I’m on anti-nausea medication.
And I couldn’t be happier.
I’m marrying the man of my dreams tomorrow!!!
Living a Life Fueled by Healthy Food and Fitness
I’m on anti-nausea medication.
And I couldn’t be happier.
I’m marrying the man of my dreams tomorrow!!!
My name is Julie and I am a full-time blogger, new mama, fitness enthusiast (certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor) and food fanatic (mostly healthy... but also not-so-healthy) living in North Carolina with my husband, dog and baby boy. Thank you for visiting Peanut Butter Fingers! I hope you enjoy little glimpses into my life and have fun trying the sweaty workouts I frequently share and making some of my favorite recipes along the way!
Linda says
Oh sweetie. It will all be fine. You are going to be a beautiful bride!
Amy @ VitaminAmy says
So happy for you!!! Love trumps all 🙂
Rachel says
Hi Julie,
I’ve just started reading your blog and I love it.
You will have the perfect day tomorrow 🙂 No matter what happens, you are marrying the man of you dreams, and that is all you need to think about.
And guess what…I am getting married tomorrow too! How exciting! 🙂
All the best!
Alicia says
Oh my god- Julie!! Feel better! I’ve been thinking of you!! <3
Kelly says
oh my god girly, you’re still going to be a beautiful bride. GOod luck, enjoy marrying the man of your dreams!
Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine says
Whaaaat? What crazy timing!! You’re going to be ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS though 😀 Feel better and have the most amazing wedding day ever!
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
you are such a cutie pie…i hope you guys have the time of your life tomorrow!
Gavi @ GaviGetsGoing! says
STAY POSITIVE, lady–you will be so beautiful and happy tomorrow!! 🙂 We’re ALL rooting for you!!
michelle says
Yay!! I”ve been thinking about you all day! Congratulations! You’re going to be a beautiful bride! Have fun and relax tonight!!
Courtney @ Ice Cream & Wine says
Congratulations and enjoy your special day with Ryan! It goes by so fast – like it’s seriously a blur. So try to take it all in!
Meg says
Olga @ MangoTomato says
first food posioning and now pink eye? so sorry. but isn’t pink eye contagious? your poor guests!
Hope you still have a wonderful wedding day!
Kerry Ann says
Not poor guests. Lucky guests to share in the wedding of the sweetest couple ever!
Kelly says
Exactly…poor guests? That was kind of rude…I don’t think the wedding guests are going to get pink eye by going to the wedding to see Julie marry her prince! Seriously….
Anna says
I agree! What an insensitive thing to say! Julie, you will be gorgeous and your day will be perfect! What makes a wedding day perfect is not all the details, it is the fact that you are marrying the man you love! 🙂
Olga @ MangoTomato says
Ok, I apologize if my comment was read as mean and rude. That was not my intention. I met Julie in real life and I’m sure she’ll be a gorgeous bride and have a wonderful wedding.
And to whoever left a nasty anonymous comment on my blog: good lord, people, get a life.
Natasha says
I did not read Olga’s comment as rude, just a funny fact.
People, enough of the witch hint and get a sense of humour! We are all very happy and excited for Julie on this special day, but one of the reasons we adore readiing her blog is her great sense of humour and easy-going spirit!!
Lighten up already!!!!!!!
Katrina says
Oh no, sweetie, I’m so sorry!!!
You did want to remember what the day was really about, so maybe this is exactly what you needed to kick your butt out of Planning Mode and into Remember What I’m Here For Mode! 🙂
It will be better than you can imagine anyway – I’m so excited for you!
samantha says
Congratulations, Julie! I’m sorry that you’ve got to deal with those things but I love how positive you’re being about it (: I hope you have a fantastic wedding and honeymoon!
Chaaron says
Feel better Julie! I hope that your medication gets you in tip-top shape by tomorrow morning! Soak everything in from the moment you wake up tomorrow. It goes by so fast. Love on your friends and family and don’t take your eyes off your groom. After tomorrow – you’re married! So exciting!
Sue says
Awwww! You are awesome, what an amazing attitude to have. Wishing you a wonderful day Julie, you have put so much into it and deserve for it to be perfect xox
Kristi @ eatdrinkloveandexercise says
Good luck tomorrow! Good thing your getting your meds in now. Tomorrow you’ll be so excited you won’t even think about pink eye.
Paige says
Oh my goodness! I think this means that you will have a very happy marriage. Like rain on your wedding day or whatever?
Pink eye is what photoshop is for! Have a FABULOUS wedding day!
Emily says
This is going to be one of those moments you will look back on and smile…you are the luckiest girl in the world to be marrying the love of your life :)!!
