I still cannot believe I am pregnant – let alone 17 weeks pregnant – and I can honestly say it was such a hard secret to keep over the course of these past 4+ months.
I know you guys have a bunch of questions about our special news and since I’ve already received a handful, I figured the best way to address them was a giant Q&A post. I do not plan to morph Peanut Butter Fingers into a pregnancy/mommy blog, but since this blog has always followed my life more than anything else, I am definitely planning to share a bit about my pregnancy and our little one moving forward.
Now let’s dive right in!!
Pregnancy Details // Finding Out
- How did you find out you were pregnant?
Okay, this story is a little ridiculous. In November, right after Ryan and I decided to start trying for a baby, I bought a ton of cheapo (but highly rated!) pregnancy tests on Amazon (25 for $14) because I knew the cost of pregnancy tests can add up quickly and figured buying a bunch to save some money would be a good idea. A few days after the time I figured I should’ve had my period, I took a test, but I took it incorrectly.
The test strips I bought were dip strips that require you to pee in a cup and dip the pregnancy test, but I figured that was mostly “advised” and that I’d see a result from simply peeing on the strip like a normal pregnancy test. (Um, no.) Anyway, I peed on the strip, saw nothing and figured I wasn’t pregnant. I did the same thing a week later when I still didn’t get my period, saw nothing and assumed I wasn’t pregnant. A few days later, when I still didn’t get my period, I figured I should actually take the time to dip the dang strip and do the test correctly. The positive line showed up immediately and I was shocked. I had absolutely no inclination that I was pregnant, let alone 6 weeks pregnant at this point. I truly could not believe it!!
- How did you tell Ryan?
I took the pregnancy test right before Ryan and I were about to go to bed. He was already in bed and when I took the test and saw the positive line show up so strong, I gasped and said, “Oh my gosh.” Ryan heard me and asked what was up and I said, “I think I’m pregnant.” We were both so surprised and when I showed Ryan the positive pregnancy test, he laughed because it was such a cheapo little strip and said we should really wait to get too excited until we could buy a more legit-looking pregnancy test in the morning. We went to sleep both sort of in this limbo mode of “Are we or aren’t we… I think we are…” which made sleeping rather difficult, as I am sure you an imagine.
I bought a pregnancy test at CVS the next morning, took the test (okay, two tests) in the CVS bathroom and our exciting news was officially confirmed. We were both so, so excited!
(The lighting in that pic is kind of weird, but the + sign was quite clear in person!)
- What were your first pregnancy symptoms?
At first nothing. I actually felt very nervous and anxious during the first week or so after we found out because I felt 100 percent normal and everything I read talked about how awful the first few weeks of pregnancy can be – lots of nausea, fatigue, etc. I actually Googled “pregnant without morning sickness” around week 7 and was relieved to see something like 20 percent of women feel fine and never experience nausea. I figured I was just one of the lucky ones.
Well, during the week of Christmas, about three days later, I was hit with my first round of nausea and it was pretty brutal. Ryan and I arrived in Jacksonville five days before Christmas and weren’t planning to share the news with my family until Christmas morning. This meant I had to hide daily nausea and puking for five days which was definitely not easy to do… especially when I went to the bathroom to throw up in the middle of a Jazzercise class I took with my mom and sister. Thankfully, right after puking, I almost always felt instantly better and eating all the time helped keep nausea at bay a little bit. It still blows my mind that I’ll find myself downing a sandwich 2.5 seconds after I throw up. Pregnancy nausea is so weird.
- What was your first reaction to your pregnancy?
Disbelief. Even though we “tried” that month, I still hadn’t really wrapped my head around the whole idea had absolutely no intuition that told me I was pregnant. I was so shocked and that feeling of surprise was quickly accompanied by a feeling I can only describe as nervous excitement. I’m still feeling quite anxious, but my nerves have mostly moved away from “oh my gosh we’re having a baby” to “please, God, protect our baby and keep our little one safe and healthy.”
- How far along were you when you found out?
Six weeks.
- How did your parents/family react?
On Christmas morning, we wrapped up ornaments I decorated for my parents, Leslie and Ross that said Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle and had them all open them simultaneously once we were done eating breakfast.
It took them all a second to register what they were seeing (My mom thought the ornament was from Sadie at first! Ha!), but about five seconds later, we were greeted with excited screams, tears and hugs!
