(P.S. See what I’ve been telling you about Chase’s infatuation with Sadie?! He is totally enamored!)
Our Friday morning began with a full house! My mom’s Friday afternoon flight back to Florida was canceled due to the weather and Ryan ended up working from home all day, so things were definitely more fun than they usually are on Fridays in our house!
We awoke to a white winter wonderland and it continued to snow and sleet for much of the day. I only had one thing on my agenda for the morning and that was to attend a surprise baby shower for Morgan, the awesome woman behind the husband/wife duo who own Burn Boot Camp. Morgan planned a client appreciation event for Friday and two of her fellow BBC employees hijacked the event and turned it into a surprise baby shower for her!
Everyone chipped in on several group gifts (she actually registered for the same baby monitor we have and love and that was our main group gift to her) and we filled in her gift table with some individual gifts as well.
I couldn’t resist giving her some of Chase’s favorite toys that I hope her little girl loves as well. I’m tellin’ ya the Oball and Baby Einstein Musical Toy are two slam dunks in our house!
Despite the inclement weather, Morgan’s surprise shower was well-attended by her BBC clients and I hope she felt all the love coming her way!
The rest of my Friday was spent at home with my mom, Ryan and Chase and when Ryan was able to take a break from work around lunchtime, we bundled up our little man and headed outside for his first snow day!
(His snow day outfit was such a random hodgepodge of lots of layers of warm clothing. #FloridaParentFail I will be shopping for a real snowsuit for him ASAP before my trip to Denver!)
We crossed our fingers that Chase’s first snow day would go better than his first beach day and though I wouldn’t say Chase loved the snow, we didn’t have big fat baby tears surface during our time outside, so I’d say that is a win!
Plus, my mama heart exploded when we saw him all bundled up with pink cheeks and bright eyes!
Our snowy experience didn’t last too long but it was still fun to see Chase in his wide-eyed glory taking in the bright white sights around him.
The rest of our Friday night included a crock pot dinner, watching Django Unchained after Chase went to bed and sipping on some homemade hot cocoa on the couch!
Saturday was another snow day, but this one was a bit more adventurous! Since we didn’t have the forethought to purchase a legitimate sled before the snow hit, Ryan decided to fashion us a makeshift sled out of a giant cardboard box, a big garbage bag and some duct tape.
Despite our doubts, his ridiculous sled actually worked… And worked pretty darn well!
We looked like the world’s most amateur sledders when we joined some people on a nearby hill, but we got a lot of laughs, so at least there’s that!
To quote a guy we met while out “sledding” –> “I wasn’t sure whether you two were from North Dakota and found out from years of experience that garbage bags and boxes really DO make the best sleds… Or if you two were from Florida.” (Florida. Definitely Florida.)
Chase and my mom joined us outside for some snowy fun in the beginning before my mom offered to warm him up inside so Ryan and I could get in a few more rounds of sledding before relaxing inside with a delicious mug of hot cocoa.
FYI, making hot chocolate from scratch is ridiculously easy and now that we’re out of our favorite Williams-Sonoma hot chocolate, we’ve been simply mixing a cup of Fairlife whole milk (<—the BEST) with 2 tbsp. cocoa, 2 tbsp. sugar and a pinch of salt (per serving) and LOVING it. Simple, creamy and oh so chocolaty.
I told Ryan it was basically like a protein drink since the Fairlife milk has 13 grams of protein in one cup. Oh hey healthy lady! Ha!
I’ll be back later in the week with more ramblings from this weekend, but right now I must sign off because we’re off to McAlister’s for dinner before the big Panthers game tonight. (<—I usually write my weekend recaps on Sunday night.)Hoping for a W-I-N!
Have a great Monday, my friends!
It looks like you had a really great time! Great improvisation on Ryan’s part too! I haven’t ever been sledding (we don’t get much snow in southern England) but I would love to.
Looks like so much fun! We’ve only gotten a few inches of snow this year but I’m definitely not complaining!
I am jealous of your sledding! I was completely snowed in this weekend and was home alone…so my “adventures” consisted of many, many rounds of shoveling. Ugh!