Brittany says
Julie, you are so inspiring! I have no doubt you will be the most beautiful bride. Can you believe that this time tomorrow you will be MARRIED?!?!?! Amazing 🙂 Wishing you nothing but the best!!
Erika @ Food, Fitness, & Fun says
So true! I’m glad you are staying postive – you are getting married and that’s all that really matters.
Me-Linh says
HOLY CRAPO! I’m sending you good vibes so hopefully they’ll last only 24 hours. HAVE AN AWESOME WEDDING!!! You’ll still look gorgeous, who are we kidding?!
Karen says
I hope you feel better tomorrow. I wish you all the best on your wedding day…can’t wait to see some pictures!! Take Care!!
Kelly says
Hang in there…you will be fabulous! The most important thing about all is that Ryan is going to be your hudband tomorrow!!!
Jenny @ Enjoy Your Cheerios says
oh goodness, haha. have an amazing wedding day!!
Maryann says
Julie- I admire your positive outlook. I’m sure you will be feeling better by tomorrow and am positive that no matter what you will be the most gorgeous bride! Enjoy your day!
Emily says
nothing can take away from your day tomorrow, not even pink eye!!! you are going to be the most gorgeous bride, of that I am sure! live the day up lady, I know you will!!!! yayayaya may you and Ryan be happy eternally
Sandy says
You have a wonderful attitude..and you’re right.. Hoping by tomorrow you feel so much better..you deserve all the Happiness in the World!
Lori says
Wow. What a combo.
Lindsay says
I hope you have a wonderful wedding day….best wishes to both you and ryan! and remember, the best thing about husbands is that they love you even when you have pink eye and are throwing up…so no worries 🙂
Heather says
Wishing you and Ryan love and happiness for many, many years. Enjoy your day tomorrow!
Kristen says
Pink eye goes away quickly! Been reading your blog every day for a year and me and my girlfriends are obsessed. Enjoy every minute of tomorrow and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes says
Ihope it goes away soon!
JessieBee says
It will make a great story 🙂 My hair and makeup lady didn’t show at my wedding less than 3 weeks ago… it was crazy, but all that I cared about was getting to see my hubby to be!! You will forget about it all once you see him!! Good luck to you and congrats!
Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says
JULIE, HAVE A GREAT WEDDING DAY!!! You are going to be the most beautiful bride.
Pink eye will just look like pretty eye shadow in the photos. Stay positive darling.
Babs says
your wedding will be amazing 🙂
you will have nothing but good memories!!
Jaclyn says
Everything will be perfect. You two will be gorgeous. Your friends and family will share in your joy. Your eye will be white, not pink. Lots of love, best wishes to you.
K says
I had pink eye a couple of days before my wedding, too. You will be gorgeous no matter what! Congratulations!
Gina G says
I’m soooo sorry Julie!
I know tomorrow will be the best day in the world for you and Ryan! You both will have the most amazing day! <3
Sara says
Oh my gosh, you have pink eye too! Oh well…Happy Wedding!! I’m sure it’ll be fabulous!
Liz @ LBBakes says
OMG – will make for great stories?!
Avery says
Praying for you RIGHT NOW!! Just know that none of that will matter tomorrow. You’re day is going to be perfect! You’re getting MARRIED! Congratulations! 🙂
coco says
congrats! All the best for you!!! 😀
Kaella Carr says
I love your positive attitude!!! You are going to look beautiful/gorgeous/amazing tomorrow!!! We will all be thinking of you tomorrow!!!!!!!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Have an amazing next few days LOVE! You will be the most gorgeous bride EVER even with pink eye!
Laura says
Oh my!!! You will be a beautiful bride even if you wore a paper bag and didnt do your hair 🙂
If it helps, I have a story about my wedding. My husband was flying in the night before the wedding to Phoenix (we live 2 hours away). His flight was supposed be in at 11pm and we had photos next morning at 8am. Welllll, his flight was late–he got in at 1.30am and we got his bags and we leaving at 2am. We got home at 4am and had to be up 2hrs later. I was soooooo tired that after pictures and wedding paperwork, we took an hour nap got up and got dressed and got married. It was the most perfect evening ever!!!!
I am so happy for you and I am so happy to see that you are keeping in good spirits and keeping the real reason that tomorrow is happening front and center in your mind. Congrats on your marriage.
Victoria says
And you are going to have a long, healthy, happy marriage. Blessings!
Heather says
oh no! hope it clears up soon.
I scratched my eye the morning of my wedding and was in extreme pain all day so I understand wedding eye issues!! hope it goes away!
Chicago Cuisine Critique says
Feel better! I’m sure everything will turn out perfectly. I can’t wait to hear/read all about it! Congratulations!!!! 🙂
Tina says
Enjoy every second of your wedding!!!! 🙂