We told Ryan’s family when I next saw them in person during my trip to Sarasota at the end of January. I gave them the same ornaments and said they were belated Christmas gifts. Ryan’s mom hugged me, cried immediately and was so, so thrilled. It was such a special moment.
My grandma found out last week – that’s the real reason I drove to Raleigh! I was planning to tell her in person in Sanibel but when she was not able to join us on our vacation, my mom and I made plans to tell her in person soon after. Mimi’s reaction may have been my favorite! I wrapped up an ornament for her that said Great Grandma and she thought I was telling her she was a wonderful grandma (which she is)! When I asked her, “Do you know what that means?” She shrieked and threw her hands up in the air!!
It was so amazing and my mom, aunt and I could not stop laughing and hugging her!
- How did you tell your friends?
For the most part, I was lucky enough to be able to tell most of my very best friends in person! Since I traveled to Sarasota at the end of January and saw a bunch of my college best friends, I told them all that weekend – one by one, which was so much fun!
I told my best friends from high school about our news when I saw them in Chicago this past weekend. I wrapped up baby-themed candy bars and Hershey Kisses and gave them to them one at a time as well.
It was really hard to wait to tell my friends for so long, but knowing I could share the news in person served as great motivation to hold off. It was totally worth the wait!
Some of my girlfriends in Charlotte were the first to find out since it became a little obvious when I was no longer drinking at all! I also told a bunch of my close blogging buddies early on, too.
Baby Details
- Due date?
August 10, 2015.
- Will you find out the sex ahead of time?
YES. We actually already know!!!
- Do you have any feelings about whether you’re having a boy or a girl?
Ryan and I did a 3D ultrasound at 14 1/2 weeks where they were able to tell us the sex of our baby. I’ll be sure to give more details about all of this when I share this information on the blog soon! We still have a few more people we want to share the sex with in person/over the phone before I announce it on the blog, but I’ll share everything with you guys soon! We have our official 18-week anatomy scan next week where it will be confirmed again since 14 weeks is technically a bit early to tell, so I’m planning to share after that!
In the meantime, I’d love to hear your guesses!
- Any names?
We have one name that’s a current frontrunner, but since we’re not 100 percent sure, we’re keeping it quiet for a while.
- How long were you trying?
I feel very, very fortunate that we were able to get pregnant the first month we tried. I know this is a truly wonderful thing and it’s something I feel grateful for every single day. I went off birth control several months before we had a baby on the brain because I hated the way it made me feel. We were still actively preventing pregnancy up until November, but I think going off my birth control a while before we decided to start trying may have helped a bit.
- How many ultrasounds have you had?
Three! We had our very first ultrasound at 8 weeks and also heard the heartbeat which was incredible. I must say, before I got pregnant, I never really understood why people thought the fuzzy, gray pictures were so amazing, but the minute we saw our little one on the screen during our first ultrasound, I could not believe it and was so overwhelmed with emotion. Ryan and I were both blown away. He actually gave me a high five right after we saw the baby for the first time which is one of my favorite pregnancy memories so far!
We had additional ultrasounds at 11 1/2 weeks (the first time I saw the baby MOVE totally BLEW MY MIND) and our first 3D ultrasound at 14 1/2 weeks.
- Who do you think the baby will look like?
Ryan and I looked so similar as kids. We both had light eyes and almost white-blonde hair, so I picture us with a light-eyed blonde-haired little one!
- Do you want more than one?
Yes… eventually! Right now we are simply focusing on this baby and praying for a healthy little one in August.
- Have you felt the baby move?
I don’t think so. A week ago, I felt a weird fluttering feeling that was more intense than stomach gurgling. It was pretty noticeable but could also have been absolutely nothing. My pregnant/mom friends said that once I am sure I feel the baby move, I’ll likely know whether that was really the baby moving early on or not!
I’ll share Part Two of this post this afternoon that will address the following questions:
- Will you be sharing weekly pregnancy updates on the blog?
- How have you been feeling?
- Do you have morning sickness?
- Do you have any cravings?
- Do you have any food aversions?
- Weight gain so far?
- Have you experienced any crazy pregnancy-related emotions?
- Any mood swings?
- Any unexpected feelings or symptoms?
- How far along are you now?
- How has work/teaching been going?
- How do you think Sadie will react to having a little brother or sister?
Let me know if I am missing anything or if you have any additional questions you’d like addressed this afternoon!
