Last night I told Ryan that lately I just haven’t been feeling vegetables.
His reply? “Well, that’s better than you not feelin’ me.”
Good point, I suppose.
In general, I really do like vegetables, but I think I’ve been eating them the same way over and over again which is getting a little dull. I miss looking forward to eating vegetables and hope to get a little creative with my veggie prep in the future until they regain luster in my life.
Until then, I’ll continue to sneak vegetables into my diet in the form of soup, sandwich toppings and noodle bowls.
And smoothies!
This afternoon I snuck a boatload of spinach into a smoothie for lunch. It’s been more than a month (or two?) since I’ve had a smoothie and I was in the mood!
In the mix:
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 packet instant coffee
- 1 spoonful peanut butter
- 1 large spoonful cocoa powder
- Large handful fresh spinach
- Large handful ice cubes
Served with a clementine on the side because Florida citrus is unbelievable right now.
There seem to be orange trees all over Ocala. I am constantly tempted to pull my car over in some random person’s driveway and fill up a bag with the fresh fruit hanging from their personal orange tree. I have a feeling that would be frowned upon… or illegal.
I also had a cookie for dessert. More on that later!
I was wondering where your smoothies went! Looks yummy. My aunt has a lemon tree and someone knocked on her door and asked her if they could take a few. She said sure no problem. When she went out there a few days later, they were almost ALL gone, maybe 2 left. She thought that was pretty funny, but who does that?! haha
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies? SO delicious and very festive! 🙂
I think I would freeze to the bone if I had a smoothie for lunch these days, so enjoy it in your 75 degree Floridian climes!
Thank you for having me remember I have cookies in my purse for dessert… I was about to forget about them :))
Yeah Veggies and I don’t get along, mainly because the upset my stomach…..
In the Winter I usually don’t crave as much veggies–so yes, I need to be strategic about it all. I LOVE clementines–i’ve been downing them like crazy.
i’m always trying to “sneak” vegetables into my meals. smoothies are probably my favorite way to get some in. lately, i’ve also loved blending up spinach, carrots, or zucchini and putting it in my oatmeal bowls. you can hardly taste it! whenever i eat eggs, i try to add spinach, peppers, or tomatoes in them too. gotta be sneaky with those veggies! 😉
I always try to eat veggies with dinner. Lately I roast vegetables every night. I cannot get enough of roasted green beans! They are so yummy. 🙂
Those cookies look delicious! I hope you share the recipe!
The house I used to rent had a huge pecan tree in the back, and I would always catch people in my yard with bags. I wouldn’t have really minded except my yard was fenced in, which made it seem worse (more like trespassing). After I got my puppies (who sound really mean), that stopped 😉
I love to sneak veggies in my smoothies! Especially spinach. Great smoothie recipe by the way.
I just made those cookies!! My powdered sugar didn’t stay in place as well though. Those ones are mighty pretty.
Its funny, I never liked vegetables growing up and now I can’t stop eating them! i love them! And ohh that cookie looks great!
It’s not like you’re stealing a man’s horse! 😉
They will grow back. I say share the clementine wealth!
I am the same way right now. My love comes and goes at different times during the day. Like yesterday, I got out all of the ingredients to make a salad and when I started to make it, the thought made me gag. Weird. haha. So I had soup and bread with fruit and it hit the spot! But at dinner I was hankering for some steamed broccoli! Bodies are so weird sometimes.
Sounds like a great smoothie combo! It’s sad, but I just never want vegetables! I’m trying, but I just continue to want cheesy carbs. Haha.
mmm that smoothie in particular sounds yummy! I agree, it’s been tough to get my serving of veggies in lately with the holiday’s…. so many company lunches and dinners that have tempting treats and drinks over salads and fruit! Can’t complain though 😉
I haven’t been craving vegetables either. Actually, I’ve been craving a lot of protein/meat. I guess it’s probably due to the season change.
Sneaking in vegetables is the story of my life! Most taste so bitter to me so I have to prep them in unique ways!
It is illegal to take them…don’t do it! 🙂
Im playing on pinterest and your picture with Ryan on your wedding day with the door between you was on there 🙂 too sweet!
I totally know how you feel with the whole pulling over and stealing oranges thing! When I was in Australia a few summers ago, I was so amazed by how people just let the lemons, grapefruits and oranges fall to the ground. On the veggie front, you should get a spiralizer!! I have the one I wrote about here: and it’s so much fun to play with!
I usually LOVE vegetables, but I’m also feeling a bit bored with them lately… it’s always the same stuff & I’m hoping to find some new recipes to excite me again 🙂 Oh, and I have that same iced coffee cup!
I haven’t wanted to eat veggies lately either. I’m just completely bored with them and feel horrible because I’m 14 weeks pregnant and should be eating a ton for the baby. They’re just so not appetizing right now.
I am definitely not a vegetable person. When I do eat them, I stay safe with broccoli or something like that. I love drinking Green Monsters because I know I’m getting the benefits without the taste. I’m more of a fruit person.
