I still cannot believe I am pregnant – let alone 17 weeks pregnant – and I can honestly say it was such a hard secret to keep over the course of these past 4+ months.
I know you guys have a bunch of questions about our special news and since I’ve already received a handful, I figured the best way to address them was a giant Q&A post. I do not plan to morph Peanut Butter Fingers into a pregnancy/mommy blog, but since this blog has always followed my life more than anything else, I am definitely planning to share a bit about my pregnancy and our little one moving forward.
Now let’s dive right in!!
Pregnancy Details // Finding Out
- How did you find out you were pregnant?
Okay, this story is a little ridiculous. In November, right after Ryan and I decided to start trying for a baby, I bought a ton of cheapo (but highly rated!) pregnancy tests on Amazon (25 for $14) because I knew the cost of pregnancy tests can add up quickly and figured buying a bunch to save some money would be a good idea. A few days after the time I figured I should’ve had my period, I took a test, but I took it incorrectly.
The test strips I bought were dip strips that require you to pee in a cup and dip the pregnancy test, but I figured that was mostly “advised” and that I’d see a result from simply peeing on the strip like a normal pregnancy test. (Um, no.) Anyway, I peed on the strip, saw nothing and figured I wasn’t pregnant. I did the same thing a week later when I still didn’t get my period, saw nothing and assumed I wasn’t pregnant. A few days later, when I still didn’t get my period, I figured I should actually take the time to dip the dang strip and do the test correctly. The positive line showed up immediately and I was shocked. I had absolutely no inclination that I was pregnant, let alone 6 weeks pregnant at this point. I truly could not believe it!!
- How did you tell Ryan?
I took the pregnancy test right before Ryan and I were about to go to bed. He was already in bed and when I took the test and saw the positive line show up so strong, I gasped and said, “Oh my gosh.” Ryan heard me and asked what was up and I said, “I think I’m pregnant.” We were both so surprised and when I showed Ryan the positive pregnancy test, he laughed because it was such a cheapo little strip and said we should really wait to get too excited until we could buy a more legit-looking pregnancy test in the morning. We went to sleep both sort of in this limbo mode of “Are we or aren’t we… I think we are…” which made sleeping rather difficult, as I am sure you an imagine.
I bought a pregnancy test at CVS the next morning, took the test (okay, two tests) in the CVS bathroom and our exciting news was officially confirmed. We were both so, so excited!
(The lighting in that pic is kind of weird, but the + sign was quite clear in person!)
- What were your first pregnancy symptoms?
At first nothing. I actually felt very nervous and anxious during the first week or so after we found out because I felt 100 percent normal and everything I read talked about how awful the first few weeks of pregnancy can be – lots of nausea, fatigue, etc. I actually Googled “pregnant without morning sickness” around week 7 and was relieved to see something like 20 percent of women feel fine and never experience nausea. I figured I was just one of the lucky ones.
Well, during the week of Christmas, about three days later, I was hit with my first round of nausea and it was pretty brutal. Ryan and I arrived in Jacksonville five days before Christmas and weren’t planning to share the news with my family until Christmas morning. This meant I had to hide daily nausea and puking for five days which was definitely not easy to do… especially when I went to the bathroom to throw up in the middle of a Jazzercise class I took with my mom and sister. Thankfully, right after puking, I almost always felt instantly better and eating all the time helped keep nausea at bay a little bit. It still blows my mind that I’ll find myself downing a sandwich 2.5 seconds after I throw up. Pregnancy nausea is so weird.
- What was your first reaction to your pregnancy?
Disbelief. Even though we “tried” that month, I still hadn’t really wrapped my head around the whole idea had absolutely no intuition that told me I was pregnant. I was so shocked and that feeling of surprise was quickly accompanied by a feeling I can only describe as nervous excitement. I’m still feeling quite anxious, but my nerves have mostly moved away from “oh my gosh we’re having a baby” to “please, God, protect our baby and keep our little one safe and healthy.”
- How far along were you when you found out?
Six weeks.
- How did your parents/family react?
On Christmas morning, we wrapped up ornaments I decorated for my parents, Leslie and Ross that said Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle and had them all open them simultaneously once we were done eating breakfast.
It took them all a second to register what they were seeing (My mom thought the ornament was from Sadie at first! Ha!), but about five seconds later, we were greeted with excited screams, tears and hugs!
We told Ryan’s family when I next saw them in person during my trip to Sarasota at the end of January. I gave them the same ornaments and said they were belated Christmas gifts. Ryan’s mom hugged me, cried immediately and was so, so thrilled. It was such a special moment.
My grandma found out last week – that’s the real reason I drove to Raleigh! I was planning to tell her in person in Sanibel but when she was not able to join us on our vacation, my mom and I made plans to tell her in person soon after. Mimi’s reaction may have been my favorite! I wrapped up an ornament for her that said Great Grandma and she thought I was telling her she was a wonderful grandma (which she is)! When I asked her, “Do you know what that means?” She shrieked and threw her hands up in the air!!