Awwww I just love all of this!! I’ve been reading for like forever, so this just is amazing! You guys will have such a pretty….GIRL! I think it’s a girl 😉
With Lily I knew I was pregnant basically every time I was at the toilet :/ and it started right around 5-7 weeks. Which is why I’m guessing girl for you 😉 With this pregnancy I didn’t know I was pregnant until 9 weeks along (when I only thought I was 5 weeks along…..) because I only ever got nauseated when I was hungry. I’m due right around when you are (yay August babies!) and we might get to find out the gender this week! Wahoo!
I too would love to hear about your fitness routine & if it’s changed. I’m all about having a strong healthy, fit pregnancy if possible (& approved by doc), so that’ll be fun to read your experiences!
SO happy for you guys!!! <3
Many congratulations from a long-time reader (and first time commentator) from England! I was watching an old rerun of Friends earlier – yes, it was the one where Monica asked Joey what Peanut Butter Fingers were!
Omg and this is so totally random and off topic but will you please share how you are curling your hair these days?? It looks amazing! :))))
SOOO exciting!! My little man is 14 months old now <3 and it is the absolute BEST experience. Every single day is a new adventure, he is constantly learning new things and I adore watching him. Being a mom to a boy is AMAZING, he's so loving and such a mamas boy.
Best of luck to you and Ryan!
PS. You should totally do one of those poll things so people can guess boy vs girl. I'm curious to see what the % would be. I'm team boy 😉
Julie!!!! I am so excited for you!!! What wonderful news and such a blessing. Pregnancy is beautiful and regardless of morning sickness/afternoon sickness etc.; you are wearing it well. I see the glow! I actually thought you might have been pregnant from a previous post you did. Not saying you look preggers because you have hidden it well on the blog but there was a picture of you from your trip to Minnesota and I thought, I wonder if Julie is preggo?. 🙂 How has Sadie girl been acting? I know she is already a little cuddle bug but has she tried to cuddle up to your belly? My doggie did that the enitre pregnancy. I am so excited to hear more details and watch you through this next chapter of yours and Ryan’s life. I am going to put my thoughts out there and say you’re having a girl. Either is wonderful but as a guessing game, girl. 🙂 xo
Congratulations on your growing family!!! Sadie will be an excellent big sister =)
Please share any updates to your excercise routine! And just out of curiosity have you had any cravings or food aversions?
love reading about this new journey of yours, and i love how you’re praying for God to protect your baby right from the start. so amazing. thrilled for you guys, and look forward to reading more about your baby adventures!
I can’t even handle the pictures of your grandmother. That’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! This may sound really weird, but that made me shed a tear. How sweet!
Congratulations!! I had two friends announce their pregnancies on social media yesterday and when I saw your news, I felt like a THIRD friend was expecting. I’ve been reading for atleast two years now, so in a weird way, I consider you a friend. So excited for you and Ryan and wishing you the best from now until August.
This post made me so excited for you and your growing family! I’m guessing you’re having a baby girl 🙂
So so excited for you!! I was smiling an absurd amount yesterday when I read your post, and I think that’s because you do such a wonderful job presenting an honest and open personality on your blog. You are going to be such a caring and thoughtful mom, and I can’t wait to read more about how your life will be changing! And your baby is just going to be ADORABLE. Yayy, so much happiness!
How exciting! Isn’t it sooo great to tell people in person about the news! We just found out the sex at the 20 week ultrasound and are so excited! I think timing just works for some people, I was actually only off BC for a month, we got pregnant on the 2nd month, usually they say it takes 3 months so we were surprised since we weren’t technically trying. Babies truly are a blessing! Im so happy for you and your growing family 🙂
Okay, that picture of your grandma is so cute I even want to frame it!! LOL I’ve always loved your blog and I am so excited for this to be part of it. This has always been my favorite fitness blog because of your realistic approach on eating and exercise. Having kids of my own I can’t wait to see how you combine the two. Congratulations again:).
SO excited for you Julie!!!!
My prediction is a boy… 🙂
Hi Julie!
Just want to say congratulations to both you and Ryan! Such exciting news, thank you for sharing it with us 🙂 I have been following your blog for over three years now, and I am so happy for you as you begin this new chapter in your life! When you talked about Ryan giving you a high five after seeing the ultra sound, it made me think about the pregnancy journal that my mother kept when she was expecting me. It highlighted many points throughout her pregnancy both good (baby shower) to not so good (morning sickness). When I was old enough, she gave it to me, and it is such a special thing for me to have. Just thought I would let you know in case you might want to jot down special memories that your little one can one day read, although maybe they will be able to just read it on here! 🙂
And for the record, I’m going to guess a BOY!
