachelor about 3/4 of the way through last night because it was becoming so repetitive. I hope the drama doesn’t become so played out to the point that it’s boring!
My chiropractor makes me do those single leg sits and boy are they tough!
Assessment after Bachelor premier:
1.Jenna is a freak (and may have ruined any chance of Beau watching it with me again)
2. Lyndzi is a fave of mine and she has a pretty sweet name—even though she is NOT from Ocala (faker)
3. I will still watch it every week despite the craziness