It was so amazing and my mom, aunt and I could not stop laughing and hugging her!
- How did you tell your friends?
For the most part, I was lucky enough to be able to tell most of my very best friends in person! Since I traveled to Sarasota at the end of January and saw a bunch of my college best friends, I told them all that weekend – one by one, which was so much fun!
I told my best friends from high school about our news when I saw them in Chicago this past weekend. I wrapped up baby-themed candy bars and Hershey Kisses and gave them to them one at a time as well.
It was really hard to wait to tell my friends for so long, but knowing I could share the news in person served as great motivation to hold off. It was totally worth the wait!
Some of my girlfriends in Charlotte were the first to find out since it became a little obvious when I was no longer drinking at all! I also told a bunch of my close blogging buddies early on, too.
Baby Details
- Due date?
August 10, 2015.
- Will you find out the sex ahead of time?
YES. We actually already know!!!
- Do you have any feelings about whether you’re having a boy or a girl?
Ryan and I did a 3D ultrasound at 14 1/2 weeks where they were able to tell us the sex of our baby. I’ll be sure to give more details about all of this when I share this information on the blog soon! We still have a few more people we want to share the sex with in person/over the phone before I announce it on the blog, but I’ll share everything with you guys soon! We have our official 18-week anatomy scan next week where it will be confirmed again since 14 weeks is technically a bit early to tell, so I’m planning to share after that!
In the meantime, I’d love to hear your guesses!
- Any names?
We have one name that’s a current frontrunner, but since we’re not 100 percent sure, we’re keeping it quiet for a while.
- How long were you trying?
I feel very, very fortunate that we were able to get pregnant the first month we tried. I know this is a truly wonderful thing and it’s something I feel grateful for every single day. I went off birth control several months before we had a baby on the brain because I hated the way it made me feel. We were still actively preventing pregnancy up until November, but I think going off my birth control a while before we decided to start trying may have helped a bit.
- How many ultrasounds have you had?
Three! We had our very first ultrasound at 8 weeks and also heard the heartbeat which was incredible. I must say, before I got pregnant, I never really understood why people thought the fuzzy, gray pictures were so amazing, but the minute we saw our little one on the screen during our first ultrasound, I could not believe it and was so overwhelmed with emotion. Ryan and I were both blown away. He actually gave me a high five right after we saw the baby for the first time which is one of my favorite pregnancy memories so far!
We had additional ultrasounds at 11 1/2 weeks (the first time I saw the baby MOVE totally BLEW MY MIND) and our first 3D ultrasound at 14 1/2 weeks.
- Who do you think the baby will look like?
Ryan and I looked so similar as kids. We both had light eyes and almost white-blonde hair, so I picture us with a light-eyed blonde-haired little one!
- Do you want more than one?
Yes… eventually! Right now we are simply focusing on this baby and praying for a healthy little one in August.
- Have you felt the baby move?
I don’t think so. A week ago, I felt a weird fluttering feeling that was more intense than stomach gurgling. It was pretty noticeable but could also have been absolutely nothing. My pregnant/mom friends said that once I am sure I feel the baby move, I’ll likely know whether that was really the baby moving early on or not!
I’ll share Part Two of this post this afternoon that will address the following questions:
- Will you be sharing weekly pregnancy updates on the blog?
- How have you been feeling?
- Do you have morning sickness?
- Do you have any cravings?
- Do you have any food aversions?
- Weight gain so far?
- Have you experienced any crazy pregnancy-related emotions?
- Any mood swings?
- Any unexpected feelings or symptoms?
- How far along are you now?
- How has work/teaching been going?
- How do you think Sadie will react to having a little brother or sister?
Let me know if I am missing anything or if you have any additional questions you’d like addressed this afternoon!
Are you going to tell your friends/family the gender of your baby or are you going to wait and let them find out once he/she arrives? And have you already thought about how you’re going to decorate the baby room?
yes!! most of our friends and family already know what we’re having! 🙂 we still have to let a few in on the news and then i’ll be sharing it on the blog!
Eek!!! You’ve been such a busy lady with all this going on in the background!!! Congratulations again!!!
LOVE THIS! I love reading about people’s pregnancy journey! I’m guessing you’re having a girl!! Just a guess – can’t wait to find out!! And the only reason I’m guessing girl is because I have a boy (obviously) and I had no barfing lol I know everyone’s diffeewnt – just my guess!!!
I did the exact same thing as you! My husband and I also decided to start trying in November. I missed my period but thought it was completely normal because it can take women up to 3 months to get it back. I thought no way was I pregnant and didn’t take a test but was googling pregnancy without morning sickness. Haha I didn’t find out until I was 9 weeks pregnant!! I think I am one of the lucky ones because the morning sickness never hit me and I’ve felt great. I’m two weeks behind you! Congrats again!