Sounds like such a fun weekend! Snow is so magical. We had 30 inches by us in Northern VA, and took our baby on a long walk in it. Where did you get your beautiful gray winter headband?
I love your makeshift sled! Sometimes the real sleds don’t work very well anyway.
Chase is adorable in his snow hat – those cheeks!
Love how chase looks at Sadie!! That will be an awesome relationship as Chase grows up!
I made a sled like that my first year in college! Still one of the best ideas!
Congrats on the Panthers win!!!
Ellie LOVED that Baby Einstein music thing. Now as a toddler she still likes playing with it. Definitely a winner!
Julie, your makeshift sled is HILARIOUS! Such a fun idea! Chase is adorable…he looks like a little Gap Baby Model. Have you ever put peanut butter in your hot cocoa? It’s a life changer!
That sled reminds me of childhood! My grandma had a small hill in front of her home but no sled. I used a cardboard box (which worked GREAT!) until it got wet and started falling apart. Then I switched to a thick drop cloth. I got some AIR on that baby and never used anything else! You might get looks but people get jealous with the speed and wonder why they didn’t think of it too!
You captured some seriously adorable pics of your little guy! It’s funny how exciting snow can be when you are a new mama. We had a ton of snow in Maryland and I loved taking my boy out in it for the first time.
Looks like a super fun snow day! I love Ryan’s creativity with the makeshift sled – brilliant! I’ve been using my toddler’s whole milk to make hot chocolate lately because it’s just so much better than skim or 2%, and now after reading this I feel so much less guilty, hah. I’m totally just being healthy!! 😉 Cheers to a great start to your week Julie!
I can’t stop laughing at the genius that is the cardboard sled! Funnily enough, I was born and raised in North Dakota and I will say, despite it being super flat, we did manage to find some hills to go sledding on! And yes, we used real sleds…although after seeing Ryan’s invention, I’m somewhat convinced we were doing it all wrong! 🙂
Such fun, Chase is so adorable! Where did you get your gray headband, love it!?!
Give me some healthy protein hot chocolate! Love the cardboard, if we had a snow day that’s about what it would be like here to in Phoenix!
Totally healthy :-)) We had so much snow we just stayed put all weekend! Such a memorable weekend either way. Chase looks adorable!
Aw Chase looks sooo cute all bundled! He has beautiful eyes! 🙂
Did you like Django? My husband loves that movie but its too violent for me!
Oh my goodness, Chase’s little hat is just the SWEETEST!!!
We haven’t had much snow this year at all (a little unusual for Chicago), which has honestly been nice for trekking to class, but it looks like you had so much fun! Love the makeshift sled! And that hot chocolate sounds delicious – I’ve never had homemade hot cocoa before, but it sounds super easy 😀
I was snowed in all weekend too, but I ended up baking! 🙂 By the way, you all are such a good-lookin’ fam!!! Goals <3
Looks like you had so much fun. Those chubby cheeks on Chase!
Ryan’s makeshift sled is hilarious, but I’m so glad it worked out for you.
I live in Philadelphia and we got hammered with snow too. 2 feet dropped on us within 30 hours. I see you guys got a lot of ice in Charlotte. Fortunately we did not get any this time around. It took me hours to dig out my car on Sunday. Street parking is the worst in the city.
Funny story, my boss left for Florida on Wednesday, so he missed the snowstorm, but he is stuck in Florida and wasn’t able to get back home yet. Boo hoo. To be stuck in Florida, what a shame.
Have a great day.
You are such a naturally exuberant mother …. you can see the love for Chase in the photos.
As a Canadian mom I recommend wool as one layer as it is actually warmer when wet … LL Bean “outfitted” our kids for winter upon winter … such high quality and they will last all through the rest of your babies and Leslie’s
I just got their bunting bag for my GD who lives in China!
That little snow picture of Chase all bundled up! So darn cute. Looks like a great weekend.
I love this! That sled creation is totally something my husband would come up with too. Good times, Julie!
Love the makeshift sled! We got snow up in Williamsburg and couldn’t go anywhere all weekend. I’m a tooootal scrooge in the snow, so aside from walking the dog, I just sipped coffee and watched Netflix in my PJs all weekend.