The same thing happened to me with veggies awhile back. I absolutely detested any and all veggies! Now, I am back in full-kick enjoying them again. I think our bodies truly know more than we give them credit for. Fuel with what it asks for, right? We are educated and therefore can assume our bodies are in line with our minds 🙂
cookies cookies n mo cookies yeah! lol loks delish
looks delish i mean sorry typo
I really do wonder if it’s illegal to take fruit from someone’s tree. Not that I’ve ever done it *cough*
That smoothie sounds amazing! I am trying to figure out ways to pack smoothies for lunch at work!
Have you ever tried putting dill weed on your vegetables. I really like to saute or steam veggies and season with a little bit of olive oil, lemon juice, and sprinkling of dill.
A lot of people think it’ll taste like pickles, but it doesn’t. The dill just really kicks up the flavor of the veggies. You may already use it, but I thought if you don’t, it’s an easy way to change up veggies!
This isn’t much specific help, but maybe a little google sleuthing would come up with the info… I recently came across a website where it gives you the address of free, local fruit anyone can go pick…it can be in a park/public place or a persons yard. I guess they give permission to help get rid of it or somehow the website knows you’re allowed to take it from that location! It goes by zip code or address and you pick the range of miles. Pretty cool
I’ve been in the same rut! I’m usually a veggie FIEND and lately I just haven’t been feeling them. The only veggie I’ve been craving lately is roasted asparagus which, of course, is WAY out of season!
Omgshhh! I have the perfect solution for you! Well, I know it’d probably be a bit out of your way~But have you ever tried Korean vegetable side dishes? They’re sometimes freshly eaten, and other times they are heavily seasoned or marinated, etc. something like:
-sliced cucumbers
-Korean red pepper flakes (pretty spicy!)
-little sesame oil
-toasted sesame seeds
-little soysauce to taste
-little sugar or sweetener
Just an example of how different and fun it can be! 😀
oh sorry! And before mixing it all up, we usually sprinkle a little bit of salt on the cucumbers and let them sit for at least 10 minutes.
I have officially caught up on your blog entries! Everyone said I was crazy for starting at the beginning, but I really mean it when I say your entries read like a book that I could not put down! Thanks for keeping me so entertained. 🙂
I love sneaking veggies in wherever! Carrot cake oatmeal?! Yes please- Spinach and smoothies is a good one too 🙂
I try to get veggies in where I can, too. I either have a smoothie with spinach or kale for breakfast or I’ll pack a big salad for lunch. Then, I have at least one serving at night. Just gotta do what you can!
I made a smoothie almost every day for breakfast this summer and I always added spinach! Such an easy way to get a serving of veggies!
I feel like I go through phases with veggies. Sometimes I’ll want to eat them all the time (ok that may be stretching it a bit haha) and other times I don’t want them at all. Soup is definitely a way for me to sneak them in!
I wanted to say thank you. I chose your 25 minute interval treadmill workout this morning. It was kick butt. I want to try some of your smoothie ideas. Need to replace my blender. I appreciate you and your blog. You are awesome to share your workouts, meals, recipes, etc…in such detail. It helps a newbie like me out a lot. I put a shout out to your blog in my entry today. Thanks again!
I WANT A SMOOTHIE MAKER! That recipe sounds delish!
OWWW that looks like Red Velvet Peppermint cookies!!! I made some this weekend and they are GOOOOOOWWWWWDDDDD!
I thought I was the only one; it’s been so hard lately! We had to throw some out this week.
I LOVE veggies! Favorite way to eat:
salads (I always have a salad before lunch-either spinach, arugala, romain, spring mix)
stir fries-add all and any veggies
on homemade pizza
goulash-I love to dice and sautee a bunch of veggies (peppers,onion, zucc, diced tomato,corn) add ground turkey and barley and sprinkle w/cheese. Soo good. Can also turn this into soup by adding broth
cabbage-LOVE to sautee cabbage and eat half a head of cabbage in one sitting BLOAT!
omlettes-spinach, peppers, onions, tomatoes, broccoli!
stuffed peppers-ground meat w/diced tomatoes, quinoa and cheese
quinoa-w/sautee veggies and cheese
Oh and dont forget how GOOD baked kale is!!
I got that way with salads– usually I’m all about them but I think I ODed on salads and got burnt out for a while! But now I’m starting to crave them again! And mmm that smoothie looks delicious!! I need to get some more protein powder so I can bring back smoothies too! And those cookies look amazing- would these be part of the cookie swap?!
i think if the tree is in a public place, or the branch is well over the fence and now in a public place, you are allowed to take the oranges.
I have a plum tree in my front yard and one day my dog was going nuts so I looked out the window-a woman had brought a LADDER, her CHILD and 4 bags and was stripping my tree bare. I had a talking to her and hopefully she never comes back again. She told me she was worried that the plums would “go to waste” and apparently thought it was her duty to steal them. I had big plans for making cobbler and plum wine but she took pretty much all the fruit.
Ben is always disappointed by the oranges I get at the Farmer’s Market. Florida oranges spoiled him!
I get spinach in my CSA, I have to try it in a smoothie!
Instant coffee in a smoothie? You are brilliant.