Such wonderful news! Trying not to tear up at work reading this- what a blessing! Best wishes for a healthy and happy addition to the family! 🙂
Congratulations Julie! I am so happy and excited for your growing family!! Q: what type of workouts do you plan on doing throughout your pregnancy?
I have also been following your blog for years and am sooooooo happy for you, Ryan, Sadie and the rest of your families!!! You guys are going to be great parents!!! It’s amazing that you can feel so much for people you have never met, but that is what makes life even better! Looking forward to sharing this journey with you! Congrats!!!
I’m so happy for you guys! My prediction is a girl! I guess we’ll find out soon 🙂
I am so excited for you and Ryan. I tell all my expecting friends that you have never experienced the love you will feel when you see your baby for the first time. It is a different love than you feel for your parents, Ryan and friends. It is awesome. Please continue to regularly share your experiences on the blog.
I loved being pregnant and hope you enjoy every minute.
That is exactly how I would describe what it felt like when I felt my little one move the first time. Your mom is right though, I wasn’t sure until the movement got stronger. So exciting!
Ah! Congrats! I just welcomed my first baby (girl) in December 2014. I was lucky and had a great pregnancy, easy labor and delivery… People will scare you with bad labor stories but you’ll be fine! The hardest part was the first 6 weeks of her life where you and your partner are trying to “figure” he/she out and just get to know and become in tune with them! After that it’s crazy how fast life adjusts and it becomes so much easier and FUN! I am so excited for your journey! I ate a bacon, butter and avocado footlong sandwich everyday. Enjoy those pregnancy cravings and every milestone you hit! I goes by fast! 😉
my best friend leah said the same thing about the first 6 weeks! thanks for your kind words and congrats to you!
I don’t know if I’m speaking as part of the majority but I’d love love love to hear weekly updates!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and pray all goes well with pregnancy & delivery. Grandma Mimi’s reaction made me tear up, what a special moment!
So happy for you guys! I absolutely love the story of your grandma’s reaction!
I’m guessing GIRL! Hope you’re feeling better xo
This is all so exciting!! I just found out I was pregnant (still super soon) and I just got hit with nausea hard this week! It’s the worst.
I’ve been a reader for a few years now and I can’t wait to watch (read) your family grow! 🙂
I hope you feel better soon, Janay! It can be intense, for sure. <3 Congratulations to you!
You said “he” gave you a high five, so I’m going to guess it’s a boy. Unless that was a trick and it’s a girl? Either way my top two guesses are definitely #1 boy and #2 girl.
I honestly hope you don’t share the name before the baby’s born. Whether it’s Jason, Emily, Rainbow, or Katniss, you’ll have people telling you why it sucks/is boring/is stupid.
The “he” in that sentence was Ryan! 🙂 and I think that is good advice regarding the name. We’ve had a bunch of parents tell us the same thing and I do think we will probably keep the name to ourselves until after the baby is born!
Wow, epic reading comprehension fail on my part there! You are obviously talking about Ryan there. I should not comment before coffee.
I agree keep it to yourself the name I had my heart set on this boy name and I got negative feedback (from family too!) Second time around I learned my lesson
I am so happy and excited for you! I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now, and have been waiting to see when you guys would enter this wonderful phase of life! It seems like a natural and perfect fit for such a great family. I just recently found out that I am pregnant with my 4th, and it’s still exciting! Enjoy the ride. Best wishes and prayers for you guys!
yay!! congratulations to you!
I am going to guess a girl!! Before yesterday I’m not sure I’ve ever commented (after years and years of reading everyday) and now two days in a row. Haha. I’ve had a similiar journey to you career wise (minus blogging) going from a corporate job to teaching yoga/working as a private chef. It’s always fun to read about other people’s journeys out of a ‘normal’ 9-5 lifestyle.
I could not be more thrilled for you both!
Ps. I am about to get married 7/30/15 and my fiancés name is Ryan. 🙂
so exciting!! congrats on your upcoming wedding!
I definitely want to know if Sadie can tell something’s up!? Dogs seem to have some kind of intuition about these kind of things. I’m going to guess it’s a GIRL!
What an awesome pic of your grandma…will make an awesome keepsake in the years to come. Congrats to you and Ryan!
Congratulations! That picture of your grandma absolutely had me in tears. So sweet!
I am sooo excited for you!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!
Julie, congratulations!!! I already commented on Instagram and Facebook but I needed to post a third congratulations. I have been reading Peanut Butter Fingers since 2010, and I am a daily reader. I can’t express the excitement I felt for your two when I saw your instagram post yesterday!!! I’m very excited to hear more baby details 🙂
thank you, cassy!!