I LOVE THAT SLED! We were about to steal a tray and head for the park, but that’s an awesome idea.
Aww Chase is soo cute!! looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
AW! All of these pictures made my heart melt.
That sled is hilarious, and Chase truly must be one of the cutest babies EVER.
Looks like fun!! Don’t worry about getting Chase a snow suit for Denver- it is going to be in the 60’s here this weekend, yikes!! I am totally going to try the hot chocolate recipe, thanks!
You guys are hilarious! I love the sled you made. We took Annabelle outside in the snow, too. She wasn’t a huge fan but didn’t cry, so I call that a win! Love Chase’s hat! Oh gosh it’s adorable.
That sounds like such a great weekend, Chase is adorable! And such pretty blue eyes! It must have been a nice treat to have your mom a couple extra days as well 🙂
Your little guy could not be cuter!! I’m in Washington state and we have lots of snow. My husband and I have been snow shoeing a lot, it’s a great work out.
Hahaha I had hot chocolate last weekend after I got home from the gym (when it was a balmy 2 degrees here in Chicago), and I DEFINITELY told myself it was a protein shake since I made it with milk! I’m sure it has a nearly identical nutritional profile 😛
These pictures are adorable! Haha I love the sled idea. In college once we attempted to use a laundry basket as a sled… let’s just say my back was sore for days haha.
Sorry to break it to you, but it’s actually going to be in the 60s out here in Denver this week, haha! Love the sled idea though… very creative! Little man is such a sweetie. I’m so glad you guys had such a great time.
And sorry to bring it up… but GO BRONCOS! Ha!
XO, Jessica
When I saw your Instagram picture of the sled I laughed out loud and thought–how clever!! (and because Sadie had to jump on with you!)
where did you get your hat?!? i love it!!!
I love that first family picture! Too cute!
I have been drinking so much hot chocolate these days! I’ll have to try your recipe- I usually just use the instant packets but your homemade version sounds much better 😉
Chase is such a cutie- love his little hat. Looks like he enjoyed the snow much more than he did the beach!
The snow looks beautiful! But, I’d much rather see your pretty pictures than actually be in all of that. 🙂 I’m a Texas girl to the core, and the most “snow” we get is usually sleet and ice. I grew up on a farm and when school would close because of the ice, we would take empty feed bags to go slide down the hill. You just make do with whatever you have if you don’t usually get snow or ice!
I love your IG posts this weekend! The sled is uh-mazing and the picture of Chase just melts my heart! He has the prettiest eyes!
I had a good chuckel at your snowsuit issue, as a Canadian baby my little guy has like 5 snowsuits! My mom kept telling me when people gave us hand me down suits, ‘you just never know’. If it wasn’t so expensive to ship, I would send you at least two! lol…he’s grown out of them and they are sooo funny looking on! Like little marshmallow men! Looks like you had a blast!
This looks like so much fun! I love that you got so creative! We were snowed in for two days straight, but we made it fun as well!
I absolutely love your blog, by the way!
i cannot get over how darn cute Chase looks out there in the snow! and your homemade sled made me laugh, it’s definitely something this California girl would come up with if i ever move anywhere colder!
Chase is so adorable I can’t even handle it!! What a fun weekend (:
Love Ryan’s makeshift sled!
I was a little envious seeing you and Sadie sledding on IG. I haven’t seen snow in years! And Chase’s star baby grow, love it!
When are you coming to Denver? This coming weekend it’s supposed to be in the 60s:)
Homemade hot chocolate is the best. My sister found a Facebook video this weekend where you mix whole milk and cream on the stove and heat until steaming. Add chopped up dark chocolate and stir until melted. Holy frijoles was it rich! Delicious, but way too decadent to make more than once a year.
These are the cutest family pictures! And the best spontaneous sledge! X
sorry i missed the snow this year, i flew out of clt on jan 5th. but i fly to budapest for a year on sunday so, i think i’ll more than make up for it.
cute snow baby!
I love that sled idea! He looks so adorable with his rosy cheeks in the snow landscape. And your family is adorable!!