I love that! My mom wants me to print out all of my pregnancy/baby blog posts. Haha!
I loved reading this! Yesterday at my yoga class, my instructor let me know that she was pregnant, so something must be in the air! I’ve always heard that things come in threes, so I was hoping my sister would have news for our family. No such luck yet 🙂
Congratulations again, and I think you’re a having a boy! Can’t wait to see the gender reveal!
So happy for your Julie! I still remember reading your blog back in the very beginning – I don’t think you were even married yet! Such a cute reveal idea with the ornaments!
I’m thinking a girl! Can’t wait to find out 🙂 Congratulations again!
I’m LOVING this a PBF Baby!! Yay!! 🙂
I love the new “Baby” tag, soon you’ll have to add a category on your header.
yes!! it should probably replace the fashion page since that is dying a slow, slow death! 😉
Congratulations!!! What exciting news. It’s so funny that you didn’t believe the pregnancy tests! And I love the way you are telling everyone the news–very clever.
Lots of people will be giving you advice. My advice is to take it all with a grain of salt and do what works for you–from now throughout the baby’s life! 🙂
Hope you start feeling better soon.
Thank you, Suzanne!
The photo of your gramma put tears in my eyes … laughter and happiness all in one.
I am going to ask the question that I think many who love y’all will ask.
DO YOU HAVE A P.O. BOX (for safety and privacy sake) AS I WOULD LOVE TO SEND A LITTLE HOME-MADE GIFT FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE … ???????????????????????
I am so excited for you …. cannot imagine how excited you are.
I guess that Sadie is out of the running for a name for a girl 🙂
A woman who lived in my apartment building actually gave her baby girl her dog’s name and renamed the dog when the baby was born. The dog was like 5 years old at the time LOL
hahaha! that’s amazing.
Awww, congrats! 🙂 I’ve been reading your blog what feels like forever, and really looking forward to following along with this new chapter in your life! SO happy for you guys!
I love this post! I’ve been reading your blog for maybe a year now and while I don’t comment too often, I appreciate the positive, yet real-life way you approach every new adventure!
I REALLY look forward to hearing about how you adjust/keep up your active lifestyle during pregnancy. I so admire new moms that incorporate fitness, healthy living, and just real-life ebbs and flows into new additions as that’s exactly how I hope to someday experience pregnancy (NOT even close to trying, my husband and I are still enjoying the newlywed phase, but someday! :)) My biggest congratulations to your family!
I felt a fluttering feelig a few days before I felt my sone move, it almost felt like bubbles in my stomach but you will def know when you feel your baby first move and then it doesnt stop. LOL Still beaming for you guys
Congrats!! I think you are having a boy, I’m never usually wrong so i guess we’ll just have to wait and see 😉
Thank you for sharing your story! I have a question to add to that list. You’ve mentioned before that you are absolutely terrified of giving birth. How do you plan to prepare for your own labor? I don’t mean to drudge up drama, but I think it will be interesting to hear how you feel about it now that you’re pregnant. 🙂 You have many months to prepare!
This is my biggest fear too!!!
love this question!!! including it in my afternoon post!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so very happy for you both! Your baby will be so gorgeous and is so lucky to be coming to such a loving family. Can’t wait to follow your mommy journey!
Julie – I’m so excited for you! And Ryan, too! Has Sadie acted any different towards you? I’m 33 weeks pregnant and our dog (a Weimaraner) should have been my first indicator of pregnancy). He won’t leave my side and separation anxiety has become intense. Are you planning on continuing to teach spinning? I’m still spinning a few days a week – just grabbing the handlebars while in the saddle has been a bit more challenging. 😉 Again – congratulations and I can’t wait to follow your journey!
aw, that is adorable! a little (big!) guard dog! and yes, still planning to teach!
Oh my gosh, Julie, I have tears in my eyes! I have been reading your blog for years and could not be happier for you!! You guys are going to make the best parents. I can’t wait to hear more and follow along on this exciting journey!!
I loved reading this! I definitely think it’s a boy!! Since you could tell so early, I say boy for sure. I have been reading for so many years and just recently was thinking wondering when you would get pregnant. Congratulations!