Loved this post 🙂 I hope you’ll show some baby bump pictures!
awe I really am so happy for you both, HUGE congrats, when I scrolled down I let a little gasp, My son Reece was born August 10th 🙂 really happy for you and I look forward to been updated on the progress.xx
love that name!
Have you been working out? How are you going to modify your workouts? Will you keep working at the gym, or do you think you’ll stay home when the baby comes?
LOVED reading this!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
This post just warms my heart. I might be more excited than you two are! There is also nothing I love more than hearing about how you tell other people 🙂
I think it is going to be a girl and I have a guess for the name, but I’ll keep that to myself!
CONGRATS!!! This is such wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Ryan and look forward to following along this awesome journey of pregnancy and eventually motherhood. It simply is one of the best things (and I am currently pregnant with baby #2…just shy of 2 weeks ahead of you)!
I’m such a sap. This made me teary. Still SO excited for you, Jules!
I love the way you told your family! Ah, made me teary eyed. 🙂
I’m an ultrasound tech and I have to say, I’m surprised that you got a 3D at 14 wks. Was it primarily to see the sex? They barely have any fat on them at that age so 3D can look a little creepy, lol. Hopefully they were able you get a good picture for you! Congrats again, girly!
I know. I was surprised too. My doctor’s office wouldn’t let me have my 3D ultrasound to find out the gender until week 20. I have read too many stories online about technicians being wrong about the gender with early scans that I am glad I waited anyway.
Congrats! Can’t wait to hear all about your new baby.
SO excited for you guys!!!!! Maybe touch on how you think Sadie will do with having baby around the house!
Congrats!! What is your prenatal, supplement regimen!?
First of all, CONGRATS!!! I have been reading your blog daily for a few years now and am so excited for you. You and Ryan seem like an amazing, loving couple, and I am sure you guys will be AWESOME parents. I hope you keep us updated and share plenty of baby belly pictures :).
What kind of exercises will you do now?
Do you think Sadie will be a good big sister? I sometimes worry about dogs when friends get pregnant, you never know how they might respond.
I am going to guess boy 🙂
So happy for you!
That picture of Grandma Mimi says it all!! What a blessing that she was feeling better and was able to have you come and share your news. Best wishes to you both.
Congratulations! I’m so happy for y’all! Will you continue going to Pure Barre throughout your pregnancy? I see several fit mamas-to-be in my classes, and it’s such an inspiration!
Congrats! That’s so exciting. I’m hoping everything goes well for you guys!
Congrats! How exciting! Can’t wait to follow your journey!
I love it that you took the test in the CVS bathroom! 🙂
I’m guessing a girl. Ryan needs to be in a ladies house!
Dying to know about Sadie and if she is acting different. I bet she’ll be a fierce protector of momma and baby during this time! So happy for you both!
OMG this had me in tears! In a good way (when you shared the news with your family)! So beautiful! Cannot wait to hear more 🙂
Love, love, LOOOOOOVE!
Congratulations!! I am a long time reader and I am so happy for you both (& Sadie)!
My prediction – Boy 🙂
I gave birth last June with my first, a boy. You just never know with eye color and hair color. My son has sky blue eyes and light blond hair and my husband and I both have dark brown eyes and brown hair. Neither of our siblings or parents have blue eyes either. It goes back to our grandparents. They show no signs of changing. I really hope you are having a boy. I am in love with my little boy and they are absolutely the best!
Hey Julie!!
Congrats again!!! So excited for you!! I have a question. What has working out been like since you’ve been pregnant? Is it hard? Are you tired all the time?
CONGRATULATIONS! I have also been a longtime reader and I cannot be happier for you and your family — what fantastic news!!!
Would you mind doing a post sometime in the future about your pregnancy skincare? You are GLOWING!
Hi! I just wanted to take the time to congratulate you and Ryan. Longtime reader, but I always feel super weird commenting on blogs, even though I know you encourage it at the end of your posts. 🙂 While I understand that only a glimmer of the life of a blogger is shared, I always appreciate how positive, upbeat, and genuinely enthusiastic you come across. I know we all have our ups and downs in life, and I am sure you realize that people might not want to read a post where you talk about having a bad day/complaining/etc. so it is easy to keep it positive, but based on the parts of your life that you do show, it is clear that you are going to be an incredible mom, and your baby sure is lucky to have you and Ryan as parents (and Sadie as a big sister!) I don’t have children, so I can’t relate to what you are going through right now, but I am still very much looking forward to your posts about your journey to and through motherhood. Thank you so much for sharing!
This comment means a lot to me. Thank you!! <3
Congrats Julie! Will you comment on your work out routine now that you are pregnant? There are so many different opinions on working out/getting your heart rate up esp during the first trimester! Thanks!
Mimi’s reaction totally made me tear up! Love the ornaments also, such a great idea.
Congrats again Julie!!!