As the owner of a dog whose energy levels cause her to body slam into me on the reg, I cherish the moments when Sadie is tired and cuddly. Well, she’s always cuddly, but she’s an intense cuddler when she’s not sleepy. And by intense, I mean her face must be on your face. Sleepy Sadie is a much more passive cuddler and she gets this pathetic look in her eyes that melts my heart.
This morning Sadie didn’t get out of bed when we did and I think I know why. Our bed is now extra comfortable! A couple of weeks ago, I saw a sale on RueLaLa for feather bed toppers and, after a bit of research, I ordered one to place on top of our mattress to give it a little extra fluff.
When we bought our mattress, I thought it was comfortable, but it was still a little bit firm for my liking. I want to sleep on a mattress that feels like a cloud while Ryan could sleep on a hardwood floor. The mattress we ordered was a good compromise, but I still found myself yearning for a fluffy bed to crawl into at night. Ryan agreed to try the feather topper but I wasn’t sure how it would go over when we put it on top of the mattress last night. When we crawled into bed, Ryan said he still felt like he could feel the firm mattress and I felt like I was sleeping in a cushy hotel bed. Win, win. Feather toppers rule!
After a good night’s sleep, I was ready for a decent workout this morning.
I began with a 25 minute elliptical interval workout, followed by a quick circuit.
Here are a few links to demonstrations of some of the exercises:
Breakfast this morning hit the spot!
I made a batch of steel cut oats on the stovetop but I was a little heavy-handed with the milk because they were a bit soupy even after I let them simmer for a while.
I was too hungry to care and the oats weren’t chewy, so all was well.
Question of the Morning
- What kind of mattress do you prefer? Firm? “I want to sleep on a cloud” soft? Somewhere in the middle?
i’m one hundred percent positive that vizslas and gsps are EXACTLY THE SAME!! everything you say about sadie and her little quirks remind me exactly of our gsp boomer. you go from feeling like you are the parent to a complete maniac one second, then a giant baby the next!! 🙂
I love firm mattresses! I feel like I’m sinking with the soft ones.
Too funny! It’s the opposite for us….my hubs needs to sleep on a cloud, while a flat rock would do for me! I’d love a tempurpedic but doubt that’ll happen in our house!
My Sadie pup lays in that exact pose and I am always just certain that she MUST be cold! It makes me want to snuggle and wrap her up in a blanket!
Feather mattresses do rule! It’s been a while since I’ve had one and I forgot what I was missing until I read this post.
I LOVE a firm mattress. My husband does not—so yeah, we got the firm one. 🙂
I like soft and cozy! And I also love Sadie’s expression in that photo. No one could resist that!
My dog is always wild and energetic so when she gets sleepy at night I try to take advantage of it!
Somewhere in the middle. There is a hotel chain in the UK and they have the best beds ever! Always have the best nights sleep! What sort of weight you use for the clean and press in the circuit?
Morning Julie!
I was wondering if you ever did a final “finished” tour of your bedroom. I think I remember you saying you would but now sure if we’ve seen it! I’m super nosey for home decor so I’d love to nab a peek!
I like sleeping on something hard.
I want sleep on a cloud soft! I always love visiting hotels because of how comfy their beds are!
I am like you, I prefer softer beds and my husband is like Ryan, he likes the firmer mattresses. I don’t get it…
I’m a “somewhere in between” kinda girl! Both my ex-boyfriend and the guy I just dated for a short while had a really firm mattress and I always woke up and felt like I had slept on a rock all night. If it’s too cushy though, I feel like I’m getting sucked into the mattress.
I want to feel like I’m floating on a cloud. I keep getting mattress toppers, but I don’t think any of them are “fluffy” enough for me. Perhaps I need to do some research into the one you bought!
I LOVE featherbeds! I have had one for years and can’t live without it! I need to sleep on a cloud 🙂 haha
I like my mattress to be the softer mattresses. I don’t like water beds or feather beds or anything, but i do like a new soft mattress.
I need to sleep on a cloud. Any hotel with a cloud-like bed is a winner in my book.
I definitely prefer the cloud. My MIL has the most fabulous beds ever and I sleep so well when I go there.
SOFT!!!! Definitely!!!! 😀
It’s so funny you used the word “cloud” because my husband and I call our bed “The Cloud Bed” since it’s big and fluffy thanks to a pillow top mattress & white duvet cover 🙂
I love that snuggly lil girl! Miss that curled up bundle of joy!