The little ornaments are such a cute idea! I’ve been following your blog for a long time now, and I am thrilled for you! Congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations!!! Your due date is one day after my birthday! Thank you for sharing your experience. 🙂
Your grandma Mimi’s reaction is so cute, it made me cry happy tears! Congratulations!!
I saw this on Instagram first and I seriously screamed to my husband, “OMG PBFINGERS JULIE IS PREGNANT!!!!” He’s watched me binge read your blog for YEARS and laughed that I would be so excited for a pregnancy of someone I didn’t actually know! Anyway, this is absolutely awesome and I’m just so, so happy!!!!
aw, thank you!!!!
That is so exciting! I can’t believe you were able to keep it a secret for so long. I love the ornament idea and when people do thoughtful things to break the news. Also props to getting pregnant the first month you tried! Looking forward to part 2.
what an exiting time! so special to be able to tell family at christmas 🙂
Hi Julie – congratulations!!! I am a long time reader of your blog and I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first as well! Cool timing! I was wondering if you have any “do’s and don’ts” to share regarding prenatal exercise. I am continuing my regular exercise program, minus long runs, and would love more info on exercises to avoid during pregnancy!
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for years and am so excited for you both. Please don’t worry about whether posting baby news and updates on your blog will be well-received. I personally LOVE when my favorite healthy living/fitness bloggers become pregnant and bring the pregnancy/baby/children topic into the mix on their blog. I read healthy living blogs because I love to see how people make it work in their busy lives, no matter what their lives look like up or end up looking like. I think most of us read your blog not only for the great fitness tips, but also because we love to follow you along as well. I have a 2 year old little boy and have read so many great baby/family tips that I use all the time on blogs that were formerly fitness/healthy living blogs but turned into more of a lifestyle blog (although why do we need categories at all??)
Just keep doing what you’re doing – I love checking in everyday here!
I’d also love to see updates in the future on how you’ll decorate your baby’s nursery eventually. I love seeing nursery designs – everyone is so creative with them 🙂
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for years and am so glad to hear about your exciting news. I am also expecting a baby, too, so I am extra excited to read your blog while I am going through similar stages of pregnancy and then hopefully wonderful parenthood. I am 13wks pregnant and due Sept 14th…going for my second ultrasound today and my husband and I are over the moon excited!
Julie, I’m a long-time reader and I’m so excited for you. How have your workouts changed so far? That’s something I think about often since I’m a runner and wonder how running and working out will change for me when the day comes!
I am so excited for you! Loved reading this post! I am 28 weeks along and believe me you will know when little one starts kicking 🙂 this is such an exciting time for you and Ryan! Has Sadie acted any different? My dog doesn’t seem to care!
congradulations!! I am due August 5 so I look forward to hearing about your pregnancy while enjoying mine
congratulations to you!!
I love reading your blog and am so excited for you!! Can’t wait to follow your journey. I’m guessing…BOY!
Love this!!! I am still so excited for you guys! I am currently 28 weeks pregnant, and I hate to admit that I was one of those people who got REALLY lucky with morning sickness and never really had it. Everyone tells me I’m going to get it SUPER terrible the next time around because Karma is going to come for me! haha. But I’m glad to hear that you’re doing so well and I can’t wait to hear more details!
Congrats again!! Such an exciting time in your lives! Are you planning to do “bump” photos and weekly updates?
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations Juile (and Ryan)! I’ve been reading your blog for over 5 years now and at this point it almost feels like you are a friend… Did that sound creepy? Probably. ANYWAY. I just pulled up wordpress and the first thing that popped up was this post. I seriously squealed out loud. So happy for you guys and your baby is going to be STUNNING. Wishing you all the best<3
Thank you so much!! <3 <3
Your grandma’s reaction is priceless!
That’s neat that you found out the sex of the baby so early! I love the gender reveal cake! I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks, but I won’t have another one until 19 weeks, when we find out what we’re having. The suspense :)!!
This is so, so funny! I’ve been following your blog for about two years and just HAD to comment for the first time today! First, CONGRATS! Your baby is going to be so,so blessed. Second, here is my funny story. I’ve been about two weeks behind on reading the blogs I do and so I was sitting here, sipping my morning coffee, and thinking “I need to check Julie’s blog because maybe she is going to blog about being pregnant!” And then the first post I saw was this and I honestly squealed. My roommates all giggled in the kitchen because of how involved I am but I so appreciate you opening up your life to all of us fellow peanut butter lovers! Again, congrats!! 🙂
That’s so crazy!!! Love it!